1535 MetaFilter comments by cCranium (displaying 701 through 750)

The report regarding the Company's demise is wrong
Looks like I bought all those extra Chuck Taylors for nothing. Winter holiday gifts for 10 people who wear size 11's.
comment posted at 6:22 AM on Dec-18-00

Buy 1777.58 acres of the Moon "Probably the most romantic and original present you could ever give to a loved one." My ass!! You too can claim ownership to planets/stars throughout the universe and sell them over eBay....
comment posted at 6:16 AM on Dec-18-00
comment posted at 12:14 PM on Dec-21-00

The Pictures of 2000. Some of these are simply amazing. The Reader's Choice ones are my fav.
comment posted at 6:26 AM on Dec-16-00

Video Games 'Unhealthy' for Girls, Study Says Anyone else think this is a bit overblown?
comment posted at 5:51 AM on Dec-16-00
comment posted at 4:42 PM on Dec-16-00
comment posted at 5:55 AM on Dec-18-00

Gore parties the night away... even though he lost. According to the article, Jon Bon Jovi was so upset at the boring party they originally had that he called up some friends and announced there was a "Party at Gore's House!!" The cover photo and interior shots from the Daily News have Gore looking as if he had one hell of a time.
comment posted at 8:47 AM on Dec-15-00

Codeweavers, Windows software on Linux. I think the average consumer might be very interested in Linux, if they could run their current Windows programs on it. Another step closer to the end of Bill Gates' evil rule.
comment posted at 12:29 PM on Dec-15-00

FTC unanimously approves AOL/Time Warner merger. With a couple of restraint-avoidance conditions. Wonder who's gonna enforce those... Aw, crap.
comment posted at 6:52 AM on Dec-15-00
comment posted at 8:51 AM on Dec-15-00

Window or Aisle? Obese or Non-obese? Geez. It's not like airline seats can fit regular size customers as it is.
comment posted at 12:25 PM on Dec-15-00

Eminem's mom just wants a relationship with her son... you know, so that she can sell more CD's. "An Open Letter To My Son" retails for about $6.95. Maybe she, and Nancy Aniston can start a little club - "Riding On The Coattails Of My Child's Fame."
comment posted at 11:51 AM on Dec-14-00
comment posted at 1:36 PM on Dec-14-00
comment posted at 2:19 PM on Dec-14-00

A sort of involuntary blogging. Does anyone else have similar stories?
comment posted at 6:57 AM on Dec-14-00
comment posted at 8:49 AM on Dec-14-00
comment posted at 11:45 AM on Dec-14-00
comment posted at 1:48 PM on Dec-14-00
comment posted at 6:32 AM on Dec-15-00
comment posted at 12:06 PM on Dec-15-00

Water Pistol Semen-Squirter Faces Jail. "Nichols stole water guns from department stores, filled them with his semen and then squirted girls. He sometimes took their pictures." Excuse me, but how long would it take to fill a water gun with.......you know.
comment posted at 8:50 AM on Dec-14-00

I guess it's their choice. Because, "they" are forcing you to watch Queer as Folk. It's kinda funny reading stuff like "I wish I had Showtime so I could cancel it." or "I dumped the Disney Channel a few years ago, over their "Gay and Lesbian" week at their park", maybe, it's just sad. [note, free-republic link]
comment posted at 1:50 PM on Dec-14-00

Weblogs going corporate: Is it any surprise that something initially popularized on the wild and wooly grassroots nature of the Net be turned into a profit-machine?
comment posted at 11:39 AM on Dec-14-00

FLASH: Gore Concedes. Ok, I guess *now* it's over. Bye, Alec...
comment posted at 6:47 AM on Dec-14-00

DirectTV with built-in TiVO rocks. (Note to self: buy flowers for wife on day that credit card bill for this set-up and $199 lifetime TiVo service arrives.)
comment posted at 2:21 PM on Dec-14-00
comment posted at 12:03 PM on Dec-15-00

Fear the Bible Noshers! Students flee school in fear after Marilyn Manson fans eat and deface a bible.
comment posted at 11:38 AM on Dec-13-00

Remember the MetaFilter election contest? Well, it seems we finally have a winner. Thanks rcade for the great contest!
comment posted at 2:07 PM on Dec-13-00
comment posted at 2:08 PM on Dec-13-00
comment posted at 6:03 PM on Dec-13-00

A student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign wrote a paper on Weblogs and Journals, dissceting the thoughts and blogs of a few people. Very interesting paper, in my opinion (not because I am mentioned very briefly :) and worthy of some discussion and dissection.
comment posted at 11:28 AM on Dec-13-00
comment posted at 6:41 AM on Dec-14-00

Oh, yeah. Reboot!, truly one of the geek shows of all time, is returning Fall 2001. Two made-for-television moives have been in production forever. But, now this: not movies, but a freaking full 13 episode season! With talk of another 13 after that! And a season-ending musical number! Fall 2001 can't come soon enough. Reboot! is a Canadian production; anyone know about US release dates and network? (more inside)
comment posted at 11:16 AM on Dec-13-00
comment posted at 5:58 PM on Dec-13-00

Chromeless windows: Spawn new IE windows without any GUI borders.
comment posted at 5:50 PM on Dec-13-00
comment posted at 6:30 AM on Dec-14-00
comment posted at 11:30 AM on Dec-14-00
comment posted at 2:00 PM on Dec-14-00
comment posted at 2:34 PM on Dec-14-00

My Fake Life -- a parody of you know what by you know who on their "newyorkermag.com" parody site. i feel dizzy...
comment posted at 8:53 AM on Dec-13-00

When archaeology goes bad "For a nation that has always reveled in its cultural uniqueness, the discoveries were more than heartening; they were almost too good to be true. "
comment posted at 8:51 AM on Dec-13-00
comment posted at 11:08 AM on Dec-13-00

PlayStation 2 not quite what it was promised to be. "Japanese have purchased about 3.5 million PlayStation 2s, but there are signs that sales have leveled off."

"Analysts had predicted a runaway success, but now they are forecasting Sony losses of more than $200 million on its game business in the year ending next March—its first such loss in years."
comment posted at 8:44 AM on Dec-13-00
comment posted at 8:45 AM on Dec-13-00
comment posted at 11:10 AM on Dec-13-00

A good Flash intro? Other than what the company is about, i was impressed with the Flash intro, especially the music which goes with it.
comment posted at 6:02 AM on Dec-13-00

How the hell did we miss this?

comment posted at 6:04 AM on Dec-13-00

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