19236 MetaFilter comments by amberglow (displaying 1451 through 1500)

N.C. A&T food scientist develops process for allergen-free peanuts. An agricultural researcher at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University has developed a simple process to make allergen-free peanuts. The new process – believed to be a first for food science – could provide relief to millions of peanut allergy sufferers, and be an enormous boon to the entire peanut industry.The inventor, Dr. Mohamed Ahmedna, is optimizing the process further to remove allergens from other foods.
comment posted at 7:49 AM on Aug-1-07

Conversation with Kip Hawley, TSA Administrator (Part 1) Part one of five, Bruce Schneier chats it up with Kip, TSA Administrator. The TSA and airport security have long been hot topics on Metafilter; here is a chance to read some hard questions put to the man himself and his answers.
comment posted at 5:15 PM on Jul-30-07
comment posted at 5:17 PM on Jul-30-07
comment posted at 7:43 AM on Aug-1-07

We've previously agreed that Dr. Nina Simone created some amazing music. As a person, she was openly angry and, yes, a smidgen nuts. Big surprise... she was also not the easiest interview. (Big understatement.)
comment posted at 5:35 PM on Jul-30-07

Bonalu (or Bonam in short, which means Meal in Telegu, the official language of Andhra Pradesh), is the festival celebrated in honour of the Goddess Mahankali, in the month of July/August, by women who carry a series of pots on their heads, filled with offerings of rice and milk, led by the Potharaju (image).
comment posted at 11:03 AM on Jul-31-07

Who are you? I am Death. You have come for me? I have been for a long time at your side. I know.
Ingmar Bergman, 1918-2007.
comment posted at 7:27 AM on Jul-30-07

"Burke said there were Three Estates in Parliament; but, in the Reporters' Gallery yonder, there sat a Fourth Estate more important far than they all." CBS News said, let's give Oscar the Grim Reaper Cat 349% more ink than FBI Director Mueller contradicting Attorney General Gonzales's testimony. Media Matters asks, "There are very real and very serious questions about whether the United States is currently a fully functional republic.... Isn't it time news organizations devote more resources to exploring these issues -- even if it means fewer stories about cats and cleavage?" Has Stupor Killed the Fourth Estate? Was James Fallows that the Media Undermine[s] American Democracy?
comment posted at 4:15 PM on Jul-28-07
comment posted at 4:31 PM on Jul-28-07
comment posted at 4:34 PM on Jul-28-07
comment posted at 4:46 PM on Jul-28-07
comment posted at 7:15 PM on Jul-28-07
comment posted at 8:49 AM on Jul-29-07
comment posted at 8:54 AM on Jul-29-07
comment posted at 4:26 PM on Jul-30-07
comment posted at 4:27 PM on Jul-30-07
comment posted at 4:47 PM on Jul-30-07
comment posted at 4:51 PM on Jul-30-07
comment posted at 4:53 PM on Jul-30-07
comment posted at 11:08 AM on Jul-31-07
comment posted at 3:32 PM on Jul-31-07
comment posted at 11:28 AM on Aug-4-07
comment posted at 4:48 PM on Aug-10-07
comment posted at 2:39 PM on Aug-11-07
comment posted at 4:07 PM on Aug-11-07

The United States and the European Union have agreed to expand a security program that shares personal data about millions of U.S.-bound airline passengers a year. Information that potentially can be used includes "racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership" and data about an individual's health, traveling partners and sexual orientation. "Even a request for a king-size bed at a hotel could be noted in the database." "E.U.'s privacy supervisor expressed 'grave concern' over whether the rules 'will be fully compatible with European fundamental rights,' calling the arrangement 'without legal precedent.'"
comment posted at 10:21 AM on Jul-28-07
comment posted at 10:24 AM on Jul-28-07
comment posted at 10:27 AM on Jul-28-07
comment posted at 10:39 AM on Jul-28-07
comment posted at 10:40 AM on Jul-28-07
comment posted at 11:18 AM on Jul-28-07
comment posted at 12:00 PM on Jul-28-07
comment posted at 12:10 PM on Jul-28-07
comment posted at 12:18 PM on Jul-28-07
comment posted at 12:20 PM on Jul-28-07
comment posted at 7:48 AM on Jul-30-07
comment posted at 7:52 AM on Jul-30-07
comment posted at 2:52 PM on Jul-30-07
comment posted at 2:53 PM on Jul-30-07
comment posted at 2:54 PM on Jul-30-07

Shorpy, the awesome photoblog of old photos has added a comics section and are now running newspaper comics from the first half of the 20th century. Via.
comment posted at 10:29 AM on Jul-28-07

Between 1902 and 1905 representatives of five tribes in the Indian Territory of the southern United States lobbied for statehood. The tribes proposed creating a tribal state called Sequoyah (hi res image here). At the constiutional conference in 1905 a constitution was drafted and later forwarded to the federal Congress and President, but despite a successful ratification campaign, the effort died on the vine. The Indian Territory and Oklahoma were instead admitted to the Union two years later as one state.
comment posted at 10:42 AM on Jul-28-07

An unexpected treasure trove online... The audioguides for Rome's city museums are available as mp3s! Not only can you find guides to one of the oldest public museums in the world, the Capitoline Museums, but you can also hear several commentaries (including video) on the ancient Roman Altar of Augustan Peace, and download the audioguide of both the Barracco Museum of Ancient Sculpture, and that of the Museum of Rome. Download them before you go and save 5 euros at each museum, but they're *invaluable* even if you listen to them from home! Enjoy!!
comment posted at 3:18 PM on Jul-26-07
comment posted at 3:26 PM on Jul-26-07

An excellent example of the consequences of the Supreme Court's Gonzales v. Raich decision: today the United States House of Representatives voted down a bill which would have prohibited the DEA from targeting State-authorized medical marijuana dispensaries. Almost simultaneously, the DEA raided 10 medical marijuana dispensaries in Los Angeles.
comment posted at 7:38 AM on Jul-26-07
comment posted at 7:58 AM on Jul-26-07

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