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Memorial to Wang Wei Note that there is no religion given. This might explain his sudden departure from his role as stunt man for Tom Cruise. God was not his co-pilot. No Wei.
posted on Apr-18-01 at 8:11 AM

Texas gets good deal on Bush tax plan.. my state and many others lose....Do I move to Texas or pay more to avoid it?
posted on Apr-17-01 at 5:46 PM

Venezuela Backs China in plane dispute And I thought we owned all of South America. How could they do this to their parnter up North?
posted on Apr-17-01 at 12:40 PM

A pill to cure addiction? No one interested The claim is made that a pill used for epilepsy problems has potential for curing drug addiction but that the government and organizations are not interested in exploring or testing .
posted on Apr-17-01 at 8:05 AM

West Wing Drug Bust Producer of West Wing busted with drugs...perhaps he was not digesting.
posted on Apr-16-01 at 6:01 PM

Bush soft on China, so pundits say Spouting a tough guy stance, the talk shows guests, all conservative commentators, suggested Bush whimped out and made America look weak. They preferred a much tougher stand even while the military were "on loan."
posted on Apr-14-01 at 4:24 PM

Taliban, take note A silly charge for vengeance or a global desire for ethical and moral justice?
posted on Apr-14-01 at 4:41 AM

The semantic web Might make the internet obsolete but what about my porno?
posted on Apr-13-01 at 2:02 PM

Is this troll a troll? or is it instead a metatroll or a precursor to a troll or an anti-troll? Do not send to ask for whom the troller trolls.
posted on Apr-13-01 at 10:29 AM

Soul Mates? Black like me. Do black Americans love Clinton because of his "in -your -face attitude" , a legacy going back to slavery, or because he "feels your pain"?
posted on Apr-13-01 at 4:25 AM

Pundit scoreboard Some tv pundits much more reliable than others. Here are the stats, the track records.
posted on Apr-12-01 at 8:33 PM

I spy again As that great American icon says in her song: oophs, I did it again. America to send another spy plane to cruise the Chinese coast. Jesse, keep your bag packed.
posted on Apr-11-01 at 7:30 PM

Arrest imperils an internet grant Those who can teach, teach. But sometimes they get drunk instead and lose a nice grant...Not a Bush to be seen here. But still, it is Florida.
posted on Apr-11-01 at 12:34 PM

The first cut is the deepest: Smithsonian to take massive money cuts Under the budget submitted to Congress this week, deep cuts to be made in Smithsonian programs and divisions, as well as personnel. It is, I believe, cuts, seldom making big media stories, that give us an idea of what is viewed as important by our political figures
posted on Apr-10-01 at 9:05 AM

Stung by the "Sopranos," the lawyers strike back The Italian American Defense league suing because the HBO show Sopranos defames their claim with or without merit?
posted on Apr-5-01 at 1:12 PM

Tests show U.S. children lag behind A careful reading of this page reveals that for many of America's schools, children lag behind some 16 other countries in math and in science. However: not all states contributred data. But the important thing is that a few schools and areas were right up there with the best in the world. Perhaps then we ought to study those that work instead of bashing our educational system in general.
posted on Apr-4-01 at 9:43 AM

The word "minority" to be banned in San Diego. (via Fark) That should take care of minority problems. Heck, and just when in California whites would have been the newest minority.
posted on Apr-3-01 at 8:15 AM

What the Pentagon has lost The American spy plane carried very sophisticted andf important snoopware...did they destroy what they could before landing?
posted on Apr-2-01 at 4:53 PM

Very important article about Israel, says Jorn An article published on Arab web site, with intro by Gore Vidal, and re-issued with intro by Edward Said, is written by highly credentialled Israeli professor. Well, the opening intro para by Vidal is just plain contrary to facts. The Russian leader, Stalin, was violently anti-semitic and yet his country (33-13) also voted for the State of Israel. Did the "Jewish Lobby" give Joe a few million too? Jorn. This stuff is getting tiresome. Be anti-Israel if you will. But please do not become a bore.
posted on Apr-1-01 at 10:07 AM

Bush laughs at himself A new approach: join the others in laughing at you and maybe they will come to think of you as "just plain good folks." My problem is not what he says or how it is said but what his policies portend. But I could be wrong.
posted on Mar-31-01 at 4:42 AM

Kids' bad habits blamed on movies I too sneered and thought this was going to be another attack on media as the root cause of all problems. But the stats suggest a correlation that should be given some serious thought. Not talking about guns and school shootings but rather smoking and drinking. But then what of dope?
posted on Mar-26-01 at 7:24 AM

the wit and wisom of Imelda Marcos Often regarded as merely a woman with enough wealth to own a huge collection of shoes, Imelda, it seems, has the wit of a Gore Vidal, the incisevness of a Paglia, and the ability to refer to essentials that can be found in Pascal. Click on her nose to find the path to her brain...a trip worth the taking.
posted on Mar-25-01 at 2:43 PM

Fark tells us that Taleban web site still under Russian control I clicked on link Fark provided to find out whether the Russians still controlled Taleban site. Surprise!!
posted on Mar-25-01 at 10:29 AM

Third-grader suspended for drawing soldier, kniufe, gun The teacher said that the students were scared of the drawings....perhaps they should read the article in the current issue of the Guardian which goes into specifics of our new military budget and suggests that the total cost of our military budget is 1/3 of that spent by all of the nations in the world combined.
posted on Mar-25-01 at 7:30 AM

Iraq improves its oil reserves This piece belongs with the other post I recently posted on oil and world political and military strategies. I guess that since filling my gas tank this evening I have narrowed my focus a bit, for which, apologies.
posted on Mar-21-01 at 8:50 PM

Blood for oil All these nations scrambling to gain control over oil, and I had thought american interests were in spreading democracy to those who lack it but have and/or need oil.
posted on Mar-21-01 at 8:33 PM

a white man speaking black truths After the California school shooting, ther had been a number of discussions and some links to the idea that blacks don't do school shootings. The article dealing with this issue elicited a huge response on-line by blacks to the piece, written by a whiteman. Here is how many blacks responded.
posted on Mar-21-01 at 8:18 AM

Busboy makes good! Sometimes when your pay is not enough to live on you have to take action to correct things. This guy did. With a computer he didn't even own.
posted on Mar-20-01 at 8:05 AM

Cut back on patrols over Iraq. One day we are told by Gen Powell that we will increase pressure on Iraq. Now we are told that patrols in no flight zones to be cut back. Do we have a policy or is it made up weekly?
posted on Mar-13-01 at 4:23 PM

It's smut...and I quit! If I have to choose between Heather Graham and kids that might see her depiction on a magazine cover, well then kids, take a hike! And besides isn't there a censorship something or other involved in this?
posted on Mar-12-01 at 5:52 PM

A conservative applauds high taxes and socialized French medicine We are often subjected to comparisons (often false one) of medical coverage between the U.S and Canada or the U.S. and Great Britain. Here is a happy Frenchman who loves his medical coverage.
posted on Mar-9-01 at 4:26 PM

Whose Christ is this anyway? While the Mayor of New York may object to what he perceives as an insult to Catholic belief--forgetting that his own adultery is not as yet deemed acceptable behavior in Catholic belief--many Catholics have no problem with a naked, black, woman Jesus.
posted on Mar-9-01 at 6:24 AM

When wearing a hat, use your head And you thought it was only Harry S Truman who was in the hat business! Now the current resident in the White House is too.
posted on Mar-8-01 at 10:55 AM

Shakespeare and the electronic age For those who studied or read Shakespeare some time ago, this quick test can help determine whether you recall the Bard's work or confuse it with the language of technology and more recent forms of entertainment. Not to sound Onan-like, score yourself.
posted on Mar-7-01 at 2:21 PM

Stealing votes and stealing home I had heard from some in the military that there was odd things going on with absentee ballots. This purports to address the issue.
posted on Mar-5-01 at 4:58 AM

Woman exposed to radiation dies at 124 years of age Just to lighten your day and to avoid being called a troller! Perhaps this is the secret to longivity that science searches for.
posted on Mar-4-01 at 4:35 AM

Spy problems...not easy work We saw before the expressed problems NSA said they had. Here, what they have been up to and the technology currently being used (but not against our citizens?)
posted on Mar-3-01 at 12:35 PM

Powell's visit to middle east nearly brought about a war What is disturbing in this story (for me) is that I heard and read nothing about it in reputable American papers or on tv.
posted on Mar-2-01 at 8:56 AM

Lawyers fail to fulfill social duties Thank the good lord we do not have a similar problem in the United States!
posted on Feb-28-01 at 2:20 PM

Belgium agrees to legalize pot Will this change in the legalization of pot change in our country too some 75 years from now?
posted on Feb-28-01 at 7:19 AM

Unholy war in the Holy Land Though the Israeli and Arab conflict seems nearly always on the front pages of the papers, here is a minor religious struggle going on in area, an area where claim, counter claim, strife, bitterness and emotional toil seem the order of the day. This just odd enough to stand as symbolic of the area and its uniqueness.
posted on Feb-27-01 at 3:21 PM

Faith-based killing Onward Christian soldiers, etc This took place in Jersey. Is it religious profiling?
posted on Feb-26-01 at 10:18 AM

Our Secretary of State And you thought everyone adored Colin Powell?
posted on Feb-25-01 at 10:04 AM

Take my wife, please Old soldiers may die but their wives carry on. The mantle is passed.
posted on Feb-23-01 at 5:54 PM

U.S. to ban civilians at controls of military vehicles Sec Rumsford has announced a "temporary" ban of civilians at the controls of military machinery, including of course, subamarines. Temporarily?
posted on Feb-22-01 at 4:17 PM

Supreme Court splits again I leave it to others to comment on this. All I can offer: don't get a disability.
posted on Feb-21-01 at 8:23 AM

starting your own church It might be wise to start your own church. Pres Bush now must decide whether Scientology is or is not a "true" religion. The president's father got big bucks from Rev. Moon of the Moonies, a group that gave generously to Bush the Father, so I imagine that group is a true religion. We too can feed at the spiritual udder. I hope some faith-based charity goes to Travolta and Cruise.
posted on Feb-20-01 at 10:51 AM

Blair goes along with us to bomb Iraq. Britain was ready to soften boycott against Iraq. We changed Blair's mind. Drudge reports more sophisticated equipment used by Iraq supplied by China.
posted on Feb-20-01 at 4:29 AM

Payback time Executive orders: nice way to beat up on labor unions!
posted on Feb-17-01 at 6:18 AM

Virginia regrets.... Lots of boys were named Eugene in honor of eugenics movement, likened here to what the Nazis were also doing
posted on Feb-16-01 at 8:15 AM

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