241 MetaFilter comments by Dennis Murphy (displaying 201 through 241)

Not All Iraqis Dancing in the Streets. To watch the neutered embedded reporters, you would think that every Iraqi is overjoyed to see America in his or her country. But the reality seems to be quite different: "Why are you here in this country? Are you trying to take over? Are you going to take our country forever? Are the Israelis coming next? Are you here to steal our oil? When are you going to get out?"
comment posted at 11:40 PM on Mar-22-03

And then the fallen. "I want President Bush to get a good look at this, really good look here," his father, Michael, said, holding up a picture of the dead marine. "This is the only son I had, only son." More.
comment posted at 9:56 PM on Mar-21-03
comment posted at 9:25 AM on Mar-22-03

Protester dies senseless death. In a demonstration of the inefficacy of the recent protests, a protester falls to his death while apparently trying to hang an anti-war banner from the Golden Gate Bridge, barely a few hours before hostilities begin in Iraq.
comment posted at 7:52 AM on Mar-20-03

On the day after war begins, global protests will shock and awe. I'm often reminded that it took years for Vietnam protests to reach the levels we've already seen -- of course, after 3-4 hours, it may hardly matter. *cries*
comment posted at 10:06 PM on Mar-19-03

The War has begun.
comment posted at 8:02 PM on Mar-19-03
comment posted at 8:37 PM on Mar-19-03
comment posted at 8:02 AM on Mar-20-03
comment posted at 8:53 AM on Mar-20-03

Oh, but to imagine what could have been. "I have been particularly impressed with the new Mac OS X operating system and the company's commitment to the open source movement."
comment posted at 4:22 PM on Mar-19-03

Iraq Body Count is a web "button" that can be cut and pasted to a website showing an updated tally of civilian casualties in the upcoming Iraqi war. Their methodology is to survey a broad swath of news sites and come up with a "high" and "low" number. They're probably more credible than Saddam's government or the Pentagon. (via TalkLeft)
comment posted at 8:35 PM on Mar-18-03

Peaceblogs.org (courtesy of jpoulos).
comment posted at 10:51 AM on Mar-18-03
comment posted at 12:31 PM on Mar-18-03

Google has crashed? Is this an historic moment? I'm stunned.
comment posted at 3:09 PM on Mar-9-03

Evan Williams could not be reached for comment. "Evan Williams, Pyra's co-founder, blogged his day-to-day life for the last three years right up until it got interesting. Williams pulled his blog offline earlier this week." Leander Kahney at Wired asks Why Did Google Want Blogger? and thinks it might have something to do with that slippery idea of a semantic Web.
comment posted at 10:22 PM on Feb-22-03

While you were out at a Peace Rally or reading your 'books' that somehow use words in combination to form 'sentences', us smart folks were watching the high culture extravaganza Joe Millionaire. Yes, I know you don't own a television, which is why Television without Pity is here to get you up to speed in case you're at the next dinner party with Nobel Prize laureates and all you can talk about is Iraq. [intelligent discussion inside]
comment posted at 11:36 PM on Feb-17-03

Google buys Blogger. Dan Gillmor has the scoop.
comment posted at 11:19 PM on Feb-15-03

Fight the Power! "Telemarketers make use of a telescript - a guideline for a telephone conversation. This script creates an imbalance in the conversation between the marketer and the consumer. It is this imbalance, most of all, that makes telemarketing successful. The EGBG Counterscript attempts to redress that balance." It's own medicine time!
comment posted at 8:21 AM on Oct-27-02
comment posted at 5:14 PM on Oct-28-02
comment posted at 7:05 PM on Oct-28-02

West Coast sniper link: "authorities turned their attention to a home in Tacoma, Wash., more than 2,300 miles away. FBI officials refused to comment on the search in Tacoma, but NBC affiliate KING-TV in Seattle reported that investigators were looking for a possible link to the sniper case."
comment posted at 5:48 PM on Oct-23-02
comment posted at 6:14 PM on Oct-23-02

I generally give little thought to how the Internet works, as long as it does work. Well, on Monday, 9 of the 13 "root servers" that manage traffic on the Internet were hit with a denial of service attack for about an hour. You can see the spike in traffic on one of the servers in this graph. All this made me think about the fragility of the Internet and what I would do with myself if the Internet got knocked out, say, for a matter of days. Maybe I would finally learn to cook something besides pasta... What would you do?
comment posted at 1:45 AM on Oct-23-02

They want to kill us all Forget the ‘root causes’, says Mark Steyn. The massacre in Bali was part of the continuing Islamofascist war against the West, and those who ignore it are sleepwalking to national suicide I wait now--loaded with my meds--for the Left to call for more understanding, help for the poverty stricken, and understanding. Incidentally, if you turn to http://www.debka.com/ today, you will see that they claim Bin Laden alive and well in Saudi Arabia!
comment posted at 9:36 AM on Oct-20-02

Barbra Streisand misquotes Shakespeare. She recited the lines believed to be from the play Julius Caesar, as she urged the party to oppose the Republican stance on Iraq and the erosion of civil liberties under President George W Bush.

This coming after the rumor that her recent letter to House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt was ridden with typos and misspellings. Oi vey!
comment posted at 11:59 AM on Oct-3-02

More election hilarity expected!!! So, does anyone here still remember the 2000 election? Its not through with us yet. The GOP could regain control of the Senate immediately following the Nov. 5 elections, thanks to a nutty legal wrinkle associated with Sen. Jean Carnahan's appointment to the seat Missouri elected her deceased husband to. That is, if she loses, and if the Democrats don't pull the trick William Safire expects them to.
comment posted at 1:30 AM on Oct-3-02

Sometime in the past hour, explodingdog.com (no, I'm not linking to it) got its front page hacked. Now I can understand the motives behind hacking as cyber-terrorism (.pdf file), or to promote your political or social agenda, and I can't say that I totally disagree with hacktivism as a sort of civil disobedience. I also understand hacking as a way to show off your skills. But off all the sites out there, why would some stereotypical punk kids (or whomever) pick a great site like explodingdog to hack? Where's the challenge? So many hackers say they're out to free the Internet - then why attack a site that give away so much for free?
comment posted at 4:27 AM on Sep-29-02
comment posted at 4:53 AM on Sep-29-02

Anyone go to the anti war protest in London today? The number of the people has been estimated from between 3000 (by the police) to 350,000 (by the organisers). I reckon 200,000. Either way, its the largest peace protest ever in the country. Me and my friends sign was a great success, with many people commenting on it/photographing it. It was the only black one we saw, so easily stood out. It said 'Its all about the oil' on one side, and on the other there was a picture of Bush looking stupid, and 'No to War'. The protest was peaceful (or was when I left) and on the whole, a success. The only question is, will Bush and Blair take any notice?
comment posted at 5:54 PM on Sep-28-02

Turkish Police Seize 33lbs of Weapons-Grade Uranium. The destination of the Uranium is still under investigation but it was seized 155 miles from the Iraqi border.
comment posted at 5:50 PM on Sep-28-02

Oliver, you're not going to be very happy about this at all. Justin Timberlake admits to what we all assumed was blatantly obvious, but just... really wanted to believe in our denial.
comment posted at 9:03 PM on Sep-26-02
comment posted at 10:47 PM on Sep-26-02

Daschle Accuses Bush of Politicizing Iraq Debate "You tell those who fought in Vietnam and World War II they are not interested in the security of the American people" because they are Democrats, Daschle said. "That is outrageous. Outrageous." The full text of Daschle's comments. Do we finally have an opposition party?
comment posted at 6:40 PM on Sep-25-02
comment posted at 8:06 PM on Sep-25-02
comment posted at 3:30 AM on Sep-26-02
comment posted at 1:30 PM on Sep-26-02

No link here. Just wondering...the 9/11 anniversary...I am not ready for it. The wound is still too raw. I am still not comfortable looking at those images, but everywhere I turn television and magazines are plastered with them. There's no escape. I think it's too soon to be faced with this barrage. Am I alone? My first post...be gentle.
comment posted at 3:13 AM on Sep-9-02

kelly, kelly, kelly america has an idol.
comment posted at 7:03 PM on Sep-4-02

Ellen Feiss Apple ad pulled reportedly because she seems "too stoned." You decide. I don't know about you, but it seems very "duuude, you're gettin' an apple!"
comment posted at 5:12 PM on Jul-17-02

Don & Mike v. Opie & Anthony. O&A are hot in New York, but D&M are doing poorly there. The opposite is true here in DC. At the risk of perpetuating a lie by posting this story here, I can't help but think that the on-air fight between these two radio programs from Infinity Broadcasting seems a little contrived. Anyone on metafilter, or any other online forum, knows that a flamewar and controversy breeds interest.
comment posted at 6:10 PM on May-28-02
comment posted at 12:32 AM on May-29-02

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