1535 MetaFilter comments by cCranium (displaying 951 through 1000)

A Green Flash from the Sun - I always thought this was a myth, but if NASA says it's true... (and I believe everything I read).
comment posted at 7:42 AM on Oct-28-00

It's been a standing joke for decades, but it's finally arrived. Smellovision is real. (I'm having a hard time thinking of a more useless computer peripheral.)
comment posted at 11:51 AM on Oct-27-00

Canada Denies Eminem Entrance. I'm sorry if it's already been posted, i've been out of the loop.
comment posted at 11:48 AM on Oct-27-00

Are you really in favor of who you should be? Not having seen this in a quick scan, I'll point you to SpeakOut's VoteMatch quiz. It correctly pegged me as a Browne voter, but I was surprised that Bush came in second, Gore fourth, and Nader 7th. Hmmm...
comment posted at 2:24 PM on Oct-26-00

How could Sony be low on cash when Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy and Circuit City all have lines of people around the corner who have been waiting since yesterday morning? All waiting to get their very own PX2.

Think about this - approximately 500,000 of the units will sell today, at $300 a pop, plus numerous purchases of games in addition to the console. Let's estimate that each lucky customer will spend $400 (1 PX2, and 2 games per customer - a modest estimate). That's a one-day gross of $200,000,000.

My bet? Sony will not only turn itself around by the end of the day today, cause a major boom in US currency flow, but also cause a sharp decline in spending for the next month - people will be at home playing their new games, and will have little interest in going out to buy anything else!
comment posted at 12:31 PM on Oct-26-00

THE AMIGA IS BACK! Why, oh why, did i throw out all my Amiga games. And it wasn't that long ago, that i did that either. Aaaaarrgh.
comment posted at 5:28 AM on Oct-26-00
comment posted at 12:15 PM on Oct-26-00

You saw it on the news but you didn't send flowers? Now there's no excuse...
comment posted at 8:22 AM on Oct-24-00

Amazon dead by Mar 19, 2001 Just thought you like to know the exact time of death of Amazon.com That's according to Downside's Deathwatch is a cash-flow analysis. The death date is simply the day the company will run out of cash, based on their reported liquid assets and loss rate. When the cash runs out, something bad for stockholders has to happen.
comment posted at 6:07 AM on Oct-24-00
comment posted at 8:16 AM on Oct-24-00
comment posted at 11:00 AM on Oct-24-00

"e-mail" vs. "email" - Wired declares style guidelines (again) - so in today's Wired News (lycos.wired.com, not wired magazine), there's a long explanatory article about a change in Wired News' style standards. A) do declarations from Wired News matter much anymore? B) is "e-mail" really 'more proper' than "email". To me, the hyphen looks amateurish and silly, but I'm too close to this to be objective.
comment posted at 1:26 PM on Oct-23-00

whois microsoft.com? You might be surprised. or maybe not.
comment posted at 5:55 AM on Oct-23-00
comment posted at 6:01 AM on Oct-23-00
comment posted at 9:41 AM on Oct-23-00

A Complete Map of What? Buchanan International claims to have created a complete page-level map of the Internet. I think (the article's not really clear on that). Am I the only one who finds this ridiculous? And their motives are so pure: "the completion of the map is prob-ably (sic) the first big step in the quest to control internet anarchy." Does the Financial Times usually publish such drivel? (via Brian Carnell)
comment posted at 6:46 AM on Oct-22-00
comment posted at 5:50 AM on Oct-23-00
comment posted at 9:39 AM on Oct-23-00

Those were the days... you know, back in 1999...
comment posted at 1:34 PM on Oct-20-00

Anyone tried Flyswat? Reads web pages with you and makes hyperlinks for words it recognizes. Very cool hypertext tool...
comment posted at 2:17 PM on Oct-20-00
comment posted at 4:20 PM on Oct-20-00

Teen Accused in Plot to Kill 'N Sync. Foiled Again! Doh!
comment posted at 7:50 AM on Oct-21-00

Dark Angel is a rip-off of Heinlein's Friday, which I completely agree with. Cameron has been successfully sued by Harlon Ellison before for blatantly ripping off his ideas. Then again the sci-fi word is a static world of either super-humans/machines/aliens/time-trave/alternate dimensions.
comment posted at 8:52 AM on Oct-20-00

Tired of stepping in some dog's crap??? Behavior modification starts at your poperty line! This doesn't only work for people that don't have dogs. It can also work for those of us who do, and are tired of our trusted companions going into the neighbor's yard to do their doodi.

Though I could care less that they do, I like my neighbors, so I am gonna give this a shot.
comment posted at 8:49 AM on Oct-20-00

Essay by Richard Dawkins (the scientist, not the game show host) on the supposed convergence on science and religion.
comment posted at 12:57 PM on Oct-19-00

Deja.com is putting its archive of Usenet news, covering a period from 1995 to the present, up for sale. As you might have noticed, for some months now Deja's archive of older (pre-1999) news has been unavailable. They had claimed the situation was temporary, but now it appears to be permanent. This leaves me with something of a sick feeling. While much of late-1990s Usenet is junk, it has both practical and historical significance. The notion that archiving Usenet is not commercially viable does not bode well for saving other parts of the Internet's history.
comment posted at 10:54 AM on Oct-19-00

ZACH LEFT RAGE!!!!????????????????? speechless. I'm f#@*ing speechless.
comment posted at 12:31 PM on Oct-19-00
comment posted at 1:39 PM on Oct-19-00

WONDERcorp: The name has corporate all over it
"My daughter Tayler marie is the most beautiful little girl in the whole world. May all her most peaceful dreams come true. Love Daddy."
comment posted at 6:29 AM on Oct-20-00
comment posted at 12:48 PM on Oct-20-00

Poetictech has some pretty nice workstation desks (dang cool). I want the one that rotates 120 degrees every 8 hours. (warning: slow site)
comment posted at 2:26 PM on Oct-18-00

Are Undecided Voters Stupid?
Undecided voters "don't come across as terribly swift..."
"If you're undecided at this point, you're an idiot."
"These soft voters do not have a coherent set of beliefs."
More inside...
comment posted at 2:40 PM on Oct-18-00

You can have my All-Stars when you pry them from my cold dead feet. If they discontinued Vans, I'm not sure what I would wear..
comment posted at 11:20 AM on Oct-18-00
comment posted at 12:21 PM on Oct-18-00
comment posted at 2:42 PM on Oct-18-00

In last night's debate, Bush reassured the American people that he has absolutely no idea what affirmative action is. If you think it's got anything to do with quotas or with hiring less-than-qualified applicants then neither do you. Someone ought to send this info on pertinent Supreme Court decisions along to the Bush campaign for the governor's edification. Yesterday's New York Times carried an op-ed which examines a critical review of 200 scientific studies of affirmative action and concludes that the facts vindicate such policies. In fact, a Nobel Prize for Economics was awarded last week to an economist who developed methods of analysis which, among other things, demonstrated the effectiveness of affirmative action in integrating the textile industry. Little-known fact: the greatest beneficiary of affirmative action has been white women.
comment posted at 6:27 AM on Oct-20-00

The SDMI Hack challenge seems to have gone down in flames. And apparently it wasn't even very difficult to break into it. This article goes into it in some detail. [more]
comment posted at 6:21 AM on Oct-18-00

"Atari is now a sophisticated computerized programmable unit...." Magazine ad for the 2600, back when TVs had handles and video games were blue, pink and magenta. (Obviously not the same meaning of "programmable" today.)
comment posted at 4:06 PM on Oct-17-00

Canadian hate crime laws are trying to be applied to filmmakers. Sure they made fake snuff films and there are no victims. So far they have them on an obscenity charge and I thought we had free speech problems.
comment posted at 7:19 AM on Oct-17-00
comment posted at 1:27 PM on Oct-17-00

Anonymous speech on the web is not protected. A Florida court ruling could force forum hosts to identify posters by name, if they post defamatory messages. Could this ruling lead to more civil exchanges on the net, or will curtailing unfettered speech reduce the amount and scope of many discussions?
comment posted at 7:02 AM on Oct-17-00

The next Java frontier: your car. Sun Microsystems announced Monday it would partner with General Motors' dashboard technology division, OnStar, in an effort to make Java the computing standard for the automotive industry.
comment posted at 6:53 AM on Oct-17-00

Excellent, in-depth analysis of "spyware" used by insidious and horrible software entities such as RealPlayer. Written by my hero and yours, Steve Gibson.
comment posted at 1:31 PM on Oct-17-00
comment posted at 8:32 AM on Oct-18-00

The Republicans make character assassination an art form. Several people have linked to this already on their sites and I haven't had a chance to update my own yet, but Phil Agre's latest piece about Republican dirty tricks is a must-read. "The past ten days will go down as a turning point in American history. This is what it's like when the far right is taking over your country: the people support Al Gore's policies, but the polls are shifting toward George W. Bush because the media is filled with false attacks on Al Gore's character."
comment posted at 11:23 AM on Oct-17-00
comment posted at 1:03 PM on Oct-17-00
comment posted at 4:03 PM on Oct-17-00

Microsoft beefs up Windows for cars. Do we really want Windows controlling our cars computers?
comment posted at 10:21 AM on Oct-16-00
comment posted at 6:07 AM on Oct-17-00

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