2205 MetaFilter comments by Steve_at_Linnwood (displaying 801 through 850)

The Prohibition Party. Wow, these guys could do some serious damage to the presidential election of, say, the 4-H Chapter of North Dakota.
comment posted at 1:41 PM on Feb-29-04

Dean Didn't Want To Be President In different conversations and in different ways, according to several people who worked with him, Dean said at the peak of his popularity late last year that he never expected to rise so high, that he didn't like the intense scrutiny, that he had just wanted to make a difference. "I don't care about being president," he said. Months earlier, as his candidacy was taking off, he told a colleague: "The problem is, I'm now afraid I might win."
comment posted at 1:54 AM on Feb-29-04
comment posted at 11:49 AM on Feb-29-04

Niche Meets Nietzsche In The Coke Wars: Andrew Barlow's piece on the new Cokes and Pepsis, like all good satire, sounds like the future. Can the mix-your-own Coke on demand be far behind?
comment posted at 3:07 PM on Feb-28-04

U.S. Catholic priests abused 10,600 children The SNAP network exposes myths about priest pedophilia. Perhaps we'd be better off if Mel Gibson made movies about the real victims of Xtianity.
comment posted at 12:44 PM on Feb-27-04
comment posted at 3:01 PM on Feb-27-04

Crucifixion in Antiquity. The Persians may have led the way, while 6,000 Spartacus followers lined the Appian Way. It was cruel, but common.
comment posted at 12:38 AM on Feb-27-04
comment posted at 12:39 AM on Feb-27-04

It's not quite fresh, according to mainstream reviewers polled by Rotten Tomatoes. But Christian Bloggers feel very differently. As one reports, I went into the movie expecting to be moved, but never to the extent that I actually was. But both sides seems to agree the R rating should be taken very seriously.
comment posted at 12:35 AM on Feb-27-04

Penguin baseball. [Semi-NSFW: The game is mostly SFW, but it's hosted at a porn site, so proceed with caution.]
comment posted at 11:07 AM on Feb-24-04

Rod Paige Criticizes Teachers Union Education Secretary Rod Paige called the nation's largest teachers union a "terrorist organization" during a private White House meeting with governors on Monday. Democratic and Republican governors confirmed Paige's remarks about the National Education Association.
comment posted at 2:32 PM on Feb-23-04

Miss the Cola Wars? Now introducing the razor wars. One from Gillette has three blades, and two strips and a 77% awareness without an ad campaign- and is available for free. The other has four blades and is eating market share but the idea may have been borrowed from the competitor. Maybe gillette's solution should be five blades?
comment posted at 2:34 PM on Feb-23-04
comment posted at 7:28 PM on Feb-23-04

This site is edited automatically. Mediamatic, a Dutch inclination toward media and being.
comment posted at 12:59 AM on Feb-23-04

Qveere Eye for thye Medieval Man "Earliest known evidence of a reality series found in medieval vault in eastern Great Britain." [via Zeldman]
comment posted at 10:12 PM on Feb-20-04

Israelis kill crops to oust beduin
"Nonetheless, government ministers and officials accuse the beduin of "invading state lands" by refusing to be moved from their historic villages. Sharon himself gave a speech shortly before he became prime minister in which he said: "The beduin are eating away at the last land reserve of the state."" - via american samidizat
comment posted at 2:50 PM on Feb-20-04
comment posted at 3:06 PM on Feb-20-04

Justly Married Derek Powazek shares a series of images of same-gender couples who were married in San Francisco over the last week, and sells one stark image in poster form to raise funds for DontAmend.com, an organization committed to fighting the radical right's efforts to add an anti-gay marriage/union amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
comment posted at 12:22 PM on Feb-20-04
comment posted at 12:24 PM on Feb-20-04
comment posted at 1:19 PM on Feb-20-04
comment posted at 1:48 PM on Feb-20-04
comment posted at 2:47 PM on Feb-20-04
comment posted at 1:34 PM on Feb-21-04

Free-Speech Zones come to Boston this July.
Protesters at this summer's Democratic National Convention in Boston may be confined to a cozy triangle of land off Haymarket Square, blocked off from the FleetCenter and convention delegates by a maze of Central Artery service roads, MBTA train tracks, and a temporary parking lot holding scores of buses and media trucks.

Under a preliminary plan floated by convention organizers, the "free-speech zone" would be a small plot bounded by Green Line tracks and North Washington Street, in an area that until recently was given over to the elevated artery. The zone would hold as few as 400 of the several thousand protesters who are expected in Boston in late July.
comment posted at 1:14 PM on Feb-20-04
comment posted at 12:07 AM on Feb-21-04

Our top story tonight: John Edwards and John Kerry both beat Bush in polls and in "totally unrelated news" the search for Osama Bin Laden intensifies and in "other totally unrelated news" the new Election Assistance Commission assured the states that they would expedite the distribution of $2.3 billion dollars in federal funds for new voting booth equipment
comment posted at 2:31 AM on Feb-20-04
comment posted at 10:59 AM on Feb-20-04
comment posted at 12:25 AM on Feb-21-04

Go get your free iTunes from Pepsi Tilt the bottle 25 degrees and look for random letters (winner) or AGAIN (loser).
comment posted at 10:38 AM on Feb-18-04

The "internet-based" campaign that won. Nickolas bought ads on 11 mostly left-leaning blogs, including Daily Kos, Political Wire and Eschaton, planning to make up the money out of his own salary if the ads didn't pay for themselves. He needn't have worried. By the end of the day, the campaign had made back its money and then some. The following Monday, Nickolas showed Chandler 65 e-mails that had piled up since the previous night. "I said, 'Oh my god, these are all contributions,'" Nickolas remembered saying to Chandler. "And he said, 'Since when?' and I said, 'Since last night.' He was in disbelief that people around the country would care about this race."
comment posted at 10:14 AM on Feb-18-04

Women in Afghanistan are still widely oppressed, opium production is flourishing, Kabul is running out of money, and elections may have to be postponed (Karzai denies this). Afghanistan is still a mess.
comment posted at 8:12 PM on Feb-17-04
comment posted at 8:53 PM on Feb-17-04
comment posted at 2:14 AM on Feb-18-04
comment posted at 10:34 AM on Feb-18-04

Watch out for your jobs, folks! Apparently, if you criticize this site, or expose/ridicule members... they will break the unspoken rule of the web and try and take this into the personal realm with threats, posting your personal info, and contacting your employers. If you're into flame wars and train wrecks... this one has it all.
comment posted at 1:32 AM on Feb-17-04

Police seize Vietnamese farmer's unlicensed, homebuilt helicopter This NYT/AP report convinced me that globalization truly dooms that American middle class pitted against such dedication. Yankee tinkering once provided a foundation for the North American industrial revolution. But now:' The farmer said he won't give up, vowing to sell his house or 25 acres of land if that's what it takes to get the license. "If I cannot do it, my children or my grandchildren will do it,'' he said. '
comment posted at 8:31 PM on Feb-16-04
comment posted at 8:34 PM on Feb-16-04
comment posted at 10:06 PM on Feb-16-04

Convicted killer wins stay. The 9th Circuit Court feels that justice would be better served by being more sure that Cooper is actually guilty of the 4 murders he was sentenced to die for (followed from here). Considering the amount of controversy over evidence handling in this case, I think that they're right.
comment posted at 11:02 PM on Feb-9-04

Birds do it, bees do it... homosexual attachment and lovemaking are widespread in the animal kingdom, say biologists like Bruce Bagemihl, author of "Biological Exuberance." [For a longer, better-edited version of the same article, go here, but NYT reg. required.] Not everyone agrees, particularly those apt to quote the Bible to justify claims of a "natural revulsion to perverse sex."
comment posted at 12:43 PM on Feb-7-04

Primate Programming Inc. is dedicated to the advancement and gainful employment of non-human great apes within the United States information technology sector.
comment posted at 8:09 PM on Feb-5-04

Do no evil... it looks like Orkut would like to 0wn your data. And although the piece is heated, everyone did get incensed over Microsoft's near-identical passport policy. And I know you invited types like Orkut...
comment posted at 6:47 PM on Feb-5-04

Punk the National Review - a potentially-petty exercise in journalistic credibility. The National Review has recently engaged in printing anonymous e-mails from readers who "used to know" the Democratic candidates and just happen to have damaging stories about them. Blogger Ted Barlow is offering a $10 Amazon gift certificate to anyone who can get their anonymous story published. "If you possess an email address and an eye-opening story, you've passed the rigorous fact-checking that has made National Review and the Penthouse Forum world-famous."
comment posted at 2:42 PM on Feb-3-04

Janet Jackson pops out of dress at Super Bowl; CBS Apologizes. Note that this happened during Justin Timberlake's lyric of "I'm gonna get you naked by the end of this song." ..."It was not intentional and is regrettable," said Timberlake. Please direct all complaints to Viacom (owners of CBS, which aired the Super Bowl, and MTV, which produced the half-time show), if you felt offended. Me? I was pleased — it was one of the more entertaining half-time shows I've seen. Who needed the Lingerie Bowl?
comment posted at 9:21 PM on Feb-1-04
comment posted at 9:31 PM on Feb-1-04

Splat the Nazi [Edutainment gone awry?]
comment posted at 11:07 AM on Jan-30-04

AL FRANKEN KNOCKS DOWN DEAN HECKLER Defending free speech by tackling a heckler? "I got down low and took his legs out," said Franken afterwards. "I'm neutral in this race but I'm for freedom of speech, which means people should be able to assemble and speak without being shouted down." Wacky. [via the delightful and always dependable NY Post!]
comment posted at 6:44 PM on Jan-27-04

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