23518 MetaFilter comments by ericb (displaying 201 through 250)

The state of Washington has filed suit against Arlene's Flowers, whose owner, Barronelle Stutzman, refused to provide flowers for the wedding of regular customers Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed.
comment posted at 9:56 AM on Apr-11-13
comment posted at 10:03 AM on Apr-11-13
comment posted at 10:08 AM on Apr-11-13
comment posted at 10:11 AM on Apr-11-13
comment posted at 10:29 AM on Apr-11-13
comment posted at 12:11 PM on Apr-11-13
comment posted at 1:26 PM on Apr-11-13
comment posted at 1:47 PM on Apr-11-13
comment posted at 1:56 PM on Apr-11-13
comment posted at 10:18 AM on Apr-12-13
comment posted at 10:21 AM on Apr-12-13
comment posted at 10:35 AM on Apr-12-13

I got to go to the Macklemore concert on Friday night. If you want to hear about how that went, ask me, seriously, I want to talk about it until I die. The whole thing was great; but the best part was when Macklemore sang “Same Love.” Augustana’s gym was filled to the ceiling with 5,000 people, mostly aged 18-25, and decked out in thrift store gear (American flag bro-tanks, neon Nikes, MC Hammer pants. My Cowboy boyfriend wore Cowboy boots…not ironically….). The arena was brimming with excitement and adrenaline during every song, but when he started to play “Same Love,” the place about collapsed. Why? While the song is popular everywhere, no one, maybe not even Macklemore, feels its true tension like we do in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. If you’re not familiar, here’s the song.'
comment posted at 11:35 AM on Apr-11-13
comment posted at 11:54 AM on Apr-11-13

On 24th May 1964, Jim Templeton, a fireman from Carlisle in the North of England, took his young daughter out to the marches overlooking the Solway Firth to take some photographs.
comment posted at 1:07 PM on Apr-9-13

"..it is refreshing to see Jason Merkoski, a leader of the team that built Amazon's first Kindle, dispense with the usual techo-utopianism and say, “I think we’ve made a proverbial pact with the devil in digitizing our words.”
comment posted at 11:20 AM on Apr-9-13
comment posted at 11:51 AM on Apr-9-13
comment posted at 12:59 PM on Apr-14-13

Margaret Thatcher has died following a stroke her spokesman Lord Bell has said. Details are still coming out but the Iron Lady of British politics was and is a divisive figure even today. She will probably be best remembered for her role in the coal miner's strikes and the Falklands War. Her life in pictures is already online. The obituaries have been written for some time.
comment posted at 10:22 AM on Apr-8-13
comment posted at 10:30 AM on Apr-8-13
comment posted at 1:05 PM on Apr-8-13
comment posted at 1:10 PM on Apr-8-13
comment posted at 1:22 PM on Apr-8-13
comment posted at 1:53 PM on Apr-8-13
comment posted at 1:59 PM on Apr-8-13
comment posted at 10:59 AM on Apr-9-13
comment posted at 11:05 AM on Apr-9-13
comment posted at 11:07 AM on Apr-9-13
comment posted at 11:10 AM on Apr-9-13
comment posted at 11:12 AM on Apr-9-13
comment posted at 1:15 PM on Apr-9-13
comment posted at 2:49 PM on Apr-9-13
comment posted at 7:30 PM on Apr-9-13
comment posted at 7:38 PM on Apr-9-13
comment posted at 7:40 PM on Apr-9-13
comment posted at 10:39 AM on Apr-10-13
comment posted at 10:43 AM on Apr-10-13
comment posted at 10:46 AM on Apr-10-13
comment posted at 2:33 PM on Apr-10-13
comment posted at 11:57 AM on Apr-12-13
comment posted at 1:09 PM on Apr-12-13

Catching Up with Kai - "Which is the thing about being home free, when you submit to the authority of pieces of paper you lose your personal identity and the identity you find through nature." (previously; via)
comment posted at 2:27 PM on Apr-7-13

Do you find British slang perplexing? Can't get all the way through an entire episode of Absolutely Fabulous or the original Channel 4 Shameless? Maybe this will help.
comment posted at 2:56 PM on Apr-5-13
comment posted at 2:56 PM on Apr-5-13

To (All) the Colleges That Rejected Me
comment posted at 10:22 AM on Apr-5-13
comment posted at 10:42 AM on Apr-5-13
comment posted at 11:48 AM on Apr-5-13
comment posted at 12:06 PM on Apr-5-13
comment posted at 10:39 AM on Apr-7-13

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