19236 MetaFilter comments by amberglow (displaying 1201 through 1250)

A New Kind of Bank Run. ...a new financial architecture has emerged that relied more on securities and less on banks as intermediaries. With the worth of [these new] securities now being questioned — and no equivalent of deposit insurance — some who financed the securities want their money out, a fact that has created the 21st-century equivalent of a run on a bank. . It's no wonder these securities are being questioned, when some are based on Ninja mortgages and foreclosures are up 58% from last year.
comment posted at 12:46 PM on Aug-11-07

In August 1781, the case of Brom and Bett vs. Ashley went to the jury. The year before, Mum Bett, a slave in the Ashley house since 1742, was struck by her mistress. Mum Bett left the house and refused to return. Bett had overheard conversations about the new Massachusetts constitution that included the clause, "All men are created equal" and argued that the clause applied to her. When the jury agreed, slavery was effectively abolished in the state of Massachusetts. Mum Bett took the name of Elizabeth Freeman and went to work in the employ of her lawyer. (More inside)
comment posted at 4:11 PM on Aug-10-07
comment posted at 4:16 PM on Aug-10-07

Official transgender blessings -- Kulanu -- the newly-revised manual for LGBT issues and ceremonies put out by the Union for Reform Judaism (1.5 million US Jews are Reform) now includes 2 blessings (written by a Rabbi now male) for those transitioning and who have completed the change, alongside the already existing same sex marriage liturgy and other documents and procedures. A first? (blessings text inside)
comment posted at 10:03 PM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 10:06 PM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 10:35 PM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 10:44 PM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 10:47 PM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 10:54 PM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 10:26 AM on Aug-10-07
comment posted at 10:39 AM on Aug-10-07
comment posted at 4:02 PM on Aug-10-07
comment posted at 4:07 PM on Aug-10-07
comment posted at 4:51 PM on Aug-10-07
comment posted at 4:52 PM on Aug-10-07
comment posted at 9:59 AM on Aug-12-07
comment posted at 12:39 PM on Aug-12-07
comment posted at 2:30 PM on Aug-14-07

Warning: Explicit sexual content. "These firefighters dedicated their lives to save the lives of others. They did not sign on to become unwilling props to a controversial political and social agenda," says Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, representing a group of brave men in uniform who were subjected to "vile sexual taunts" at a San Diego gay pride parade. Via Gawker.
comment posted at 7:49 AM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 8:12 AM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 8:52 AM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 8:54 AM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 9:00 AM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 9:05 AM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 9:07 AM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 9:14 AM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 9:24 AM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 9:31 AM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 9:33 AM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 9:35 AM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 9:39 AM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 9:54 AM on Aug-9-07
comment posted at 5:00 PM on Aug-10-07
comment posted at 5:06 PM on Aug-10-07
comment posted at 5:38 PM on Aug-10-07
comment posted at 11:09 AM on Aug-11-07
comment posted at 2:28 PM on Aug-11-07
comment posted at 2:33 PM on Aug-11-07
comment posted at 4:01 PM on Aug-11-07
comment posted at 4:05 PM on Aug-11-07
comment posted at 8:58 AM on Aug-12-07
comment posted at 9:07 AM on Aug-12-07
comment posted at 9:18 AM on Aug-12-07
comment posted at 9:25 AM on Aug-12-07
comment posted at 11:06 AM on Aug-13-07
comment posted at 3:03 PM on Aug-13-07
comment posted at 8:13 AM on Aug-14-07
comment posted at 8:16 AM on Aug-14-07

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