1630 MetaFilter comments by baylink (displaying 1251 through 1300)

Gilligan must die. I always thought it would end like this.
comment posted at 12:33 PM on Jun-3-00

Lions and spaceships and talking trees, oh my! For those of us who sneer at MDMA, a more expansive list of chemicals. Am I the only one here who admits to using some of this stuff?
comment posted at 12:35 PM on Jun-3-00

Canada urging Microsoft to move north It's pretty obvious to everyone that the US government does not believe that Microsoft should be allowed to continue operating within their borders. No problem. We'll take em, as would most other countries. I for one, would love to see Microsoft leave the US. Wouldn't you?
comment posted at 12:53 PM on Jun-2-00

Didn't I see this in True Lies? Life imitates art.
comment posted at 7:58 PM on Jun-1-00
comment posted at 7:58 PM on Jun-1-00
comment posted at 1:08 PM on Jun-2-00

Am I the only one that finds this incredibly creepy? With the recent advents of such wonderful shows as "Who Wants To Marry a Millionaire," and other such beauties, what is primetime TV coming to??
comment posted at 8:51 AM on Jun-1-00

Hmmm... perhaps I've been wrong. It would appear that the federal courts *have* been being strict about the 'militia' interpretation of the Second Amendment. That may change, however, thanks to a Federal Appeals Court judge from, no surprise, Texas.
comment posted at 5:37 PM on May-31-00
comment posted at 9:16 AM on Jun-1-00

are webloggers male or female? i'm doing a poll to try and discover the gender distribution of webloggers. someone recently asked this of me, and i had no idea if anyone had gathered that info.
comment posted at 9:40 AM on Jun-1-00

Stupid new marketing word of the day: "Advertorial" (spotted on this NY Times page). Here's a screenshot - what exactly are they trying to say? Do their advertisements now contain editorial copy that should help shoppers make a more informed decision, or are they just trying to fool us into thinking these advertisements have more credibility because they are "editorialized"? (disclaimer: I hate marketing BS)
comment posted at 3:31 PM on May-31-00
comment posted at 9:42 AM on Jun-1-00

I'm giving $30 to some Metafilter user. I'm stealing this idea from the Shiny Thing giveaway that usr/bin/girl held a while back. I liked her contest, but I would have liked it more if we got to see everything people asked for. So here goes.
I will buy one lucky Metafilter user something off of the Web of a $30 value or less (I will pay shipping and taxes).
To enter: add a comment to this post. The comment must link to the thing you want and provides a bit of contextualizing commentary. (I'd prefer it if the link pointed to something that has at least a semi-permanent home on the Web, no eBay please.) I will choose and announce a winner within (roughly) the next forty-eight hours.
This winner will be chosen based on a single criteria -- "coolness." Whatever item I find the most "cool" wins. I make no claim that my definition of what's "cool" will match any commonly socially-accepted definitions (or your own personal definition, for that matter). Decision of judge is final.
I set the bar here: in order to win, your item must be at least as cool as this; otherwise I will declare myself the winner.
Have fun. Play fair.
comment posted at 4:20 PM on May-31-00

Final meal requests . Is the Texas Department of Criminal Justice a bit sadistic or what?
comment posted at 5:30 PM on May-31-00

THAT'S a speeding ticket... Scientists push light up to 300 times the SPEED OF LIGHT. I just got a floaty-glowy feeling. Some interesting interesting stuff is happening in our world. My favorite quote from the article: "That is so fast that, under these peculiar circumstances, the main part of the pulse exits the far side of the chamber even before it enters at the near side. " [Note: link is for NYT, free registration req'd]
comment posted at 11:57 AM on May-30-00
comment posted at 3:49 PM on May-30-00

This information was supposed to be private, wasn't it?
comment posted at 6:53 AM on May-30-00

Car-free Cities
Would you like to live in a city where everything you need is within a five-minute walk? Where you can get from one side of a city of a million people to the other in less than thirty minutes? Where the air is clean, people are healthy, children and the elderly aren't dependent on others to get where they want to go, and life is beautiful? You can have it all--just ban cars.
comment posted at 7:04 AM on May-30-00

Look! I got banned. And all for spite. I thought it'd be nice and irritating to download his stuff after he started a dispute. I did the same with Metallica. After hearing their music, I'm surprised they have the balls to defend such crap. It's like kicking a garbage can full of screaming monkeys down the stairs.
comment posted at 7:07 AM on May-30-00

What's a reasonable amount of time, for you, to expect someone to reply to an email?
[More inside...]
comment posted at 10:02 AM on May-29-00
comment posted at 3:21 PM on May-29-00
comment posted at 7:17 AM on May-30-00

THE ROBINSON REPORT: "A Complete Report to the Citizens of the Commonwealth on the Personal Background of a Candidate for the United States Senate" -- written by the candidate, in the spirit of full discolsure. [more inside]
comment posted at 10:49 AM on May-29-00

The open bookmark project Hi: I have started a pitas site covering bookmarks. The goal of this project is to receive the bookmark and favorites files from people around the world and learn what sites he/she bookmarked and how they organized them.
comment posted at 10:50 AM on May-29-00

Hey, kids! Be the first one on your block to own one of these! Your very own fully-automatic gatling BB-gun!
comment posted at 10:53 AM on May-29-00

The Spyware Infested Software List. All programs on this list surreptitiously report back to a server telling either what you've been doing or what is on your computer. It's quite a list. I don't understand why Navigator isn't on there, though. Navigator's "What's Related" feature does exactly the same thing.
comment posted at 10:56 AM on May-29-00

So, is it illegal to buy underwear from teenagers?
[ Courtesy of Beth's Bad Hair Days, to whom I owe a link for pointing out The Breast Chronicles to me. ]
comment posted at 9:56 AM on May-28-00
comment posted at 10:58 AM on May-29-00

Next time you get a blue screen, think to yourself: "It could be worse."
comment posted at 9:04 AM on May-27-00
comment posted at 4:33 PM on May-27-00
comment posted at 9:58 AM on May-28-00

Another victim falls to the tyranny of Mattel. What's really strange about this is that, to my knowledge, Barbie is a name. If someone names their kid Barbie, will they too receive a C&D from Mattel? Hmm...

Well, if you want to read the C&D its here.
comment posted at 10:05 AM on May-28-00

"Open the pod bay doors, HAL."
"Yes, Sir!"
comment posted at 8:38 PM on May-27-00

Teacher shot and killed by student in Florida. Details are still sketchy, but he was a student of the middle school. A truly sad event.
comment posted at 8:42 PM on May-27-00
comment posted at 10:27 AM on May-28-00
comment posted at 11:07 AM on May-29-00

Internet Explorer too hard for you? Confused by all the choices in Netscape? Like AOL? Maybe this this browser is more your speed.
comment posted at 9:59 AM on May-27-00

Is nudity art? Or is this USF student just a flake?
comment posted at 12:36 PM on May-25-00
comment posted at 3:08 PM on May-25-00

The boo.com team is now available for hire. If anyone wants to blow through another US$120M, you can now hire the boo.com web team at postboo.com. Oh yeah, Flash 4 required.
comment posted at 8:48 PM on May-27-00

"Would you like a bag of cold, dead fingers to go with that?" (Who says pro-gun people don't have a sense of humor...? :-)
comment posted at 6:30 AM on May-25-00
comment posted at 12:45 PM on May-25-00

So I stumbled upon this Britney Spears Auction at Yahoo (yeah, right, just like I stumble upon episodes of Dawson's Creek or 90210 - I swear I was just flipping channels!) and there's two notable things up for sale. This action figure/doll scares the bejesus out of me, there's something just plain wrong about a doll sporting a bare midriff, pigtails, and a short skirt (and did ya notice that she dots her "i" with heart? ugh.). Then this outfit from the Saturday Night Live episode is kinda creepy too, what on earth would someone do with her outfit? Put it up on the wall or let people rent it out for halloween?
comment posted at 5:22 PM on May-24-00

First BlogBowl Get-Together In the interest of putting more names to faces, David Wertheimer, Brigitte Eaton, and I have quickly organized a bowling get-together for people in or near New York. If you want to see Cam in his bowling shirt, you gotta RSVP and come on by tomorrow night for some drinks and good, old-fashioned bowling fun.
comment posted at 5:23 PM on May-24-00

Discussion: I'm a blogger, he's a blogger, she's a blogger...
[ more inside... ]
comment posted at 3:27 PM on May-23-00
comment posted at 5:38 PM on May-24-00

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