2584 MetaFilter comments by aaron (displaying 1001 through 1050)

Not embedded in your hand, just your credit card. Your Providian VISA with Smart Chip Technology comes with a smart chip that's embedded on the front of the credit card. Soon, a smart chip will let you store information and applications that make shopping easier and more secure. Anyone here a little leary of this kind of "smart"ness? Thoughts?
comment posted at 12:49 PM on Jul-3-01

Take your million and shove it! I saw a VP from HR Block on GMA this morning PLEADING the guy to respond so they could give him a million bucks.
comment posted at 12:32 PM on Jul-3-01

Jennifer Capriati Beats Serena Williams to Keep Her Grand Slam Dreams Alive If ever there was a game that see-sawed back and forth, it was this one! Williams took the first set and Capriati looked weak. After being down 5 games to 3 (at love - 30!), Capriati miraculously leapt back and took the second set. The third set was even more tense, as Williams took a bathroom break mid-game! Want to see how it went? Here's the log of the match.
comment posted at 12:36 PM on Jul-3-01

the arrogance of wealth from of all places the notoriously faux-american national post.

"Be nice to business and rich people. They pay the bills."

excuse me, but i don't see any millionaires paying my bills.
comment posted at 1:25 PM on Jul-3-01
comment posted at 1:28 PM on Jul-3-01
comment posted at 2:14 PM on Jul-3-01
comment posted at 8:59 PM on Jul-3-01
comment posted at 11:32 AM on Jul-4-01
comment posted at 11:50 AM on Jul-4-01
comment posted at 1:49 PM on Jul-5-01

"The great thing about life is every goddamned thing is funny. . . I'm having a nihilistic baby eating festival, I'm having a nihilistic baby eating festival..." Not old enough to by alcohol? Don't know any dealers? Just go to the store and by some cough medicine, start tripping, record yourself and post the clips on the web.... Here's an msnbc story about dextromethorphan abuse.
comment posted at 11:32 PM on Jul-2-01

Sexy robots. Pathetic teenagers. Bitchy news anchors and talking donkeys. What are your favorite web comics? (links refer to Diesel Sweeties, Hound's Home, and When I Grow Up, respectively.)
comment posted at 10:45 AM on Jul-2-01
comment posted at 10:45 AM on Jul-2-01

"Several months ago I wrote a letter to WisDOT requesting your agency consider recalling the vanity license plate IH8GOP that I noticed on a vehicle in the Columbus area. My reason for requesting the recall of this plate is that the message is obscene to those of us who are members of the Republican Party (GOP) and who subscribe to the conservative principles of the party. I never received a response to my letter..."

Political correctness, Hate Speech, Free Speech and the problem of vanity plates at Wisconsin's Department of Transportation.
comment posted at 12:06 PM on Jul-2-01

Fox News - neither fair nor balanced My problem with them is not that there's a "conservative" news network (the more the merrier), its that they pass themselves off as "fair and balanced" when they aren't.
comment posted at 9:11 PM on Jul-1-01
comment posted at 11:16 AM on Jul-2-01
comment posted at 11:44 AM on Jul-2-01
comment posted at 11:46 AM on Jul-2-01
comment posted at 11:54 AM on Jul-2-01
comment posted at 10:53 PM on Jul-2-01
comment posted at 11:21 PM on Jul-2-01

Monster.com parent buys HotJobs. TMP, the parent company of Monster.com, has acquired HotJobs for $460 million in stock. Although they plan to maintain HotJobs as a "stand-alone brand" the jobs and resume databases will be merged. I'm really skeptical -- virtually everyone I know searched both Monster and HotJobs, and posted resumes on both places, so what are they really getting but duplication? (HotJobs used to have a very distinctive approach -- no headhunters, in short -- but it had backed off of that recently.)
comment posted at 4:51 PM on Jul-1-01

I always thought opening this type of restaurant would be a great idea. Fish and Chips in NYC is pure genius. Ripping off the Underground logo was a bit naughty, but this story certainly raised my eyebrows as to how some public transport systems regard their logos as brands outside of their home market. (more)
comment posted at 8:29 AM on Jun-30-01

CBS dials 911 4 BB2... Arnold Shapiro (who helmed Rescue 911, Scared Straight, & more) has been announced as Executive Producer, in hopes of resusitating what critics pronounced DOA last year despite above satisfactory summer ratings. Some of new developments sound promising. Some don't. (MORE)
comment posted at 11:17 PM on Jun-29-01

Humans Good! Finally...a report on a major TV network that presents (dare I say it?) the truth about progress, technology, and human nature, and eco-terrorists are portrayed in the scathing light of reality.
comment posted at 10:29 PM on Jun-29-01

Pamie packs it in.
comment posted at 4:44 PM on Jun-29-01
comment posted at 8:52 PM on Jun-29-01

Michael Young's critique of the meritocracy is brilliant, subversive and quite possibly based on faulty assumptions. "It is good sense to appoint individual people to jobs on their merit. It is the opposite when those who are judged to have merit of a particular kind harden into a new social class without room in it for others."
comment posted at 3:35 PM on Jun-29-01

Scientist Says Mind Continues After Brain Dies. This articles raises an interesting new theory on how the mind works, suggesting that perhaps a person's consciousness exists independent of the brain, with the brain acting as a sort of receiver of thoughts. Interesting and scary.
comment posted at 9:19 AM on Jun-29-01

A fight for Cobain's final song An unreleased gem, thought to be the last song Kurt Cobain recorded before his death. Now the two surviving members of the band and Cobain's widow, Courtney Love, admit in court records that it does exist. But fans may never get to hear it.
comment posted at 2:14 PM on Jun-29-01
comment posted at 2:27 PM on Jun-29-01
comment posted at 2:28 PM on Jun-29-01
comment posted at 3:47 PM on Jun-29-01
comment posted at 4:18 PM on Jun-29-01

Court rules U.S. broke rights laws The world court has ruled the U.S. ignored the international legal rights of two German-born brothers who were executed for murder. More excecution controversy.
comment posted at 9:02 AM on Jun-29-01

"At some point Yahoo! will shift emphasis towards a billing relationship, that is as good as fact. What they need to decide, however, is whether to lead with a subscription or ISP model."
comment posted at 12:03 PM on Jun-28-01

There are still plenty of idiots in politics. Besides Bush that is.
(Link borrowed from The Morning News)
comment posted at 11:58 AM on Jun-28-01

Baseball is a good game. The nicknames, however, absolutely kill me.
Ridiculous, almost pornographic nicknames like Cannonball Titcomb, Dick Tettleback, Cy Slapnicka, Rusty Kuntz, Pete LaCock and Dizzy Nutter.
Anyone else have any favorite sports nicknames?
comment posted at 12:07 PM on Jun-28-01

Microsoft to stay one company? Appeals say Microsoft to stay a behemoth. I think Clippy is here to stay.
comment posted at 9:27 AM on Jun-28-01

Condit says he broke off close friendship with Levy 2 days before she disappeared; says she became distraught and obsessive. Sorry to revisit the Chandra issue, but it seems that Congressman Condit is becoming guiltier by the day. (Of stupidity, at the very least -- if not something more sinister.)
comment posted at 10:33 AM on Jun-28-01
comment posted at 10:34 AM on Jun-28-01

Good morning, Sir. Welcome to the National Cheese Emporium! Cheesemaking is an ancient art, and one that is proudly defended. Are you a Cheese Connoisseur? Do you have a favorite cheese? Does it fit your personality? More importantly: is your Cheddar Yellow or White?
comment posted at 3:19 PM on Jun-27-01

New Democrats or Old? On one hand you have the New Democrats (Clinton, Gore), who's agendas are more centrist (some would say right leaning) but have had victories (Clinton being elected twice). On the other hand, the more liberal wings seem to say that it's better to stand on principle and convince the populace to come over to your side.
comment posted at 3:29 PM on Jun-27-01
comment posted at 8:53 PM on Jun-27-01

Jim Jeffords: Party of One I got so sad reading reading this article. The "Singing Senators" have disbanded because Lott and Craig want nothing to do with him. His picture was placed in a urinal at a Republican club. His wife and son are pissed. (His son threatened to name his child Reagan Nixon Jeffords.)
comment posted at 3:14 PM on Jun-27-01
comment posted at 9:40 PM on Jun-27-01
comment posted at 9:39 AM on Jun-28-01
comment posted at 11:51 AM on Jun-28-01

Zeldman's seemingly constant problems with Network Solutions continue. It raises two questions for me. 1. Why wouldn't he change the domain and/or name rather cease publication of one of the best independant publications on the web? and 2. How come they haven't overhauled the domain registration system to have other methods for verification? At the company where I work we have over 50 domains and we're constantly having problems with peoples' names who are long since gone being on the registration and not being able to remove them. Hope it works out for him, I couldn't live without my ALA fix.
comment posted at 2:51 PM on Jun-27-01

Your house is set to become a sprawling, and cheap, computer network. Ninety technology companies — including Cisco Systems Inc., Intel Corp. and Motorola Inc. — are part of a group that announced a major breakthrough Tuesday in the years-long push to use power lines to transmit data. As early as October, consumers in Canada and the United States will be able to use any plug in their house to connect computers to each other and to the Web. No extra wiring will be required.
comment posted at 7:03 AM on Jun-27-01

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