MetaFilter posts by Postroad.
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Bush readies military--calls up 50 thousand reserves Well that will take care of the job market. But just what is it they are to do? One suggestion is that they will stay in the U.S. to ensure our safety. Isn't that called a garrison state? And Carnivore now installed at Hotmail and just about all oter places. But Bush had warned us early on that sometimes you have to give up freedoms, even in a democracy.
posted on Sep-14-01 at 11:27 AM

Nostradamus full of beans Yes. That guy again. But this shows how wrong the nonsense going around truly is.
posted on Sep-14-01 at 3:54 AM

Bush may have been target I don't mean to be out of line but I am a bit suspicious when Bush flees, then when a number of media folks question his flight from leadership position he states that his office knew of possible threat to White House. Asked, then, what info they had had so early in the events taking plalce, there is no answer given by the White House. To make matters even odder, we learn that the White House might be under threat but Chaney and Rice remained there. Againb, I am totally willing to give Bush the benfit of doubt. But a leader who flees for security. Couldn't have gone to Dick Gebhart's digs? Who would have thought to bomb that place.
posted on Sep-12-01 at 3:02 PM

Man installs spy softsare on divorced wife's computer What is odd about this is that a week or so ago, the FBI cited some odd "law" which allowed them not to have to reveal how spy software works (It did the same thing. Tracked key strokes.) And I thought that was a very secretive thing they had. Now every Joe can do this, I guess, if he applies himself in school.
posted on Sep-6-01 at 3:31 PM

Is there a point to this? Might this be a fashion given us by Madonna?
posted on Sep-4-01 at 2:39 PM

U.S and Israel pull out of UN conference on Riacism Question: when next Arafat asks the UN to step in and monitor the areas where there is the current strife, what will be the Israeli response? No matter how one feels about Israel and the Palestinian problem, is this approach 9UN) smart?
posted on Sep-3-01 at 4:50 PM

Operating on a fetus to elicit further commentary on an earlier posting as to what is and is not human life, this article might raise some interesting observations.
posted on Sep-2-01 at 4:56 AM

Elian Gonzalez may return to the US. with Castro May show up at UN for Children's Day, with Castro. Will Bush show up with Michael Jackson?
posted on Aug-30-01 at 2:55 PM

World's numbers may peek by 2100 Implications ? Parking going to be easier? Should we do more to stop decline or tapering off?
posted on Aug-1-01 at 3:39 PM

Boy hangs self and explains it all on the Internet Couyld have had some commerical tie-in and banner ads his carefully researched plans to take his life.
posted on Jul-28-01 at 9:13 AM

13-year-old girl admits to killing some 50 people. Probably video games or MTV or rap music
posted on Jul-27-01 at 11:22 AM

Conclusive evidence that cell phones distract drivers What did this say? I was busy chatting on my cell and missed some of this. Could it be? What should we do? Ah, I am aa good driver; it is the other person who can't drive and talk.
posted on Jul-27-01 at 10:24 AM

Senator wants two-drink limit on planes Air lines and flight attendants opposed even if it might slow down air rage. I guess that, like sporting events and the movies, this is a great was to pull in big bucks. If thiws bill passes in congress, Iwill never fly again!
posted on Jul-25-01 at 2:50 PM

author on book on George W. Bush a suicide ...and will be buried next to Vince Foster?
posted on Jul-20-01 at 11:09 AM

Harris' Partisan Fixers How Bush got the help needed to "win" in Florida. No. Not the NY Times piece on absentee votes but how Harris rigged things.
posted on Jul-17-01 at 4:24 AM

Bush people considering making all Mexican illegals citizens. Three million Mexican illegals to be made citizens under this possible move. Guess who they will vote for?
posted on Jul-14-01 at 4:09 PM

Ousted teacher still defends student's art Teacher's students put up mural and in it was depiction of two men kissing (among many other items). Teacher fired.
posted on Jul-12-01 at 3:07 PM

Zero Tolerlance The ACLU calls it "Zero Intelligence": The Las Vegas Weekly reports on the story of a 14-year-old middle school student being jailed for ten days and then expelled from school for making the wrong offhand remark and fitting the wrong profile (i.e. well-groomed, well-liked, and gets good grades). Unfortunately this is not an April Fools' joke.
posted on Jul-9-01 at 2:10 PM

The U.S. and the U.N. and small weapons. We seem once again at odds with the world as we defend the right to bear arms.
posted on Jul-9-01 at 1:17 PM

Detainees take their lives in China Ouyr trading partners---no, not those arrested and being held. Wonder how many body parts can be harvested for the transplant market.
posted on Jul-3-01 at 9:55 AM

Elfwood can anyone out there tell me what the hell this is all about?
posted on Jun-28-01 at 5:01 PM

Girl stories Brand new site to include stories and photos by young girls as they embrace, encounter, confront adolescence.
posted on Jun-16-01 at 4:09 PM

Paid ad placements on web sites. Why not? They are just about everywhere else.
posted on Jun-4-01 at 4:03 AM

You be the judge Mercy killing? Perhaps. You be the judge and pass sentence after reading the facts that convicted the father.
posted on May-25-01 at 11:33 AM

AOL to raise rates I have seen this strategy used in business before. Raise rates. Lose some customers. Make up the difference and much more by new charges. Count on habit. Most people too lazy to change from what they are comfortable with.
posted on May-22-01 at 12:08 PM

Rep. Bob Barr (Georgia) in full support of Spam The title says it all. But read his reasoning. He would rid us of Clinton but protect the right of business to annoy us with spam.
posted on May-11-01 at 7:39 AM

UFO spotted? This well may be the new Chinese stealth wave our CIA has been trying to blow away from our shores but to no avail. For the first time, China able to spy on us and to knock down surfers too.
posted on May-10-01 at 10:25 AM

Do not turn them in to the cops! Should you see any of these peope (pictures), do not turn them in! You could find yourself in trouble from one or more sources.
posted on May-3-01 at 9:19 AM

A new Museum for the tourist What a fun place to take the family for a picnic and day out. See how the other half lived. A tri[p down memory lane for film buffs and those interested in criminal history.
posted on May-3-01 at 5:18 AM

Stunning stun gun Just in time for globalization protests in the immediate future, a truncheon that doubles as a stun gun-which do you do first? whack 'em and then sting 'em or sting 'em and then kick the crap out of them? We present; you decide
posted on May-2-01 at 2:25 PM

Hit back at China Move number one: order black berets for the entire army and toss the one they had. Move two: have the new ones made in China. Move three: We are pissed at China so we now destroy all the berets. Is this a government or what?
posted on May-2-01 at 8:41 AM

the big book on the election! Unfortunately, though, Drudge highlited this--and we know his stance--and the Washington Times writer wrote it. Well, the Times is owned by the Rev Moon organization, and as Consortium News reports, Moon has many money ties to the Bush family, including big money speaking tours by Daddy Bush. Go figure the objectivity of this one.
posted on May-2-01 at 7:51 AM

Drive through drug shops Make things easier for tourists, Dutch contemplate expeditious way to buy drugs
posted on May-2-01 at 4:55 AM

the shame of the music industry The industry seems ut to foil any attempt to allow known methods of foiling guards against making copies of music. Is this ethical and right or an imposition of monopolistic control over technology?
posted on Apr-30-01 at 3:52 AM

Mexicans sue for U.S. farm work reparations from WWII Another group suing for reparations. This time, Mexicans who worked as farm help during World War II....a just claim or hopping on reparations bandwagon?
posted on Apr-28-01 at 6:29 PM

Japan to get an army of its own We forced them to agree to no military after the war. They have only a police force but this force has a very large military budget. Now they want their own army...just in case. Maybe we need not spend so much of our tax bucks there from now on.
posted on Apr-27-01 at 5:51 PM

Family complains about dead passenger More air rage! Who said the meals on planes were not fresh and nutritious? Get the guy's gin and tonic.
posted on Apr-26-01 at 5:17 AM

David! Cover Up! But it gets so darned hot and humid this time of the year in Florida, even for great art. Is this likely to lead our school kids astray too?
posted on Apr-25-01 at 4:40 PM

Columbine parents sue game makers Claiming computer games partially at fault for Colombine killings, parents of victims have brought a law suit against game makers...will this be viewed as unprovable cause of the shootings or bring about a study of relationship between violence and games?
posted on Apr-25-01 at 7:32 AM

Free speech rights of big tobacco Another case for the Supreme Court. This one involves billboard ads close to schools. Protect our kids or protect free speech?
posted on Apr-24-01 at 5:52 PM

who elected the anti-capitalist convergences? What is behind the mass demonstrations by ngo's (non-governmental orgainzations), and what does it mean for the future?
posted on Apr-24-01 at 3:52 AM

The Rabble Brand new journal--on-line, born in Quebec as a result of the demonstrations. Some good reading here.
posted on Apr-23-01 at 6:43 AM

Unrepentant Nader Is Nader a Sancho Panza, the realist, or Don Quixote, the dreamer, when he says Bush policies toward environment help ignite attention to our needs and thus good to have? Or is he just a guy who can't believe he might have been wrong?
posted on Apr-23-01 at 6:02 AM

Harpers April Index Some interesting stats here, especially on energy-related items.
posted on Apr-21-01 at 11:03 AM

Summit of the Americas A very complex set of issues that are being discussed in Canada, but for most of us, all we see presented is the police, the tear gassings, the forces gathered in protest. Here, a summary of the complex issues at stake and being discussed.
posted on Apr-21-01 at 8:04 AM

Free Starbucks internet use But you might have to go a bit out of your way to use it.
posted on Apr-20-01 at 12:04 PM

The Gulf War: Hidden agenda? A documentary just released suggests that the Gulf War was a staged American effort to put American forces into the Gulf region and that there was no abiding reason our troops had to be sent to Desert Storm. You read; you decide.
posted on Apr-20-01 at 5:18 AM

Harper's Index of Teenage Myths It's not the kids; it 's us, the adults! A child in school has one chance in two million of getting killed by a gun in our public schools. Drugs, guns, violence? Not the kids as much as is touted.
posted on Apr-19-01 at 4:34 PM

I spy. You spy too Anything we do you do too: China big in the sky spy game
posted on Apr-19-01 at 3:52 AM

Gates for president But can he afford to campaign?
posted on Apr-18-01 at 2:27 PM

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