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Gamers: tired of those doggy framerates? Get the ucfx Woohoo5 34500 AGP graphics card!
[ Courtesy of Hack The Planet. ]
posted on Apr-27-00 at 11:02 AM

Courtesy of /usr/bin/girl [love that name...], proof that the apocalypse is nigh.
posted on Apr-26-00 at 12:06 PM

Stuck with Windoze but it drives you up a wall? Maybe 98lite will help...
posted on Apr-26-00 at 8:39 AM

I just posted a pretty weak link on unsound and fallacious arguments. Here's a better one. If you participate in debate on the net, you probably ought to read this, so you know *how* they're snowing you.
posted on Apr-25-00 at 9:26 AM

GirlHacker stikes again! :-) She linked the website for Mental Engineering, a PBS series devoted to deconstructing advertising. Sounds like a great idea to me...
posted on Apr-23-00 at 12:30 PM


Phil Katz, creator of PKzip, dead at 37.
posted on Apr-23-00 at 11:48 AM

Happy Easter
posted on Apr-22-00 at 12:09 PM

Maybe John McCain will get elected president after all, even though he's 'not running anymore'...
posted on Apr-21-00 at 9:21 AM

Privacy? What's that? We all know that most of the new 'free' Internet Access Providers pay the bills by selling ads that you're forced to read, and some of them are selling information about *you* to other people. Well, along comes Predictive Networks, who are going to sell information about your surfing even if you're paying the freight. Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.
[ from Lauren Weinstein's Privacy Digest ]
posted on Apr-21-00 at 6:59 AM

Mother-stabbers? Father-rapers? Methinks the writer of this piece on the repercussions of trading MP3's is a bit too much of an Arlo Guthrie fan, but the info's interesting. 3 years for *1* copyrighted MP on your hard drive? Is it time for the Second American Revolution yet?

[ From Clickz, via NewsLinx ]
posted on Apr-20-00 at 10:31 AM

Does everyone know about the Darwin Awards? (These are the awards given to people who most improve the human race... by departing early...)

The most commonly cited one is the story of the guy who mounted a rocket on his Chevy Impala, and flew it into a canyon wall... well, as with most good stories, it's based on an actual event. [ Reserve an hour or more, and bring diapers. ]
posted on Apr-19-00 at 8:24 AM

Philly Prostitution Ring Busted. " 'People shouldn't be making their livelihoods off of the actions of juveniles,' Castor said yesterday afternoon during a news conference in his courthouse office in Norristown."

Hadn't someone ought to tell Michael Eisner that?
posted on Apr-19-00 at 6:50 AM

This whole click tracking thing... There's a spinoff discussion going on concerning the fact that I post links with embedded click-counting munging, so that I can see how many people are interested in the various topics I post, both here and on my own 'log.

On the basis of 2 replies, Matt's decided "he's glad he doesn't do that", and I think that might be a slight overreaction...
posted on Apr-18-00 at 6:39 AM

Unclear on the concept... You thought Mahir was bad? I just wonder is this one is a put-on or not... [ from Hey, URL! ]
posted on Apr-17-00 at 4:42 PM

NPR on the side of Corporate Radio? Bird on a Wire spotted this Salon story that says that National Public Radio, those bast...ions of freedom of speech, are siding with Clear Channel and Infinity Broadcasting to try and restrict the proposed Low Power FM broadcasting service to third adjacent channels (90.1 -> 90.7) instead of second (90.1 -> 90.5)...

a change that will cut the number of possible stations from thousands... to 75.
posted on Apr-16-00 at 1:33 PM

Hate vs. Hate Film critic Roger Ebert criticizes Hatewatch, a catalog of hate sites intended for people who hate hate. My commentary is a bit too long for the front page, so I put it on my log. Choose your poison.
posted on Apr-14-00 at 10:16 AM

Assasination Politics? Does your email address end in .gov? Watch out, then, because cypherpunk and convicted tax evader Jim Bell might be out to get you, and his plans don't sound especially pleasant. The meat of the Wired piece is on page three:
[ Pull quote left out because it makes the page too tall ]
May we live in interesting times...
posted on Apr-14-00 at 9:40 AM

I don't believe it... I actually agree with something Network Solutions has done. They've apparently changed their policy to make domain name squatting more difficult. The story sounds sympathetic to the two ladies in question, but I'm not. Ok, maybe they should have been a touch more careful in how they *rolled out* the new policy, but the policy itself is about 5 years overdue.

Now, if we could just get them to *do what we tell them to*...

-- jra
posted on Apr-13-00 at 8:00 AM

Who stands to benefit from the growing hysteria over school violence -- especially since school violence is actually dropping? That's the question posed by the USA Today story, spotted originally by Brennan at Considered Harmful. I think it's an excellent example of the general principle: always question their motives.
posted on Apr-12-00 at 12:41 PM

And you think it's bad now...

Thanks to Girlhacker, a vision of what Amazon (no link -- that's my contribution to the boycott :-) might look like down the road a piece.

Maybe this is why Jakob dislikes tabs so much...

-- jra
posted on Apr-9-00 at 3:15 PM

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