1846 MetaFilter comments by Krrrlson (displaying 401 through 450)

Vanity Fair has obtained confidential documents, since corroborated by sources in the U.S. and Palestine, which lay bare a covert initiative, approved by Bush and implemented by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Deputy National Security Adviser Elliott Abrams, to provoke a Palestinian civil war.
comment posted at 2:35 PM on Mar-3-08
comment posted at 10:54 PM on Mar-3-08

History's greatest replies. Any attempt to compile history's greatest replies—or history's greatest anything, for that matter—is fraught with difficulty, so it might be more accurate to refer to the replies that follow as simply my all-time favorites.
comment posted at 2:19 PM on Mar-3-08
comment posted at 2:20 PM on Mar-3-08

Enjoy life while you can. Because we're doomed. Global warming has passed the tipping point, and catastrophe is unstoppable. James Lovelock is still at it. (Previously.)
comment posted at 2:38 PM on Mar-3-08
comment posted at 2:38 PM on Mar-3-08
comment posted at 2:38 PM on Mar-3-08
comment posted at 2:38 PM on Mar-3-08
comment posted at 2:38 PM on Mar-3-08

A high ranking FARC leader, Paul Reyes, was killed during a Columbian raid into Ecuador. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, responded and ordered ten battalions to the Columbian border, threatening a key regional ally of the United States. Some think it is just more bluster by Chavez. Meanwhile Air Force 2 is in Aruba; which is just 18 miles off the coast. Also Exxon-Mobil was recently cut off from Venezuela's oil.
comment posted at 10:35 PM on Mar-2-08

Some are saying Hillary Clinton's campaign ad contains a subliminal racist message. Or is it pro-Jewish? Or much ado about nothing? Is Huckabee subliminally attracting Christians? Bush was accused of planting a subliminal message in his 2000 campaign ad, but denied it. A study suggests subliminal messages in campaign ads work [PDF]. Science Sensei at HowStuffWorks discusses subliminal political messages [video].
comment posted at 3:55 PM on Mar-2-08
comment posted at 4:03 PM on Mar-2-08

Is John McCain eligible to become president of the U.S.? He was born on a military base in the Panama Canal zone, which was not sovereign US territory. The Constitution provides:No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States. Is McCain a natural born citizen?
comment posted at 9:34 AM on Feb-28-08

A church in Tampa, FL has issued a 30-day sex challenge: If you're married, have sex every day (PDF of daily workbook). If you're not married, don't have sex at all (PDF of daily workbook). There's a blog, there's a billboard, there's a lot of press.
comment posted at 11:34 AM on Feb-27-08
comment posted at 11:54 AM on Feb-27-08

Many business owners have struggled with crime in their communities and the impact that can have on their business- but when the police have their hands full, sometimes your complaints just fall through the cracks. One Atlanta bar owner has taken matters into his own hands by building a crime-fighting vigilante robot.
comment posted at 9:48 AM on Feb-26-08

the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us A frightening story about a secret Pentagon report to the President leaked and published February 22, 2004. On February 23, 2008 the Web goes wild. 1400 Diggs and still rising. 245 points on Reddit, but the commenters seem to "get it". Clipmarks.com 'clips' the article without the date. The "progressive press" got it the first time. National Debunker asked "where were the US media on the story?" last year. Mark posted it to BoingBoing in 2004, then Cory posted it today (at the moment, still on front page, although the permalink has been deleted).
comment posted at 4:32 PM on Feb-23-08

From Patrick Curry, lead designer of Stubbs the Zombie, comes this concept for a game that I think is nothing short of fantastic: Snow Day.
comment posted at 7:00 PM on Feb-22-08

The main character of Hamas' show Tomorrow's Pioneers has evolved once again. Assud, the Jew eating rabbit replaced Nahoul the bee - a martyr who died waiting for medical treatment. The original character on the show was a Mickey Mouse lookalike named Farfour. His death was also blamed on the Israelis.
comment posted at 1:46 PM on Feb-14-08

Interested on how the gummint is using Spectral Sensing Technology do defend us from attacks? You'll feel much safer after viewing the Futuristic Sensor System Dramatic Research Presentation of the 2008 International Symposium on Spectral Sensing Research (ISSSR-2008). (The tour of the Conference Site is in the same vein, with different music.)
comment posted at 3:52 PM on Feb-7-08

Cleveland is dying, and it is beautiful. A collection of stark photographs of Cleveland as it is dying before our very eyes.
comment posted at 1:26 PM on Feb-7-08

YongFook gets his MacBook Air [3 min. youtube]
comment posted at 11:08 PM on Feb-4-08

Mississippi considers banning people with a BMI higher than 30 from eating in public. Though its author doesn't expect it to pass, House Bill 282 attempts to draw attention to the obesity epidemic, exaggerated or no. Predictably, some are upset.
comment posted at 10:54 AM on Feb-1-08

A recent poll (PDF) asked for reactions to the same model dressed in two different ways: in a plain shirt with her hair down, and in a blue head scarf of the style of some Islamic women. Perhaps understandably, the survey respondents felt the scarfed image was more traditional and more religious. But some of the other perceptions are less obviously predictable. (via crooked timber)
comment posted at 6:14 PM on Jan-29-08

"From somewhere around 110,000 trillion trillion years ago" Scientology, a very litigious and secretive group had their website hacked recently and some documents have made it on to the web. The /i/nsurgency haxorz (a splinter group of the famous Anon folks) are claiming responsibility. This is part of an ongoing war of sorts. Also, a helpful Scientology acronym guide of sorts.
comment posted at 1:54 PM on Jan-21-08

Hip-hop artist Sean Paul suspected to cause grand mal seizures in woman. Stacey Gayle, a 25-year old epileptic, had grand mal seizures nearly every time she heard Paul's hit "Temperature." She listened to the song on her iPod in front of doctors. Soon after, she suffered three seizures.
comment posted at 4:39 PM on Jan-18-08

MicroHorror: Terrifying tales, related in 666 words or fewer.
comment posted at 12:46 PM on Jan-17-08

The Downfall: Hitler and the End of the Third Reich was well-received by the critics. Recently, amateur subtitle writers have used a poignant scene from the movie to showcase the Fuhrer's banning from iSketch and XBox Live (previously), as well as the downfall of HD-DVD.
comment posted at 4:22 PM on Jan-15-08

Nutjobfilter. Tom Cruise on Scientology. It's one link to a video, but it's one link to a video that you really should watch.
comment posted at 3:13 PM on Jan-15-08

Tom Hodgkinson, of The Idler, really hates Facebook: "We are seeing the commodification of human relationships, the extraction of capitalistic value from friendships."
comment posted at 4:48 PM on Jan-14-08

Top 100 quotes by fundies.
comment posted at 12:18 AM on Jan-14-08
comment posted at 12:18 AM on Jan-14-08
comment posted at 12:18 AM on Jan-14-08
comment posted at 12:32 AM on Jan-14-08

Kucinich Asks for New Hampshire Recount in the Interest of Election Integrity. A little earlier in the election cycle this time around, many people are worried about serious discrepancies between pre-election opinion polling and exit polls, which both had Obama winning by a substantial percentage, and the official results. Obama also appears to have won in hand-counted precincts while Clinton seems to have dominated in precincts which counted the votes with the Diebold Accuvote TSx optical-scan machines, which have been shown to be susceptible to a memory card hack.
comment posted at 11:28 AM on Jan-11-08

Toronto: Justice Denied. Mark Kingwell writes about Toronto. The article is a great read even if you've never stepped foot in the city.
comment posted at 5:50 PM on Jan-10-08

Iowa Post-Caucus Speech Round-Up: Clinton, Edwards, Huckabee, Obama, Romney, and Thompson.
comment posted at 10:08 AM on Jan-5-08

"Presidential candidate" Mike Gravel raps, and other rappers rap for Gravel as well.
comment posted at 11:29 PM on Dec-22-07

Israel vs. Palestine: Against the Wall is a six-part series on VBS.tv about the separation wall which divides Israel from the West Bank.
comment posted at 9:29 PM on Dec-16-07
comment posted at 10:44 PM on Dec-16-07
comment posted at 8:49 AM on Dec-17-07

Warp Drive, When? "Have you ever wondered when we will be able to travel to distant stars as easily as in science fiction stories?"
comment posted at 1:06 AM on Dec-15-07

Rogers communications has started putting their own messages on the Google homepage. Rogers communications is one of Canada's main ISPs (as well as mobile phone and cable companies). They recently decided to place a message on their subscribers' Google homepage - and neither Google nor the users are happy about it.
comment posted at 1:26 PM on Dec-12-07
comment posted at 3:52 PM on Dec-12-07

After outrage was sparked by a Dutch couple who abandoned their Korean adopted daughter in Hong Kong (and they wouldn't be the first couple to consider returning an adopted child like a shelter puppy) some may start to wonder whether adoption is an unmitigated good. Foreign adoptions are especially prone to accusations of child buying, and some adoptees are mad as hell at the racism inherent in the adoption trade. Even domestic adoption is criticized by some for being traumatic to both mothers and their children.
comment posted at 3:48 PM on Dec-11-07

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