369 MetaFilter comments by Dreamghost (displaying 201 through 250)

Blogebrity "Isn't it about time that someone talked about bloggers?" - so reads the tagline for a new magazine, "Blogebrity". The website provides the A-, B-, and C-lists. Read the acoompanying blog. Is this real, or is it satire? Some say hoax!
comment posted at 2:34 PM on May-26-05

Darth Tater
comment posted at 4:55 PM on May-14-05

"And the University of Chicago cried unto the Lord, saying, Heal her now, O God, I beseech thee." The Templeton Foundation recently gave U of C researchers a $1.8 million grant to study connections between religious beliefs and health. Those researchers have already done studies that suggest that religious faith helps reduce depression. It's not exactly faith healing, but some people aren't quite ready to shout "Amen!".
comment posted at 3:46 PM on Apr-27-05

Rules For the Library - Satirical relief for those who suffer or have suffered under an oppressive, Orwellian library atmosphere:

1) There will be absolutely no reading of any kind in the library.
2) No breathing in the library.
3) No walking or moving in the library.

comment posted at 11:34 PM on Apr-26-05

Serenity The trailer online. This makes me soooo happy. I've been watching and re-watching the DVD set far too many times to be healthy.
comment posted at 7:44 PM on Apr-26-05

Flickr Doubles the Stakes with their new offerings for Pro users. People with existing Pro accounts will have two GB of upload capacity per month, a subscription length of double what they paid for, and two free pro accounts to gift to friends.
comment posted at 11:19 PM on Apr-18-05
comment posted at 8:46 AM on Apr-19-05
comment posted at 9:04 AM on Apr-19-05

Culture Of Death A spoof on the recent Republican propaganda about the Democrats being pro-death... Onion-like.
comment posted at 2:52 PM on Apr-5-05

Laura K. Pahl is a plagiarist. In which a blogger exacts poetic justice on a spoiled little rich girl at university.
comment posted at 2:54 PM on Mar-30-05

Sony-Ericsson officially endorses upskirt photography. (Flash, SFW)

"If you see some bright lights at about the height of your ankle, you'd better watch out."
comment posted at 11:05 PM on Mar-20-05
comment posted at 11:06 PM on Mar-20-05

An interview with Brad Bird.

Bird: Some people said it was Ayn Rand or something like that, which is ridiculous. Other people threw Nietzsche around, which I also find ridiculous. But I think the vast majority of people took it the way I intended. Some people said it was sort of a right-wing feeling, but I think that's as silly of an analysis as saying The Iron Giant was left-wing. I'm definitely a centrist and feel like both parties can be absurd.
comment posted at 5:47 PM on Mar-14-05

Eastwood wins. Clint Eastwood got the double dipper tonight with Best Pic and Director. Not that Scorsese isn't badly due one, but the fact is, The Aviator is not one of Marty's top five films, while Million Dollar Babies is top five among Eastwood's pics. It's that simple. My thought: I think this film and Mystic River proves, once and for all and without argument, that Eastwood is among the top American directors ever, up there with Scorsese, Sidney Lumet, Woody Allen, and the others. (He's actually better than Allen). I think all of the critics like Pauline Kael who dissed Clint without thinking over the years have to eat it and eat it hard.
comment posted at 11:57 PM on Feb-27-05

Dr. Doom , super-villain and monarch of Latveria, is about to make his big screen debut, in a slightly altered form, in the new Fantastic Four movie. This is hoped to be a comeback for his career, which has been slow over the past decade forcing him to take up part time jobs as an economist, computer science professor, and two different rap artists.
comment posted at 11:12 PM on Feb-26-05

Bill Moyers: Theocrats and ideologues in charge of US government. Moyers: For the first time in our history, ideology and theology hold a monopoly of power in Washington. Theology asserts propositions that cannot be proven true; ideologues hold stoutly to a worldview despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality. When ideology and theology couple, their offspring are not always bad, but they are always blind. And there is the danger: voters and politicians alike, oblivious to the facts.
comment posted at 10:19 AM on Feb-24-05

Kottke.org! Time was that you could get the crap kicked out of you for posting kottke.org to MeFi. Three and a quarter years later, what's changed? Jason's decided to make a living off this blog ... but without running advertising. Good luck, says I.
comment posted at 7:40 AM on Feb-22-05
comment posted at 7:56 AM on Feb-22-05
comment posted at 8:02 AM on Feb-22-05
comment posted at 7:35 AM on Feb-24-05


*Not valid in Sunni majority provinces. "Democracy" means the right to cast a ballot, not necessarily to know for whom you're voting. Democracy means the right to cast a ballot, not necessarily national sovereignty. Democracy means the right to cast a ballot, not to decide who owns your oil. Not valid with other offers, like voting for Islamic theocracy or a pro-Iranian government. Must retain fourteen permanent U.S. military bases to play. Voting will not restore lost parents or children, and will not remove the horror from your soul. Void where prohibited by Ken Blackwell, the USA Patriot Act, the Bybee Memo, Proconsul John Negroponte or any U.S. Soldier's whim.

Brought to you by sien and muckster.
comment posted at 3:13 PM on Feb-7-05

Uncle Shelby's ABZ Book - along with The Gashlycrumb Tinies, Max und Moritz, and Der Struwwelpeter (previously discussed here and here) - are classics in the genre of children's books that are likely to disturb sensitive adults. Of course, Barbar isn't much better, and neither is Mickey Mouse, but at least they're not trying to conquer the human race [via Boing Boing]. What is it about corrupted innocence that's so darn funny?
comment posted at 2:46 PM on Feb-5-05

The Emperor's New Hump In the weeks leading up to the November 2 election, the New York Times was abuzz with excitement. Besides the election itself, the paper’s reporters were hard at work on two hot investigative projects, each of which could have a major impact on the outcome of the tight presidential race. One week before Election Day, the Times (10/25/04) ran a hard-hitting and controversial exposé of the Al-Qaqaa ammunition dump—identified by U.N. inspectors before the war as containing 400 tons of special high-density explosives useful for aircraft bombings and as triggers for nuclear devices, but left unguarded and available to insurgents by U.S. forces after the invasion. On Thursday, just three days after that first exposé, the paper was set to run a second, perhaps more explosive piece, exposing how George W. Bush had worn an electronic cueing device in his ear and probably cheated during the presidential debates.
comment posted at 3:10 AM on Feb-6-05

Handling Porcupines, Trolls, and Other Online Vermin
comment posted at 1:59 PM on Jan-31-05
comment posted at 2:50 PM on Jan-31-05

Did the Interim Iraqi Defense Minister have these two Americans murdered for $300 million? In the middle of a election that will decide who controls Iraq, Interim Iraqi Defense Minister Hazim Shaalan has announced that Ahmad Chalabi -- a rival candidate -- will be arrested on 13-year-old charges. But why now? Shaalan says Chalabi "wanted to malign the reputation of the defense ministry". How?
1> Shaalan claims Chalabi released documents accusing Shaalan of being a former member of the Mokhaberat, Saddam's intelligence service. (Shaalan claims political fraud, with the intent of silencing his claims against the Iranians.)
2> Chalabi claims that Shaalan flew $300 million in U.S. currency to a shady businessman in Lebanon, bypassing financial controls, the public bidding process, and Iraqi government oversight.
So, how does this tie in with Stoffel and Wemple? Stoffel recently alerted senior U.S. officials that the Iraqi Defense Ministry was involved in a kickback scheme involving a shady businessman in Lebanon and a multimillion-dollar arms deal. Late last year, Stoffel, a prominent Republican donor and arms dealer, met with aides to Sen. Santorum, R-Pa. Santorum wrote Donald Rumsfeld on Stoffel's behalf, asking him to raise the issue with Shaalan. Stoffel was later invited by the Coalition to arbitrate a solution with the Lebanese businessman. After several days, the arbitrator told the businessman to pay Stoffel -- a debt which is still unpaid. Upon leaving the base, Stoffel and Wemple were attacked and killed nearby. A video from a previously unknown terrorist group claimed responsibility, but one expert suggests that the video may be "manufactured". A reporter recently granted an interview with an Iraqi Defense Ministry spokesman was forbidden to ask "dangerous" questions about the contract. Stoffel and Wemple are survived by their wives and five children.
comment posted at 2:00 PM on Jan-22-05

A National Guard soldier in Iraq blogs about the birds and the local ecology. Here's an audio interview with "John" from today's Weekend Edition. Follow along with this Middle East Birding Guide (Arabic language .pdf in 10 separate chapters, lots of pretty pictures).
[Note: Iraq is home to many threatened and endangered species].
comment posted at 2:13 PM on Jan-22-05

With all of the talk and posts about itunes, the RIAA, P2P, etc. I thought that I would take this opportunity to point out that there are hundreds of great, free music files online that are legal to download. Sites like Soundloads which posts links to new music every day, Garageband which features up and coming bands, and CNet's music site that lets anyone and everyone upload their files to share with the masses, all feature some great music. And the creators of the music are asking you to download the files for free and add them to your playlists.

I've also downloaded some good music from epitonic.com, purevolume.com, audiostreet, even blogs can be a good source of new, free, legal music downloads. While you're not gonna find the latest big media pop diva or boy band, you can find good music if you take the time to look a little.
comment posted at 1:08 AM on Jan-17-05
comment posted at 3:22 AM on Jan-17-05

Meet The Lucky Ones. (more...)
comment posted at 3:14 PM on Jan-11-05

Rumor has it: Six Apart is buying Live Journal. via Waxy
comment posted at 6:34 PM on Jan-6-05

A high IQ is a hindrance for women wanting to get married while it is an asset for men, according to a study by four British universities.

The study found the likelihood of marriage increased by 35 per cent for boys for each 16 point increase in IQ. But for girls, there is a 40 per cent drop for each 16-point rise, according to the survey by the universities of Aberdeen, Bristol, Edinburgh and Glasgow. The study is based on the IQs of 900 men and women between their 10th and 40th birthdays. (via)
comment posted at 8:26 AM on Jan-3-05

The death of Frank Olson on November 28, 1953 was a murder, not a suicide. 2. This is not an LSD drug-experiment story, as it was represented in 1975. This is a biological warfare story. Frank Olson did not die because he was an experimental guinea pig who experienced a “bad trip.” He died because of concern that he would divulge information concerning a highly classified CIA interrogation program called “ARTICHOKE” in the early 1950’s, and concerning the use of biological weapons by the United States in the Korean War. 3. The truth concerning the death of Frank Olson was concealed from the Olson family as well as from the public in 1953. In 1975 a cover story regarding Frank Olson’s death was disseminated. At the same time a renewed coverup of the truth concerning this story was being carried out at the highest levels of government, including the White House. The new coverup involved the participation of persons serving in the current Administration. This is his son Eric's search for his father.
comment posted at 6:28 PM on Jan-2-05

Unproduced Screenplays "The Writers Guild of America registers approximately 30,000 screenplays every year, most of which never make it anywhere near the silver screen. Some of these are by "big name" writers like James Cameron and The Wachowski Brothers." Presented here for your reading pleasure are: "Edward Ford" by Lem Dobbs, "One Saliva Bubble" by David Lynch & Mark Frost, "Red, White, Black, and Blue" by Andrew Kevin Walker, "Carnivore" by The Wachowski Brothers, "Alien 3" by David Twohy, "A Crowded Room" by James Cameron, and "I Am Legend" by Mark Protosevic.
comment posted at 6:50 PM on Jan-2-05
comment posted at 8:34 PM on Jan-2-05

article and feedback here i can't believe how politically correct Christmas became this year. Some stores sent out memos telling their employees not to say Merry Xmas but to say Happy Holidays and because of that you have some right wing religious nuts boycotting these stores and complaining on the radio. I personally think they are both wrong. the real religion for the stores is the dollar anyway. And if you waste your valuable time trying calling radio stations and picketing stores then you obviously have way too much time on your hands. just relax people and stop being brainwashed. this link is to a feedback forum where a reader complained about the usage of xmas as opposed to christmas in a headline. the editors explain that xmas is actually still a very religious term. link here
comment posted at 8:13 AM on Dec-30-04

Arctic Blue Books Online - 'a searchable, World-Wide Web version of Andrew Taylor's unique index to the 19th Century British Parliamentary Papers concerned with the Canadian Arctic. '
comment posted at 12:40 AM on Dec-29-04

White House Considering Product Placement Deal All I can say is, I really, really hope this is a spoof article.
comment posted at 5:10 PM on Dec-21-04

Google to team up with the University of Michigan and Harvard University to make their extensive libraries available online. According to the agreement, Google will make available all books in the public domain; the universities can put the material to whatever use they see fit. Others have made attempts before, but none with the sheer might of Google. [via /.]
comment posted at 1:54 AM on Dec-14-04

Freespeeches.net is the future of television. Videoblogging focuses the global scope of TV down to the substantive issues that matter. Freespeeches.net concentrates on politics, offering several brief, easily downloadable clips a week of voices ranging from Bush to Libertarian candidate Michael Badnarik. (Ann Coulter's riff on "camel-riding nomads" is particularly grotesque.) See videoblogging.info for an introduction to this rapidly up-and-coming new medium, and then check out Underground Clips and Demand Media too. They watch TV so you don't have to.
comment posted at 1:25 AM on Oct-25-04

comment posted at 9:37 PM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 10:00 PM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 10:01 PM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 10:24 PM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 10:34 PM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 10:47 PM on Oct-21-04

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