2584 MetaFilter comments by aaron (displaying 951 through 1000)

Smart young kids and too much freedom do not mix well. A girl prodigy at the age of 14 goes to university. She becomes mixed up in drugs, alcohol and sex. The parents sue school for lack of supervision. Is it really the school's job to look after her? Don't the parents have some responsibility here?
comment posted at 8:33 AM on Aug-31-01
comment posted at 8:35 AM on Aug-31-01

Interview with crew of the International Space Station [realaudio] on BBC's "Today" programme. The crew describe their bird's eye impressions of the environmental damage that mankind is doing to it's biosphere. If Denis Tito can get there, surely we could get Dubya up there to take a look-see for himself...?
comment posted at 8:10 AM on Aug-31-01

Good reason to move. (Or not, as the case may be.) Lessee, if I make $45k per year and own a little house in Athens GA I'd have to make $67K in Atlanta, $89K in DC, $133K in SF, $150K in Manhattan. No wonder all my friends who did move to Manhattan are all stark, staring bonkers now.
comment posted at 4:15 PM on Aug-30-01

This interesting mini-series about the human face on TLC (via BBC), claims that technology and the Internet are replacing face-to-face contact, but without much needed facial expressions that play a crucial role in communication. No doubt, this is why we THINK OF CAPITAL LETTERS as "yelling" and use :) and :P in online communication. Where do you see online communication in 10 years?
comment posted at 9:52 AM on Aug-28-01

Singer Aaliyah Killed in Plane Crash

R & B singer and actress Aaliyah died after a small plane that was to carry her and eight others back to the United States crashed after takeoff in the Bahamas, authorities said.

I keep typing a description here. and erasing it. I don't know what to say. This is beyond awful. :(
comment posted at 11:52 AM on Aug-26-01

Just a Reminder That The White House is Occupied by a Clueless, Dangerous Man I'm not sure what to add, except I wish he would just resign. And that I wish the median national IQ would rise into the low 90's.
comment posted at 10:00 PM on Aug-24-01
comment posted at 7:24 AM on Aug-25-01
comment posted at 7:35 AM on Aug-25-01
comment posted at 12:04 AM on Mar-4-02
comment posted at 3:27 PM on Mar-16-02

A Rememberance of Things Traumatic: 93...93...WPAT: Parent's Muzak From Childhood Perhaps the Mefi demographic is a bit young for this one, or perhaps there are others out there who were traumatized by elevator music outside elevators in the 1960's and 70's? If this rings familiar, think twice before listening to the links on this site. (via the New York Radio Message Board)
comment posted at 10:18 PM on Aug-24-01

Stile has managed to finally offend the world Now, I like odd things, but this was the last straw. For those who haven't seem it, it is an mpeg of a man cutting the head off of a live kitten and then eating it. The best part of this link ( I couldn't watch the vid all the way through ), are the e-mail responses. Anyway, we all seem openminded here, was he in the wrong to post the vid? (Link not safe for work)
comment posted at 10:21 PM on Aug-23-01

Brooklyn Tenant Is Charged With Murdering City Marshal "As the marshal, Erskine G. Bryce, lay injured and disoriented, the police said, Ms. Jones bounded down the steps, beat him with an aluminum rod and stripped him of his .380-caliber pistol. The attack ended, the police said, only after she splashed him with a flammable liquid, took out a cigarette lighter and set him afire." (Free NY Times registration required)
comment posted at 10:57 PM on Aug-23-01

yet another "those dang dotcommers" article i'm tired of all these "how the mighty have fallen" articles. When do we get to talk about something new??
comment posted at 10:39 AM on Aug-22-01

The Salon Death March continues. I personally thought the nadir was the cover story last week featuring a photographer reminiscing about almost nailing Marylin (not work-safe), but no...now Salon has dared to crawl into the underbelly of this country and expose the horror of...hippie parents. Good to see the most high-profile online magazine tackling these hard-hitting issues. How's that stock price doing again?
comment posted at 10:26 AM on Aug-22-01

Nick Hornby reviews the Billboard Top Ten. Quote: We have been told often enough that to disapprove of gangsta rap is pointless, middle class, and smug, like disapproving of modern urban life itself. Nevertheless, one is entitled to feel queasy about the enthusiasm for and endorsement of the gangsta life audible on "The Saga Continues . . ."
comment posted at 6:18 PM on Aug-21-01

A 17-year-old is killed for his Cartier sunglasses. When you were a teen, if you had $600 to spend, would you blow it all on a pair of sunglasses? (Yeah, I know this should be about what little value kids put on human life, etc, but I want to know where do kids get this kind of disposable income?)
comment posted at 9:12 PM on Aug-20-01

IE5.5 SP2 cuts out plug-in support. When users downloaded and installed the new service pack for IE5.5, they found that some of their favorite plug-ins didn't work anymore, including Quicktime. Why? Microsoft stopped supporting them in favor of active-x components. Can anyone explain why this is a good idea?
comment posted at 9:01 PM on Aug-20-01

Periodic Table The essential elements of a man's universe. Click and learn more.
comment posted at 9:38 PM on Jul-12-01

Camgirl Stacy allegedly attempts suicide on her webcam. This link is disturbing on so many levels. (Blatanly ripped off from fark.com.)
comment posted at 9:48 PM on Jul-12-01

Metafilter seems to slant liberal and other favoritisms: BushII's been in office for six months. Occurences of "Dubya" come up 538 times in a Google sitesearch of Metafilter. The word, Clinton: 823--despite his several more years in office since Mefi's inception. "Bush"=1580. "Bush" and "idiot" come up about 1/3 that of simple search for "Clinton". 91 times does "Clinton + idiot" come up, some of which seeming to berate Gore. Mr. Nader, ahem. . .about 618 hits! What other lexigraphic mixtures of keywords can you get the skinny on?
comment posted at 12:21 PM on Jul-11-01

I like to eat. Chowhound has regional restaurant message boards with varying degrees of detail. The New York Boards are particularly active with dozens of people offering their favorite soup dumpling purveyor/ramen shack/barbecue hut. What other regional or cuisine-specific food sites / online communities have you found?
comment posted at 5:29 PM on Jul-9-01

Zero Tolerlance The ACLU calls it "Zero Intelligence": The Las Vegas Weekly reports on the story of a 14-year-old middle school student being jailed for ten days and then expelled from school for making the wrong offhand remark and fitting the wrong profile (i.e. well-groomed, well-liked, and gets good grades). Unfortunately this is not an April Fools' joke.
comment posted at 2:30 PM on Jul-9-01
comment posted at 2:42 PM on Jul-9-01
comment posted at 5:37 PM on Jul-9-01
comment posted at 10:23 PM on Jul-9-01

eYada ceases live operations Thoughts on the viablity of streamed talk on the Web?
comment posted at 2:13 PM on Jul-9-01

The U.S. and the U.N. and small weapons. We seem once again at odds with the world as we defend the right to bear arms.
comment posted at 2:32 PM on Jul-9-01

No clicky no more On Monday the finance Web site will stop providing "click through" rates to its advertising clients and will urge them to consider other ways of measuring the effectiveness of their online ads. In shifting the focus away from click-throughs, MarketWatch is trying to convince companies that their online ads work by building general brand awareness even when the consumer does not actually click the ad to get more information.
comment posted at 1:40 PM on Jul-9-01

Bye bye Webvan. "Although Webvan would be just one of hundreds of dot-com companies to go out of business, its story is somewhat unique. Webvan was one of the most well funded of all the dot-com companies, having raised, and burned through, around $1 billion in financing."
comment posted at 1:44 PM on Jul-9-01

Exec-worker gap in pay gets wider Executives make 442% more than they did in 1990. Blue collar workers 2.7%. 1/3 of all Americans spent most of the 1990's working for $8 an hour or less.
comment posted at 12:21 PM on Jul-8-01
comment posted at 2:00 PM on Jul-8-01

From 1972 to 1998, the number of American voters claiming to attend church regularly has stayed stable at 37%. The number who say they never attend church at all has risen from 14% to 33%. What affect will this have on American politics?
comment posted at 11:50 AM on Jul-8-01
comment posted at 1:29 PM on Jul-8-01
comment posted at 1:39 PM on Jul-8-01

Peter Jennings confirms the media's liberal bias? Jennings states that "conservative voices in the US have not been as present as they might have been and should have been in the media.''
comment posted at 10:33 PM on Jul-7-01
comment posted at 10:34 PM on Jul-7-01

Webzines. Independent magazines published on the web in the same vein as "old school" printed ones. Sort of the step between a blog and a full blown Salon (as in MetaFocus?). I'm thinking about doing one, any you can recommend?
comment posted at 10:59 PM on Jul-7-01

Last night's Brass Eye special was mysteriously pulled from the schedules, seemingly because it concerned "an army of paedophiles". Apparantly, this is not the case
comment posted at 1:22 PM on Jul-6-01

Okay, so the tabloids take the eroticization of female tennis players to the extreme, including The Mirror, which has paid Barbara "Babsi" Schett 50,000 pounds to promote her as the next Anna Kournikova. Last fall we talked about women sports players being on beauty, not talent; while the beauty judging goes on, they forget to even mention player records. There's Babsi, Anna, Jelena Dokic, and the supposedly beautiful Krasnoroutskaya who says of Kournikova what everyone keeps saying about good-looking female players in general: "She makes the beauty of tennis. She started it. Now tennis is very popular. People come to watch her. That helps everybody."
comment posted at 1:15 PM on Jul-6-01

No link here. Today I saw for the first time March 2000 referred to as the Bust. With a capital B. And then I started thinking that the web in the last few months feels a little less exciting; fewer things going on, less stuff to talk about. Is it just me? Has anybody seen/read something promising and exciting on the Web or about the Web in the last 6 months or so? Do we really need the promise of riches to take risks and/or to innovate?
comment posted at 3:42 PM on Jul-5-01

Drug Terms the President may not already know. Maybe the Pres is just trying to stay current on the lingo in case he falls off the wagon. via supersquish
comment posted at 3:45 PM on Jul-5-01

Big Brother 2 goes pay. They're tripping on themselves before they even get out of the starting gate. At the Official Site they've recently reported they will charge for live Internet feed access after the first few days. The obsessed and addicted are none too pleased. What do you think? Shrewd business move or greedy reaction by clueless network executives?
comment posted at 1:01 PM on Jul-4-01
comment posted at 4:35 PM on Jul-4-01

Can your own private written journal be considered obscene? A guy in Ohio is given 10 years in prison for writing fictitious tales in a 14-page journal.
comment posted at 1:28 PM on Jul-4-01
comment posted at 1:29 PM on Jul-4-01

America @ 225. We're still working out all the kinks, but the "Gang of 50" keeps on chugging along. The Fourth of July for me is the day where we can extol the virtues of nationalism unabashedly...
comment posted at 11:09 AM on Jul-4-01

"Biggest flame war of all time: Danny Boy - sentimental Irish favorite, or stupid song decried by true Celts everywhere?" A link to a discussion in another forum about how one prevents the banal from driving out the profound in online public-participation forums. (Their conclusion: ruthless and efficient moderation.)
comment posted at 3:46 PM on Jul-3-01

I guess this cube wasn't sufficiently assimilated. . . . and I was just about to break down and buy one to replace my old 300/G3.
comment posted at 1:16 PM on Jul-3-01

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