MetaFilter posts by jcterminal.
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Play one RPG, you've played them all. Or, "The Grand List Of Console Role Playing Game Clichés".
posted on Oct-14-01 at 2:28 PM

Cathartic behaviour, comes in all forms. When's the last time you relieved stress via your artistic talents?
posted on Oct-7-01 at 3:01 PM

The Darwin Award wining story straight from the horse's mouth. Sorry Darwin. Looks like you posted another urban legend. Thanks for playing tho.
posted on Oct-4-01 at 8:08 PM

Speaking of famous people and religion, Jet Li talks about religion, and his views on them.
"...upon closer inspection, the underlying heart and central principle in every religion is the same. Every religion boils down to love, to a respect for all living things, to choosing peace over violence as a means of resolving a conflict."

posted on Sep-29-01 at 11:36 AM

Whomever's hosted on Exodus, raise your hand. Yeah, me too. So... where do we go if they shut down? Anyone?
(5 points for me for not saying something about a 'mass exodus'.)
posted on Sep-27-01 at 3:59 PM

Bid Now! Six more days left if you're looking for someone to beat the living crap out of you. C'mon. You know you want to.
posted on Sep-23-01 at 7:39 PM

Bruce Campbell, the man, the myth, the shemp. Quicky article about an appearance during his book-signing tour, I can vouch that everything the writer says about Mr. Campbell is true. I saw him at his SLC appearance and the man is both witty, approachable, and he knows how to work a crowd. And his book is well written! Surprise surprise.
posted on Sep-22-01 at 11:28 AM

Yumm... not WTC related. Like Penny Arcade? Wish for something a little more 'fresh and in your face'? Then start eating some butter covered bacon and check it. Bonus points for constant Mac references.
posted on Sep-21-01 at 5:46 PM

Yeah, I know... another artist, but come on! He kicks ass. I'm not much for Flash or background music, but really, this place is shiny, and all 'new media' like, and it's pretty... and it's umm.... oh! and it's easy to navigate dammit.... and shiny...
posted on Sep-20-01 at 7:57 PM

For the rest of us, here's an up-and-coming artist who manages to blend the visual impact of graphitti with the frenetic energy of comic book art, creating a neat style all his own, but shared by others. It's like an american version of anime.
...please god... no more wtc links...
posted on Sep-19-01 at 7:48 PM

Religion Urgently Needed - Or Not? Pat Robertson, that 700 Club freak, proclaims the attack on Tuesday was all our fault. Our pursuit of non-religiously good stuff (i.e, money, sex, power... how ironic) has caused god to 'lift his protection from us'.

Anyone wanna guess when we had god's complete protection? I can't seem to figure it out. I think it was a Thursday back in September 1981.
posted on Sep-16-01 at 3:40 PM

Why does this sound like a bad idea? Average person = dumber than garbage. Average crocodile = smarter than garbage. warning. does not compute.
posted on Sep-5-01 at 6:30 PM

AOL rules. Not really. But this page is good for a muffled snicker.
posted on Aug-28-01 at 5:55 PM

Speaking of childhood stars, did you know the death of Dana Plato involved lesbianism, satanism, aliens, and heavy drug use? Ok, maybe not the 'alien' thing, but we won't know until someone actually ORDERS the book. (btw, you can find this site atthis url as well.)
posted on Aug-24-01 at 6:25 PM

Who needs 204 keys? I know I do. Damned shift keys. [via the big H.]
posted on Aug-22-01 at 3:30 PM

New Addiction? You bet. 3-D Pong using shockwave. It's pretty sweet. I feel like I should be listening to the soundtrack of "Tron" while I play it.
posted on Aug-21-01 at 9:21 PM

What? Another Artist Link? Well, not so much as one artist, but two. These guys are not only great artists, but they're cool as hell. Look at all of their stuff, sukkas!
posted on Aug-5-01 at 11:39 AM

Yet Another Artist Link , this time i'm showcasing an artist/skinner who not only does great work, but believes in usability (for all those 'hey i've been using winamp for 6 months now, and i still need the buttons plainly labeled' whiners). just kidding folks. check out the wallpapers too while you're there.
posted on Aug-4-01 at 1:24 PM

Yet Another Artist Link, this guy is more of a GUI/Skin developer, but the imagination and detail he brings to it is amazing. He's been able to turn Winamp into a work of art like no other, time and time again.
posted on Aug-3-01 at 10:45 AM

Just another artist whom i happen to like the work of.
Don't mind me, I'll be introducing everyone to lesser known artists randomly throughout this month.
posted on Aug-2-01 at 12:23 PM

Ok, who's the wise guy who decided to crush-link me? And do you prefer i set you on fire before or push you off of a cliff?

i figured i'd try to find out who it was... i entered about 20 e-mail addresses (,, et al), and i had to sign up for 'netflip' and 'start earning cash on the net', and what did i get? two hints. my crush's first name has 6 letters, and their last name has 5. ugh. anyone know how many e-mails you have to feed this thing?!?

posted on Jul-23-01 at 12:15 PM

Another flash movie attempts to be both 'witty' and 'clever'. Remember kids, friends don't let friends make crappy flash movies in hopes of becoming the next AYBABTU.
posted on Jul-20-01 at 3:28 PM

The end of an era, and now I can't trust *any* of my neighbours.
"After 33 years, PBS' longest-running series, Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, is signing off. Fred Rogers, one of TV's most familiar faces, says it's time to say goodbye. "
Thank god he's going into syndication. The world will always need a beacon of positive thought.
posted on Jul-14-01 at 5:17 PM

When arrogant web-masters attack. First it was specifying browsers, then came specifying screen dimensions, and now...
Ok if you are having trouble reading my text on my site, i do appologize. But i cannot customize for the entire world!... I dont have a problem reading my text and neither do most people. Like i said before usually adjusting your contrast helps tons. Unless you are one of the few "important" people out there who have your contrast already set to some "wysiwhatchamacallitwig" or whatever :). And for those people there is yet a solution for you 2! ... read the view source. :).

posted on Jul-2-01 at 11:31 AM

A working internet business model? Say it ain't so! While checking out my options for hosting companies, i found these guys. They struck me as geeks with a dry sense of humour.
hmmm... Maybe if i trust my websites in the hands of geeks, i won't have to worry about my host disappearing from under me due to some suit blowing capital on a fancy chair. (+2 points for having a site that believes in function over aesthetics. maybe they're on to something here as well...) I dunno, maybe i stumbled on to something grand in the making? A company that actually cares?!? o_O

posted on Jun-29-01 at 3:03 PM

Kid sues over right to wear shirt. No... nothing interesting like 'Straight Pride' or 'Kip Kingle, Student of the Year'. No, this time a 19 year old fights for his right to wear a "You Might Be a Red Neck Sports Fan If..." shirt. Wish they let him. It's easier to avoid idiots when they are clearly labelled.
posted on Jun-26-01 at 6:49 PM

Damn, your media player is ugly. You should fix it. This site has one of the best collections of skins for various programs I have ever seen under one URL. They almost make WinMedia worth it.
posted on Jun-25-01 at 11:33 AM

Attention Web-Dezynx0rs: how 1337 are you? are you cutting edge? are you k10k-rad? :: ? ::
i suck. i only got a six. but then again, i'm more concerned about content and accessibility than i am being stylish or trendy. I IS SUCK!

posted on Jun-21-01 at 12:21 PM

Another PHP Script? Yeah. This one allows you to instantly create thumbnailed galleries from the comfort of your home. (Yeah, I'm sure there are others like this out there, but this one is the *newest*. And the site is funny. dammit.... stop staring at me.)
posted on Jun-14-01 at 11:24 AM

Attention ChatMonkeys. Are you addicted to chat programs? AIM? ICQ? Yahoo and MSN? Even have two instances of mIRC running? Now there's hope. You can have all of these running all at once using *just one program*. And it uses far less resources than all of those other programs put together. matter of fact, i think it uses less resources than icq itself (like that's hard). It's skinnable too! Score!

/me hands out the needles.
posted on Jun-12-01 at 10:53 AM

Well, I *would* have given to The Family Values Party, but, alas, I have tattoos. That makes me a sinner. Sinners can't donate. Neither can gays, women, gun owners, and the guy who sold me my gin this morning. Damn.
posted on May-20-01 at 6:26 PM

If you're anything like me you probably need a good therapist. Outside of that, you might also be curious as to what other people have on their desktops. It's free to join, but you have to take the first step.
posted on May-18-01 at 10:38 AM

Spreading the word without filling a single person's pocket. Nice!
INDEPENDENTS DAY is a worldwide event celebrating independent content and design on the web. It's supported by an informal network of designers, artists, writers, editors, developers, and producers who create content primarily to enrich the web rather than their bank accounts.

posted on May-17-01 at 3:20 PM

OMG. Is this not the best picture of a kitten, EVAR?!? Spread the good vibes kids, we need them.
posted on May-17-01 at 10:14 AM

Hahahah. Big Fish eats another Big Fish. Then says they can't afford to feed their families.
stop struggling. it's all going to end in misery anyway. now twice as many people can be burnt when ugo collapses.
posted on May-16-01 at 3:11 PM

Sony's Mission Statement? Maybe. Maybe not. Regardless, it's a damn fine send-up.
posted on May-14-01 at 3:31 PM

Something like a gallery except it looks like you can actually create art or modify what you've put up right in the browser. Looks really neat.
posted on May-14-01 at 12:38 PM

Listen up geek. You know you want to build something like this. Admit it. (Not the site, the content foo!)
posted on May-10-01 at 1:07 PM

If you're reading this, then you're probably qualified. This is my job, but I've tendered my resignation so I can move out to Wyoming and become a carpenter. If you know a web-master/designer who's been 'down-sized' (and who doesn't?), hook a brother up.
It's actually a nice place to work. I don't dig the corporate thing at all, but the IS dept is very friendly and you do get a measure of creative freedom. (and i've broken them in, so they're used to off the wall ideas.)

posted on May-9-01 at 11:30 AM

This is the NEXT oh who am i kidding? *sob* icy hot stuntaz to parody page in less than a week. is this a record?
posted on May-8-01 at 9:30 AM

Sweet mother of god don't let this be a double post. This little monster is for "the preservation of the command line culture". A whole lot of distractions in such a small bandwidth. Want streaming video? Try 'starwars'. Want adventure? Type... um... 'adventure'. Remember the good old days?
posted on May-7-01 at 2:03 PM

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