1788 MetaFilter comments by Rothko (displaying 51 through 100)

Cindy Sheehan arrested for wearing anti-war T-shirt at State of the Union Peace activist Cindy Sheehan was arrested Tuesday in the House gallery after refusing to cover up a T-shirt bearing an anti-war slogan before President Bush's State of the Union address.

"She was asked to cover it up. She did not," said Sgt. Kimberly Schneider, U.S. Capitol Police spokeswoman, adding that Sheehan was arrested for unlawful conduct, a misdemeanor.

Remind me not to wear my "Impeach Bush" button on my next trip to D.C.
comment posted at 7:55 PM on Jan-31-06
comment posted at 8:07 PM on Jan-31-06
comment posted at 8:39 PM on Jan-31-06
comment posted at 8:43 PM on Jan-31-06
comment posted at 8:44 PM on Jan-31-06
comment posted at 8:54 PM on Jan-31-06
comment posted at 9:16 PM on Jan-31-06
comment posted at 9:20 PM on Jan-31-06
comment posted at 9:44 PM on Jan-31-06
comment posted at 9:47 PM on Jan-31-06
comment posted at 9:52 PM on Jan-31-06
comment posted at 10:01 PM on Jan-31-06
comment posted at 9:52 AM on Feb-1-06
comment posted at 9:59 AM on Feb-1-06
comment posted at 10:00 AM on Feb-1-06
comment posted at 10:09 AM on Feb-1-06
comment posted at 2:42 PM on Feb-1-06
comment posted at 6:39 AM on Feb-2-06

Muslim world goes apeshit over Danish cartoon. Saudi Arabia and Libya have withdrawn their ambassadors to Denmark, which issued safety warnings to its citizens travelling in Muslim countries after threats by militant Islamic groups and a boycott of Danish goods
comment posted at 4:10 PM on Jan-31-06
comment posted at 5:02 PM on Jan-31-06
comment posted at 6:06 PM on Jan-31-06
comment posted at 7:21 PM on Jan-31-06
comment posted at 7:50 PM on Jan-31-06

Samuel Alito was sworn in as the nation's 110th Supreme Court justice Tuesday after being confirmed by the Senate by a vote of 58-42.(CNN)

John Kerry: This morning, 42 Senators voted against Alito's nomination. That's the highest number of votes against any Supreme Court nominee since Clarence Thomas in 1991. (from Kerry's email)
comment posted at 4:53 PM on Jan-31-06
comment posted at 6:54 PM on Jan-31-06
comment posted at 8:58 PM on Jan-31-06

The Family Research Council is claiming victory in their fight to have the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services remove a web site "Celebrating the Pride and Diversity Among and Within the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Populations." [Google Cache Links: 1, 2, 3, 4] But the FRC are not very happy about the "derogatory and even threatening responses to the messages they sent to their own government."
comment posted at 10:15 AM on Jan-31-06

Three Mile Island - a study in bad human interface design. Chernobyl in text, pictures (posted previously), and eyewitness accounts. Those are two of the most famous incidents involving mishaps with radioactive material. There have been many more (see also) including suicides, homicides, assaults, and motives forever unknown. But US citizens need not worry - the NRC is on it. What do you know about radiation poisoning? Take the test.
comment posted at 1:07 AM on Jan-31-06
comment posted at 1:10 AM on Jan-31-06

Army officials are investigating allegations that as many as seven members of the 82nd Airborne Division appeared on a gay pornography web site. Authorities at Fort Bragg have begun an inquiry into whether the paratroopers' actions violated the military conduct code. Although the site in question has apparently now been removed, the issue has once again highlighted the military's unofficial policy of "Don't ask, don't tell." Does this incident show that it is now finally time to drop this discriminatory policy, thus finally allowing homesexual officers to serve their country without having to stay in the closet? Or is there a legitimate need for this policy to remain in use in the armed forces?
comment posted at 2:09 PM on Jan-30-06
comment posted at 4:06 PM on Jan-30-06

Secret Service may be given yet further authority to arrest people. Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) has added to the latest draft of the Patriot Act legislation before the Senate. As it stands now the Secret Service will get involved if you trespass in a restricted area at the same time as (or immediately before) the people they are protecting. If Sen. Specter has his way the Secret Service will have the authority to arrest any protestors violating the arbitrary restricted areas AT ANY TIME throughout the (potentially multi-day) event.
comment posted at 1:58 PM on Jan-30-06

Media outraced by Bloggers, Kerry appeal to netroots galvanizes suprise drive against Alito On Google News, you'll read how US Democratic Senators Obama and Biden are against a filibuster. Old news. They've agreed to support it. Encouraged by direct appeals by Senators. Kerry and Kennedy to internet activists, a blizzard of calls, emails, and faxes, organized via the Daily Kos and other blogs - with tactical direction from Kennedy - have helped flip the positions of several Democratic senators, and as of Saturday some claimed the push was already within 2 votes of forcing continued Senate debate on the Alito nomination. In fact, the pro-filibuster bloc might have started with 37 votes Meanwhile, today, Morning Edition, which declined to run the filibuster push as a top story and failed to mention the internet effort, asked Senator Kennedy on Senator Hillary Clinton's opposition to the filibuster: actually, she joined the effort last Friday [ see main link ] : D'oh !
comment posted at 7:41 AM on Jan-30-06
comment posted at 8:05 AM on Jan-30-06
comment posted at 8:13 AM on Jan-30-06
comment posted at 8:29 AM on Jan-30-06
comment posted at 8:34 AM on Jan-30-06
comment posted at 8:40 AM on Jan-30-06
comment posted at 8:50 AM on Jan-30-06
comment posted at 9:02 AM on Jan-30-06
comment posted at 9:41 AM on Jan-30-06
comment posted at 12:41 PM on Jan-30-06
comment posted at 1:07 PM on Jan-30-06
comment posted at 2:42 PM on Jan-30-06
comment posted at 3:07 PM on Jan-30-06

Long before Nine Inch Nails and Pigface, Trent Reznor was in a new wave group called Option 30... Here are two videos (flash, youtube) of live performances. Trent's voice is unmistakable in this song, but this cover of "Eyes Without a Face" may make you wish you had a face without ears.
comment posted at 9:24 PM on Jan-29-06

The Longest Poop.
comment posted at 7:45 PM on Jan-29-06
comment posted at 8:24 PM on Jan-29-06

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