1110 MetaFilter comments by gd779 (displaying 1051 through 1100)

"I'm getting fat because I'm eating a lot," said the 12-year-old with a mental age of 8, who conceived four months ago after being raped by her father.
Anyone against abortion?
comment posted at 5:27 PM on Jul-14-01
comment posted at 5:30 PM on Jul-14-01
comment posted at 9:12 PM on Jul-14-01
comment posted at 9:15 PM on Jul-14-01
comment posted at 9:18 PM on Jul-14-01
comment posted at 9:25 PM on Jul-14-01
comment posted at 9:28 PM on Jul-14-01
comment posted at 9:36 PM on Jul-14-01
comment posted at 7:33 AM on Jul-15-01

Campaign Finace Reform May be Stalled for up to a year. Way to go team! USA USA USA.... wait a second. You guys suck. Does it amaze anyone how much our "leaders" suck?
comment posted at 12:26 PM on Jul-12-01
comment posted at 3:07 PM on Jul-12-01
comment posted at 3:25 PM on Jul-12-01
comment posted at 3:27 PM on Jul-12-01
comment posted at 3:40 PM on Jul-12-01
comment posted at 4:37 PM on Jul-12-01
comment posted at 4:38 PM on Jul-12-01

Taiwan's ruling party receives some very controversial assistance. 'The commercial opens with a 10-second clip from a Nazi propaganda film, showing Hitler raising his arms and putting his hands on his chest.'

"Hitler was chosen as one of the four leaders because he dared to speak his own mind,'' Juan said. Among former Taiwanese president, Castro & JFK are featured in the commercial. AP notes that Taiwanese lack a deep understanding of the Holocaust and at the same time are suprised to that Mao Tse-Tung is used as a pop symbol in the West... Is this a case that warrants cultural relativism ?
comment posted at 12:42 PM on Jul-12-01

Metafilter seems to slant liberal and other favoritisms: BushII's been in office for six months. Occurences of "Dubya" come up 538 times in a Google sitesearch of Metafilter. The word, Clinton: 823--despite his several more years in office since Mefi's inception. "Bush"=1580. "Bush" and "idiot" come up about 1/3 that of simple search for "Clinton". 91 times does "Clinton + idiot" come up, some of which seeming to berate Gore. Mr. Nader, ahem. . .about 618 hits! What other lexigraphic mixtures of keywords can you get the skinny on?
comment posted at 6:22 AM on Jul-11-01
comment posted at 8:44 AM on Jul-11-01

"Let's challenge the homosexual movement to play fair on the playing field of democracy." This bit of Newspeak is courtesy of the coalition of religious leaders and so-called "family" groups calling for a Constitutional amendment saying that marriage can only be between a man and a woman. (Of course, this leads one to wonder what laws will be enacted in order to legally separate the men from the, uh, women.)
comment posted at 5:30 AM on Jul-11-01
comment posted at 5:41 AM on Jul-11-01

Exec-worker gap in pay gets wider Executives make 442% more than they did in 1990. Blue collar workers 2.7%. 1/3 of all Americans spent most of the 1990's working for $8 an hour or less.
comment posted at 12:25 PM on Jul-8-01
comment posted at 3:58 PM on Jul-8-01

From 1972 to 1998, the number of American voters claiming to attend church regularly has stayed stable at 37%. The number who say they never attend church at all has risen from 14% to 33%. What affect will this have on American politics?
comment posted at 10:15 AM on Jul-8-01
comment posted at 1:41 PM on Jul-8-01
comment posted at 6:58 PM on Jul-8-01
comment posted at 7:03 PM on Jul-8-01
comment posted at 7:32 PM on Jul-8-01

France's 35-hour work week has boosted the economy and proved a hit with both employees and their bosses. "If the French experiment works then the UK Government may be forced to look at France rather than the U.S. for new ideas about reforming the jobs market." Thanks to AlterNet for the link.
comment posted at 8:53 AM on Jun-30-01
comment posted at 10:23 AM on Jun-30-01

Court rules U.S. broke rights laws The world court has ruled the U.S. ignored the international legal rights of two German-born brothers who were executed for murder. More excecution controversy.
comment posted at 5:03 AM on Jun-29-01

Bush's Surgeon General Advises Common Sense Approach to Sex Ed. Be still my heart - the SG swims against the abstinence currents and addresses sex education with rational and realistic guidelines.
comment posted at 12:21 PM on Jun-28-01
comment posted at 12:24 PM on Jun-28-01
comment posted at 6:42 PM on Jun-28-01

Are U.S Senator Rick Santorum and his 'intelligent design creationism' friends trying to sneak one by us in the Education bill?
comment posted at 3:20 PM on Jun-25-01

Exxon "helped torture in Indonesia." The Aceh uprising brings up the point--how far do we allow multi-nationals to go to "protect their interests"? Would you sanction torture to keep the price of gas and other petroleum products low?
comment posted at 4:29 AM on Jun-23-01

News Flash! Gates loses billions! Yet, he still sits comfortably atop the list of the wealthiest people in the world. Larry Ellison, meanwhile, lost $21 billion, but fell to only #4.

The Billionaire Club now includes 538 members in 46 countries, with an average net worth of $3.2 billion. Is it more disturbing that, for a comparison, the GDP of Afghanistan is a paltry $21 billion (bested by the list's top 5)? Or that the GDP per capita of the U.S. is a relatively microscopic $36,144?
comment posted at 10:30 AM on Jun-22-01

Meanwhile, fair and open elections in Iran lead to reformist win. Khatami seems to be headed for a 75% win in an election where voter turnout was the highest in years. I'll let others ponder the significance of that in comparison to, say, the hideously low turnout in American elections over the past two decades, or the win by Britain's Labour party, which also saw record low voter turnout. I'm sure someone smarter than me will figure out something to say about the idea that Iranians seem to care more about the political process than the big Western Republics do.
comment posted at 6:04 AM on Jun-9-01
comment posted at 4:31 PM on Jun-9-01

Bye-bye Feed. No press release to link to, so I might be jumping the gun a bit, but my sources say everyone at Automatic Media was fired. That includes all of Feed and the production guy for Suck, though it appears Suck will be going on alone. Apparently, the line is is they’re looking for some quick cash to keep going, but I’m afraid I’ve heard that line often with no results. Supposedly they’ll announce it tomorrow, since no one will be around to update the site. Very sad day.
comment posted at 6:09 AM on Jun-8-01

Vouchers are dead. Every once in a while something good happens in Washington... and then we move on to more insanity.
comment posted at 7:18 AM on May-3-01
comment posted at 7:19 AM on May-3-01

Geeks (like me), welcome the new Palm m505 -- all the style of the V series, with an improved color lcd screen and an expansion slot! Yum.
comment posted at 9:33 AM on Mar-19-01

No less tragic than the Santana shootings. I hope this poor girl's tormentors spend the rest of life asking themselves "What would Jesus have done -- and why didn't I?"
comment posted at 11:26 AM on Mar-13-01

New adminstration, same old barbarism. Ariel Sharon's government is urging the Israeli parliament to legalise torture by security servies members on Arab detainees. How will denying the basic human rights of Arabs without even a trial help the peace process?
comment posted at 1:02 PM on Mar-11-01

Heavy Petting - Peter Singer (bioethics professor, animal rights guru, frequently admired or hated Australian philosopher) discusses bestiality, which is probably much more popular than you imagine: "In the 1940s, Kinsey asked twenty thousand Americans about their sexual behavior, and found that 8 percent of males and 3.5 percent of females stated that they had, at some time, had a sexual encounter with an animal. Among men living in rural areas, the figure shot up to 50 percent. "
comment posted at 6:25 AM on Mar-3-01

The Bush voucher plan A British opinion on the Bush education voucher plan. Is it too bold or too timid? We have read pros and cons on vouchers but this tackles the issue from a different slant.
comment posted at 5:21 PM on Jan-30-01

John Ashcroft :Another one of Dubya's "compassionate conservatives"? Confederate lover, or just a good 'ole racist?
comment posted at 9:52 AM on Jan-2-01
comment posted at 9:53 AM on Jan-2-01
comment posted at 9:58 AM on Jan-2-01

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