2067 MetaFilter comments by Witty (displaying 1551 through 1600)

Greek Whinin' - Part II ...Eminem, eat your heart out G. (.wmv)
comment posted at 3:29 AM on Mar-7-03

The eccentric art of Lewis Smith - a man who lived alone in the woods with no amenities, at age 60, he began drawing all day, every day. His themes included muscular and wrestling women drawn on brown paper bags, and diner scenes drawn on cracker boxes. He drew or painted on every surface including the walls of his home and his barn. If he were alive today, he would probably be amazed to learn that many of pencil and crayon drawings sell for upwards of $1000.
comment posted at 1:49 AM on Mar-7-03
comment posted at 3:41 AM on Mar-7-03
comment posted at 7:56 AM on Mar-7-03

Papersky. An adorable Flash cartoon. [Via Geisha asobi blog.]
comment posted at 12:37 AM on Mar-7-03

Remember how the Emperor strokes the lightsaber and says to Luke "you want this"? Things George Lucas doesn't want you to know - the filthy but oh so sexy truth about what goes on in the Jedi Academy! Not that there's anything wrong with that. Unless it involves Yoda, because... damn.
comment posted at 3:03 AM on Mar-5-03

So you've already made fire without matches. How about making fire with a block of ice? Once you've got your fire roaring, it might be time to tan a fox or build your Asiatic Composite Bow. It's all about getting primitive.
comment posted at 2:13 PM on Mar-4-03

184 Cantilevered Aluminum Benches and 70 Maple Trees make up the memorial at the Pentagon for September 11. I like its solitude, its stillness. What do you think?
comment posted at 6:16 AM on Mar-4-03
comment posted at 8:14 AM on Mar-4-03
comment posted at 1:42 PM on Mar-4-03

"Uh, that does happen sometimes, that can't be good" I don't know how old this is, but it's off of TechTV. The guest is showing off an old phonograph cylinder when ....

I guess he was a bit nervous.
comment posted at 6:54 PM on Mar-3-03

The Department of Homeland Security logo contest finalists have been announced. Each finalist now has 10 days to alter their designs, based on feedback given by you! [via K10k]
comment posted at 7:37 AM on Mar-3-03

Human shield Britons quit Baghdad Yeah, I wanna be a human shield, really I do! Er, uh, Saddam, you want me to station myself at a likely target? Well, that sounds too dangerous for me. I'm heading home.
comment posted at 2:46 AM on Mar-3-03
comment posted at 4:31 AM on Mar-3-03

State of California sells confiscated items on eBay. Actually, it's not just items confiscated at airports -- it's any kind of surplus the state wants to get rid of. See the complete list here. (Apparently they unload some at Goodwill, too.) (SFGate link via ObscureStore)
comment posted at 2:33 AM on Mar-3-03
comment posted at 2:16 AM on Mar-4-03

George W. Bush is Jesus Christ. Bush delivers, he sets free. He liberates. He is the 21st century incarnation of Psalm 23. As the HAZMAT suit becomes the American burka, Bush is praying, and we will do the same.
comment posted at 2:58 AM on Mar-3-03

You don't drink milk! Your parents go crazy over you. You get scolded for this. Not anymore, you have reasons not to drink it. If those weren't enough there are even more reasons to avoid it. Richard Cohen went on a 205 day hunger strike.

If you are the one who cannot imagine life without milk, then you should read "why milk?"
comment posted at 3:30 AM on Mar-3-03
comment posted at 6:37 PM on Mar-3-03
comment posted at 2:24 AM on Mar-4-03

Freedom and the Future. Text of President Bush's speech last night to the American Enterprise Institute's annual dinner.
comment posted at 3:50 PM on Feb-27-03

Who would you rather vote for - Frankenstein, Hitler, or Tony Curtis? That's the decision facing some voters in India ... Have you ever run across other 'repurposed' names?
comment posted at 3:10 PM on Feb-27-03
comment posted at 3:10 PM on Feb-27-03

Radio-controlled blimp: harmless toy, or minion of evil? Read the story, then decide. Too bad Zany Brainyis going bankrupt.
comment posted at 3:12 PM on Feb-27-03

The House Appropriations Committee documents Bush's lies and broken promises. Are we starting to see an opposition party here?
comment posted at 11:55 AM on Feb-27-03
comment posted at 12:11 PM on Feb-27-03

Thought you were rid of the telemarketers? Perhaps not. It looks like they're fighting back to items like the TeleZapper that fake telemarketers into thinking your phone is disconnected by playing the three tones you get if your phone doesn't work. Castel, Inc claims their DirectQuest software defeats devices like Telezapper by reading the connect messages delivered by your public switched telephone network. Fave quote - “It’s a privacy arms race.." Will this ever end?
comment posted at 1:05 PM on Feb-27-03

Mr. Rogers Dead. Fred Rogers of "Mister Roger's Neighborhood" died of stomach cancer at age 74. To be honest, his was never my personal favorite PBS kid's show growing up (I preferred off-brand shows like "Zoom" and "3-2-1 Contact"). But my appreciation for him when I was an adult was pretty high. Anyway, it's a sad day in the neighborhood.
comment posted at 8:55 AM on Feb-27-03
comment posted at 2:16 AM on Mar-3-03

MassKilling.com: Holocaust on Your Plate, where PETA compares the holocaust to the meat industry really boils my blood. Sure they are seeking approval from the Jewish Community to take the exhibit on a national tour, but Jews weren’t the only ones killing in the concentration camps.
comment posted at 1:19 PM on Feb-26-03
comment posted at 1:34 PM on Feb-26-03
comment posted at 3:34 PM on Feb-26-03
comment posted at 3:52 PM on Feb-26-03
comment posted at 3:58 PM on Feb-26-03

Jeff Bezos has patented the idea for "A method and system for conducting an electronic discussion relating to a topic." Clearly, an idea way ahead of its time... (via somebodydial911)
comment posted at 12:53 PM on Feb-26-03

Justice is served. A career criminal, high on cocaine breaks into a bar that has been fitted with a security system that turns out to be lethal. The bar owner installed the system after the 3rd break in in the past month, and posted numerous signs outside warning of the danger. The criminal is electrocuted to death, and this being America, the widow of the bar's owner (who has passed away during the years of litigation over this issue) is forced to pay $75,000 to the family of the robber, who understandably need the money now that the breadwinner is no longer around to provide for them via a life of robbery.
comment posted at 11:12 AM on Feb-26-03
comment posted at 11:41 AM on Feb-26-03
comment posted at 12:35 PM on Feb-26-03
comment posted at 12:39 PM on Feb-26-03
comment posted at 12:46 PM on Feb-26-03
comment posted at 3:15 PM on Feb-26-03
comment posted at 1:57 PM on Feb-27-03

State of Validation 2003. Off the 430 W3C members, only 28 (6.5%) have sites that validate with the W3C validator as either HTML or XHTML! This represents an increase in standards compliance of 75.7% from the year ago tests. [via the big orange Z]
comment posted at 1:03 PM on Feb-25-03
comment posted at 1:46 PM on Feb-25-03

Do you know these men? Recently, the Saint Paul Police Department released a picture online of two suspects who are wanted for an unsolved aggrevated assault case which occurred in December. Nobody who was at the party knew the men. It's fascinating seeing police departments use the Net for modern-day wanted posters. Incidentally, the Saint Paul Police Department also runs the infamous prositution arrest mugshots page.
comment posted at 10:53 AM on Feb-25-03

Konono No. 1 "This band is one of the main exponents of a spectacular style of music which has developed in the suburbs of Kinshasa (DR Congo). The Congolese call it "tradi-modern", in other words: electrified traditional music. These are musicians who left the bush to settle in the capital and who, in order to go on keep fulfilling their social role and make themselves heard by the ancestors (and, more concretely, by their fellow citizens) despite the high level of urban noise, have had to resort to DIY amplification of their instruments, and to megaphones (conical speakers). This makeshift electrification has provoked a radical mutation of their sound, as it has introduced distortions which they have integrated to their style. [...] The band's line-up includes three electric likembés [thumb pianos] (bass, medium and treble), equipped with hand-made microphones built from magnets salvaged from old car parts, and plugged into amplifiers." Via womanonfire.
comment posted at 10:26 AM on Feb-25-03
comment posted at 11:56 AM on Feb-25-03
comment posted at 11:57 AM on Feb-25-03

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