267 MetaFilter comments by mcgraw (displaying 251 through 267)

She works, he doesn't Last week's Newsweek had a story about women who work and their husbands don't-either laid off or for other reasons. Personally, I know of at least 10 couples where the woman has been the "alpha earner" as well as where the men have been out of work for long periods of time. They may not go out and golf the whole time and they surf the internet "looking for jobs", but the bottom line is they don't go out and get a job, any job, to pay the bills, and appear to be okay letting their wives (who aren't happy about it) earn the money. Why is this happening? It wasn't "ok" just a few years ago. Is it a passive-aggressive thing? A reaction to years of expecting to be the sole bread winner? Why do all my women friends in this situation agree that if they were laid off, they would get ANY job immediately, but their men seem to think it's okay to coast for months to years. And why the double standards? Why does being the sole earner make women angry and resentful, even though they may embrace the feminist agenda wholeheartedly?
comment posted at 12:52 PM on May-15-03
comment posted at 12:54 PM on May-15-03
comment posted at 1:08 PM on May-15-03
comment posted at 1:49 PM on May-15-03
comment posted at 2:32 PM on May-15-03
comment posted at 2:37 PM on May-15-03
comment posted at 4:21 PM on May-15-03
comment posted at 4:34 PM on May-15-03
comment posted at 4:36 PM on May-15-03
comment posted at 5:52 PM on May-15-03

Earth to Bill Gates: Thank you This little editorial that appeared recently is (obviously) dancing on the fringe of cheesiness, but it begs an interesting question about philanthropy and the world's richest man. Gates appeared on Bill Moyers' NOW last night, and was reasonably candid (he used the phrase "failure of capitalism"), mentioning more than once that he intended to give away ~95% of his wealth, mostly to aid public health. Our perceptions of his politics aside, it would seem as if Gates intends to go out with a humanist bang.
comment posted at 8:50 PM on May-10-03

Israeli army bulldozes, kills American protester. Rachel Corrie, 23, of Olympia, Washington was killed in the Gaza Strip on Sunday when an Israeli Army bulldozer ran her over while trying to destroy a house in the Palestinian settlement of Rafah. Rachel was one of eight Palestinian Solidarity volunteers from the US and Great Britain at the scene, who were gathered in front of the house of Dr. Samir Masri, which was slated for demolition. Rachel Corrie was a leading organizer of the Olympia Movement for Justice and Peace, and was a senior at Evergreen State College, majoring in International Studies. She was also a talented writer, documenting her experiences in Palestine and Gaza.
comment posted at 11:49 AM on Mar-17-03
comment posted at 12:54 PM on Mar-17-03

Ushabtis are small mummiform dolls that the ancient Egyptians buried with the dead. 'Ushabti' means 'Answerer'. [more inside]
comment posted at 7:50 AM on Mar-5-03

Seventeen Magazine made me look superficial Do female teen magazines provide a crass commercial role model for young women? Who says that Mefi doesn't try to get in touch with its feminine side. (found from obscurestore.com)
comment posted at 8:31 AM on Feb-26-02

All Over But for the Crying
Does anyone really stand a chance against this sort of American might?
comment posted at 11:39 AM on Oct-4-01
comment posted at 2:35 PM on Oct-4-01

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