1846 MetaFilter comments by Krrrlson (displaying 1351 through 1400)

I'm a Democrat for Bush.
Sarah Baxter is a life-long Labour voter in Britain and a registered Democrat in the United States. So how come she wants George W Bush to remain president?
comment posted at 6:26 PM on Oct-18-04
comment posted at 7:03 PM on Oct-18-04
comment posted at 6:03 PM on Oct-19-04

Bin Laden is in China -- During the home stretch of the Northamerican elections, Osama bin Laden could prove to be the ace in the sleeve of president Bush. As we speak, Washington is negotiating a highly secretive agreement with Beijing, the Chinese capital, for the eviction of bin Laden from his sanctuary in the turbulent Muslim provinces of China, in the Northwest of the Great Wall nation.
comment posted at 11:22 AM on Oct-16-04
comment posted at 12:42 PM on Oct-16-04

Are you filthy rich? Do you like going places? "Consider a lifetime AAirpass membership – for you or as a holiday gift for someone special." It's only - place pinky to pursed lips - three million dollars. Quantities are limited, so act now. Buy two and get a million off.
comment posted at 4:27 PM on Oct-14-04

The increasingly spotty record of the GOP's involvement with voter registration companies. This is a follow-up to Tueday's Nevada thread. If you registered to vote for the first time this year as anything but a Republican you should probably check to see if your registration was properly filed... you know, just to be on the safe side.
comment posted at 3:19 PM on Oct-14-04

Counter-Strike technical support. What can I say, I thought it was funny. [Wave. WARNING: it fades out, do not turn your volume up]
comment posted at 12:04 PM on Oct-13-04

Hans Blix speaks. (RealPlayer) Hans Blix gave a recent interview with BBC Radio 4 in which he indicates that UN weapons inspectors were on the verge of private interviews with witnesses to the destruction of Iraq's WMD stockpiles shortly before the Bush administration forced inspectors to leave.
"I think that it would have been desireable for us to have more time. . . I think that the Iraqis were actually beginning to try to do cooperation of substance, and they were almost frantic to do so. . ." In his report to the UN on March 7th, 2003 Blix said UN inspectors were on the verge of inspecting a site where much of Iraq's WMDs were disposed and that "The investigation of the destruction site could, in the best case, allow the determination of the number of bombs destroyed at that site." Did the Bush administration "rush to war" in order to prevent the fatal undermining of their justification for war?
comment posted at 12:07 AM on Oct-13-04

The Seven Warning Signs of Bogus Science. Scientific fraud is everywhere. It is in the government, the courts, the corporations, the universities and other schools, and in public forums, and is often widely publicized as fact. Often, the public embraces it as "better" than the truth, believing what they want to believe rather than what can be proven. So here are seven warning signs that what is advanced as scientific fact may instead be bogus. But can you apply them to the huge number of "facts" you're bombarded with each day?
comment posted at 3:07 PM on Oct-11-04
comment posted at 3:35 PM on Oct-11-04

Today is National Coming Out Day which aims to raise awareness of the kinda screwed up laws we have about having The Gay™ in America. Did you know that in 36 out of our 50 states, if you tell your boss you're gay and you get fired over it, it's totally legal? One person has proposed that this day also be Gay for Pay Day, to protest the payment of income taxes to a government that doesn't protect their right to be and is actively trying to forbid their own marriages.
comment posted at 3:09 PM on Oct-11-04

hey superman, where did you go, now that the lights have gone low...
comment posted at 9:57 AM on Oct-11-04

The Afghans vote for Karzai.
All 15 of President Hamid Karzai's rivals said they were withdrawing from the election because systems to prevent illegal multiple voting had gone awry. The move effectively left Karzai as the only candidate in the fray.
comment posted at 8:24 AM on Oct-9-04
comment posted at 9:29 AM on Oct-9-04
comment posted at 12:29 PM on Oct-9-04
comment posted at 4:48 PM on Oct-9-04
comment posted at 7:14 PM on Oct-9-04
comment posted at 7:59 PM on Oct-9-04
comment posted at 10:02 PM on Oct-9-04
comment posted at 11:45 AM on Oct-11-04
comment posted at 1:35 PM on Oct-11-04

Friday Flash Frustration Fun: IQ Marathon (with cows) - The instructions are in German, but figuring it out is half the fun, right?
comment posted at 12:01 PM on Oct-8-04

Terrorists strike tourists in Egypt...again. At least 30 people have been killed, 114 injured today when a truck bomb blew up the Hilton hotel in Taba, Egypt, a resort town in the Sinai. A concurrent explosion occurred nearby in Nuweiba, Egypt, and early casualty reports there are 4 dead, 40 wounded. The apparent target? The many Israeli families who were vacationing in the area, celebrating Simchas Torah. The less-apparent target? The $4 billion/year 7 million people/year Egyptian tourism industry, a crucial part of that country's economy. While this is not the first time that tourists from Israel have been singled out worldwide, it's also part of a decade-long pattern of mass-casualty terrorist attacks against tourists from multiple countries within Egypt. Keeping in mind that one of the most devastating economic after-effects of 9/11 was the blow it dealt to air travel and tourism worldwide, not to mention close calls and tragic events at famed tourist destinations, is tourism-terrorism going to become the wave of the future?
comment posted at 7:57 PM on Oct-7-04

No need to actually vote, folks: the Election result has already been written by the AP: At this hour, President Bush has won re-election as president by a 47 percent to 43 percent margin in the popular vote nationwide. Ralph Nader has 1 percent of the vote nationwide. That's with 51 percent of the precincts reporting. (they say it's a test article, but who ever heard of an election results article being pre-written?)
comment posted at 5:16 PM on Oct-7-04
comment posted at 5:34 PM on Oct-7-04
comment posted at 5:46 PM on Oct-7-04

Is John Kerry Mentally ILL?
"To put our concerns to rest, we send an anonymous profile of John Kerry to a panel of leading Psychologists and Psychiatrists, both Democrat and Republican, Left and Right, without letting them know they were evaluating a Presidential candidate. The results will SHOCK YOU, regardless of your political beliefs, just like it shocked us."
comment posted at 12:50 PM on Oct-7-04
comment posted at 6:23 PM on Oct-7-04

More than rhetoric... As the campaign gets more divisive and time grows short incidents of violence are breaking out more and more often. Shots have been fired on more than one occasion, swastikas burned, intimidation and just plain kicking. Hopefully it gets better from here, but somehow I don't think so.
comment posted at 10:21 AM on Oct-7-04

What Barry Says. (mirror of the quicktime video) Though it may stray towards the tinfoil hat in places, you can't dispute that a small group of neocons really is actually trying to reform the world in their vision. But are they doing it merely for profit on the part of their closely related weapons companies? Even if you don't agree with its provacative message, it's a damn fine looking piece of type, design, and film all rolled into one 2 minute short [via randomfoo].
comment posted at 10:49 AM on Oct-7-04

This is heartbreaking. My miserable life. Self explanatory. (from the non-blue)
comment posted at 7:36 PM on Oct-6-04
comment posted at 7:43 PM on Oct-6-04

Obligatory post-debate thread. Who do you think won? Why? Do the VP debates matter?
comment posted at 8:11 PM on Oct-5-04

Coward-in-Chief. George Bush has announced that he will give a major national speech on Wednesday, in which he will respond to John Kerry's criticisms of the president. This appears to be the first time any president has tried to hold a major televised speech during the election season for such a purpose. During his term in office, Mr. Bush has given the fewest press conferences of any president in the televised era. John Kerry had previously offered Bush weekly debates... and George Bush refused. Is it fair to say that he'd rather use his power of office to dictate to us instead?
comment posted at 4:32 PM on Oct-5-04

I am learn is a weblog written by a Perl script and – get this – its managed to create quite … a lucid weblog. Yes. A weblog. By a Perl script. The author says "I wrote a ridiculous Perl program to generate text. Thing is, it developed some bugs, and has managed to create phrases and combinations of words (which actually make sense) that I didn’t even program in. I hooked it up to the Blogger API, and now it updates its own weblog with no editing on my part (I just give it a bunch of topics to talk about)."[via Kevin Francis]
comment posted at 12:32 AM on Oct-5-04

Turkey Rhubarb in the Low Countries. Since there's nothing interesting going on here in the US right now, let's enjoy a moment of EU fun. (y2-length post inside).
comment posted at 4:39 PM on Oct-3-04

Q: Is George Bush being quietly coached while he's speaking in public? There's a weird moment during the debate (one of many) when George Bush says "let me finish" but wasn't being interrrupted. Indymedia has a post on it too, including an mp3 of the moment. So, is Bush being coached, even during the debates, and more to the point, how did he lose when he was being fed what to say?
comment posted at 11:09 AM on Oct-2-04
comment posted at 4:17 PM on Oct-2-04

Blog catches FoxNews.com in mocking fabrication Are you surprised it was in a story quoting Senator Kerry? (A sequential account. Scroll upward to follow developments.)
comment posted at 9:51 PM on Oct-1-04
comment posted at 6:41 PM on Oct-2-04

Canada's participation in the U.S. missile defence program will not be voted on by Canadians. The Liberal government believes George W. Bush will win the US election and "given the potential for negative consequences" wants to do whatever it takes to make him happy. 7 out of 10 Canadians oppose participation in the program.
comment posted at 2:36 PM on Oct-1-04
comment posted at 11:36 AM on Oct-2-04

This November help get an Electric-American elected into the White House. Vote Robocratic!
comment posted at 9:20 AM on Sep-30-04

How To Cost Microsoft Money. Microsoft has a form on their website that you can fill out to get a copy of Windows XP SP2 on CD at no charge (with free shipping by Purolator). I ordered one. Then, at the Order Confirmation screen, I clicked Back, then Refresh, then Retry (since the form had to be posted again). I did this 149 times......
comment posted at 9:44 PM on Sep-28-04

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