1110 MetaFilter comments by gd779 (displaying 851 through 900)

Stop having sex. Swaziland's King has ordered the women in his 25% AIDS infected country to stop having sex. Good idea or will this just encourage the even more riskier homosexual sex among frustrated males?
comment posted at 6:03 PM on Sep-29-01
comment posted at 6:45 PM on Sep-29-01

Robert Johnson is the first black billionaire, and ranks #172 on the list of richest Americans after he sold BET to Viacom. Does he have a social responsibilty to show more than T&A and comedy on BET, or is he being unfairly singled out?
comment posted at 1:58 PM on Sep-29-01
comment posted at 4:24 PM on Sep-29-01
comment posted at 9:26 PM on Sep-29-01
comment posted at 8:47 AM on Sep-30-01
comment posted at 1:41 PM on Sep-30-01
comment posted at 2:01 PM on Sep-30-01

Real's Last Hoorah? A beta version of their next-generation player, "RealOne", is now available to download: it's pretty, and does all the media library/ripper/encoder things we're now accustomed to seeing. But the with Microsoft aggressively marketing Windows Media Player as part of XP, with much the same features, is Real set to go the way of Netscape, or will its streaming format keep it in business?
comment posted at 1:32 PM on Sep-29-01

Speaking of famous people and religion, Jet Li talks about religion, and his views on them.
"...upon closer inspection, the underlying heart and central principle in every religion is the same. Every religion boils down to love, to a respect for all living things, to choosing peace over violence as a means of resolving a conflict."

comment posted at 1:38 PM on Sep-29-01
comment posted at 6:16 PM on Sep-29-01

Evolution on PBS - this is going to upset those who think the earth is only 6000 years old
comment posted at 5:21 AM on Sep-26-01

Spaced Penguin! Looking for something fun and distracting? This rivals Electrotank's Minigolf on the cute and addictive scales.
comment posted at 6:14 AM on Sep-24-01

Behind the scenes of the "war council." The New York Times has a fascinating, behind-the-scenes story about the administration's struggle to develop a plan of attack. The story quotes highly-placed sources around Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice, et al. The most interesting revelation? GWB himself may actually be calling the shots.
comment posted at 5:38 PM on Sep-22-01

Yumm... not WTC related. Like Penny Arcade? Wish for something a little more 'fresh and in your face'? Then start eating some butter covered bacon and check it. Bonus points for constant Mac references.
comment posted at 6:55 PM on Sep-21-01

Gay, lesbian troops can serve openly -- for now "First, gays and lesbians would be allowed to serve during any war, just as they do now, as long as they remain in compliance with the homosexual conduct policy," said Maj. James P. Cassella of the assistant secretary of defense for public affairs' office."

Sorry we've treated you so crappy, but, uh, we need you to serve now. Of course, when we don't need you any more, you'll be discharged because you're gay.
comment posted at 2:00 PM on Sep-19-01
comment posted at 2:14 PM on Sep-19-01
comment posted at 2:45 PM on Sep-19-01
comment posted at 3:49 PM on Sep-19-01
comment posted at 3:50 PM on Sep-19-01
comment posted at 4:43 PM on Sep-19-01
comment posted at 4:49 PM on Sep-19-01
comment posted at 5:09 PM on Sep-19-01
comment posted at 8:14 PM on Sep-20-01

The Christian Guide to Small Arms helpfully seeks to inform theists which gun best suits their needs. "The most useful arm to the Christian warrior is probably the rifle or the carbine." With citizens like these, who needs terrorists? Link via Mike's Weblog
comment posted at 7:37 AM on Sep-19-01
comment posted at 2:26 PM on Sep-19-01

Martin Amis writes: 'Our best destiny, as planetary cohabitants, is the development of what has been called "species consciousness" - something over and above nationalisms, blocs, religions, ethnicities.' Naively idealistic or something to hope for?
comment posted at 8:40 AM on Sep-18-01

Why White Guilt is wrong and harmful. (Written by Shelby Steele.)
comment posted at 2:00 PM on Sep-17-01
comment posted at 2:33 PM on Sep-17-01
comment posted at 3:21 PM on Sep-17-01
comment posted at 4:54 PM on Sep-17-01

Religion Urgently Needed - Or Not? Pat Robertson, that 700 Club freak, proclaims the attack on Tuesday was all our fault. Our pursuit of non-religiously good stuff (i.e, money, sex, power... how ironic) has caused god to 'lift his protection from us'.

Anyone wanna guess when we had god's complete protection? I can't seem to figure it out. I think it was a Thursday back in September 1981.
comment posted at 5:35 PM on Sep-16-01
comment posted at 7:36 PM on Sep-16-01
comment posted at 8:12 PM on Sep-16-01
comment posted at 8:21 PM on Sep-16-01

One World Ribbon Project. This past week we have witnessed human destruction on a level never imagined. This is not just an American problem, it is a world problem. We are one species on one planet.

With this in mind, I have put together the "One World Ribbon Project" (please excuse this self-referring post) to emphasize that this is a human tragedy that affects each and every one of us on Earth.

I have created a ribbon icon that incorporates the colors of all nations on Earth. If you feel so inclined please display this ribbon on your web site as a reminder of the work that lays ahead for all of us.
comment posted at 11:42 AM on Sep-16-01

Al Qaida Message Board - Yahoo/Geocities pulled down the page hosted on their site, but Google has it cached. Among the still-working links are this message board on Boardhost, which includes such discussion topics as "How do you determine when muslim can use violance[sic] against innocent people".

A curious note, there have been no posts on the board (save for one grammatically-challenged American) since September 9th.
comment posted at 8:29 AM on Sep-16-01

Appeasement. Chamberlain sat at a table with Hitler in 1938 signing a treaty and proclaiming "peace for our time". Shortly after, World War II began. Killing innocent people does not solve the problem, but sitting at a table with your enemy and proclaiming peace (when he just wants to kill more) does no good either.
comment posted at 6:06 PM on Sep-15-01

Russia not willing to help? Meanwhile, Nikolai Kovalyov, the former head of the Russian FSB security service, warned the US that an attack on Afghanistan would fail to capture Osama bin Laden, the alleged mastermind of the atrocities, and would backfire on the US. "In Afghanistan's mountainous terrain it takes a trainload of explosives to destroy three militants," he said. "The chance of hitting bin Laden is zero."
comment posted at 9:05 AM on Sep-15-01

They've finally reached an agreement that will allow China to become members of the World Trade Organization. I'm not sure I buy the idea that allowing them in will help "bring domestic political liberalization". Although this probably would have made big news a week ago, it was buried in the Reuters Business News today.
comment posted at 9:06 AM on Sep-15-01

Ask the Imam. Now that Mr. Blue has left Salon, send your questions to an authentic Islamic Mufti. He will analyze your problem in relation to Sharia and issue the appropriate fatwah or legal opinion. I've been stuck on this site for hours...check out the question at http://islam.tc/ask-imam/view.php?q=2476 Comments on your favorite fatwah, anybody?
comment posted at 9:10 PM on Sep-14-01
comment posted at 9:21 PM on Sep-14-01

What Does Osama Bin Laden Want? Slate's David Plotz says "Nothing we have." Read. Discuss.
comment posted at 3:24 PM on Sep-14-01

Footage of Celebrating Palestinians Racially Biased Here's a "voice in the wilderness." The writer argues that the media running this footage is reminiscent of how the media ran footage of African Americans looting in L.A. in 1992, calling them hoodlums and vandals, without thinking about or providing the context of the Rodney King verdict. PROTECT YOUR FELLOW AMERICANS OF COLOR.
comment posted at 11:56 AM on Sep-13-01

Sorry but it's a little too late to muzzle this beast. The Palestinian Authority tries to stop press coverage of post-bombing celebrations (sorry if this has already been posted).
comment posted at 10:46 AM on Sep-13-01
comment posted at 12:03 PM on Sep-13-01

Osama bin Laden is the Taliban military commander-in-chief!? Can anyone find alternate sources for this? From a comment by schlyer.
comment posted at 10:55 AM on Sep-13-01

UK pays its respects For the first time in history, the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace was changed. The US national anthem was played, followed by a two-minute silence.
comment posted at 9:46 AM on Sep-13-01

"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity." Ann Coulter, as always an island of calm reflection.
comment posted at 9:30 AM on Sep-13-01

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