1630 MetaFilter comments by baylink (displaying 251 through 300)

A new kind of child porn? Teenage girls set up webcams, ostensibly to extend their social network through interactive technology. Sick bastard male voyeurs create Web site so they can spy on all their "hotties" simultaneously. Thank heavens for little girls? Some of these girls are only 14, and look nothing like what a 14 year old should look like!
comment posted at 8:40 AM on Mar-28-01
comment posted at 9:05 AM on Mar-28-01
comment posted at 9:07 AM on Mar-28-01
comment posted at 10:59 AM on Mar-28-01

Well, congratulations; you won your TiVo. So, now, are you wondering what they're doing to you with it?
comment posted at 5:49 PM on Mar-26-01
comment posted at 6:34 PM on Mar-26-01
comment posted at 7:06 PM on Mar-26-01
comment posted at 9:29 AM on Mar-28-01

Third-grader suspended for drawing soldier, kniufe, gun The teacher said that the students were scared of the drawings....perhaps they should read the article in the current issue of the Guardian which goes into specifics of our new military budget and suggests that the total cost of our military budget is 1/3 of that spent by all of the nations in the world combined.
comment posted at 11:28 AM on Mar-25-01

Is there a perfect weblogging software? Here's my wish list: a database back-end, static pages, searching, HTML, easy templating, syndication through RSS, and, most of all, the ability to back-date my entries. PHP-Nuke is amazing, but isn't quite right for what I want to do. I like Blogger, but I worry about its future; will new features ever be added? The talented Noah Grey isn't updating his elegant Greymatter except for bug fixes, so asking him for features wouldn't be cool. One possibility is a Perl script called Newspro: very, very flexible, with interesting add-ons.
comment posted at 11:33 AM on Mar-25-01

Mir falls to earth in a blaze of fireworks and sickle-hammered glory following its "triumphant mission". And damn, it looks like I'm going to have to pay for my lunch. Thanks to Taco Bell for "capturing the imagination of people around the globe".
comment posted at 4:52 PM on Mar-24-01

A era comes, as they like to say, to a end. The final burn of the Progress cargo ship attached to MIR is underway; she's a comin' down. Obvious CNN link attached; NASA likely swamped; other good links welcome...
comment posted at 9:36 PM on Mar-22-01
comment posted at 9:40 PM on Mar-22-01
comment posted at 9:51 PM on Mar-22-01
comment posted at 9:55 PM on Mar-22-01
comment posted at 9:55 PM on Mar-22-01
comment posted at 9:57 PM on Mar-22-01
comment posted at 9:59 PM on Mar-22-01
comment posted at 10:04 PM on Mar-22-01
comment posted at 10:07 PM on Mar-22-01
comment posted at 10:09 PM on Mar-22-01
comment posted at 10:11 PM on Mar-22-01
comment posted at 10:33 PM on Mar-22-01

ever wish those new laptops were a little cheaper? hackers have found a simple way of changing the prices on e-commerce sites and then submitting a purchase order with the new price...all in the "edit page" feature of your browser... suddenly network security is not the only thing to be aware of with online transactions.
comment posted at 9:45 AM on Mar-22-01

Say farewell to the geeky white guys. The new generation of Internet users looks a lot like the folks who cruise Wal-Mart-and then some. How the hell did that happen?
comment posted at 4:23 AM on Mar-21-01
comment posted at 4:26 AM on Mar-21-01

Geeks (like me), welcome the new Palm m505 -- all the style of the V series, with an improved color lcd screen and an expansion slot! Yum.
comment posted at 10:59 AM on Mar-19-01

Last week, we got news of new.net, who decided to make a big splash in the alternative Top Level Domain (.com/.net/etc) game, with some moronic, un-coordinated with the other people scheme including some "patented new technology" that amounted to 'set new.net as the search path in your DNS setup'.

Well, apparently they've started a trend, as now there's another player in the market...
comment posted at 7:02 PM on Mar-8-01

Go Daddy Domains

1 Year ($8.95/yr).....$8.95
2 Years ($8.75/yr)...$17.50
3 Years ($8.55/yr)...$25.65
5 Years ($8.05/yr)...$40.25
8 Years ($7.45/yr)...$59.60
10 Years ($6.95/yr)...$69.50

Getting a domain name has never been easier or more affordable!
Yeah, or so they say. So far, I can't seem to find a catch. It just sounds funny to me when they say that you'll be using Go Daddy software to get your domain. Maybe I'm being too cynical? Maybe this is just an honest-to-goodness, good deal?
What about it, MeFiers, what's the bottom line, here?
comment posted at 8:23 AM on Mar-6-01

Cheney Hospitalized. Heart attack #2? Good grief - VP heart attacks, huge blizzard in the east, a school shooting.....NEXT?
comment posted at 3:24 PM on Mar-5-01
comment posted at 8:27 AM on Mar-6-01

New.net lauched today, with their attempt to create their own TLD registrar that seems like a bastardization of DNS. Most people will need to download a plugin, is there any chance this could be successful? Is ICANN doing anything to stop them or will they just die on their own?
comment posted at 3:32 PM on Mar-5-01

Ok... let me get this straight. copyright.net has turned loose a tapeworm, called CopyrightAgent, that crawls around on your computer without your permission, looking for copyrighted MP3 files. If it find them, it reports back your IP address, and they have Napster block you, if you're a Napster user. Otherwise, they contact your ISP, and have *them* block you under the DMCA.

And the first I heard about this was a Knight-Ridder wire story in my local paper?? Why the hell hasn't the Internet reacted by burning these people's offices (or uplink :-) to the ground?
comment posted at 9:59 AM on Mar-3-01
comment posted at 3:48 PM on Mar-3-01

Gentle, Strong Woman Seeks Doormat Read about Mary, who is looking for that special somebody who can fulfill all of her needs and then some. ALL of them. Example of phone etiquette: "I have a personal preference for not being interrupted while I'm talking. So please don't step on my words. Although I appreciate the sincere intentions of listeners who are used to interjecting verbal nods such as "uh huh," "hmm hmm," or "OK" when the speaker pauses briefly between statements, please don't do so with me. I'd rather you listen silently so that I can know that you have the best chance of hearing every word that I say. Don't worry, I won't be longwinded. ;-)" Riiiight.
comment posted at 10:16 AM on Mar-3-01
comment posted at 10:33 AM on Mar-3-01

All your spaceship are belong to LEEIF. Someone stole the source code to the guidance package for the US space program, including GPS. Tomorrow Never Dies, anyone?
comment posted at 4:08 PM on Mar-3-01

NASA admits "Dreaming isn't our job, anymore."

<sigh> We're never going to get off this planet. Crap.
comment posted at 8:45 AM on Mar-3-01

Three-dimensional printing's a reality. While this technology will certainly help out mass production, here's the big question: Who will be the first to exploit this technology for odious purposes? And how far are we away from the transporter?
comment posted at 5:35 AM on Mar-2-01

The House has passed the bankruptcy reform bill that Clinton vetoed at the end of the last session. I'm mildly optimistic that it won't pass the Senate, given that the Democratic vote in the House was split. But should we be worried at all? At first glance, it doesn't seem like a bad idea. But so many consumer groups are against it, and it seems to benefit credit card companies while hurting individuals, so I'm inclined to think we should leave things as-is. Especially since personal bankruptcies are down and credit card issuers' profits are up. Anyone know more about this?
comment posted at 6:18 AM on Mar-2-01

The Web Page from Hell. Be sure to look at the client list.
comment posted at 6:56 AM on Mar-2-01

Guess what? Kids are interested in guns.
comment posted at 8:06 PM on Feb-28-01
comment posted at 8:42 PM on Mar-1-01

OpenCola Soft Drink™ "source code" has been released under General Public License and is freely available for download from their website. It marks the first time that open-source licensing has been applied to a consumer product. Or so they say.
comment posted at 8:19 AM on Feb-27-01

Three months after Chris Kempa was struck and killed by a truck, the city of Livonia, Mich., has ordered his family and friends to stop memorializing him at the site (from Kempa.Com, run by his older brother Adam).
comment posted at 2:27 PM on Feb-26-01

They're Not Playing Your Song. This is just mean. Mean, cruel, and awful. Heartless. And, I'm sorry, very funny. I laughed and laughed. I know, I'm a bad person. Are you too?
comment posted at 8:40 AM on Feb-23-01

Bryan Singer + Battlestar Galactica = relaunch. Yeah, buddy! This could be fun.

What were the fatal flaws of the original 'Galactica'? And how should it be made better this time?
comment posted at 8:41 AM on Feb-22-01

A spectre is haunting the Web - the spectre of standards. Jeffery Zeldman takes a bold step and stops supporting "bad browsers". Will the Web follow?
comment posted at 9:45 AM on Feb-22-01

Jef Raskin, creator of the Macintosh project at Apple, says the windows-based interface is passé. "In my current interface designs, everything you need is laid out for you. You just zoom in, and as soon as you can read the text or see the graphic details, you can work on them. Then there's no need for windows, which you are forever opening, closing, moving or fooling with."
comment posted at 1:30 PM on Feb-14-01

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