525 MetaFilter comments by elendil71 (displaying 201 through 250)

Tattoos of Celebrities. "You really have to wonder how this person is gonna feel a few years down the road." [flash]
comment posted at 8:47 AM on Feb-26-07

Tea Birds Nothing but pictures of cute girls at tea. A tea blog like no other. [nsfw]
comment posted at 2:16 PM on Feb-23-07

Sweet Meats are the perfect stuffed meat to decorate your home.
comment posted at 1:46 PM on Feb-19-07

For each of the last three years, Robert Pinsky has collected a small set of Valentine's Day poems (and insightful analysis) around a particular theme - poems about love, poems against love, and poems about lust.
comment posted at 2:53 PM on Feb-14-07

Shut Up And Date. Are you lonely this Valentine's Day? "Dating Expert Jean Singer" wants you to Shut Up And Date. Watch clips of her seminar, Internet Dating: Oh, The Mistakes Men Make! Check out her Ten Commandments Of A First Date. But, before you start, make sure you're worthy by taking the self-assessment quiz. Shut Up And Date offers helpful advice and affirmations for all the relationship-challenged men out there.
comment posted at 8:36 AM on Feb-14-07
comment posted at 8:51 AM on Feb-14-07
comment posted at 8:52 AM on Feb-14-07
comment posted at 9:25 AM on Feb-14-07
comment posted at 9:33 AM on Feb-14-07

The history of cake has been long and varied, and many have interesting histories. Some are misleadingly named. However, few have had as mysterious and interesting a history as one of the 20th century's most famous cakes, the Chiffon.
From the always wonderful Rake Magazine.
comment posted at 2:47 PM on Feb-13-07

Dude gives a homeless friend a camera. Months later, dude receives prints in the mail.
comment posted at 9:45 AM on Feb-12-07

The Belfry WebComics Index is a site that lists just about every webcomic in existence, and a few that no longer are. You can add any that it's missing. Even better, if you tell it which ones you like, it'll compare that to other users' picks and make suggestions. The top ten are Better Days, Sabrina Online, Faux Pas, Jack (NSFW), Freefall, VG Cats, Kevin & Kell, Peter is the Wolf (NSFW), Ozy & Millie, and Dan & Mab's Furry Adventures. If you dislike talking animals, you can set the furry-bit to off, to highlight such webcomics as Penny Arcade, Girl Genius, Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire, Sluggy Freelance, PvP, MegaTokyo, Misfile, Schlock Mercenary, Something Positive, The Wotch and many more.
comment posted at 4:30 PM on Feb-6-07

Ghost ridin da whip + Society for Creative Anachronism + viral marketing = RAV4 Jousting. Warning: flash, opera
comment posted at 8:37 AM on Feb-1-07

According to a recent Zogby poll, parents would rather their daughter meet a date at a bar or a Star Trek convention than through online dating.
comment posted at 3:44 PM on Jan-31-07

Women Jailed and refused contraceptive after reporting rape. A woman visiting the Tampa area for Gasparilla was thrown in jail after being accused of failing to pay restitution for a 2003 theft arrest. The Tampa jail refused to provide the woman with a second dose of the morning after pill because of the religious beliefs of an employee.
comment posted at 1:37 PM on Jan-30-07
comment posted at 1:38 PM on Jan-30-07

After this there isn't really much else for science to accomplish.
comment posted at 4:36 PM on Jan-26-07

Wired: What We Don't Know How did life begin? What's the universe made of? Why do we sleep? Is the universe actually made of information? How does the brain produce consciousness? Why do we still have big questions? 42 of the biggest unanswered questions in science.
comment posted at 10:48 AM on Jan-26-07

I Go Pogo! I'll let Walt Kelly, the creator of the remarkable comic strip Pogo, introduce himself because he is far more clever than I am.
comment posted at 10:52 AM on Jan-25-07
comment posted at 11:02 AM on Jan-25-07

Andre the Giant, Greatest Drunkard of all Time The key to Andre the Giant is this — even as a youth he knew that his disease would dramatically shorten his life. He knew there was no cure, and lived every day with the understanding that death could shamble around the very next corner. Knowledge of this sort can darken a life. It did not darken Andre’s. He chose instead to pack his days with as much insane, drunken fun as they could hold. Instead of languishing in the darkness, he chose to walk in the sun.
comment posted at 1:35 PM on Jan-23-07

The Plantation Mentality
The veteran broadcast journalist Bill Moyers spoke on Friday before 3,500 at the opening of the National Conference on Media Reform in Memphis. He announced his return to the airwaves and outlined his vision of media reform. "As ownership gets more and more concentrated, fewer and fewer independent sources of information have survived in the marketplace; and those few significant alternatives that do survive, such as PBS and NPR, are under growing financial and political pressure to reduce critical news content and to shift their focus in a mainstream direction, which means being more attentive to establishment views than to the bleak realities of powerlessness that shape the lives of ordinary people."
comment posted at 9:39 AM on Jan-18-07

Guess who we're having for dinner? Danish shock artist Marco Evaristti lippoed some of his belly fat, fried meatballs in it and served it, partaking himself. He also canned some of the Polpette al grasso di Marco and sold at least two cans for $23,200 each. Cannibalism? Extreme autophagy? Trenchant comment on plastic surgery, taboos and consumerism? Or just really really gross?
comment posted at 1:13 PM on Jan-17-07

One of Geordi's first stops is to visit his good pal Wesley Crusher, who shows off one of his science projects (a mini tractor beam,) and one of his toys, a device that lets Wesley recreate speech from anyone on the ship. Any doubt that Wesley is a complete weenie is removed when we learn that he uses this device to have Captain Picard say things like, "Welcome to the bridge, Wesley," instead of having Counselor Troi say things like, "Smack my ass, Wesley, I'm a naughty, naughty bitch."

Wil Wheaton recaps Star Trek: The Next Generation.
comment posted at 8:40 AM on Jan-16-07

Fabric for Bachelors :: How to Shop for Work Clothes: A Primer for 'Bachelors' of Any Gender
comment posted at 2:51 PM on Jan-11-07

Think you get a lot done? Isaac Asimov (pronounced like "has, him, of" without the h's) , who would have turned 87 today, wrote or edited over 500 books, including science-fiction novels, introductions to organic chemistry (a field in which he held a professorship at B.U.) , indispensable anthologies of early science fiction, jokebooks, guides to Shakespeare, and collections of lively essays on science that have introduced thousands of people to the pleasures of thinking hard about the universe. He also found the time to write a few essays and write postcards to his fans. His story "Runaround" , from his 1950 collection I, Robot, is the only piece of fiction I know centered on the properties of a differential equation. His Foundation Trilogy was given a special Hugo award in 1966 as the best science fiction series of all time; a movie version, to be written by Jeff Vintar and directed by Shekhar Kapur, is currently in development. Previous AsimovFilter: here, here, here. Feel like a slacker yet? Stop reading MetaFilter and get to work!
comment posted at 1:11 PM on Jan-2-07

The Insects' Christmas - a 1913 Russian stop-motion film about a Father Christmas ornament come to life who rounds up the insects of the forest and Mr. Frog to celebrate the holiday. This film by Ladislaw Starewicz who also produced The Cameraman's Revenge, a wonderful stop-motion film of of insect infidelity. More on the incredible Ladislaw Starewicz and his films. (warning: insect sex and violence)
comment posted at 1:57 PM on Dec-22-06

The 50 Greatest Cartoons Ever: the List - including links to the full-length videos of the corresponding toons on YouTube and Google, etc. Based on a twelve year-old-vote by the animation industry, which explains why there are no appearances by Cartman, Bart, or Fry.
comment posted at 8:40 AM on Dec-22-06

Test your short-term memory: Word List Recall. Via Andrew Tobias.
comment posted at 2:40 PM on Dec-21-06

Famous (and some not so famous but enlightened, imaginary, infamous, guilty and sadly, some perhaps innocent) Last Words. A few crystalline notions of finality to ponder in this year-end phase of "best of" lists and impending resolutions.
comment posted at 3:14 PM on Dec-20-06

“President Barack Hussein Obama – it does have a ring to it, doesn't it?” – Who’s hot for (and who’s not for) America’s up-and-coming presidential wonderboy.
comment posted at 3:04 PM on Dec-15-06

The most inspirational film ever has an underexamined dark side, including a 1947 FBI memo that branded the film as subversive and "a rather obvious attempt to discredit bankers." The film's script was influenced by the liberal populism of the 1930s, used suicide as a plot point, and was criticized by a Christian Right website for "lax attitudes on alcohol and drunkenness." The film also inspired a feminist art project on "bad girl" Violet Bick and a dead-on parody of a right-wing Christian movie review. Meanwhile, Jimmy Stewart paid back Frank Capra for reviving his post-WWII career by spying on him for the FBI. The hidden backstory behind It's A Wonderful Life.
comment posted at 12:53 PM on Dec-15-06
comment posted at 1:54 PM on Dec-15-06
comment posted at 4:29 PM on Dec-15-06

The world's tallest man saved a dolphin by reaching into its stomach to retrieve plastic the dolphin had eaten. Bao Xishun, the world's tallest man at 7' 8.95" (2m, 36.1cm), is a herdsman from Inner Mongolia and is just naturally tall, not suffering from acromegaly or gigantism. At least there's some good dolphin-related news coming out of China. (Previously.)
comment posted at 9:27 AM on Dec-15-06

Is it possible to make truly excellent coffee or even espresso at home? Are fancy machines necessary? Dethroner is doing a theme week about coffee with a guestblogging pro coffee nerd dispensing some dense yet practical advice about beans and brewing. Don't miss the latte art video which makes it look so easy.
comment posted at 2:26 PM on Dec-14-06

Oh, Henry! Soft spoken Henry Rollins says a few words about internet freedom. (NSFW)
comment posted at 1:12 PM on Dec-14-06
comment posted at 2:01 PM on Dec-14-06
comment posted at 4:08 PM on Dec-14-06

Sly talks! Rounds [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9-10][11][12][13].

Let’s face it; my powers of communication were a little bit below that of a knuckle-dragging, ooze-dwelling cretin from another galaxy. Actually, I haven’t progressed that much. I just lie better. A 13 (so far)-part interview where Rocko/Ramby answers fans with oodles of extremely quotable, self-deprecating, sarcastic one-liners about the (few) ups and (many) downs of a Hollywood career. Tips on: how to get Sharon Stone naked, how to use the 3 seashells, how to direct dancers with a "crotch tartar" problem and how to bench press with owls. We also learn the final truth about some guy named Rocky - an inbred, druid outcast from Stonehenge whose specialty is weaving whistle chains and leaping face down onto pointed objects - and another one named Rambo - a savage turned loose in Microsoft’s headquarters.
comment posted at 8:37 AM on Dec-14-06
comment posted at 4:28 PM on Dec-14-06

ahhh...puttin on the Ritz. this makes me sad.
comment posted at 11:23 AM on Dec-13-06

Why are women, who have the whole male world at their mercy, not funny? Please do not pretend not to know what I am talking about.
comment posted at 1:08 PM on Dec-12-06

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