1535 MetaFilter comments by cCranium (displaying 1201 through 1250)

Science on the cheap! Now this is cool. (more inside)
comment posted at 4:24 PM on Aug-3-00

The flip side of the DejaNews linking fracas. Here's a story about YellowBrix (love that name) who supply a news feed with appropriate words pre-hotlinked to your products. This isn't exactly the same problem as the Deja thing for a couple reasons, but the original newswriters *still* didn't know their words would be linked. It's not as bad... but is it acceptable?
comment posted at 4:38 PM on Aug-3-00

Perhaps Lance was right. No maybe Peter was right. Regardless, the wheels of progress continue to turn, this time it's a p-to-p app that allows the swapping of console video games napster/gnutella-style, with the 17 year-old creator saying this about the possibility of getting shut down: "Sure, it is a concern that they may try to shut us down, despite the fact that we don't permit piracy, but I am confident in the law and believe we will prevail." Riiiiiight.
comment posted at 2:39 AM on Aug-3-00
comment posted at 4:59 PM on Aug-3-00

Man, I love Ontario. Monday afternoon, an amazingly significant court trial ruled that possession of marijuana being criminal is unconstitutional, and that new laws need to be written.
comment posted at 1:20 PM on Aug-2-00
comment posted at 2:44 AM on Aug-3-00

Monster.com , careerpath, hotjobs.com etc, etc... While these sites offer tons of jobs, I wonder if I will actually be able to find work through them. Does anyone have experiences they'd like to share about finding internet jobs through the inernet? How about smaller, more focused sites, especially regional ones?
comment posted at 2:46 AM on Aug-3-00

Rubberburner.com has been making the rounds via email and weblog, as has supergreg.com. They both look a little too "perfect" to be true, don't they? Turns out they're both carefully crafted ad sites, designed to sell us Lee jeans. Will we be seeing more of the Mahir ad model? I wonder how they went about spreading it initially....
comment posted at 8:34 AM on Aug-3-00

The classic woman archetype is an endangered species. This is a continuation of this thread.
comment posted at 2:45 PM on Aug-1-00
comment posted at 6:00 AM on Aug-2-00

Mozilla Savaged By Suck. Yet another high-profile site calling for the open-source quagmire that might be Netscape 6 one day to put up or shut up. No word whether some crank from Mozilla has called Greg Knauss a Microsoft-loving son of a whore yet.
comment posted at 5:38 PM on Jul-31-00
comment posted at 7:39 AM on Aug-1-00
comment posted at 3:01 PM on Aug-1-00
comment posted at 6:55 AM on Aug-2-00

Mister Lance adds a bunch more words into the Napster debate. "Napster bad," he says, for the most part. But the opinions are thought-out and justified.
comment posted at 7:47 AM on Aug-1-00

I still haven't gotten my PIN number in the mail from ICANN. Has this happened to anyone else? How am I supposed to put The Head Lemur into office?
comment posted at 6:16 AM on Jul-28-00

Wow, get a life.
comment posted at 6:21 AM on Jul-28-00

Boycott the RIAA.
comment posted at 7:26 AM on Jul-28-00
comment posted at 11:39 AM on Jul-28-00

I am speechless. I can't imagine the time and effort it took to create this. Unless of course there is some program out there that will do it for you. If there is, then it is just "kewl."
comment posted at 6:30 AM on Jul-27-00
comment posted at 6:56 AM on Jul-27-00

Napster may be down, but pandora's out of the box, baby. Get OpenNap as soon as you can (if anyone finds a link to OpenNap, by all means post the URL)
comment posted at 10:38 AM on Jul-27-00
comment posted at 7:48 AM on Jul-28-00

Shut it down! Napster ordered to shut down immediately. Backlash anyone?
comment posted at 8:00 AM on Jul-28-00
comment posted at 11:49 AM on Jul-28-00

A new feature from Deja.com "will automatically link mentions of product names in discussion threads to a commerce area on its site." Is it really useful, as Deja claims, or does it imply endorsements for the linked products by the authors of the posts?
comment posted at 11:58 AM on Jul-28-00

Farewell, Thomas Crapper, we hardly knew ye - Turns out the Chinese invented the toilet too! Next thing we'll find out they invented spaghetti, or toilet paper, or whatever.
comment posted at 1:18 PM on Jul-26-00

Kuro5hin.org has been silenced, because of a massive DDOS/Spam attack. For those of you that did not know the site, "K5" was a techy discussion forum, much like Slashdot, but with an open submission queue, meaning that everybody could decide on what topics showed up on the first page. Which was ultimately one of the means used to bring it down. Censorship by IP flooding? cyber-vandalism? doesn't matter; a nice, interesting community site has been forced off the Net...
comment posted at 12:24 PM on Jul-26-00
comment posted at 6:52 AM on Jul-27-00

Say you want a revolution? Well you know, we all want to change the world..
comment posted at 1:59 PM on Jul-25-00

Potential Spoiler Warning: If you're the sort who believes discussing a film before seeing it spoils it, please do not participate in this thread. Seen it yet? What'd ya think? Haven't seen it? Why or why not? I almost wasn't. till I heard Singer spoke with Stan Lee about what inspired X-Men and what makes it really tick. I'll see it tomorrow. Willing to give the benefit of the doubt.
comment posted at 6:52 AM on Jul-24-00
comment posted at 6:19 AM on Jul-25-00
comment posted at 2:18 PM on Jul-25-00

"Tim Starback of Émigré, said when I asked him what they would like me to do, that he wanted me to go to jail and lose all my money and computer."  Four companies are currently trying to have a graphic artist sent to jail for hosting a graphics community site using Hotline. Apparently he allowed users to "store backup files" of proprietary software online. I know, I'm tempted to "ahem" over that description too, but reading the guys story leads me to believe this is more of a naive David vs. four vindictive, publicity-seeking Goliaths. What do you think?
comment posted at 10:20 AM on Jul-21-00

Webzine 2000: Must or Bust? Anyone here planning to go? Why? Why not?
comment posted at 2:24 PM on Jul-20-00

Imminent Death of Internet Predicted! Napster killed the Internet star, says record exec Edgar Bronfman Jr. "Let me tell you what else is in trouble here: the Internet. In the end, the Internet itself will not be able to survive if it becomes a haven for illegal activity. Copyrights must be protected online."
comment posted at 6:16 PM on Jul-19-00
comment posted at 6:14 AM on Jul-20-00

Yet another outlook vulnerability. This one's significantly nastier than the previous ones, because it can attack and run programs on your computer as you download the email from your server
More >>
comment posted at 3:22 PM on Jul-19-00
comment posted at 6:18 PM on Jul-19-00
comment posted at 6:20 PM on Jul-19-00
comment posted at 10:28 AM on Jul-21-00
comment posted at 2:45 PM on Jul-21-00

No sense of humor. Advertisers are saying women don't "get" funny ads.
comment posted at 3:23 PM on Jul-19-00

The fact that this article isn't condemning of this is amazing. Being from Long Island, I can say that less than 1/2 hour from this house are, basically, slums. Areas of very great poverty.
comment posted at 11:09 AM on Jul-18-00
comment posted at 1:04 PM on Jul-19-00

A birth control pill for men. I wonder if it will be available over the counter, or if annual prostate exams will be required before getting a prescription from a doctor.
comment posted at 1:52 PM on Jul-17-00

Oh great another "weblogs are stupid and they all suck" article came out, but what I really want to know is: why does the other article running this week at ALA acknowledge that "99% of everything is crap," but the weblog article doesn't? Comparing the cruft at the bottom of weblogs with the 1% best of writers (Ginsberg and Kerouac) seems unfair and pointless. And where are the solutions? Tell everyone to stop? Tell them to write better? What's so hard about ignoring the sites you don't like instead (I do that with most advertising)?
comment posted at 2:41 PM on Jul-14-00
comment posted at 2:43 PM on Jul-14-00
comment posted at 8:20 AM on Jul-15-00
comment posted at 2:47 PM on Jul-17-00

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