1535 MetaFilter comments by cCranium (displaying 651 through 700)

"Ante up!" Say the good folks at Pyra, as Blogger goes to telethon mode and asks for New Server donations. And they really suckered me in, too, because sufficient donations yield free stickers!
comment posted at 11:19 AM on Jan-3-01
comment posted at 11:32 AM on Jan-3-01
comment posted at 1:57 PM on Jan-3-01
comment posted at 4:19 PM on Jan-3-01
comment posted at 5:03 PM on Jan-3-01
comment posted at 5:04 PM on Jan-3-01
comment posted at 5:36 PM on Jan-3-01

This is an amazing photograph of what the world looks like at night, from a low orbit. Although this is found in a subdirectory of NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day, I'm not sure how to get to this pic by surfing the site, nor do I have any information on what was used to do the photographing. The link was sent to me in an email.

Anybody know the details on this one?
comment posted at 9:22 AM on Jan-3-01

The commercializaton of the web has failed. Oh, dear. What a catastrophe. Heh-heh-heh...
comment posted at 11:38 AM on Jan-3-01
comment posted at 3:08 AM on Jan-4-01
comment posted at 10:03 AM on Jan-4-01
comment posted at 10:16 AM on Jan-4-01
comment posted at 10:17 AM on Jan-4-01
comment posted at 12:49 PM on Jan-4-01
comment posted at 3:57 PM on Jan-4-01

Aloha, Mr. Hand. Ray Walston is dead. For all you counting by threes, he would be the third, I guess. You can stop counting now.
comment posted at 7:43 AM on Jan-3-01

Love your dog, but don't love your dog. If you know what I mean.

71-year-old man attacks 44-year-old son with a crowbar after discovering that his son's canine companion was also his special friend. Dad got a suspended prison sentence; no mention at all of the son getting charged with anything.
comment posted at 6:47 AM on Jan-2-01

The Y2K bug gets in its last lick. We all thought we were safely past that a year ago, didn't we?
comment posted at 6:42 AM on Jan-2-01
comment posted at 9:24 AM on Jan-2-01
comment posted at 11:03 AM on Jan-2-01

Explaining it all? Now if only someone could explain the year itself before we have to slog through it for 364 more days. (Flash)
comment posted at 6:31 AM on Jan-2-01

Government gives money only to Sex Ed programs that teach not to have sex at all. Very disturbing article. Basically the teachers teach abstinence. No words about STDs or even contraception; or they'll lose their money.
comment posted at 9:30 AM on Dec-31-00
comment posted at 6:00 AM on Jan-2-01

Bow down to Frosty! Frosty commands you! Snowmen as symbols of patriarchic oppression. Some people really just look for things to get snitty about.
comment posted at 9:11 AM on Dec-31-00

$50 charge to link to a story? it just makes me want to spend some money.
comment posted at 10:31 AM on Dec-28-00

blah blah blah new york times "Web logs" blah blah williams blah hourihan blah blah blood blah this is news.
comment posted at 10:47 AM on Dec-28-00
comment posted at 11:47 AM on Dec-28-00
comment posted at 5:58 AM on Dec-29-00

Fucked Company is raising money for the victims at Edgewater Technology, "our fellow Internet workers [who] went to work and were murdered." Seems a tad insincere, given that his original reaction to the incident was "Booyah." Then again, there's now a menorah in the FC logo. Perhaps Pud has found God.
comment posted at 5:53 AM on Jan-2-01
comment posted at 5:54 AM on Jan-2-01

Vaporware 2000: Wired's results of its poll for products promised for this year but not delivered.
comment posted at 11:50 AM on Dec-28-00

McDermott owed back taxes Mix one unstable man with a love of ammo. Add in government intervention (which means loss of control). Pile on some kids from HR and you've got a massacre.
comment posted at 11:01 AM on Dec-28-00
comment posted at 12:05 PM on Dec-28-00
comment posted at 12:07 PM on Dec-28-00
comment posted at 5:00 AM on Dec-29-00

Other not-so-free-anymore things Apropos of the NetZero not-so-zero-anymore change, PayPal has essentially made its system unusable for the purpose that first sucked us in -- a fast, convenient way for friends to share rent, settle up bills for dinners and weekend getaways (more inside).
comment posted at 8:16 AM on Dec-28-00
comment posted at 2:32 PM on Jan-2-01

Here's a gift for all. Someone got a deceptively simple card game as a stocking stuffer. Three shapes. Three colors. Three shades. Three different numbers of objects. Put 3 things together that are completely similar or completely different, for all four variables. It's a card game that instantly sucked several of us in and felt like playing Tetris the first time. Go ahead and give it a try (note, I've been playing this for a couple hours today and I could only find 4 of the 6 possible sets).
comment posted at 8:01 AM on Dec-26-00
comment posted at 5:11 AM on Dec-27-00

Gadzooks!! What in the name of H-E-double-hockey-sticks is going on here? Check on the products and then visit this site. Then do a little WHOIS sniffing and try to wrap your mind around the fact that they are both registered to
Registrant: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
10201 W. Pico Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90035 US
sort of via memepool.
comment posted at 6:14 PM on Dec-23-00

1,300 tonnes of condemned meat sold as fit for human consumption. I think I fancy a veggie burger...
comment posted at 7:59 PM on Dec-21-00

Traffic Waves [via /usr/bin/girl] I've always had a suspicion that traffic was a wave phenomenon. This is interesting theory. [more inside...]
comment posted at 2:14 PM on Dec-21-00
comment posted at 2:29 PM on Dec-21-00
comment posted at 7:55 PM on Dec-21-00

Metafilter taken offline for two and a half days by a Bay Area network outage, along with Blog*Spot, Evhead, and Megnut. Fortunately, everything appears to be back to normal. Good, because I think the DTs were starting to kick in.
comment posted at 12:25 PM on Dec-21-00

Eminem dead. Or not, as they case may be...
comment posted at 12:16 PM on Dec-21-00

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