998 MetaFilter comments by wakko (displaying 51 through 100)

Scott McClellan resigns; Karl Rove sidelined. (NYT) The promised "shakeup" of the White House begins.
comment posted at 9:48 AM on Apr-19-06

LiveJournal adopts banner ads. SixApart has broken a longstanding promise/agreed-upon principle (recently deleted) and is adding banner ads to the service, which will be visible to the general public and approximately 95% of their users. Last year's April Fool's joke suddenly not very amusing anymore. Is SixApart's bubble a bit overinflated?
comment posted at 6:44 AM on Apr-19-06

DJ Assault is all up in your house. nsfw
comment posted at 10:46 PM on Apr-18-06

Now that Tomkat has birthed their Tomkitten, at least two questions arise: 1) will Tom eat the placenta? and 2) will the child be retarded?
comment posted at 6:23 PM on Apr-18-06
comment posted at 6:54 PM on Apr-18-06

Hugo Chavez to Carlos the Jackal: "My doctor has told me that my spirit must nourish itself on danger to preserve my sanity, in the manner that God intended, with this stormy revolution to guide me in my great destiny.
comment posted at 1:17 PM on Apr-18-06
comment posted at 1:29 PM on Apr-18-06

“My God, you know, did I authorize putting a bra and underwear on this guy's head?” Rumsfeld “personally involved” in abuses at Guantanamo - according to a recently obtained (by Salon) army inspector general report which contains a sworn statement from a Lt. General
comment posted at 12:13 PM on Apr-18-06

Well, this settles everything: Kirk Cameron debunks evolution.
comment posted at 11:22 AM on Apr-18-06

Star Wars Kid Finally Gets Settlement Claiming to have been unable to attend school on account of being more famous than the kid who played the real Anakin Skywalker, Ghyslain "Star Wars Kid" Raza (original thread) finally gets his cut off of the three kids responsible for making sure he'll never, ever get a date. Sadly, the situation got so bad Ghyslain "let himself go and no longer lifted weights to keep fit." So much for a sequel.
comment posted at 7:09 AM on Apr-18-06

The Birth of a Queer Nation. Determined to build a better world for future generations, the founding fathers and mothers set sail on 14 June 2004 in the Gayflower until they were washed ashore on the uninhabited Coral Islands. With the strains of Gloria Gaynor filling the tropical air, they hoisted the rainbow flag above the palm trees and white, sandy beaches. The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands was born.
comment posted at 7:22 AM on Apr-18-06

FOAM When foam tests go wrong.
comment posted at 6:52 PM on Apr-16-06

"Livin' with war everyday": Alicia Morgan was one of about 100 singers summoned Wednesday to a secret recording session in Los Angeles. "When the lyrics we were supposed to sing flashed on the giant screen," she writes on her blog, "a roar went up from the choir. I'm not going to give the whole thing away, but the first line of one of the songs was "Let's impeach the President for lyin'!" Get ready: Neil Young's got a new album coming.
comment posted at 4:58 PM on Apr-16-06
comment posted at 5:04 PM on Apr-16-06
comment posted at 5:08 PM on Apr-16-06

Teenage art students in Portage County, Ohio tried to create a public art project by placing life-size "question boxes" from Super Mario Bros. around town. The result? The bomb squad was called in, and for a few days authorities contemplated pressing charges against the teens. (via wigu)
comment posted at 6:26 AM on Apr-14-06

Mercury News D-12's Proof, shot dead at 32. Proof stayed close to give back what he owed - and paid with his life.
comment posted at 3:13 PM on Apr-12-06
comment posted at 3:16 PM on Apr-12-06

Steven Staley was convicted of murder and sentenced to death in 1991. A few days before his execution in February, he was granted a stay because he was found to be incompetent, a paranoid schizophrenic. Today, the judge has ordered that he be forced to take his medication so he can be legally put to death.
comment posted at 10:55 AM on Apr-12-06
comment posted at 11:11 AM on Apr-12-06
comment posted at 1:13 PM on Apr-12-06

Adidas earns the love of the masses once again, this time with racist shoes! The most offensive part of the design is taken from original work by Barry McGee. Yeah, maybe it's taken out of context (of, say, other work dealing with racism), or is it some kind of inevitable comic artist attraction to stereotypical imagery of the past? At any rate, those wily Asians at Giant Robot seem to like it, and his fans don't seem that offended.

Whether you love or hate that particularly inscrutable mascot, McGee is actually an experienced, prolific, and talented guy. (He was also married to artist Margaret Kilgallen until her death in 2001, and is now the single father of their daughter Asha.) McGee once said, "Sometimes a rock soaring through a plate of glass can be the most beautiful, compelling work of art I have ever seen". Oh, and p.s.--he's half-Chinese, you cry-babies ;-) More on the controversy: 1, 2, 3.
comment posted at 1:03 PM on Apr-10-06

London Bombings had nothing to do with Al Qaeda - The official Government report into the July 7th bombings in London has concluded that the attacks were carried out on "a shoestring budget" and "with no direct support from al Qaeda", according to an article published in The Observer on Sunday. They instead were organized through "terror sites" on the internet. This is apparently not good enough for the Conservative opposition. "I find that very hard to believe," said Tory homeland security spokesman Patrick Mercer. The lack of connection further reinforces ideas that Al Qaeda is nowhere near as widespread and organized as we are often led to believe.
comment posted at 4:49 PM on Apr-9-06

"I've been silent long enough... My sincere view is that the commitment of our forces to this fight was done with a casualness and swagger that are the special province of those who have never had to execute these missions--or bury the results." Marine Lieutenant General Greg Newbold, the Pentagon's former top operations officer, becomes the latest military insider to raise his voice against the "zealots" who led the US into war in Iraq. He writes in Time magazine: "Never again, we thought, would our military's senior leaders remain silent as American troops were marched off to an ill-considered engagement. It's 35 years later, and the judgment is in: the Who had it wrong. We have been fooled again... After 9/11, I was a witness and therefore a party to the actions that led us to the invasion of Iraq--an unnecessary war." During the Vietnam war, such discontent among soldiers sparked a massive campaign of disobedience and peace activism (as well as, more darkly, fragging) within the ranks, as recounted in a new documentary called Sir! No Sir! Can it happen again? Ask the Soldiers for the Truth.
comment posted at 5:07 PM on Apr-9-06
comment posted at 6:35 PM on Apr-9-06

Under Age Text? "Former senior public servant Nick Gill was sentenced to 14 days' jail, suspended on the rising of the court, and fined $3000 after being found guilty of having 66 stories, featuring mostly young boys, on his desktop computer." All text. There were no images to found. Australian fans of Harry Potter should probably rethink that slash masterpiece, and toss out their copies of Lolita and the latest VC Andrews novels.
comment posted at 5:31 PM on Apr-8-06
comment posted at 5:49 PM on Apr-8-06

Milk Bath. Cat + water + flickr = the biggest, saddest cat eyes I have ever seen. Via.
comment posted at 5:28 PM on Apr-8-06

Thomas Dolby, 80's Pop Icon, '90s Tech Mogul, Alton Brown lookalike, Somnificationist and NOT the inventor of Dolby noise reduction is returning to live touring after a few hundred internet years away. He's performing solo with lots of cool gadgets (and blogging). And, perfectly timed for promotional purposes, he's joined the K-Fed Haters.
comment posted at 1:04 AM on Apr-8-06

Today, April 7, is the 73rd anniversary of the end of Prohibition, marking the day in 1933 when FDR signed emergency legislation to allow the sale of beer (and reportedly had the first public delivery of beer sent to the White House). Breweries all over America are celebrating Brew Year's Eve. In other news, marijuana prohibition has continued in the US for almost 70 years. There's a Nevada initiative on the ballot this November to end it -- by allowing the legal cultivation and sale of marijuana.
comment posted at 7:37 PM on Apr-7-06

Government error in contemporary British history is the stuff of legend and when it comes to the 2012 Olympics can I be on my own in forecasting financial disaster? This morning's announcement that "little can be built until the site's 50 electric pylons are removed" in 2008 comes hot on the heels of an understated Olympics budget which, four days ago, is revealed to be 'short by £2bn.' I am v.fortunate to live in the UK and there is no doubt this government is v.good at bookkeeping; but grandstanding a world event? Not a chance. Discussed in these parts last year, Britain is not good at world class marketing or brand .. management; Britain is not good at capital projects, and Politicians, bureaucrats ... milking the Olympic Games, says London's mayor. I understand but two Olypics have seen modest profit and Britain badly needs Hollywood or Coca-Cola® to make a success of this.
comment posted at 11:11 AM on Apr-6-06

These folks may do a prostitute’s taxes (nytimes), but who does a prostitute’s laundry? (more Sifl and Olly on YouTube)
comment posted at 8:40 AM on Apr-6-06

"London Calling" sparks terror fear in cab driver. Newsfilter: "British anti-terrorism detectives escorted a man from a plane after a taxi driver had earlier become suspicious when he started singing along to a track by punk band The Clash, police said Wednesday. Detectives halted the London-bound flight at Durham Tees Valley Airport in northern England and Harraj Mann, 24, was taken off. "The taxi driver had become worried on the way to the airport because Mann had been singing along to The Clash's 1979 anthem "London Calling," which features the lyrics "Now war is declared -- and battle come down" while other lines warn of a "meltdown expected." Also reported here, where we learn this is not the first Clash-related terror scare. Joe Strummer is looking down and laughing, not least because it wasn't terror song Spanish Bombs.
comment posted at 12:48 PM on Apr-5-06
comment posted at 1:05 PM on Apr-5-06

CNN confirms that Tom DeLay, the scandal-embroiled Republican Congressman from Texas and former Republican House Majority Leader, has dropped out of the race for the 22nd District House seat.
comment posted at 8:42 PM on Apr-3-06
comment posted at 9:35 PM on Apr-3-06

Tweak's Guide to Home Recording. A comprehensive home recording guide that will take you all the way from buying an audio interface to choosing a mic preamp to learning the subtle arts of compression and EQing. A good refresher course even for those with recording experience. And for those more interested in composition than recording, Tweak's piece on Inspiration is insightful as well.
comment posted at 1:06 PM on Apr-3-06

Did you used to take things apart for the fun of it? Relive those heady days of destruction with this new blog dedicated to disassembly. [link via Readymade]
comment posted at 7:52 AM on Mar-22-06

From on the ground in Iraq, with death squads on the prowl in a nation paralysed by fear, with each mile, the divisions deepen. Some suggest Iraq is about to look a lot like Lebanon. Others think we should be so lucky, that what looms is much worse than mere civil war: an archipegalo of complete and total anarchy, the war of all against all.

As the saying goes, even a blind squirrel may find an acorn now and then, especially one planetary in size--like here: predictions of a better Middle East have evaporated.
comment posted at 9:34 AM on Mar-20-06

Ayatollah Sistani says it's OK to kill gays. More here and here. Kind of sobering to think about how conservative the man is, a man who is so crucial (just imagine if he were assassinated) to Iraq's future and the U.S. effort there. If it were up to him, chess would be banned! Check out Sistani wisdom on the full range of issues. Here's a no brainer: "Question : Is having an orgy permissible under the Qur’an? Answer : It's forbidden."
comment posted at 9:21 AM on Mar-17-06

The happiness poll results are in and to no one's surprise, rich people are happier than poor people. Also, Republicans are happier than Democrats.
comment posted at 9:27 AM on Mar-16-06

The current (and very amusing) Keith Olberman v Bill O'Reilly feud spilled over onto the Colbert Report last night during Olberman's guest stint. (link goes to embedded 7 minute video).
comment posted at 9:29 AM on Mar-16-06
comment posted at 10:12 AM on Mar-16-06

General in charge of Iraq says "It's the oil", suggests permanent bases.
"Ultimately it comes down to the free flow of goods and resources on which the prosperity of our own nation and everybody else in the world depend."
Considering that Reuters reported on the general's statement, it's surprising to see that the only other major news organization online which has picked up the story so far (besides the Arizona Daily Star) is Al Jazeera. The Daily Star initially ran -- and then removed -- the aforementioned quote. Perhaps it's unfit for internal consumption?
comment posted at 11:15 AM on Mar-15-06
comment posted at 11:20 AM on Mar-15-06
comment posted at 11:22 AM on Mar-15-06

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