19236 MetaFilter comments by amberglow (displaying 1751 through 1800)

The Doctor Who Fan's Phrasebook is like looking down a long dark corridor and seeing yourself. Surprisingly flexible too. "The Silent Majority -- A collection of people who don’t exist. I’ve just made them up so that I can claim to speak for them." Note: Big spoilers for the third new series, which has just begun on Sci-Fi in the US, and possibly Torchwood.
comment posted at 1:16 PM on Jul-8-07

Start drawing! The Asia drawing portal. Drawings from Asia, drawing by Asians. It's hot out, so crack open a cold drink, keep yourself inside and click through a great portal of art from the near and far east. Stay a while, and browse by category, by country, and revel in a large list of inspirations and resources. I've enjoyed reading about Sanjay Patel, the artist behind GheeHappy and Hindu mythology in cartoon form, an amazing array of CG artists from Thailand, the odd dichotomy of urban culture and ultra-slick anime from Korea, and puzzled over an array of meticulous resources like this Hair gallery (Japanese site).
comment posted at 1:42 PM on Jul-7-07

Power Pop 4 Ever. Pop icon, kick ass guitarist, working musician, and subject of a recent movie, Glen , along with Squeeze bandmate Chris Difford, wrote some of the most memorable hooks of the 80s. Among them Pulling mussels, Black Coffee in Bed, Up the Junction and Is that love?.
comment posted at 8:54 AM on Jul-7-07
comment posted at 8:59 AM on Jul-7-07
comment posted at 9:01 AM on Jul-7-07
comment posted at 9:07 AM on Jul-7-07
comment posted at 9:32 AM on Jul-7-07
comment posted at 10:10 AM on Jul-7-07
comment posted at 1:47 PM on Jul-7-07
comment posted at 8:27 PM on Jul-7-07
comment posted at 1:55 PM on Jul-9-07

It's been said before that the US Army is broken: in April, last December by Colin Powell and Pat Buchanan, by the head of the Army Reserve in 2005, by several generals as far back as 2004. But now, even as another Republican senator, Domenici, joins Warner, Voinovich, and Lugar in abandoning support for Bush's War, Joe Klein in Time Magazine says the end is inevitable, regardless of what politicians want:
According to the Broken Army clock, troop levels will begin to wane in March 2008, no matter what Congress decides in September; the current 20 brigade combat teams will be reduced to 15 by August 2008. There is growing speculation in the military that Bush will try to pre-empt the Petraeus testimony by announcing a gradual drawdown from 20 to 15 combat brigades later this summer.

comment posted at 7:58 PM on Jul-6-07
comment posted at 7:59 PM on Jul-6-07
comment posted at 8:18 PM on Jul-6-07
comment posted at 8:25 PM on Jul-6-07
comment posted at 8:29 PM on Jul-6-07
comment posted at 1:45 PM on Jul-7-07
comment posted at 2:44 PM on Jul-7-07
comment posted at 3:27 PM on Jul-7-07
comment posted at 8:22 PM on Jul-7-07
comment posted at 8:49 PM on Jul-7-07
comment posted at 1:13 PM on Jul-8-07
comment posted at 7:29 PM on Jul-8-07
comment posted at 7:31 PM on Jul-8-07
comment posted at 8:04 PM on Jul-8-07
comment posted at 8:42 AM on Jul-9-07
comment posted at 8:49 AM on Jul-9-07
comment posted at 2:04 PM on Jul-9-07
comment posted at 2:48 PM on Jul-11-07
comment posted at 5:18 PM on Jul-11-07
comment posted at 10:35 AM on Jul-12-07
comment posted at 8:05 PM on Jul-13-07
comment posted at 8:05 PM on Jul-13-07
comment posted at 8:54 PM on Jul-13-07
comment posted at 9:11 PM on Jul-13-07
comment posted at 11:17 AM on Jul-14-07
comment posted at 11:58 AM on Jul-15-07

"Count Gottfried von Bismarck, who was found dead on Monday aged 44, was a louche German aristocrat with a multi-faceted history as a pleasure-seeking heroin addict, hell-raising alcoholic, flamboyant waster and a reckless and extravagant host of homosexual orgies."
comment posted at 12:32 PM on Jul-5-07

William Kamkwamba decided to build a windmill to power lights in his home: "For many years we had only paraffin candles to light my home at night. They are expensive, smoky, smelly and have to be purchased about 8 km from home."
comment posted at 11:07 AM on Jul-5-07
comment posted at 12:34 PM on Jul-5-07
comment posted at 8:34 AM on Jul-6-07

Dr Who - a guide to the totality of the Dr. Who universe online. Like the TARDIS itself, this post contains much [more inside]. via
comment posted at 11:09 AM on Jul-5-07
comment posted at 12:25 PM on Jul-5-07
comment posted at 12:26 PM on Jul-5-07
comment posted at 12:28 PM on Jul-5-07
comment posted at 8:43 AM on Jul-6-07
comment posted at 12:08 PM on Jul-6-07
comment posted at 1:29 PM on Jul-6-07
comment posted at 3:02 PM on Jul-6-07
comment posted at 6:31 PM on Jul-6-07

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