6385 MetaFilter comments by troutfishing (displaying 901 through 950)

"No soup for you! Only salad!" The Soup Nazi stars in a Center for Consumer Freedom ad about overeating and the "calorie curmudgeons" trying to regulate it.
comment posted at 10:10 AM on Oct-21-04

The neo-cons are pushing a law through Congress that would "acknowledge God as the sovereign source of law, liberty [and] government" in the United States. What's more, it would forbid all legal challenges to government officials who use the power of the state to enforce their own view of "God's sovereign authority." Any judge who dared even hear such a challenge could be removed from office. You don't believe it? It's called Constitution Restoration Act of 2004.
comment posted at 8:42 AM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 9:05 AM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 9:11 AM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 9:59 AM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 11:15 AM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 2:29 PM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 2:35 PM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 9:11 PM on Oct-21-04

Remember the (Crawford, TX) Lone Start Iconoclast's Kerry endorsement? Here's a second editorial, describing the fallout from it. Apparently some people took it pretty hard. The Iconoclast published letters to the editor, too.
comment posted at 11:25 AM on Oct-21-04

Idle your visual cortexes on this ... There's some interesting science in here about how much of our brains we humans use, but for the rest of today I'll be using my spare brainwidth to picture "The Matrix" with ferrets. (via Dynamist, via PunditDrome!)
comment posted at 9:26 PM on Oct-21-04

Underdog to NY Yankees --> "Who's YOUR Daddy?"
comment posted at 9:23 PM on Oct-20-04

US military accuses Reuters of lying. Reuters had a camera crew on hand to see people digging a man, a woman, and four children out of a house in Falluja, and have video footage of this up on their site. The US military denies this ever happened, and have released a statement saying that "intelligence sources indicate a known Zarqawi propagandist is passing false reports to the media." Incredible...
comment posted at 5:07 PM on Oct-20-04
comment posted at 6:27 PM on Oct-20-04
comment posted at 7:04 PM on Oct-20-04

The power of nightmares. I just saw the first episode of this, the BBC's midweek / BBC2 / largely unadvertised television series. This first episode dealt with the rise of neoconservatism from it's roots as a political "solution" to the perceived failure of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society (a) (b) (c) and the rise of Islamic Fundamentalism from Sayyid Qutb through and past the assasination of Anwar Sadat. More biased liberal information on the show here and here. I urge you to beg, borrow, steal or download this series / Commie propaganda.
comment posted at 5:39 PM on Oct-20-04

"We're not going to have any casualties." This is the response that George W Bush gave to Pat Robertson, during a meeting in which Robertson expressed deep misgivings about the impending war in Iraq. There's been a lot of discussion about just how self-assured the President is on his positions (and how he won't admit any mistakes), but where does assurance end and delusion begin?
comment posted at 3:19 PM on Oct-20-04
comment posted at 6:39 PM on Oct-20-04
comment posted at 8:46 PM on Oct-20-04
comment posted at 9:46 PM on Oct-20-04

TV-B-Gone. A remote with only one button: Off.
comment posted at 6:46 PM on Oct-20-04

Iranian regime endorses Bush, saying democrats have historically "harmed Iran." Head of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran, Hassan Rowhani, is very close to the hardline leader, Ali Khamanei. But the truth is Republicans have always helped dictators in Iran,. Biggest example: 1953 coup that toppled Mossadeq, the extremely popular elected official prime minister of Iran and brought back the tyrant Shaah.
comment posted at 6:51 PM on Oct-20-04

Fans of Joss Whedon are being asked to shell out thirty-five bucks a piece to hear Buffy's creator answer questions over a speaker phone, and remind them to vote for Kerry. Meanwhile "Buffy" herself is known to pose for the other guys. One might wish people really tune out celebrity opinions on politics. Does it change minds or are they already made up? Even when the facts are fiction. Should celebrities shut up or do they have the right to speak out? What, or rather who, influences you?
comment posted at 6:57 PM on Oct-19-04

INCREDIBLE, UNSTOPPABLE TITAN OF TERROR! He's attacked other monsters and terrorized Japan for decades. Now Godzilla is confronting academics who want to wrestle with his legacy. The University of Kansas plans to pay homage to the giant lizard later this month, organizing a three-day scholarly conference for the 50th anniversary of his first film. Planners want to provoke discussion of globalization, Japanese pop culture and Japanese-American relations after World War II. "I would like people to take Godzilla more seriously," said Bill Tsutsui, a history professor at the University of Kansas and author of the book "Godzilla on My Mind". (more inside)
comment posted at 8:48 PM on Oct-20-04

Same Sex Relationships in The Bible "The Bible describes three emotionally close relationships between two people of the same gender. They appear to have progressed well beyond a casual friendship."
comment posted at 10:24 AM on Oct-19-04
comment posted at 10:36 AM on Oct-19-04
comment posted at 1:18 PM on Oct-19-04
comment posted at 7:14 PM on Oct-19-04
comment posted at 3:38 PM on Oct-20-04

Art rock/metal band A Perfect Circle are releasing a new album consisting of mostly politically orientated covers, including John Lennon's Imagine. With so many bands pumping out the politics recently why is this strange? Because for so many years the band, and frontman Maynard James Keenan (also the lead singer for Tool) have usually kept right out of politics, opting for a more mysterious and individualistic approach to their music. Interesting to read what some of their fans think?
comment posted at 5:14 AM on Oct-19-04

During a question-and-answer period, someone says they'd once heard Johnston call for the execution of gays and lesbians. He vigorously denies the charge. Later, he tells me that the decision to put gays to death is a matter best left up to the states.
Ohio's precedent-shattering new ballot initiative and the people behind it. (Salon, ad req'd.)
comment posted at 5:51 AM on Oct-19-04
comment posted at 6:05 AM on Oct-19-04
comment posted at 8:54 AM on Oct-19-04
comment posted at 8:58 AM on Oct-19-04
comment posted at 10:20 AM on Oct-19-04
comment posted at 1:49 PM on Oct-19-04
comment posted at 3:38 PM on Oct-19-04
comment posted at 5:52 PM on Oct-20-04

Now that Michael Moore's chosen to look at the American healthcare industry for his next film, Big Pharma is apparently on red alert for any of his trademark guerilla tactics. On his pre-election tour, Moore has been reading out a company-wide memo that he attributes to Viagra- and Vioxx-pushers Pfizer, warning employees to be prepared (and keep their gobs shut) in case of an inpromptu visit. Pfizer denies the memo exists, but in response, Moore says that the 'non-existent' memo also includes a Pfizer office number to report sightings. Perhaps we should call +1 212 733 2323 during New York office hours tomorrow and find out for certain? Or, alternatively, just mention that a large, unshaven man in a baseball cap has been lurking around any of these locations? (This one was too good to keep quiet about.)
comment posted at 6:21 AM on Oct-19-04
comment posted at 6:25 AM on Oct-19-04
comment posted at 8:34 AM on Oct-19-04
comment posted at 8:36 AM on Oct-19-04

I'm a Democrat for Bush.
Sarah Baxter is a life-long Labour voter in Britain and a registered Democrat in the United States. So how come she wants George W Bush to remain president?
comment posted at 3:23 PM on Oct-18-04
comment posted at 4:08 PM on Oct-18-04

Peak Oil? Include Me Out, is one of the best reads about the whole issue of peak oil. Its author, Mick Winter "is a former Y2K community activist who currently suffers from chronic déjà vu and still hasn't figured out what to do about Peak Oil." I am a peaknik and I can tell you this is a good read, no matter your stance on peak oil! (psssst, if you are already a peaknik, or just curious, Winter maintains a good a peak oil metadirectory. )
comment posted at 1:16 PM on Oct-18-04

Lie Down for America, by Thomas Frank. "'How can anyone who has ever worked for someone else vote Republican?' she asked. How could so many people get it so wrong?"
comment posted at 9:46 AM on Oct-18-04
comment posted at 3:32 PM on Oct-18-04
comment posted at 9:12 AM on Oct-19-04

FORCE Ministries "IN 1998....the Lord began opening doors to the SEAL Team community and to military installations nationwide." : "[ Our] Defining passage : "From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it." ( Matthew 11:12 NIV ) : An all consuming fire for Dominion. "They are My Special Forces Unit. They are called by My Name. They are called Kingdom Warriors. They are those I have been grooming since birth. They will be sent out against satan's hoard." (more inside)
comment posted at 8:36 AM on Oct-18-04
comment posted at 8:39 AM on Oct-18-04

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