2067 MetaFilter comments by Witty (displaying 401 through 450)

Step Aside Ben Hur ! [video and audio, prob SFW] Welcome the American Chariot. Unlike the evil Segway, whose self-balancing ability smells of sulfur, the Chariot obeys the laws of gravity and delivers a powerful commanding post for the discerning officer.
comment posted at 6:09 AM on May-23-05
comment posted at 6:27 AM on May-23-05

Saddam in his Underwear. No, this isn't a flash cartoon.
comment posted at 12:00 PM on May-20-05
comment posted at 12:51 PM on May-20-05
comment posted at 1:37 PM on May-20-05
comment posted at 4:06 PM on May-20-05

Custom stem cells. South Korea produces a significant gain in stem cell research. Experts have suggested that the new technique may sidestep some of the ethical concerns that have hampered research in the US.
comment posted at 4:21 PM on May-19-05
comment posted at 11:52 AM on May-20-05

Poop on Ryan Seacrest! TV Squad has a story about a guy who is having a contest. Be the first to take a dump on Ryan Seacrest's walk of fame star and win $50. Personally I think it should be more cash, considering you could get arrested.
comment posted at 12:44 PM on May-19-05
comment posted at 12:45 PM on May-19-05

Why is it that sequels always suck? I guess this would be the next logical step in the series. I, for one, welcome our new Oversight Overlords. Please don't use my own tax dollars to persecute me.
comment posted at 10:34 AM on May-19-05
comment posted at 11:46 AM on May-20-05
comment posted at 2:12 AM on May-23-05

Chromasia - a photo blog
comment posted at 6:25 PM on May-18-05
comment posted at 6:29 PM on May-18-05
comment posted at 6:54 PM on May-18-05
comment posted at 11:52 AM on May-20-05

Your Knife Sucks - "The only difference between your knife and my knife is my knife's in my hand and your knife's in your pocket." {Real Video ram} {via Kottke via Clive}
comment posted at 3:40 PM on May-18-05

Two new pieces from the San Diego Union-Tribune chronicle the dire conditions in North Korea, the last worst place on Earth: "The suffering of the North Korean people does not benefit from the drama that attends well-publicized human rights crises such as Iraq and Darfur. Even when hunger and starvation killed as many as 2 million North Koreans in the mid-1990s, the world took little notice. And the greater toll is the continuing long-term day-to-day grinding down of the hearts, minds and souls of all North Korean people."
comment posted at 3:45 PM on May-18-05

A high school senior has been denied valedictorian status because she wasn't enrolled in the high school on the 20th day of her junior year. Why? Because she was in a treatment center receiving help for anorexia. Only in Texas...
comment posted at 5:16 PM on May-17-05
comment posted at 5:44 PM on May-17-05

Bugtime Adventures (bypass Flash, sort of). Shades of Bibleman! Another peek into the strange world of Christian kids' shows. And don't worry, one of television's most enduring actors is indeed involved.
comment posted at 2:46 PM on May-17-05

Shatner [QuickTime]
comment posted at 11:35 AM on May-13-05

The real Pat Tilman story. Remember Pat Tillman? Tilman the former NFL player? Tilman the war hero who died saving his mates? Sure you do! "Tillman died trying to save fellow members of the 75th Ranger Regiment caught in a crush of enemy fire," the story went. Tillman, said a friend and comrade-at-arms, had told his fellow soldiers "to seize the tactical high ground from the enemy" to draw enemy fire away from another U.S. platoon trapped in an ambush. "He directly saved their lives with those moves. Pat sacrificed his life so that others could live." It was, as the Washington Post wrote, a "storybook personal narrative"--one recounted on hundreds of front pages and network newscasts. It was also a lie.
comment posted at 10:41 AM on May-12-05
comment posted at 11:09 AM on May-12-05

john bolton and group sex
do these revelations make him more or less qualified to serve as the united states ambassador to the UN?
comment posted at 2:19 PM on May-11-05
comment posted at 2:53 PM on May-11-05
comment posted at 3:21 PM on May-11-05
comment posted at 3:57 PM on May-11-05
comment posted at 3:58 PM on May-11-05
comment posted at 7:14 PM on May-11-05

LA Deputies: 100+ rounds, two wounded. After firing nearly 120 rounds, some Los Angeles County Sherriff's Department deputies manage to wound the driver of an SUV they'd been pursuing, one of their own number, and punch lots of 9mm holes in a Compton neighborhood. Report says no weapon in the suspect's vehicle.
comment posted at 10:59 AM on May-10-05
comment posted at 11:11 AM on May-10-05
comment posted at 1:22 PM on May-10-05

Vulnerable SUVs? William Cottrell gets sentenced to 8 years for vandalising SUVs, while this guy originally got just 18 months? Wow.
comment posted at 9:43 AM on May-9-05
comment posted at 10:38 AM on May-9-05

“What I remember of him is he used to make the coffee and do the photocopying.” A flattering portrait of 'Bin Laden general' Abu Faraj al-Libbi, the 4th Al-Qaida #3 man captured so far.
comment posted at 10:59 AM on May-8-05
comment posted at 11:27 AM on May-8-05
comment posted at 5:37 PM on May-8-05

FDA to ban gay sperm donors. The agency says that such men collectively are more likely to be HIV-positive than other men.
comment posted at 2:13 PM on May-7-05

FDA to ban sperm donations from homosexuals. Claims the rate of HIV among gay men is statistically high enough to warrant the exclusion. Gay community suggests discrimination. See also: Gay blood ban (in effect since 1985).
comment posted at 11:28 PM on May-5-05
comment posted at 12:40 AM on May-6-05
comment posted at 10:43 PM on May-6-05
comment posted at 11:06 AM on May-7-05
comment posted at 10:26 AM on May-8-05
comment posted at 1:54 PM on May-10-05
comment posted at 2:17 PM on May-10-05
comment posted at 2:26 PM on May-10-05

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