2584 MetaFilter comments by aaron (displaying 1151 through 1200)

The Olsen Twins. A magazine. A new tv show. Bestselling videos. Music publishing. Dolls. Six different video games. Did their agent negotiate a good deal with Beelzebub or what? Talking about their show in EW: "We're putting chocolate sauce all over the place and dancing. It's a really cute scene." They're 14. Does Uncle Joey know what's going on?
comment posted at 10:18 PM on Jun-16-01

Daisy Rock Girl Guitars Girly-lookin' electric, acoustic, and bass guitars. I may not be a teeny boppin' little girl. but I want one so badly! Oh my god, they are so cute!
comment posted at 3:17 PM on Jun-15-01
comment posted at 11:52 PM on Jun-15-01
comment posted at 11:53 PM on Jun-15-01
comment posted at 10:12 AM on Jun-16-01
comment posted at 3:33 PM on Jun-18-01

Bush campaign source of debate tape smear attempt. In this campaign follow-up sure to delight all you anti-Bushies--in case Rove's possible insider trading or Bush's disingenuous charm offensive in Europe hasn't sufficed--an ex-Bush campaign aide pleads guilty.
comment posted at 1:34 PM on Jun-15-01

"The members of U2 kindly request that all fans of the group be physically attractive. In order to have a Beautiful Day, we require Beautiful People. Thank you for your understanding." (BTW, it turns out the article is wrong. HBO had nothing to do with it; it was entirely U2's decision.)
comment posted at 9:55 PM on Jun-14-01

ActiveBuddy, Inc. Interactive Agents for Instant Messaging Activebuddies are your automated fact-checking friends, so to speak. All you do is request and recieve information you want right within an instant message window. It's actually quite intuitive. I just spent an hour looking for tickets and playing hangman with Radiohead's activebuddy entitled GooglyMinotaur! Could this be the Gopher of the future?
comment posted at 5:23 PM on Jun-14-01

"Everyone who writes original content online needs to get a day job." John Scalzi argues that this is the most likely way that we're going to see quality online content survive as for-profit ventures like Suck continue to crash down around us. He points to cool stuff a lot of us are already familiar with (Lileks and glenn macdonald's The War Against Silence) and some sites I hadn't heard of until now (Rick McGinnis' The Diary Thing). Scalzi practices what he preaches: he doesn't post every day -- hey, he's a professional writer and keeping his family fed comes first -- but what he does post is choice. (Probable future URL for today's article is here).
comment posted at 1:18 PM on Jun-15-01

Energy woes continue in CA and now it looks like there may be a more serious push to consider price caps. But what if that doesn't happen? I've been thinking about this a lot lately and wondering what we as consumers can do. And I came up with this sort of crazy idea that I can't seem to shake: What if we all just stop paying our electric bills? Is this an appropriate form of protest? Would it be immoral? Would it be possible? And most importantly, would it make a difference?
comment posted at 2:44 PM on Jun-14-01
comment posted at 5:46 PM on Jun-14-01
comment posted at 10:28 PM on Jun-14-01
comment posted at 9:41 PM on Jun-15-01

Senate passes amendment withholding money from schools that deny use of their facilities to the Boy Scouts on the grounds of their exclusion of homosexuals. Says Jesse Helms, sponsor of the amendment to Bush's education bill, this is meant to combat "the organized lesbians and homosexuals in this country of ours." Is this justified in light of the Supreme Court's ruling that the Scouts have the right to exclude whomever they wish, or just flat out anti-homosexual?
comment posted at 8:59 PM on Jun-14-01
comment posted at 10:34 PM on Jun-14-01

storyFUCK launches today. Another fine Web Product from glassdog world domination.
comment posted at 11:40 AM on Jun-1-01

Let the American Boycott of CO2-Denying Corporations Begin Great Op-Ed Piece in the NYTimes by T. Friedman: Using the Market to Defeat Republican's Kyoto Dismissal: Mega-dittos Rush!
comment posted at 6:41 AM on Jun-1-01
comment posted at 6:43 AM on Jun-1-01
comment posted at 7:01 AM on Jun-1-01
comment posted at 7:02 AM on Jun-1-01
comment posted at 10:57 AM on Jun-1-01

Boris Johnson, crying into his beer, describes the moment he first became aware of "Tory feelings".
comment posted at 6:28 AM on Jun-1-01
comment posted at 6:30 AM on Jun-1-01

Creative porno movie titles are a surefire way to grab the buyer's attention. Just check out this list to see what I mean. Anybody know of any that are missing?
comment posted at 2:30 PM on May-31-01
comment posted at 2:55 PM on May-31-01

US drug patients vs. the world in AIDS crisis. Brazil is making generic AIDS medicine based upon existing drugs created (and of course patented) by US drug companies. the catch? they are giving the drugs away FOR FREE. US Drug companies want their money. the UN agreed ,52 in favor and 1 not in favor, for brazil's strategy for dealing with the AIDS crisis. guess who opposed.
comment posted at 2:45 PM on May-31-01
comment posted at 2:47 PM on May-31-01

We're live again. After an eventless trip across the United States, MetaFilter is now happily living again. I was trying to come up with a name for my apartment, now that MetaFilter lives here -- Pyra East? MetaBroadway? I'm not creative right now.
comment posted at 2:03 PM on May-31-01
comment posted at 2:33 PM on May-31-01
comment posted at 9:35 PM on May-31-01

World's Most Likely Person To Get Caught Buying Booze Underage Gets Caught Once More Trying To Buy Booze. Can't she at least get the Secret Service to go to the liquor store?
comment posted at 9:43 PM on May-31-01

Welcome to the United States! The same weekend his film opened (to glowing reviews) in the United States, Iranian film director Jafar Panahi was handcuffed and chained to a bench overnight in the bowels of JFK airport because he lacked the proper visa-- even though he was just changing planes. Despite limited English, he was not given a translator. American law "requires every Iranian to be photographed and fingerprinted upon entering the United States. Once in the country, Iranians are not allowed to travel outside a 25-mile radius of New York without permission." Link via Random Walks
comment posted at 7:43 AM on May-30-01

"Oh sure, but can you use the word in a sentence?" The 47th annual Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee is in full swing, and ESPN2 will broadcast the final round Thursday 7:30 to 9:30 pm ET. Yeah ya hoid me! A sports netwerk's gonna broadcast a spellin' bee! Ya gotta problem wit' dat?
comment posted at 10:35 AM on May-30-01

Is this Andrew Sullivan's ass? This morning, Jim Romenesko made a questionable publishing decision. He ran a link to an article in last Friday's edition of the newspaper LGNY, in which Michelangelo Signorile makes a very serious allegation: That Andrew Sullivan has been advertising for "bareback" sex online (anal sex w/o condoms). Such actions on Sullivan's part would be seen by many as exceedingly hypocritical given his voluminous writings of a moral conservative bent and his "arrogance toward the ghettoized gay scene" (as Signorile puts it), if not downright dangerous given his HIV+ status.

If true, this brings up plenty of ideological and moral issues, which I'm sure will be discussed in this thread. But that's not why I'm bringing it up here. I'm posting because of the vaguely Kayceeish nature of the whole thing. If you look at Signorile's article, you'll see that all the evidence is circumstantial. Several people who Signorile really really trust say they answered the ads and Sullivan was the guy that showed up when they met. The photos in the ads look like what most people expect Sullivan's body to look like (minus his head, of course). Also, Sullivan hasn't responded to anyone's questions about this, and after all, if the accusations were false wouldn't Sullivan be loudly denying them (wink wink)?

Complicating the whole mess is Signorile's own journalistic history - he made his name during the late '80s-early '90s running gossipy columns outing famous people against their will - and that Romenesko decided to publicize this article in the first place, thus ensuring that every single person in the national media is fully aware of the allegations, true or not. Is this actual proof that Sullivan is guilty of barebacking, or is he being Borked (Kayceed?)? Should it have been publicized like this in the first place, since a mention in Romenesko is the best way to start up a classic pack journalism action short of running a front-page story in The New York Times? Will other media outlets jump on this now and sully Sullivan's reputation, whether the allegations are true or not?
comment posted at 2:44 PM on May-29-01
comment posted at 11:15 PM on May-29-01

Prom dresses getting skimpier (NB: New York Times link). I have to believe that Principal Matakovich would have made prom night a quick roundtrip home for any girl who showed up at the San Luis Obispo High School prom dressed in one of these ... (although one hesitates to use Size 2 Spence girls as a firm sign of a trend).
comment posted at 12:19 PM on May-29-01

Supreme Court gives golfer Casey Martin the keys to the cart. Can a private organization be forced to allow something it says is against the spirit of the rules of it's competitions? Will we see Casey play anytime soon? Who else will benefit from this ruling in golf and other sports?
comment posted at 12:27 PM on May-29-01

"He doesn't say please, he doesn't say thank you." Yeah, it's Survivor, British-style. A natural leader with survival experience emerges, gets his tribe organised, and is promptly voted out in the quietest of revolutions. My American girlfriend, who'd watched Colby marshal his people through the Outback season, is visibly gobsmacked. ("I really couldn't do psychology in this country.") Different levels of power distance at work?
comment posted at 10:08 AM on May-22-01

Will he or won't he switch is the question for Vermont Sen. Jeffords. If he does, the Democrats gain control of the Senate. But this Washington Times article seems to be pleading Sen. Jeffords to remain within the GOP. If he is such a stalwart conservative, why the all propaganda from the Times?
comment posted at 5:24 PM on May-21-01
comment posted at 8:48 PM on May-21-01

Hmmm, Big Brother is checking out my motor, and no one seems to care anymore. Pretty soon Big Brother will track my personal movements and know my genetic make up! Well, I'm outta here in four days and who knows what life will be like on this Sceptered Isle by the time I get back? Why doesn't anyone seem to care about this anymore!
comment posted at 4:58 PM on May-21-01

The plot sickens. The last thread on the Kaycee Nicole hoax appears to be throttling MetaFilter, so I'm publishing this link for those who are still playing along at home.
comment posted at 5:38 PM on May-21-01
comment posted at 8:22 PM on May-21-01

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