2584 MetaFilter comments by aaron (displaying 751 through 800)

the ONION to the rescue! America's most trusted insightful ironists seem to have risen to the challenge. Dinty Moore beef stew condemns terrorism.
comment posted at 8:23 PM on Sep-25-01
comment posted at 9:52 PM on Sep-25-01
comment posted at 9:54 PM on Sep-25-01
comment posted at 10:38 PM on Sep-25-01
comment posted at 12:02 AM on Sep-27-01

Hackers face life imprisonment under 'Anti-Terrorism' Act
Hackers, virus-writers and web site defacers would face life imprisonment without the possibility of parole under legislation proposed by the Bush Administration that would classify most computer crimes as acts of terrorism.
comment posted at 8:32 PM on Sep-25-01
comment posted at 10:05 PM on Sep-25-01

Are the airlines pulling a Chrystler? "The President and Congress agree the airlines should get $5 billion in cash grants right away -- more than Federal spending this year on worker training, or food and nutrition assistance programs. Help with new security spending boosts the down payment on a rescue to $8 billion. This is close to the combined market value of American, United, Delta, US Airways, Northwest, America West, and Continental."
comment posted at 4:22 PM on Sep-25-01

James Woods Reported Suspicious Passengers to FBI "On a flight from Boston to Los Angeles about a month ago, Woods observed four men of apparent Middle Eastern origin acting so oddly that he reported them to the flight attendants and authorities on the ground when he landed."
comment posted at 9:53 PM on Sep-24-01

Maybe people will finally see "Glitter" after all. More than 200 movie theatre companies will donate all ticket sales and concession revenues to the United Way and the Red Cross for all films shown Tuesday. After two weeks of dreadful box-office grosses and sour moods, maybe this will prime the pump.
comment posted at 1:30 PM on Sep-25-01

Bush or Chimp closes shop. Another stalwart anti-Bush site has folded in light of recent events. The irreverent bushorchimp.com, dedicated to visual comparisons of the President and various look-alike primates has closed down. I understand that we're in the midst of a crisis, but is Bush now beyond criticism? Ok, maybe pictures that compare Bush to monkeys aren't exactly thoughtful criticism... Still, NOW where am I going to get novelty t-shirts for friends and family this Xmas?
comment posted at 5:51 PM on Sep-24-01

Daily comic strips have started to react to the attacks. The only two I noticed in today's paper were Fox Trot and The Boondocks. Their tones are, predictably, somber. The one comic I'd expect to have something to say, Doonesbury, is still stuck on an older storyline. Have other strips referenced September 11?
comment posted at 11:45 AM on Sep-24-01
comment posted at 7:56 PM on Sep-24-01

The Angry Flag Vendor. From Jeffrey Zeldman's glamorous life. The latest entry makes for a very interesting read.
comment posted at 12:16 PM on Sep-25-01

Fark.Ru has officially begun operations.
comment posted at 3:37 PM on Sep-23-01

Ebert's movie answer man features this pretty sharp and dead-on letter from Derek Muller from Royal Oak, Michigan: "Here's an idea for a movie to be made in the year 2060: An epic about the attacks against the Twin Towers. Only let the three-hour film focus mainly on a love triangle stemming from a pair of friends as stock traders in New York and a young receptionist. When one of them is on a plane from Boston to L.A. and another is busy with a client in the Twin Towers, the men are suddenly thrust in the middle of a terrible plot where there is chaos and tragedy, but we completely disregard the 5,000 citizens dead and instead concern ourselves with the love lives of three whining yuppies. Or, we could just look at ''Pearl Harbor'' and think about how horrible it is to trivialize such a tragedy on the screen."
comment posted at 3:17 PM on Sep-23-01
comment posted at 9:42 PM on Sep-23-01

What is the status of Civics subjects in schools these days? I found this rather old data on the ACLU website, but I'm having trouble finding out the current status of what I call "national pride" activities in schools these days. When I was a kid in the 70's, we always said the Pledge of Allegience every morning as well as had a prayer. I remember when the prayer was turned into a "moment of silence" (early 80's?) but I don't remember when/if the Pledge was discontinued due to ACLU activities like the one above. I've not thought much about this until now, but realizing that many, many kids don't know the Pledge or our anthem disturbs me greatly.
Could anyone enlighten me, please?
comment posted at 12:19 PM on Sep-23-01
comment posted at 3:14 PM on Sep-23-01

Okay, you are now officially allowed to be scared. Larry Ellison is not only calling for a national ID card, he wants it to be Oracle-based.
comment posted at 12:14 AM on Sep-23-01

Did Osama leave Afghanistan? Is he in Somalia? Does anyone really know?
comment posted at 12:55 PM on Sep-23-01
comment posted at 11:15 PM on Sep-23-01

the passengers on our planes should have the right to bear arms Is this guy, a former pilot, suggesting that we have a constitutional right to carry weapons aboard planes so we can defend ourselves? Is an uzzi ok or a bayonet?
comment posted at 12:11 PM on Sep-23-01

CNN: Taleban claims unmanned US spy plane shot down The UAE also withdrew diplomatic recognition for the Taleban.
comment posted at 1:54 AM on Sep-22-01

It isn't just "freedom" they hate. "Those who rained terror upon the U.S. may have had real grievances -- and we shouldn't feel guilty about discussing them."
comment posted at 11:59 PM on Sep-21-01
comment posted at 12:31 AM on Sep-22-01
comment posted at 12:40 AM on Sep-22-01
comment posted at 1:43 AM on Sep-22-01
comment posted at 11:21 PM on Sep-23-01
comment posted at 11:38 PM on Sep-23-01
comment posted at 11:54 PM on Sep-23-01

The media comes through.. networks actually working together, along with cable companies, as well as Hollywood. Muhammad Ali and Billy Joel just floored me. You can also donate at foodstores and dozens of other easy to get to places, so there are no excuses. I'm still waiting for them to need for physical labor volunteers.
comment posted at 11:54 AM on Sep-22-01
comment posted at 12:36 PM on Sep-22-01
comment posted at 11:20 PM on Sep-22-01

Let Me Get Flamed for a Day Poor Ramon Stoppelenburg. All he does is say that CNN is an American propaganda device and he gets flamed (“you freeloading little wimp,” “the freeloading adventures of the bald-headed little Ramon,” &c). Response from the Dutch vagabond? “Maybe [he] should just change his wallpaper? Too bad he isn’t visiting this Web site anymore. He might learn from others' opinions.”
comment posted at 11:01 PM on Sep-21-01
comment posted at 1:34 PM on Sep-22-01
comment posted at 1:53 PM on Sep-22-01

Fault Lines This piece counters the arguements of the self-laceration folks who blame the attack upon America as the result of our foreign policy, as though there can be no other explanation for Jihad. An apt title, since we are now seeing the split between far Right, Middle and far Left. Readers will, no doubt believe or argue with this relative to their perspective.
comment posted at 1:03 AM on Sep-22-01
comment posted at 1:11 AM on Sep-22-01

Fundamentalism Reaches Fever Point on U.S. Soil. Extremism is spreading and is now affecting our very own. Or as Greta Garbo's famously didn't say "I vont to be alone!". The question is: do you?
comment posted at 1:47 PM on Sep-21-01

Will the rich be nicer to the poor? The way the stockmarket keeps plunging the rich might be asking the rest of us how to survive.
comment posted at 3:24 PM on Sep-21-01

Salon suspends "Bushed". Citing the need to "marshal our editorial forces to cover the global terrorism story," Salon EIC David Talbot has suspended "Bushed" a daily feature that takes a close, often critical, look at the Bush Administration. Does anyone buy his rationale? This reeks of journalistic cowardice...
comment posted at 1:45 PM on Sep-21-01

Politcally Incorrect was taken off the air by Sinclair Broadcasting I called their corparate headquarters and of course was directed to some fools voice mail. Has anyone seen a story about this anywhere?
comment posted at 1:56 PM on Sep-21-01

Arab-Americans kicked off NWA flight. Three Arab-Americans from Utah have been kicked off a flight from Minneapolis because the other passengers refused to fly with them.
comment posted at 10:28 AM on Sep-21-01
comment posted at 2:50 PM on Sep-21-01
comment posted at 3:03 PM on Sep-21-01

Insurance companies - what are they good for? Absolutely nothing. Now that a war might be on its way "underwriters had given notice they would cancel cover for war liabilities from midnight Monday". Tell me again why airlines were paying for cover for losses due to war during peace time?
comment posted at 12:18 AM on Sep-21-01

Just think of what could be if Bin Laden gets his hands on this stuff. Makes you wonder what he has in the tool shed.
comment posted at 1:25 AM on Sep-21-01

The Dead Zone all over again? Lucich said the boy approached his teacher on the afternoon of Sept. 10 and casually told her: "Tomorrow, World War III will begin. It will begin in the United States, and the United States will lose." eerie little story about a 5th grader in Dallas
comment posted at 12:13 AM on Sep-21-01
comment posted at 1:21 AM on Sep-21-01

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