2584 MetaFilter comments by aaron (displaying 1201 through 1250)

The plot sickens. The last thread on the Kaycee Nicole hoax appears to be throttling MetaFilter, so I'm publishing this link for those who are still playing along at home.
comment posted at 5:38 PM on May-21-01
comment posted at 8:22 PM on May-21-01

dack kills his blog
". I want to spend more time making short films, playing golf, and reading books. But what I really want to do is make computers, and specifically the Web, a much smaller part of my life."
I guess there's no enjoyment left in poking fun at dot.com vanity in this day and age...
comment posted at 9:49 AM on May-21-01

How long's it been since we had a Limbaugh link? He's preaching to the other church's choir as he's stating "50" of the needless to say "things" "environmental wackos" can do to save the Earth. Are the conservatives losing their punch?
comment posted at 7:12 AM on May-21-01
comment posted at 7:14 AM on May-21-01
comment posted at 9:09 AM on May-21-01
comment posted at 5:07 PM on May-21-01
comment posted at 9:05 PM on May-21-01

The Republican Administration is ready to back out of the verification and enforcement protocol for the Biological Weapons Convention , only their latest move after abandoning talks with North Korea on ending their nuclear and missile programs, slashing assistance to Russia for dismantling their nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons infrastructure in the new budget, going ahead with plans to unilaterally abrogate the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty that underlies nuclear arms control, and preparing to place weapons in outer space. It's not a secret that the Administration is leaning toward tearing down the entire edifice of strategic arms control and nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction, but you would think there would be more of an outcry that the Republicans seem hell-bent on making the world a noticeably less safe place as quickly as possible... especially taking into account the other foreign policy faux-pas they've committed in the past four months.
comment posted at 6:52 AM on May-21-01

People are stupid. No, wait, stop, what I meant to say is, The Prayer of Jabez is the best-selling book in the US! [NYT link] (Europeans, don't laugh, it'll happen to you too.) You can buy mugs, plaques, t-shirts. I think Reverend Ike would approve. But do people actually believe in it?
comment posted at 3:19 PM on May-20-01

And so it ends. Kaycee's blog falls somewhere in the "truth based fiction" range. "because i care about people, i was taken in. call me a fool, call me gullible." - BWG
comment posted at 12:34 PM on May-20-01
comment posted at 12:39 PM on May-20-01
comment posted at 1:03 PM on May-20-01
comment posted at 3:04 PM on May-20-01
comment posted at 9:32 PM on May-20-01
comment posted at 9:47 PM on May-20-01
comment posted at 10:23 PM on May-20-01
comment posted at 10:59 PM on May-20-01
comment posted at 11:13 PM on May-20-01
comment posted at 11:27 PM on May-20-01
comment posted at 11:41 PM on May-20-01
comment posted at 11:44 PM on May-20-01
comment posted at 11:54 PM on May-20-01
comment posted at 6:34 AM on May-21-01
comment posted at 7:24 AM on May-21-01
comment posted at 7:30 AM on May-21-01
comment posted at 9:31 AM on May-21-01

No link here, sorry. I was thinking today of experiences that give me or have given me chills up my spine. When I was young, the national anthem did it for me. What gives it to you?
comment posted at 11:23 AM on May-20-01
comment posted at 11:29 AM on May-20-01

Tomorrow night - Sopranos Finale - Will Jackie Jr. get a pass? Will Paulie or Christopher get whacked? Where the Hell did that Russian go? Will we ever see Gloria again? I don't often get wrapped up in a TV series, but damn, I am hooked into this one.
comment posted at 12:33 AM on May-20-01

Is it possible that Kaycee did not exist? This is a really delicate thing here. Please be really thoughtful about this. I promise I am not trying to stir the shit without cause. There are some people who are wondering whether Kaycee was a real 19-year-old leukemia patient, and whether things actually occurred the way they've been reported online. More inside, friends.
comment posted at 11:15 PM on May-18-01
comment posted at 11:21 PM on May-18-01
comment posted at 3:29 PM on May-19-01
comment posted at 4:37 PM on May-19-01
comment posted at 4:58 PM on May-19-01
comment posted at 5:04 PM on May-19-01
comment posted at 10:43 PM on May-19-01
comment posted at 10:54 PM on May-19-01
comment posted at 11:22 PM on May-19-01
comment posted at 11:49 PM on May-19-01
comment posted at 11:54 PM on May-19-01
comment posted at 12:00 PM on May-20-01
comment posted at 12:05 PM on May-20-01
comment posted at 12:15 PM on May-20-01

I know what you've been thinking: "Yeah, Iron Chef is okay and all, but wouldn't it be a whole lot better with Captain Kirk presiding over it?" Fear no more, The mighty UPN is going to give you your wish.
comment posted at 10:09 PM on May-18-01

Station Wagons? All this talk about SUVs made me feeling a bit nostalgic for the ol' Custom Cruiser. Little did I know I would encounter some Kung Fu Fury.
comment posted at 3:10 PM on May-18-01

8 people trapped in a cave have been reached by rescuers. Against advice, they went spelunking during bad weather and got trapped by rising water. After two days they're safe, but they're weak, hungry and dehydrated. Our heros weren't able to find anything to drink in the middle of a flood. (I bet they'd also need to be rescued from an escalator during a power failure.)
comment posted at 2:07 PM on May-18-01

The Flip Side of Radical Environmentalism Embracing extremely dangerous forms of "protest" such as tree spiking and holding attitudes like "Property is not human, it is not violent to destroy property." as a justification for arson, self-proclaimed eco-terrorists such as the Earth Liberation Front act with blatant disregard to the rights of anyone who disagrees with their radical agenda. Like the anti-SUV stickerflingers and the kids who get out of control at WTO protests, why can't these folks understand that their unreasonable actions dilute their message to the point of meaninglessness?
comment posted at 2:03 PM on May-18-01
comment posted at 2:49 PM on May-18-01

The U.S. Should buy Greenland I often wonder why politicians and bureaucrats don't act on the ideas of columnists. Maybe because it would be, in the words of Sir Humphrey Appleby, "courageous" of them to do so.
comment posted at 6:03 AM on May-18-01

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