MetaFilter posts by reklaw.
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Blogumentary? Pshaw. BBS: The Documentary, directed by Jason Scott of, is where it's at.
posted on Jul-18-04 at 7:05 AM

Picasa is now part of Google. Download Picasa version 1.6 for Free! The question: why? What does Google want with digital photo organiser software?
posted on Jul-16-04 at 12:37 PM

Read-a-long-a-Fahrenheit-9/11. Michael Moore posts six pages of quotes and links to back up his movie. And since he doesn't mind you downloading it, why not watch it on your computer and fact-check his ass as you go?
posted on Jul-13-04 at 6:05 AM

Chinese Elvis.
posted on Jul-10-04 at 5:16 PM

A tribute to a lost friend.
posted on Jul-9-04 at 3:59 AM

Do you find programming books so dry and boring that they're difficult to concentrate on? Do you want to learn Ruby? You need Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby.
posted on Jul-6-04 at 8:03 PM

"First, look up the most popular and critically-acclaimed books, movies, and music on Amazon. Click on 'Customer Reviews,' and sort them by 'Lowest Rating First'..." The Knee-Jerk Contrarian Game.
posted on Jul-2-04 at 9:45 PM

What the heck? Now even Slate is saying that you should ditch IE and switch to Firefox. But, as they say in the article, Slate is owned by Microsoft...
posted on Jul-1-04 at 1:55 PM

Before the dotcom boom, before Google (but slightly after Comic Sans)... there was blink. Let me be clear: I am not advocating or condoning the use of blink. Blink is by far and without a doubt the most hated proprietary element ever created. It is bad for the environment. Or, then again, could it be a tag that has the potential to be used to good effect with a bit of creative thought? I'll leave it up to you...
posted on Jun-25-04 at 9:15 PM

The Condensed Bill Clinton: Slate reads My Life so you don't have to.
posted on Jun-23-04 at 12:32 PM

Cory Doctorow gives a talk at Microsoft Research about why DRM systems don't work and are bad for society, business and artists -- and what Microsoft should do about it.
posted on Jun-20-04 at 11:49 AM

"It's time to tell our users, our clients, our associates, our families, and our friends to abandon Internet Explorer". Mozilla Firefox 0.9 and Thunderbird 0.7 are out, and today is a great day to make the switch from Internet Explorer and Outlook Express once and for all. Microsoft's own Set Program Access and Defaults feature makes it easy to set everything to use Firefox/Thunderbird and hide IE/OE completely.
posted on Jun-18-04 at 1:31 PM

Have you heard of Fucking? In Austria? According to Wikipedia, Fucking's sign is "the most often stolen street sign in Austria". Despite the cost of constantly replacing the sign, however, residents of the small village thankfully refuse to change its name.
posted on Jun-16-04 at 9:47 AM

For next time someone asks one of those questions...
posted on Jun-13-04 at 10:24 AM

Where did the time go? (flash, best with sound turned on).
posted on Jun-10-04 at 12:38 AM

CNNNN: Australia's finest news source, with the very best Newstainment around, presented by professional commentators with the aid of the CNNNN Newsband, studio audience and newsbar monkey, and advertisement support from Esteem ("because you need it") and Boggs beer ("the imported beer made right here"). Featuring new reality show Animal Farm, Bush's Slumber Down Under (let's "give him the big Dubya"), extreme news from the Firth Report, CNNNN Pay-Per-News and much, much more. [warning: RealPlayer]
posted on Jun-4-04 at 7:57 PM

Phish to break up, according to CNN.
posted on May-25-04 at 1:55 PM

Shrek 2: The First Five Minutes. Forget trailers; this is the future.
posted on May-22-04 at 3:44 PM

The Human Face of Pedophilia (A Pedophile Unmasked). "I am not afraid of who or what I am, because I have nothing to hide. I have always abided by the laws of the countries in which I have resided--even the laws with which I have not agreed. I have no desire to hurt or take advantage of anybody. I invite any others who share my ethos and my commitment to refuting the onslaught of disinformation about us to join me on this site."
posted on May-10-04 at 1:50 PM

RFC 1855: Netiquette Guidelines. "Never send chain letters via electronic mail. Chain letters are forbidden on the Internet. Your network privileges will be revoked... Remember that many people pay for connectivity by the minute, and the longer your message is, the more they pay.... Don't point to other sites without asking first."
posted on May-4-04 at 5:03 PM

Simple English Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia with simple words and grammar.
posted on Apr-30-04 at 3:21 AM

Where is Rusty? An abandoned community cries out for its creator to return.
posted on Apr-27-04 at 1:11 PM

Khaaan!! I have no idea why I find this amusing.
posted on Apr-18-04 at 4:31 PM

"We are now deep in the trackless swamps created by thoughtless, feckless UI design — full of glitz and GUI, signifying nothing." In The Luxury of Ignorance, Eric Raymond attempts to set up a network printer in Linux.
posted on Apr-13-04 at 1:39 PM

"Whether it is an impressionist masterpiece, or just wallpaper, if you take the colour juxtapositions and their proportions from nature, you won't go far wrong." Choosing colours for web pages.
posted on Apr-11-04 at 11:45 AM

blue jam : all three series. ~17 hours of music mixed with disturbing comedy and downright weirdness.
posted on Apr-10-04 at 10:02 AM

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