1682 MetaFilter comments by Wulfgar! (displaying 251 through 300)

Just One Question... "How many times have you been arrested, Mr. President?"
$1002.21 Bounty to the first person to ask George W. Bush this question in a public forum. [PayPal donations accepted to increase the bounty]
comment posted at 9:36 PM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 9:39 PM on Sep-9-04

Why no Pliestocene Park? "Everyone seems to assume that the primeval condition of the Great Plains was bison and prairie dog, with the occasional pronghorn herd, but no other large mammals. Yet for 1.65 million years, North America teemed with large animals: the 'pleistocene megafauna.' Then as the last ice age was ending and the first humans were coming over from Siberia, most of them died out." Sad -- doesn't everybody want a pony?
comment posted at 2:57 PM on Sep-9-04

What the NRA wants the NRA gets. The Assault Weapons Ban ends Monday. In an election season where first responders have become an issue it seems odd that both parties are ignoring pleas like these, Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton: "Nobody has an inalienable right to run around with a machine gun. I'm sorry, that's insanity!" Also, check out this fun and informative "banned or legal" page explaining the 1994 ban. Ban FAQ here.
comment posted at 2:05 PM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 2:11 PM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 3:39 PM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 4:24 PM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 4:29 PM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 5:47 PM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 6:06 PM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 8:56 PM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 9:04 PM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 8:07 AM on Sep-10-04
comment posted at 4:33 PM on Sep-10-04

George Bushes's Military record: a critical analysis This pdf file is about as definitive a look as we are likely to get on the Bush military record. Clearly most post4ers/readers of Metafilter do not support Bush, but having some clear-cut evidence at hand to use in arguments against those who attack the Kerry militaryrecord, this will give the Bushites reason to move on to other topics
comment posted at 2:47 PM on Sep-8-04
comment posted at 4:55 PM on Sep-8-04
comment posted at 5:31 PM on Sep-8-04
comment posted at 7:28 PM on Sep-8-04
comment posted at 4:10 PM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 4:44 PM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 9:16 PM on Sep-9-04

Banned weapons and WMD parts were shipped out of Iraq after the US forces took power according to the UN. At least thats the best I can make of this article. Does this really say that the UN is upset at us for shipping out of Iraq the exact things they previously said were not in Iraq?
comment posted at 3:13 PM on Sep-8-04

How do you ask someone to be the 1,000th person to die for a mistake? Of course there are people who say the US Media is playing down the casualties. But why would a powerful country need to lie about its losses?
comment posted at 2:22 PM on Sep-7-04
comment posted at 2:42 PM on Sep-7-04
comment posted at 3:01 PM on Sep-7-04
comment posted at 6:31 PM on Sep-7-04

The Republican propaganda mill, a brief history It's bigger than Bush vs. Kerry. It's about billionaire funded thinktanks (AEI, Heritage) paying columnists to sit around and make stuff up or legitimize crackpot theories (blacks are genetically stupid, japanese internment was okay). Furthermore its about radio, internet, blogs, tv news and publishing houses working in concert to pummel memes onto the American public. When this stuff infects your culture and is no longer the domain of the loons but now as mainstream as apple pie and Wal-Mart, what do you do?
comment posted at 1:31 PM on Sep-6-04

Bush's missing service year and missing records? no worries. Bush wearing a medal he didn't earn? no problemos. Kerry's 5 Vietnam war medals? Pentagon inquiry. [reg maybe required: use mefi/mefi]
comment posted at 7:56 PM on Sep-5-04
comment posted at 8:03 PM on Sep-5-04
comment posted at 8:47 PM on Sep-5-04
comment posted at 8:59 PM on Sep-5-04
comment posted at 9:35 PM on Sep-5-04
comment posted at 10:02 PM on Sep-5-04
comment posted at 3:16 PM on Sep-7-04

200 dead. In a time when terrorism is a major political platform and given that this event has had a bigger death toll than any other major terror activity since September 11, why is this not bigger news?
comment posted at 11:37 AM on Sep-4-04

World War IV
  • 1914-1918: World War I
  • 1939-1945: World War II
  • 1945-1990: World War III (Cold War)
  • 2001 ongoing: World War IV
Every generation has their war to end all wars. Welcome to ours. World War IV: How It Started, What It Means, and Why We Have to Win. [via GlobalSecurity.org]
comment posted at 12:00 PM on Sep-4-04

Native Languages of the Americas: Preserving and promoting American Indian languages.
comment posted at 5:27 PM on Sep-2-04
comment posted at 5:31 PM on Sep-2-04

Air Force confirms Bush wore award he never earned. Following the earlier revelation that George W. Bush was photographed wearing military ribbons he never earned, arguments were made against the charge, in some cases based on the political leaning of the source. The Air Force Personnel Center and the Air Force Historical Research Center both state that Bush never recieved the award displayed in the photograph. The Uniform Code of Military Justice states that this is an act punishable by six months confinment and a discharge from the service. (via OW)
comment posted at 6:39 PM on Sep-1-04

Columbus swift boat vet angry about letter Swift boat veteran Bob Anderson of Columbus is ticked. It bothers him that Sen. John Kerry's swift boat history has become such a political hot potato. But he's even more irritated that his name was included - without his permission - on a letter used to discredit Kerry. "I'm pretty nonpolitical," the 56-year-old Anderson said Tuesday. So, when he found out last week that his name was one of about 300 signed on a letter questioning Kerry's service, he was "flabbergasted."
comment posted at 3:44 PM on Sep-1-04
comment posted at 3:55 PM on Sep-1-04

My name is Scott Camile. I was a Sgt. attached to Charley 1/1. I was a forward observer in Vietnam. I went in right after high school and I'm a student now. My testimony involves burning of villages with civilians in them, the cutting off of ears, cutting off of heads, torturing of prisoners, calling in of artillery on villages for games, corpsmen killing wounded prisoners, napalm dropped on villages, women being raped, women and children being massacred, CS gas used on people, animals slaughtered, Chieu Hoi passes rejected and the people holding them shot, bodies shoved out of helicopters, tear-gassing people for fun and running civilian vehicles off the road.   Here is the Swift Boat related back story from The Sixties Project: Winter Soldier Investigation - Testimony given in Detroit, Michigan, on January 31, 1971, February 1 and 2, 1971. Sponsored by Vietnam Veterans Against the War. This testimony was published in the Congressional Record, "Extensions and Remarks," April 7, 1971: 2825-2900, 2903-2936. (Much More Inside)
comment posted at 10:17 PM on Aug-30-04

The maven of midwestern gentility weighs in on today's GOP.

How did the Party of Lincoln and Liberty transmogrify into the party of Newt Gingrich’s evil spawn and their Etch-A-Sketch president, a dull and rigid man, whose philosophy is a jumble of badly sutured body parts trying to walk?
comment posted at 11:22 AM on Aug-30-04

"FBI espionage probe goes beyond Israeli allegations, sources say ... The linkage, if any, between the two leak investigations, remains unclear. But they both center on the office of Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith, the Pentagon's No. 3 official."

Juan Cole pulls back the curtains on the neo-cons and Franklin here ... if you have friends or family in the US military is this the guy(s) you want calling the shots??
comment posted at 10:11 PM on Aug-29-04

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