MetaFilter posts by cortex.
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baby elephant walk
baby elephant walk
baby elephant walk
posted on Oct-8-06 at 11:25 AM

Snakes on Film — at last, a definitive resource for moving-picture snake identification and serpentine fact-checking! Care of our very own mcwetboy! [via mefi projects]
posted on Sep-27-06 at 4:37 PM

Garfield, Deconstructed! An engaging, adoring daily analysis of Garfield—behold such a lens through which even Jim Davis' legacy starts to seem redeemable.
posted on Jul-12-06 at 11:49 AM

You desire new music? How fortuitous! Look what your fellow mefites have been up to:

- The 23rd Century, addictive psychedelic pop from tcobretti (via Projects)
- Both Ends of a Gun, a shotgun-produced country album by Miko (via Projects)
- Congratulations to the Young Men of Nelson, creepy tortured music-toy electronica by nylon (via Projects)
- MAXX KLAXON, ass-bumping orwello-euro electropop by Artifice_Eternity (via Projects)
- Inter[mediate], an electronic EP by phylum sinter (via Projects)
- Vector Trio, atmospheric jazzers, and just one client of turtlegirl's Scully Sound production outfit (via Projects)
- Fractures EP, some lush electronic stuff by nthdegx (via Projects)
- The Earl Stoner Band, countrified tunes by xowie (via Projects)
- Red On Strike, XX-fronted punk rock by InfidelZombie (via Projects)
- The Scarring Party, foot-stomping old-timey tunes by drezdn (via Projects)
- Soplerflo Archives, sundry musical noises by soplerflo (via...wait for it...waaaaaait for iiiiit...Projects!)

Viva la Projects!
posted on Apr-15-06 at 9:46 AM

Local car dealership commercials that don't suck? Okay, so, yes, every major metro region has its own crop of idiosyncratic and usually-low-budget car dealership commercials -- god bless Kramer the Magical Donkey -- but Portland, OR has this wonderful sort of Cinderella story guy named Scott Thomason. (more inside)
posted on Apr-10-02 at 6:46 PM

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