1535 MetaFilter comments by cCranium (displaying 1151 through 1200)

While I can see how this is beneficial, it still completely creeps me out. Oh, sure, I'm getting used to the fact that I can buy anything and everything on the Internet now, but the idea that I can go to DiseasedOrgans.Amazon.com and toss a coupla pounds of cancer-ridden spleen into my electronic shopping cart is just a little too much for me...
comment posted at 5:34 AM on Sep-3-00

Gustavus Adolphus must be smiling. The Stockholm Stock Exchange has launched a hostile takeover bid for the London Stock Exchange. My Swedish in-laws must be so proud. Or, um, not...
comment posted at 1:13 PM on Aug-29-00
comment posted at 1:47 PM on Aug-29-00

Jason found a pretty cool javascript/CSS hack so I took a stab creating a bizarro kottke one (bookmark and try it at kottke.org). I think it improves the page :). This might be a killer hack for usability tweaking. If you set your backgrounds dark with light, 28px text for easy reading, few web pages follow that convention. Here's your chance to see things your way. Can anyone think of any other uses for this?
comment posted at 1:01 PM on Aug-29-00

Letter to "Dr." Laura since laura schlessinger can make biblical pronouncements on gays and lesbians, perhaps she can clear these things up as well. [and i refuse to call her doctor seeing as how she doesn't have a medical licence. but that's another discussion...]
comment posted at 1:31 PM on Aug-28-00

This piece on comic genius Jonathan Winters makes me sad.
I would have expected that this master improvisor would have come up with a more creative analysis of the current state of entertainment than trotting out the usual suspects of "freak shows" and "political correctness".

BEGIN RANDOM BLATHERING: Then again, the current media environment must be awful, if the Miss America pageant can't seem to get publicity for its Miss America Instant Celebrity Judge Contest. (One caveat: this is NOT the competition where Big Brother's Jamie won Miss Microsoft State -er, I mean Washington State) And how did the premiere of Battlebots slip below my personal radar? And what IS the All-star Newspaper all about? Can I get Dan Gillmor or Aaron Barnhart trading cards now? And why did I need PRNewswire to find out the old rock band Survivor was suing the TV show of the same name? What's going on around here?!?!? END RANDOM BLATHERING
comment posted at 4:16 AM on Aug-25-00
comment posted at 10:31 AM on Aug-25-00

{{{Spoiler Alert}}} The exercise in broadcast shame has crowned an evil queen.
comment posted at 10:37 AM on Aug-24-00

Schadenfreude is such a wonderful word; too bad English doesn't have any equivalent. If it's scrolled down, look for August 22 with headline G4e still stumbling, competition massing . Critical quote inside.
comment posted at 11:52 AM on Aug-23-00
comment posted at 1:30 PM on Aug-23-00

Texas Scientists achieved 20 minutes of invisibility on 10 mm of skin of a rat. I know this is a great advance in medicine and all that stuff, but what concerns me is this may be also a new generation of spies, terrorists and thieves...or am I just paranoid?
comment posted at 11:31 AM on Aug-23-00
comment posted at 11:53 AM on Aug-23-00

Content Protection at the Hardware Level. Sounds silly, doesn't it? The further you read, though, the scarier it is. What if your speakers refused to play non-watermarked audio? Followup to the Sony VP's speech.
comment posted at 11:38 AM on Aug-23-00

O'Reilly investment in Pyra disclosed by Dave Winer on the FoRK mailing list. Was this a secret?
comment posted at 11:46 AM on Aug-23-00

"Sony is going to take aggressive steps to stop this," Heckler told the Summer Forty-Niner. "We will develop technology that transcends the individual user. We will firewall Napster at source -- we will block it at your cable company, we will block it at your phone company, we will block it at your [Internet-service provider]. We will firewall it at your PC."

Please tell me I'm not the only one who finds this really, really disturbing.
comment posted at 8:40 AM on Aug-23-00
comment posted at 12:31 PM on Aug-23-00
comment posted at 10:35 AM on Aug-24-00

iFeel your pane
Logitech comes out with a mouse that has a sense of touch. Called the iFeel mouse, it has the potential to do some interesting things with games, but does anyone see the use it could potentially have in UI usage? Would it be easier to navigate GUIs if you got a subtle bump when you hit certain clickable spots?
comment posted at 11:48 AM on Aug-23-00
comment posted at 4:32 PM on Aug-24-00

"But officer, I don't even HAVE an Pornograph!" Or, "Why we need some kind of indentification technology when it comes to registering domains."
comment posted at 7:10 AM on Aug-22-00

When Headlines Go... OVERT? (the surrealist headline generator strikes again)
comment posted at 2:20 PM on Aug-19-00

Whitehouse staff jailed for being porn-dogs. I'm glad I live in Canada.
comment posted at 10:50 AM on Aug-17-00
comment posted at 6:10 AM on Aug-18-00
comment posted at 10:21 AM on Aug-18-00

Microsoft has never made a good product , and is therefore a Bad Company, says baylink.
comment posted at 5:32 PM on Aug-15-00
comment posted at 6:54 AM on Aug-16-00
comment posted at 6:58 AM on Aug-16-00
comment posted at 6:08 AM on Aug-18-00

What do you get when you cross the greatest Atari 2600 game ever made with the greatest musical parodist of the 20th Century? Welcome to Weird Al's Great Adventure.
comment posted at 2:19 PM on Aug-15-00
comment posted at 5:10 PM on Aug-15-00
comment posted at 7:30 AM on Aug-16-00
comment posted at 6:49 PM on Aug-16-00

Stoner Architecture, a style that includes both the all foyer house and the "On-Duty-Pizzaman Neutrality Zone." By far the best Onion article I've read in some time.
comment posted at 5:16 PM on Aug-15-00

Napster and convergence again. I suppose, like Lance, I can't get tired of this conversation much, either. I mean, my head might explode as I try to run down all the ramifications and possibilities, but I doubt I'd get tired of trying to work it out. Although, it would probably be better to stop just talking about it and jump out in front and start doing things with those thoughts. But, this isn't a 'damn Napster' point. It's a convergence thought. Will people buy a server and storage medium when they hbuy a house, lke we buy a new fridge today so they can network their lives? What's going to be the new compensation plan for content? How can infomration be guarranteed?
comment posted at 2:35 PM on Aug-15-00
comment posted at 7:27 AM on Aug-16-00
comment posted at 8:57 AM on Aug-16-00

Contentville is selling copies of over 1.5 million college dissertations and theses published since 1871. Contentville claims that authors will be paid royalties if their works are sold, but somehow I don't think they contacted most of those authors for permission to put said works up for sale in the first place.
comment posted at 10:44 AM on Aug-15-00
comment posted at 11:02 AM on Aug-15-00
comment posted at 6:52 PM on Aug-16-00

Attention trial lawyers! Miss out on your chance to get rich off a piece of Big Tobacco? All your buddies already sliced up the potential Firestone pie? Well, have we got a cutting-edge trend for you: Aim for Big Soda! Johns Hopkins claims soft drink companies use caffiene to addict consumers.
comment posted at 7:37 PM on Aug-14-00

YEEEEOUCH!!!!! - "...writhed in pain, teeth bared as he saw all the treasures he had carefully preserved for the big day drop to the polythene bag he was standing on,"
comment posted at 3:34 PM on Aug-14-00

Make windows look like MacOS, OS/2, or some cool custom interfaces. Stolen from memepool.com.
comment posted at 3:45 PM on Aug-14-00

Convergence. Dave Barry does a bang-up job tying together the recent threads about Harry Potter and Stephen King.
comment posted at 4:50 PM on Aug-11-00

Canadian Imperialists Unite! Watch out world, soon you will feel our power. No more Mr. Nice Guy!
comment posted at 2:51 PM on Aug-10-00

Nethack 3.3.1 released today. This wonderfully addictive game has been under development for 15 years. That fact alone is major bonus points. Also, a quote from the d/l page: "This version might work on a 286 machine, but it has not been tested on one." Heh. 'cause they probably can't find one to test on. Well, the consolation prize is that it does run on Atari and Amiga.
comment posted at 6:22 PM on Aug-10-00

Well here's why Ralph is running. Do the other guys have anything this succinct and clear-cut? I can't find on the 'Net any page, nor have I heard in any of their speeches, where Bush or Gore come straight out and state exactly why they're running.
comment posted at 3:53 PM on Aug-8-00

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