1630 MetaFilter comments by baylink (displaying 651 through 700)

Next, they cheat death. Looks like those spam emails about US income taxes being illegal are actually getting results. [NYTimes: blah registration blah]
comment posted at 1:06 PM on Nov-19-00

More dating webloggers. Online journallers, really: Stephanie polled her readers as to whether she should go out with Mike. They voted overwhelmingly in favor, and now she's traveled from Detroit to Columbus to meet him. Everyone's watching with bated breath. Well, every one of their readers, anyway ... but five thousand people voted in her poll.
comment posted at 7:52 PM on Nov-17-00

More Fun With the Electoral College! What's most disturbing isn't that it may be weeks or months before we actually know who won the election. I mean who cares? Neither of these guys represent you. They both suck. The disturbing part is that it is actually possible the voices of hundreds of thousands of Florida voters might not be heard at all!
comment posted at 9:03 AM on Nov-17-00
comment posted at 9:21 AM on Nov-17-00
comment posted at 9:58 AM on Nov-17-00
comment posted at 11:52 AM on Nov-17-00
comment posted at 8:03 PM on Nov-17-00

ICANN announces new international TLDs
Apparently they resolved the problem of businesses buying up their domain names in the new namespaces by choosing TLDs that no one would want. Visit me at www.rattanchairs.info! My personal web site is www.ryan.name...
comment posted at 8:07 PM on Nov-17-00

Can a mobile phone help get you laid? Then it makes sense that they should be for adults only, but 1 in 5 US teenagers own one and it's not just the radiation that is dangerous.
comment posted at 8:21 PM on Nov-17-00

Tivo is at it again! If you were one of the unfortunate ones who did not win last time, here is your chance to save face. I just wish I could find a link to the new Joe Montana and Ronnie Lott "Stop Itch" commercial.
comment posted at 9:16 AM on Nov-16-00
comment posted at 9:18 AM on Nov-16-00

Why Digital Signatures Are Not Signatures "When first invented in the 1970s, digital signatures made an amazing promise: better than a handwritten signature -- unforgeable and uncopyable -- on a document. Today, they are a fundamental component of business in cyberspace. And numerous laws, state and now federal, have codified digital signatures into law. These laws are a mistake." -- Bruce Schneier, November Crypto-Gram
comment posted at 11:57 AM on Nov-16-00
comment posted at 7:21 AM on Nov-17-00

Common Cause summarizes lessons learned thus far in Presidential Recount 2K based on feedback from members. They've also come up with a letter to the editor you can send to your local paper.
comment posted at 8:25 PM on Nov-17-00

Kind of creeped out by the PlanetProject. I went to AltaVista to check on some stuff and noticed that the PlanetProject banners were everywhere on the site. A pretty complete roadblock. What IS the PlanetProject?
comment posted at 8:53 AM on Nov-15-00

Cafe Press Election 2000 Schwag. "Buy Merchandise that commemorates this HOPEFULLY once in a lifetime election!" Heh. It's interesting to see Cafe Press organizing their stores like this.
comment posted at 8:55 AM on Nov-15-00

Interesting article regarding a lawsuit filed against Bush/Cheney regarding Texas' electoral votes. Looks like Cheney violated the 12th amendment of the Constitution...see for yourself.
comment posted at 10:55 AM on Nov-15-00

The end... finally. Today at five pm. Judge Lewis upholds the statutory deadline for election returns to be certified, despite media specualtion that he was initially inclined to extend it.
comment posted at 1:49 PM on Nov-14-00
comment posted at 2:41 PM on Nov-14-00
comment posted at 6:49 AM on Nov-15-00

Netscape 6: It's here, it's queer, get used to it. (Actually it pretty much rocks.)
comment posted at 7:31 AM on Nov-14-00
comment posted at 8:33 AM on Nov-14-00
comment posted at 8:39 AM on Nov-14-00
comment posted at 9:06 AM on Nov-14-00
comment posted at 12:42 PM on Nov-14-00
comment posted at 7:43 AM on Nov-17-00

A year after the original announcement and after enticing its fans for months, 3DFX screwed them over today by cancelling the V5-6000. [More]
comment posted at 9:09 AM on Nov-14-00

13 Myths About the Results of the 2000 Election. I know, I know. We're all tired of election stuff. But for anyone who's not, this is well worth reading. [via rewired]
comment posted at 9:12 AM on Nov-14-00
comment posted at 9:32 AM on Nov-14-00

Not very clever. Florida's Secretary of State (the BBC reports her being described as "a bit of an airhead") manages to make her position look even more ridiculous. Anyone get the disturbing feeling that this may be resolved, not in the courts, but on the streets?
comment posted at 8:16 AM on Nov-13-00
comment posted at 9:41 AM on Nov-14-00

Third federal circuit upholds criminality of Childless Pornography. Anyone know a good source for jackboots?
comment posted at 7:31 AM on Nov-13-00
comment posted at 12:54 PM on Nov-13-00
comment posted at 9:44 AM on Nov-14-00

Multics, Requiescat in Pace. Wow. What does one say.
comment posted at 8:30 PM on Nov-12-00
comment posted at 9:45 AM on Nov-14-00

New to MetaFilter? Not sure how it works? Let Scott show you how it's done.
comment posted at 7:51 PM on Nov-12-00
comment posted at 1:01 PM on Nov-13-00
comment posted at 11:40 AM on Nov-14-00
comment posted at 2:49 PM on Nov-14-00

Ok, lastly - Why not hand-recount this?
comment posted at 8:02 PM on Nov-12-00

Hand count in Palm Beach County agreed upon. History in the making.
comment posted at 7:58 PM on Nov-12-00

Bernard Shaw to retire. I guess the election foo-faraw was too much for him. :-)
comment posted at 10:34 PM on Nov-11-00

ELECTION: A note of sanity on voting systems from Lauren Weinstein's well-worth reading Privacy Digest; it notes the inherent weak spots in all voting tally systems, and compares manual to machine and electronic ones.
comment posted at 8:04 PM on Nov-12-00

"In other words, the odds are less than 1 in a billion that the original vote was a fair count." OJR asked Dr. Lynn Miller, a professor of communications and expert on statistics at the USC Annenberg School to comment on what she found at CNN.com regarding the Florida Situation.
comment posted at 8:07 PM on Nov-12-00

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