1630 MetaFilter comments by baylink (displaying 1601 through 1630)

Hate vs. Hate Film critic Roger Ebert criticizes Hatewatch, a catalog of hate sites intended for people who hate hate. My commentary is a bit too long for the front page, so I put it on my log. Choose your poison.
comment posted at 10:08 AM on Apr-16-00
comment posted at 7:25 AM on Apr-17-00

April 1 was two weeks ago, guys. [I can't believe they could be so stupid.]
comment posted at 9:31 AM on Apr-14-00
comment posted at 10:17 AM on Apr-14-00

Hard drives in PlayStations! "Japanese consumer electronics giant Sony (NYSE: SNE) will reportedly include a hard drive and modem in the U.S. version of its second-generation PlayStation gaming product set for a fall release."

Slashdot reported that linux would be the development platform, but my question is how soon to expect a linux port to a Playstation?
comment posted at 7:56 AM on Apr-14-00
comment posted at 9:55 AM on Apr-14-00

WTF!?! Everyone's favorite band (back in high school) Metallica is suing Napster and a handful of universities for unlawful trading of their music. This is ridiculous, and I hope it doesn't set a precedence. If anyone would just slap a revenue model on napster so artists could get paid for their work, none of this piracy crap would happen. And Metallica, what about the other apps that do the same thing, are you going to sue them too? And what about every other band on earth? What do you expect to get out of universities, tighter controls over bandwidth, or student monitoring of internet usage? What about every cable modem and DSL provider that lets people use Napster, are you going after them too? Why don't you sue everyone on earth that's heard your songs but didn't pay for them? Side question: Is it better to burn out or fade away?
comment posted at 8:14 AM on Apr-14-00
comment posted at 1:11 PM on Apr-14-00

Sometimes a web-log is extremely personal. It seems to me that many of them are, well for lack of a better word, trivial. But this one isn't.

This young lady deals with things that many of us can't begin to understand.

Would that I could write this well.
comment posted at 8:17 AM on Apr-14-00

I don't believe it... I actually agree with something Network Solutions has done. They've apparently changed their policy to make domain name squatting more difficult. The story sounds sympathetic to the two ladies in question, but I'm not. Ok, maybe they should have been a touch more careful in how they *rolled out* the new policy, but the policy itself is about 5 years overdue.

Now, if we could just get them to *do what we tell them to*...

-- jra
comment posted at 9:26 AM on Apr-13-00
comment posted at 12:13 PM on Apr-13-00
comment posted at 8:22 AM on Apr-14-00

Damn Cybersquatters

Here's a little run-in I had with a cybersquatter while trying to secure a domain name for a company I'm starting.

Apologies ahead of time for being self-serving in using my home page there (promise it won't happen again!), but I had no other place to write the content. Hope you guys will have a look and give me an opinion on things! If anything, it's good for a quick laugh even though I'm completely disgusted at the fact people make a living off leeching off hard-working individuals like you and me in such a manner.
comment posted at 8:12 AM on Apr-13-00

Who stands to benefit from the growing hysteria over school violence -- especially since school violence is actually dropping? That's the question posed by the USA Today story, spotted originally by Brennan at Considered Harmful. I think it's an excellent example of the general principle: always question their motives.
comment posted at 8:21 AM on Apr-13-00

According to MSNBC, Kozmo delivers to predominantly white parts of town. This is a thorny issue all around. The company claims to target areas of high internet usage, but there's a whole host of factors that would lead to huge racial differences in those areas. I still believe one of the greatest things about the internet is that it's a place where race really doesn't matter, but unfortunately the barriers to entry aren't exactly colorblind. MSNBC went so far as to produce some interesting maps that support their claim pretty well though.
comment posted at 12:59 PM on Apr-12-00
comment posted at 8:56 AM on Apr-13-00

Love that Blogger redesign. Normally I wouldn't blog about this here, but they leave me little choice. (Other than jumping ship and kludging some scripts together). I want my free service that I pay nothing for and should be grateful just to have now!

On a serious note, I love Blogger, think it's great, and use it myself, but is it bad to become dependant on a third party tool? You've basically placed the life of your site at the whim of the tool provider. Granted, Ev, Meg, PB, [that fourth guy], Matt, and now Jack seem like pretty nice people to be at the whim of, but wouldn't it be better to do it 'on your own?'

Just thinking out loud, as soon as it's back up I'll go to my little traveled corner of the web and stay there.
comment posted at 9:34 AM on Apr-12-00
comment posted at 11:26 AM on Apr-12-00

Mcsweeny's is back to normal, rather abruptly. Okay, I give; what was supposed to be funny about this whole thing, anyway?
comment posted at 1:24 PM on Apr-12-00

Another company is offering free domains. This time, the server is actually up. I registered a domain, and I wonder if this is for real or not.
comment posted at 2:04 PM on Apr-9-00

Meet Rusty. Rusty is a homosexual.
comment posted at 10:29 AM on Apr-8-00

I already have plenty of reasons to not buy from buy.com, but this is the latest, and perhaps most bizarre. I do a search for "Phantom Menace," but it instead searches for "KIT MAN POON," which I take to be a Klingon anagram or something. No wonder its stock is wallowing.
comment posted at 9:16 AM on Apr-7-00

A popular highschool student comes out and recives a lot of support from his fellow students, parents and teachers. Now, is this really SO strange in American that it deserves an article of this lenght? The strangest thing is that it reads like a piece from The Onion.
comment posted at 9:09 AM on Apr-7-00
comment posted at 1:08 PM on Apr-7-00

Microsoft - The best is yet to come...
Has anyone seen the new Microsoft commercial? I'm not saying that Bill Gates is pandering, but when it was over my fly was down and my TV smelled like White Diamonds...
comment posted at 3:34 PM on Apr-9-00

The Guerrilla Banner Project It's not my website, but I am a participant. Does that make me a linkwhore?
comment posted at 8:08 AM on Apr-6-00
comment posted at 9:26 AM on Apr-6-00

Netscape 6 Pre release is Official. . . Looks like Netscape caved in and released the leaked version of Communicator 6. I got it and it's identical to the leaked version posted here earlier. Which is almost identical to Mozilla M14.
BTW, does anyone else have a problem with AOL/Netscape having the entire internet develop it's newest browser through the Mozilla effort while they plan to profit from it? Especially with Mozilla's ardent open source position. Or, is it just me.
comment posted at 12:17 PM on Apr-5-00

Verizon , a true example that there are no good dot com's left no matter how big you are. They had to put a lot of thought into this one to make it make sense.
comment posted at 9:35 AM on Apr-4-00

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