2221 MetaFilter comments by interrobang (displaying 401 through 450)

Good Copy Bad Copy is "a documentary about the current state of copyright and culture," featuring Danger Mouse, Lawrence Lessig, Dan Glickman of the MPAA and others. The film's creators are releasing it free of charge, via Bittorrent.
comment posted at 10:26 AM on Aug-3-07
comment posted at 10:53 AM on Aug-3-07

Sean Bonney's translations of Baudelaire are unconventional. Instead of following the form of the French originals they are semi-concrete typewriter poetry. In a review of the book, everyone's cup of tea, onedit magazine says that they are "certainly the best translations of Baudelaire in English ever written." Which might explain why they published 35 of them in their latest issue. You can listen to Bonney read his translations here [mp3]
comment posted at 8:46 AM on Jul-18-07
comment posted at 9:31 AM on Jul-18-07
comment posted at 9:39 AM on Jul-18-07
comment posted at 9:50 AM on Jul-18-07

A parent advocacy group is upset that Transformer toys are being marketed to children. Group also rumored to dislike the fact that water is wet and that the Pope wears a big hat.
comment posted at 1:18 PM on Jul-2-07

Destroying a perfectly good cellphone. The inner workings and guts of the biggest new toy this year. Is it more reliable then an iPod? How many screws does it have? Is it powered by nerds wishes and dreams? The answers to these questions are maybe, 16, and you bet your sweet ass.
comment posted at 10:31 PM on Jun-29-07

On June 13th Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., and House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, D-Mich., issued subpoenas to two former White House officials compelling them to provide testimony and related information as part of ongoing congressional investigations into the mass firings of well-performing federal prosecutors and the politicization of hiring and firing within the Department of Justice. Today is the deadline for handing over the requested information and the Whitehouse has stated that it will not be complying with the request.
comment posted at 7:33 AM on Jun-28-07

Go skateboarding Day didn't end well for a bunch of teenagers in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Youtube Video. Unreasonable/Excessive force by the police? You decide.
comment posted at 5:54 PM on Jun-27-07

Matthias Wandel's astounding wooding calculatory enigma. A woodworker turns his talents to binary mathematics via a cunning series of cats-eyes, clinkers and rounders. Plus many other marbled wonders. [this might be marbles]
comment posted at 9:09 PM on Jun-26-07

Your webcomic is bad and you should feel bad. Many of the most popular comics on the Internet aren't just weird, they're terrible. And creepy. Like Dominic Deegan, which justifies rape in a storyline. Also, Girly's creator critiques the art of several webcomics, both good and bad.
comment posted at 7:46 AM on Jun-26-07

Public Domain Photos [via mefi projects]. An extraordinarily rich resource for free stock photography.
comment posted at 5:23 PM on Jun-22-07

Scans from Jack Kirby's comic book adaptation of 2001: A Space Odyssey. Here are some scans of his sketches as well. You can read more about the adaptation here and here. (via)
comment posted at 8:59 AM on Jun-22-07
comment posted at 9:09 AM on Jun-22-07

The Definitive 1000 Songs Of All Time 1955 to 2005. They are up to 601 at the moment
comment posted at 9:54 AM on Jun-20-07

Bane of My Existence is a very observant and well done record of idiocy for future historians by illustrator Rod Filbrandt. You of course, are nothing like these drawings. The rest of his blog is pretty good to poke around too. (via Drawn)
comment posted at 9:28 PM on Jun-19-07
comment posted at 10:03 PM on Jun-19-07

Fingerjig is a six minute typing game that pulls random words from a large dictionary (and during one section, random letters). I like it because it plays cool percussion hits when you make a mistake, and because sections of it test your left hand and right hand separately. (via)
comment posted at 11:23 AM on Jun-17-07

Massachusetts will retain gay marriage. For now. The initiative petition which sought to amend the Massachusetts constitution to ban gay marriage (thereby revoking the decision of the Supreme Judicial Court in Goodridge v. Dept. of Public Health) will not appear on the ballot. The petition needed the votes of fifty legislators in two consecutive constitutional conventions to proceed; my representative was one of the nine house members who changed their votes from the last time. Thank you, Jim.
comment posted at 9:43 PM on Jun-14-07

The Prelinger Library is a small privately owned "public library" in San Francisco with the unique philosophy that browsing library stacks can reveal new knowledge, if the books are arranged for browsing. This is counter to most public libraries who rely on computer terminal searching, databases and the Dewey Decimal system to atomize books and subjects, with stack browsing a sort of random after effect, and in some places--like the Library of Congress--normally not even allowed. Now a (real) public library in Arizona has joined the revolution and claims to be the first public library in the nation to drop the Dewey Decimal system. Instead, books will be shelved by topic, similar to the way bookstores arrange books. The demise of the century-old Dewey Decimal system is overdue, county librarians say: "People think of books by subject. Very few people say, 'Oh, I know Dewey by heart.' "
comment posted at 8:17 PM on Jun-10-07

Regina Spektor is a Russian-born American singer-songwriter and pianist associated with the anti-folk scene centered on New York City's East Village. Incorporating "piano riffs and integrating moans, nonsense words, groans, gurglings, or warblings," Spektor has a pretty unique voice (Seattle P-I: "an instrument with the agility of an athlete and the flexibility of a yogi") and style which incorporates "beatbox-style flourishes in the middle of ballads, or the use of a drum stick to tap rhythms on the body of the piano or chair" (wiki). She's got a pretty unique voice and "Fidelity" is a very unusual and rather enjoyable music video. Someone to keep an eye on (although Mefites already had been doing so).
comment posted at 11:47 AM on Jun-9-07

Han Solo's Axe is a Gibson 335 with covered humbuckers. Jar Jar on Banjo, of course. Perhaps you'd rather have Yoda on your beast instead of in your band. Maybe when you rock out you just need a little extra force in your pick, knob, or guitar case . Just remember, Darth Maul throws the horns 24/7.
comment posted at 2:24 PM on Jun-8-07

If you could kiss yourself, would you? These photos make it happen, and the results are ... disturbing. Site is in French.
comment posted at 9:37 PM on Jun-6-07

do we click? any questions? ask mary. [possibly NSFW]
comment posted at 10:56 AM on Jun-6-07

CatCam is exactly what it sounds like. A crappy digital camera, Atmel Attiny13 and a little electronics skill are all it takes to get your cat photoblogging. The results are pretty great. via Hackaday and possibly also Baby_Balrog
comment posted at 10:19 AM on Jun-3-07

al Qaeda's "Legitimate Demands". Azzam al Amreki (aka Adam Gadahn) appears in a newly released al Qaeda video to recite his group's demands and promise more bombings and destruction if we don't comply. (previously)
comment posted at 12:00 PM on May-30-07
comment posted at 12:41 PM on May-30-07
comment posted at 1:23 PM on May-30-07

Peggy a redo of the Lichtenstein modern classic using 2788 hand cut, sanded, and painted dowels mounted on a wall, forming a 3 x 7 foot work of art.
comment posted at 2:34 PM on May-29-07

Someone puts a video camera on a Japanese sushi bar conveyor belt. You can tell it's in Japan because it doesn't get stolen as it travels around the bar. Via b3ta.
comment posted at 1:23 PM on May-25-07

Console Portraits: A 40-Year Pictorial History of Gaming. Inventor Ralph Baer designed the first videogame console for the home. In May 1967 he played the first-ever two-player game. "I lost!" Baer notes. At times offensive and controversial, console videogames have survived hard times to remain at the forefront of videogame history, and at times a reflection of ourselves.
comment posted at 6:27 PM on May-16-07

Possibly the greatest comic-book ever written about a dead man wandering through Hell in search of his pants, Stig's Inferno is available online! Issues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
comment posted at 9:39 PM on May-10-07
comment posted at 7:05 AM on May-11-07

Another casualty in the War on Drugs "I think we're dying," he said in the 5-minute tape, obtained under the Michigan Freedom of Information Act.
comment posted at 12:40 PM on May-10-07

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