1535 MetaFilter comments by cCranium (displaying 1101 through 1150)

froschi.blogger.com Pure curiousity?! I'm wondering what significance this new blogger subdomain actually has?
(I'm not the only curious person)
comment posted at 11:19 AM on Sep-17-00
comment posted at 9:13 AM on Sep-19-00

Lars' statement to the Comittee - I don't know how many lawyers co-operated for writting this, but it's the art of writing at its best. It almost convinced me to stop trading .mp3 files. What do you think about Lars' speech?
comment posted at 5:44 PM on Sep-17-00
comment posted at 7:11 PM on Sep-17-00

I have no doubts that people will get exercise from watching this workout video, but somehow, I don't think it's going to be aerobics. Check the reviews, I didn't even know there was a genre like this. This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen at Amazon, anyone seen anything weirder?
comment posted at 1:18 PM on Sep-16-00

Student's computer seized for sharing MP3s. Jack booted thugs anyone? Make no mistake, they're coming for you soon. Do something about it.
comment posted at 5:58 PM on Sep-17-00
comment posted at 7:20 PM on Sep-17-00

Not to extend his 15 minutes of infamy, but, he has a story to tell. Just hear him out.
comment posted at 7:42 AM on Sep-16-00
comment posted at 3:54 PM on Sep-16-00
comment posted at 4:03 PM on Sep-16-00
comment posted at 9:51 AM on Sep-17-00
comment posted at 11:14 AM on Sep-17-00

Would someone please explain to me why anyone would want to play three games based on The Blair Witch Project?
comment posted at 8:42 PM on Sep-16-00

So have you Americans (and others) see it yet? As a cynical aussie and fan of television kitch (eg. I like watching the Eurovison song contest over a pizza every year), I'm interested in people's opinions of the opening ceremony. What images and impressions did you get.
comment posted at 7:20 AM on Sep-16-00

Technical glitches? Bah. Uri did it.
comment posted at 1:20 PM on Sep-16-00

"Hackers amass new zombie army." When headlines go bad, part IX. Courtesy of MSNBC.
comment posted at 2:31 PM on Sep-15-00
comment posted at 5:31 PM on Sep-15-00

Spoilers! Spoilers! See, with the ceremony over, and 10 hours to go before the "official" coverage, NBC are still asking "Who will light the torch?" We know, idiots. Isn't this just a bit silly?
comment posted at 7:59 AM on Sep-15-00
comment posted at 9:35 AM on Sep-15-00

Narcissism at it's worst? People post their pictures and are rated by everyone else. Kind of sick, but I still look at it.
comment posted at 10:43 AM on Sep-15-00

My grocery store tells me my wife's cycle - A few months of shopping after Kroger started its 'Plus' card and they know more about my wife than her children do. Yep, we have been using the Kroger card for a while now, but no more. For the last two months I have received a cupon for tampons only days before my wife needs them. Big Brother is not on TV, he is in the supermarket. Join the boycott at nocards.com.
comment posted at 12:51 PM on Sep-15-00
comment posted at 2:25 PM on Sep-15-00

Gates and Allen setting up thier own (safety) .Net In the past three months, Gates has sold 4.15 million shares valued at about $291.2 million, while Allen has sold 16.26 million shares valued at about $1.2 billion.
comment posted at 7:54 AM on Sep-15-00

A friend of mine has started posting a [true] story on ThemeStream. Interesting reading (if somewhat smutty and violent). Plus, ThemeStream's royalty rate goes down soon, so read them now and help him suck even more VC money :)
comment posted at 4:01 PM on Sep-14-00

This girl is, literally, fighting for her life. Her name is Kaycee, she's 18, and she is desperately fighting cancer. And if everyone could put down their mice, stop typing on their keyboards, close up their browsers, and think one good thought for this girl -- and her family -- maybe, hopefully, it would help.

Halcyon's set up a message board for her. If you're so moved, you know what to do...
comment posted at 12:52 PM on Sep-15-00

Fosters Beer's new site and ad campaign is a ripoff/parody of another certain beer ad campaign. What's with the small country pride? Tired of the Americanization of the world? Or just the (American) corporatization of the globe?
comment posted at 11:19 AM on Sep-14-00

Headcheese?! According to Wired's Infoporn, if you are the unlucky sap who own's an analog Sanyo SCP-4000 the you run the risk frying yoru brain. Perhaps if we all looked to the future for handy solutions, our problems would be solved.
comment posted at 6:12 AM on Sep-14-00

If you could steal* any web design, which one would you take?
When I get around to it, I would like to do something like this, this or maybe this.
*Stealing is defined as taking only the design codes and not any content off of the site without the designer's permission.
comment posted at 6:10 AM on Sep-14-00
comment posted at 11:03 AM on Sep-14-00

FCC: Open up AOL’s messaging "Federal regulators could force America Online Inc. to open its popular instant-messaging service to rivals as a condition of approving its acquisition of Time Warner Inc." I think this is good news for instant messaging, but I'm never really comfortable with the government forcing such things. What do you think?
comment posted at 5:28 PM on Sep-13-00

Make sure all is quiet around you.
Unplug the phone.
Feed the dog with cat so they both will be silent.

These are 8 min 30 during which you will not want to be disturbed.
comment posted at 2:20 PM on Sep-13-00

k10k redesign? Am I missing something here? Zeldman had a short notice that the k10k web site was back and redesigned for functionality. It looks the same to me.
comment posted at 1:35 PM on Sep-12-00

The Washington Post speculates on the future of Canada. More directly, they question whether it has a future. Is Canada doomed to eventually join the United States?
comment posted at 1:10 PM on Sep-12-00
comment posted at 1:39 PM on Sep-12-00

Where Are The Hollywood Conservative? Does a liberal cabal of Hollywood executives destroy the careers of conservative performers? Or, is the conservative philosophy (opposed to change, antiquated morals...) just too boring for artists and performers?
comment posted at 8:56 AM on Sep-12-00
comment posted at 11:13 AM on Sep-12-00
comment posted at 11:33 AM on Sep-12-00

Smashing Pumpkins encourage piracy "The Smashing Pumpkins printed just 25 copies of their new album - but they've asked fans to make MP3s, please. Reportedy they're flipping the bird at their label, Virgin"
comment posted at 11:23 AM on Sep-12-00
comment posted at 5:12 PM on Sep-12-00
comment posted at 3:06 AM on Sep-13-00

Music IS Commerce. Awright. I'm sick of this. It is beyond trendy to lump in Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Backstreet etc. as "non-music" because they're "corporate" and exist to make money.

So? What's the big deal? It's fun music. Why is it there's one generation who refuses to acknowledge what the masses like? Why is it as soon as something reaches critical mass, it is no longer of any "artistic" value?
comment posted at 12:55 PM on Sep-10-00

Greg does it again, in an extremely well-written piece on lawyers slapping geeks with a good ol' Cold Fish of Reality. (thoughts inside)
comment posted at 6:11 AM on Sep-8-00

Episode II photos posted. I can't find a link, but there is a rumor that there is a stolen script for sale as well. Lucas is ready to throw his stormtroopers at anyone who tries to sell it.
comment posted at 5:58 AM on Sep-8-00

Would someone please explain to me why anyone would want to play a computer game based on "The Blair Witch Project"?
comment posted at 4:47 AM on Sep-7-00
comment posted at 5:33 AM on Sep-8-00

E/N Everything / Nothing is a type of blog I've just become aware of, with the running theme buying young guys that blog porn and violence. What do you guys think?
comment posted at 4:18 AM on Sep-7-00

Deepleap reborn Can I be the first to post this? (I never seem to have anything 'new' to add to MeFi!).
From I Love Ben Brown.
It would seem that Ben is picking himself up - this time with a Business Plan too!
comment posted at 10:31 PM on Sep-3-00

Sears presents... the school uniform superstore.
comment posted at 6:32 AM on Sep-5-00

The latest troubles at Trump World Tower just reaffirms what the neighbors have been saying since day one.
comment posted at 8:50 PM on Sep-3-00

Burning Man. Does anyone really care anymore? It always seemed like a bogus 'artsy' version of Spring Break to me. Plus it pisses me off that a bunch of rampaging fools trash a perfectly good desert.
comment posted at 8:25 PM on Sep-3-00

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