1682 MetaFilter comments by Wulfgar! (displaying 401 through 450)

Michael Moore, or Michael snore? (I am so funny its almost pointless) Are people judging a film before it is seen? Is our nation so solidified on partisan ideals that our own political idealogies only want to oppose the "other side"?
comment posted at 8:33 PM on Jun-23-04

Rowland resigns. Today Connecticut Governor John Rowland(r) offered his resignation in response to the impeachment proceedings. The investigation comes after allegations of gifts, bribery and corruption in regards to awarding Government contracts. He's the first Connecticut Governor to resign under circumstances such as these. Here's a general timeline of the events that created need for the impeachment.
comment posted at 5:21 PM on Jun-22-04

Body of Paul Johnson found in Riyadh. Johnson, a New Jersey native, was a contractor working in Saudi Arabia. It appears that he was beheaded, and his execution was photographed and posted on a web site.
comment posted at 2:01 PM on Jun-18-04
comment posted at 2:33 PM on Jun-18-04
comment posted at 3:04 PM on Jun-18-04
comment posted at 3:30 PM on Jun-18-04
comment posted at 4:02 PM on Jun-18-04
comment posted at 4:23 PM on Jun-18-04
comment posted at 5:03 PM on Jun-18-04
comment posted at 8:35 PM on Jun-18-04
comment posted at 11:12 PM on Jun-18-04

Mad As Hell

First we had Al Gore letting loose with both barrels at NYU, and now Bill Moyers drops the bomb on the poverty gap in this country.

"The rich have the right to buy more homes than anyone else. They have the right to buy more cars than anyone else, more gizmos than anyone else, more clothes and vacations than anyone else. But they do not have the right to buy more democracy than anyone else."

P.S: Earth to Kerry: mebbe you want to talk to one of these guys, they seem to be on to something. Have one of your speech writers give them a call...
comment posted at 2:17 PM on Jun-18-04

Bison is not buffalo according to restauranter Ted Turner. Recently devegetarianized and looking for ways to reintroduce meat it seems bison would be the logical choice as it appears to be the healthier alternative to all other meats including chicken and fish. Plus it's high in omega 3's and the notorious vegetarian and organic purist Dr. Andrew Weil gives it the thumbs up.
comment posted at 9:04 PM on Jun-18-04

Pentagon officials tell NBC News that late last year, at the same time U.S. military police were allegedly abusing prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld ordered that one Iraqi prisoner be held “off the books” — hidden entirely from the International Red Cross and anyone else — in possible violation of international law.
comment posted at 3:04 PM on Jun-17-04
comment posted at 3:39 PM on Jun-17-04

A 350 pound black bear wandered through the automatic doors of Carilion Franklin Memorial Hospital. After being trapped in a computer room, law enforcement officers killed the bear. Sadly, as suburbs and towns grow out into the country, more bears are getting the worse of their relationship to humans.
comment posted at 7:45 AM on Jun-17-04
comment posted at 2:43 PM on Jun-17-04

The Swift Boat Veterans video you didn't hear about. Shown on CSPAN-2, now available on their website (downloadable video in WMV format), but not widely reported by any major news service. The angriest group of Vietnam vets you might ever see--men who served with and around John Kerry, united in their opposition to his becoming President. Part 1 Part 2
comment posted at 2:50 PM on Jun-17-04

Terrorist incidents actually ROSE in 2003, but the State Department's "Patterns of Global Terrorism" report, issued April 29 (see Appendix G for an easy chart), said the exact opposite. Senior Bush administration officials immediately hailed it as objective proof that they were winning the war on terrorism. The report is considered the authoritative yardstick of the prevalence of terrorist activity around the world. Reports like this one were all over the news in April--will the fact that it was a lie be reported as widely? And can we trust anything this administration says anymore?
comment posted at 7:22 PM on Jun-9-04

Bush has a new running mate: Zombie Reagan. From the FAQ: What are some other advanatages of adding Zombie Reagan to the ticket? He will demonstrate America's resolve to continue the battle against terrorism. Instead of retreating to an undisclosed location, for instance, Zombie Reagan will be on the front lines, eating illegal combatants.
comment posted at 12:58 PM on Jun-9-04
comment posted at 3:09 PM on Jun-9-04

Rumsfeld fears U.S. losing long-term fight against terror. The troubling unknown, he said, is whether the extremists -- whom he termed "zealots and despots" bent on destroying the global system of nation-states -- are turning out newly trained terrorists faster than the United States can capture or kill them. "It's quite clear to me that we do not have a coherent approach to this," Rumsfeld said at an international security conference. Who are you and what have you done with Rumsfeld? And Can you do it some more? via the illustrious oliver willis.
comment posted at 6:43 AM on Jun-8-04
comment posted at 12:05 PM on Jun-8-04
comment posted at 2:34 PM on Jun-8-04

Kick-off! With only five days to go to this year's main sports event (sorry, Athens!), it's time to get down to some serious preparation.
The excellent official Euro 2004 website has team news, video-on-demand, tournament history and - this is crucial - the official Euro 2004 spreadsheet. Because nothing beats a good "I told you so!"...
7 billion people worldwide is expected to tune in to the broadcasts from beautiful Cardoso-land. But if you won't have access to a tv, The Beeb is offering live audio commentary (and if your boss is cranky, The Guardian usually offers fast and witty SFW text-based play-by-plays). Vive o 2004!
comment posted at 3:25 PM on Jun-7-04

The Long Reach of the Wolf
Wolves were returned to Yellowstone in 1995 after a 70 year absence (they were destroyed as menaces during the 20's). There are now 16 active packs in the park, and they have triggered a cascade of unanticipated changes in the park's ecosystem.
comment posted at 11:38 AM on Jun-7-04
comment posted at 3:15 PM on Jun-7-04
comment posted at 3:35 PM on Jun-7-04
comment posted at 3:38 PM on Jun-7-04

Breaking History: Ronald Reagan dead at 93.
Will today be marked as the culmination of his achievements or the "end of the Reagan Era"?
MeFites are advised to please avoid piling onto the subject or the messenger
comment posted at 3:23 PM on Jun-7-04

Great television science presenters and their shows: Tim Hunkin "the Secret Life of Machines", Jacob Bronowski "The Ascent of Man", James Burke "Connections", David Attenborough "Trials of Life" "Blue Planet" etc., Marlin Perkins "Wild Kingdom", Don Herbert "Watch Mr. Wizard", Adam Hart-Davis "Science Shack" "Rough Science", Jack Horkheimer "Star Gazer". Does anyone else have any favorites, past or present?
comment posted at 2:18 PM on Jun-4-04

Remarks by President Bush Long, but worth it.
comment posted at 4:34 PM on Jun-3-04

Got art supplies? The police would like a word with you. Steve Kurtz, a member of the Critical Art Ensemble and a professor at the University of Buffalo, called 911 when he discovered that his wife had died of cardiac arrest. When the police saw his art supplies, however, he was detained on suspicion of being involved in bioterrorism.
comment posted at 1:06 PM on May-27-04

Remarks by Al Gore. Long, but worth it.
comment posted at 3:37 PM on May-26-04
comment posted at 5:51 PM on May-26-04
comment posted at 9:54 PM on May-26-04
comment posted at 9:19 AM on May-27-04

Kerry pokes fun at Bush mishap
What’s going on here? As the CNN article has changed from earlier. What I notice is that originally the CNN article said along the lines; “Mr. Kerry had his own bicycling mishap earlier this month, taking a spill while riding with Secret Service agents through Concord, Mass. Mr. Kerry fell when his bike hit a patch of sand. He was not injured.” Which if iirc this similar statment was after Kerry commented about the accident. Saying he is glad Bush was ok, then being surprised Bush rides.
comment posted at 5:48 PM on May-25-04

Bush Will Win Because He's A Jock
(warning National Review filter)
Sorry, I had to post this because its about the dumbest article on why Bush will win the election that I have ever seen.

via Bush Must Go
comment posted at 5:58 PM on May-25-04
comment posted at 6:30 PM on May-25-04
comment posted at 7:19 PM on May-25-04
comment posted at 3:07 PM on May-26-04
comment posted at 3:43 PM on May-26-04
comment posted at 4:48 PM on May-26-04
comment posted at 9:29 PM on May-26-04

The situation in Sudan is grim. About a million people have been displaced and the threat of mass starvation is real. The Sudanese government said today that it would grant permits to aid workers to enter Darfur. One group is the International Committee of Red Cross. You can find donation information on their website.
comment posted at 6:52 PM on May-24-04

Ban on Camera Phones in Iraq Q: What do you do if your troops take pictures of physical and sexual abuse in American-run prisons in Iraq? A: Ban cameras, of course. What the people can't see don't happen.
comment posted at 10:18 AM on May-24-04
comment posted at 5:18 PM on May-24-04

Middle-Class 2003: How Congress Voted (executive summary) Who is doing better under the a Republican White House and Congress? If you're part of the vast majority...the middle class...it isn't you. So finds a very useful new report out today from the Drum Major Institute for Public Policy, a non-partisan think tank. Full report here. (PDF) The study defines middle class as Americans with incomes between approximately 200 percent of the federal poverty threshold and those of the top 5 percent of earners -- roughly $25,000 to $100,000 a year. (Which excludes Congresscritters, who have consistently given themselves raises to well over 150k a year.)
comment posted at 2:48 PM on May-21-04

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