974 MetaFilter comments by JekPorkins (displaying 101 through 150)

To celebrate Tom Cruise's wedding, ABC News reprints the 1992 Ted Koppel interview with Cruise's best man, and spiritual leader, Religious Technology Center chairman David Miscavige. It was his first and last significant interview, and you can see why.
comment posted at 8:13 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 9:33 PM on Nov-18-06

This Israeli process could turn the gigantic oil shale deposits of the US into the largest energy production in the world, outstripping the Middle East's role and dramatically altering the world economy to be even MORE US-centric.
comment posted at 8:28 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 9:06 PM on Nov-18-06

Bagger 288 eats bulldozers. The largest land vehicle in the world (yes, bigger than the NASA crawler-transporter, with its storied history) looks like it escaped from a post apocalyptic thriller, featuring an excavating blade 22 meters in diameter. The world's biggest vehicle overall, meanwhile, is delivering Christmas presents, which seems less macho than strip mining 76,000 cubic meters of coal a day.
comment posted at 5:38 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 7:34 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 8:25 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 9:08 PM on Nov-18-06

A concession e-mail to returning House Rep Satveer Chaudhary from loser Rae Hart Anderson. [via]
comment posted at 8:35 AM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 4:26 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 4:46 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 5:04 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 5:06 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 5:10 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 5:23 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 5:31 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 5:48 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 5:59 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 6:11 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 6:26 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 6:35 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 6:50 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 9:28 PM on Nov-18-06

Jamiel Terry, the gay son of charismatic anti-gay activist and Operation Rescue founder Randall Terry, wrote an article for Out magazine about growing up in a fundamentalist household. Randall Terry responded to his son's article. Interviews with Randall and Jamiel about the exchange.
comment posted at 4:14 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 5:12 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 6:32 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 7:30 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 11:21 PM on Nov-18-06
comment posted at 8:44 PM on Nov-19-06
comment posted at 8:11 AM on Nov-20-06

Lost has started to attract criticism lately over its tendancy to offer more questions than answers to its viewers. With that in mind, IGN has this week produced a lost of its Top 50 Lost Loose Ends.
comment posted at 5:46 PM on Nov-18-06

The Heart Attack Grill proclaims itself to be the "Home of the Double Bypass Burger". Its motto is "Taste worth dying for!" Its waitresses wear "naughty nurse" costumes. It's pretty clear they're trying to compete with Hooters, and who can say? They might succeed. But not if the Center for Nursing Advocacy has anything to say about it. The Center claims that 54% of British men have sexual fantasies about nurses, and therefore a restaurant in Tempe, Arizona is a threat to the nursing profession, which could lead to "killing thousands if not millions" around the world.
comment posted at 7:50 PM on Nov-9-06
comment posted at 8:02 PM on Nov-9-06
comment posted at 8:07 PM on Nov-9-06
comment posted at 10:10 AM on Nov-10-06

It's official. Democrats have taken control of the United States Congress.
comment posted at 1:04 AM on Nov-8-06

1950's US Print Advertisements Click thumbnails for larger versions. via.
comment posted at 7:53 PM on Oct-13-06

Imagine Earth Without People A great, non-hysterical article about what Earth would be like if we all, one day, vanished.
comment posted at 7:18 PM on Oct-12-06
comment posted at 8:41 PM on Oct-12-06
comment posted at 9:31 PM on Oct-12-06
comment posted at 10:04 PM on Oct-12-06

Joe Francis is a rapist. Article from this weekend's LA Times Magazine about Joe Francis, of Girls Gone Wild (nsfw) fame/infamy, including his physical assault of the LA Times reporter and the rape of a GGW girl she (partially) witnesses.
comment posted at 11:34 PM on Aug-4-06

Foucault’s Pendulum Art Inspired by Umberto Eco’s novel, entitled: Foucault’s Pendulum the artist Lukas Arciniegas has created a series of beautiful illustrations. Also of note: The Holy War: Mac VS Dos [Do check out the sidebar] "Faith in Fakes"? Also see: an actual pendulum. And Dan Brown? Bleh...
comment posted at 10:24 PM on Jun-30-06

SCOTUS strikes down campaign finance restrictions [pdf]. The Supreme Court issued an opinion today in Randall v. Sorrell, striking down limits on campaign contributions and campaign spending imposed by the state of Vermont. The Court, in a fractured opinion (six separate opinions, including two dissents), concluded that restrictions on both contributions and expenditures ran afoul of the First Amendment. More from Amy Howe at SCOTUSblog. Expect more from Rick Hasen later today.
comment posted at 9:52 AM on Jun-26-06
comment posted at 10:03 AM on Jun-26-06
comment posted at 10:55 AM on Jun-26-06
comment posted at 1:55 PM on Jun-26-06
comment posted at 2:03 PM on Jun-26-06
comment posted at 2:26 PM on Jun-26-06
comment posted at 4:02 PM on Jun-26-06

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