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Chney refusal to turn over records may soon end up in court Th eEnron scandal begins to mirror the Clinton Whitewater affair, with an apparent suicide, the use of executive priviledge, congressional groups investigating. Now all that is needed is some sex and an independent prosecurtor.
posted on Jan-28-02 at 4:22 AM

Smoking Gun in Enrongate A serious charge that President Bush is open for impeachment, according to this piece, which also dismisses out of hand GOP dismissing all Enron involvement besides the taking of polical donations. The source of this piece is, clearly Liberal, but that does not change matters if true.
posted on Jan-24-02 at 11:39 AM

FBI investigating Enron shredding Some recent postings of commentary seem to feel that Enron wea merely the fault of public not paying attention to stock pics, or the failure of a company that is a risk of the open market....why, then, the FBI being called to find out why key documents destroyed? And whn does it become time for a special prosecutor? This is much bigger than Whitewater. Example: some 1.3 billion lost in pension money for firemen, police and teachers
posted on Jan-22-02 at 1:53 PM

Prison camp photos spark protests Protests about conditions valid? Overdone? Or: who cares.
posted on Jan-20-02 at 9:15 AM

fate of detainees hangs on U.S. wording Articoe discusses why the U.S. refuses to call prisoners sent to Cuba POWs instead of detainees...what a difference a word makes.
posted on Jan-17-02 at 8:38 AM

All 50 states agree to upgrade driver's licenses Congratulations! instant national id. And if you don't have a driver's license, you are either too young, too old, or someone who is un-American.
posted on Jan-14-02 at 12:59 PM

50 Muslim nations demand UN probe Afghan 'massacre' Should Saudi Arabia name a special prosecutor?
posted on Jan-12-02 at 12:24 PM

Who killed John O'Neill? If the lads on the Right have their Vince Foster "mystery" death, the folks on the Left now have their John O'Neill "story."
posted on Jan-9-02 at 3:16 PM

Newsweek Cover: 'Married to Al Qaeda' Wife of Terrorist (American) says Israel or the CIA probably behind 9/11. Bin Laden a nice guy and her hubby would not do evil things.
posted on Jan-6-02 at 6:06 PM

Lynne Cheney says husband not hurt by stresses of 9/11 This developing story via Drudge makes an important slip! Note that there had been some speculation as to what had happened on flight 93, the hijacked plane over Pa that crashed when the passengers rushed the terrorists. Aside from some reports that there had been an explosion first, a later story noted that the FBI would not release the black box because it would be "emoitionally disturbing." But Lynne notes the anxiety felt by the White House of having to "shoot down ANOTHER plane." What does that mean?
posted on Jan-4-02 at 8:39 AM

Did Homophobia Corrupt Walker, the American Taliban soldier? Articles argues that there was more to the disturbance in Walker's life than merely reading Malcom X.
posted on Jan-2-02 at 3:18 PM

A Plea For Realism This is the first time I have seen an on-line or paper eminating from the Arab states and serving the Arab/Muslim community suggest a new approach that is peaceful for bringing about a resolution the the chaos that has marked this past year in that area of the world.
posted on Dec-31-01 at 6:13 AM

Image and reality: The role of the US in the Middle East The leading spokesperson for the Palestinian cause chastises Israel and the U.S. No attempt here to see that there may be some shortcomings due to excessses or intransigence on the Arab side. Another binary view of reality or a useful assessment?
posted on Dec-29-01 at 9:32 AM

Reid (shoe bomber) used Web top buy explosives Or so he has claimed. Who said the Web does not have its important uses? Should such purchases be allowed" Is there now a need for disallowing some items on the Net?
posted on Dec-28-01 at 6:05 AM

Arthur Miller, playwright, fears for American Civil Liberties Here is a distinguised writing Lefty who sure does not give up and hits away at what he perceives as enemies as he did so many years ago. Usually, with age, lefties grow up and move Rightward.
posted on Dec-25-01 at 9:27 AM

Muslims blast CNN polling techniques. CNN apologizes and offers up an excuse to justify act. But is poll (1) out of place, (2) unjustified, (3) a fair assignment to get some interesting and/or useful information? (4) an overreaction on the part of those who would control what their children should and should not know and see.
posted on Dec-20-01 at 12:00 PM

Arafat: We are all martyrs Three days ago, Arafat declared that violence and terror mujst stop. Then Saudi Arabia called him a turn-coat. Now Arafat calls for massive martydom for Palestinians.
posted on Dec-19-01 at 9:02 AM

What should be dropped at Times Square for New Year's Eve? Perhaps a change is needed this year. Which item listed would you vote for? Or do you have one not given here?
posted on Dec-18-01 at 8:10 AM

O.J. Simpson being investigated for theft If at first you don't suceed etc. One day they will get this guy but this crime is not likely to cost him much, if in fact he gets found guilty
posted on Dec-16-01 at 2:04 PM

Arizona want to pay teachers what they are worth A new basis for pay puts aside tradtional contractual salaries in favor of pay according to worth. Second state in nation to try this system. How is worth decided and by whom?
posted on Dec-2-01 at 7:04 AM

The Deconstruction of The World Trade Center An analysis of the Right versus the Left in ways that 911 and other events are interpreted and understood. Take your choice.
posted on Nov-26-01 at 7:36 AM

'Tell Them Nothing Till It's Ovber and Then Tell Them Who Won' Governmental and military censorship of battle news. Is it necessary to winning?
posted on Nov-23-01 at 10:29 AM

Bush decided only he should decide who should go before military trial for terrorism Why not>? He is our elected president and our leader, no?
posted on Nov-19-01 at 3:56 AM

CNN going down the tubes A view from writer for San Fransisco Chronicle that appeared in Japanese paper. Other news channels strike me as "sexier," but CNN, still, for many, best bet on worldwide news coverage. Does sexy make more interesting presentation?
posted on Nov-17-01 at 3:38 PM

Son of NY WTC survivor turns traitor His mom escape WTC disaster. He goes to Pakistan to become Taliban fighter. Says he is a Muslim and not an American, though he has American passport.
posted on Nov-9-01 at 3:31 PM

Are you a blogaholic? Auiz that rates you as some who blogs and is perhaps addicted. Take the quiz and get your score. Is it bad to be a blogaholic or merely a habit, like doing hard drugs?
posted on Nov-6-01 at 1:03 PM

Drastic changes due for America after terror attacks We are to become a garrison state, for better or worse, with the CIA more intimately involved with internal (domestic) doings and the FBI taking on new duties.
posted on Nov-4-01 at 1:39 PM

Bush to call for viable Palestinian state How much can be imposed? there remain key issues that are not in the "plan," such as Jerusalem, Right of Return, and geographical boundaries. But perhaps this may be a start. America needs some change in this chaos if we are to get and/or retain Arab support for Afghanistan.
posted on Nov-2-01 at 7:36 PM

PBS discriminates A posting a day or so ago suggested that in the Israeli/Palestinian issue, PBS slanted its coverage. I had argued in a post that there was a larger issue: PBS slants on many issues. This piece shows where,why,how and when.
posted on Oct-25-01 at 8:11 AM

The President speaks on terrorism. Bill Clinton an amazing speech for which no trascrpit available but here on audio, along with Helen Thomas...well worth the hearing. I post here to simply make it available.
posted on Oct-16-01 at 11:10 AM

Bush plan for Palestinian state in the works First he did not want to get involved. Now he needs Arab support. Might be nice though if he told all concnered (Israel and Arab states) at the same time and when and only when he had the plan made final rather than suggesting and hinting at what might be included. O am I old fashioned in this?
posted on Oct-12-01 at 1:09 PM

Feinstein want national guard to be home defense outfit Let's see. The air lines hired cheap and unskilled workers for security. They lost planes and lots of business. But the GOP doesn't want air carriers to become federalized nor have feds take care of security (too much like Big Govt or socialism.) So instead, we will use tax payer's money and have the National guard do the security work for private concerns and a few public ones. What will the underpaid and/or illegals do for a living? Don't most folks in the Guard have regular jobs and do their thing on weekends? If so, should they give up their jobs for this? or double dip or flip a coin? The Guard was called up in my state. But I was told (I can not verify) that they are not allowed to carry rifles or sidearms while guarding local airports. That makes me feel safer.
posted on Oct-10-01 at 1:59 PM

A spy reports on Kabul and the preparations Not a piece to argue over but worth sharing, I hope.
posted on Oct-7-01 at 2:49 PM

It is The Religion A very strong case made for Why They Hate Us...and it is not so much our world-wide policies. This piece along with the earlier piece I had posted by Paul Berman (American Prospect) are fine appraisals of why Islam "fears" the West and what they ideally want. Sullivan avoides the (for me) overly simplistic single causes that so many seem convinced of and offers instead a much larger view. Via NY Times, free reg. req'd.
posted on Oct-7-01 at 3:40 AM

Terror and Liberalism I have found this piece in The American Prospect to be one of the most balenced pieces I have yet come across. It considers all aspects of the terrorist groups--Israel, American policy, poverty, Iraq, fundamentalisim, history of the area, westernization, etc and finds the rights and wrongs in each, offering finally a way to cope with things in the future while at the same time dealing with present needs. In other words, it avoids the overly simplistic formulas offered by so many stalwarts of the far Right or far Left.
posted on Oct-5-01 at 3:00 PM

Fighting back Des this have a familiar ring to it? Seems I have heard this music score before...
posted on Oct-2-01 at 1:54 PM

Bush wants military aid for Syria and Iran So what if both nations on the American terrorist list (previous to recent attack on us). I just returned my army (old) uniform back to the closet. I won't go.
posted on Sep-25-01 at 12:19 PM

National identification cards The pros and the cons are given here. Do you have a preference after considering these arguments? What would we do with the 11 million illegals said to be here now?Send them to New Jersey?
posted on Sep-25-01 at 8:52 AM

From many voices, onevapproach via NY Times (reg req'd). Facts now coming out indcate that there are many cells, worldwide, that have been set in place over the years and are (or were) to be activated in a continupous terror assault. What our leaders are saying, then, about the length of time requried may in fact be in recognition of the huge job ahead in rooting these cells out.
posted on Sep-23-01 at 7:19 AM

the passengers on our planes should have the right to bear arms Is this guy, a former pilot, suggesting that we have a constitutional right to carry weapons aboard planes so we can defend ourselves? Is an uzzi ok or a bayonet?
posted on Sep-22-01 at 2:10 PM

thak you speaks for itself
posted on Sep-22-01 at 3:07 AM

America the beautiful Note the lines, please, to mend thine every flaw...But still, well, you know what I am saying. I am old enough to have been in the army when blacks were in separate outfits; and I served later, again, when they were integrated. And I knew Yale had a quota for Jess (a friend made it!) and now they have a Jewish president. It ain't perfect but it beats the place my grandparents fled years ago to find a new life.
posted on Sep-21-01 at 9:04 PM

Fault Lines This piece counters the arguements of the self-laceration folks who blame the attack upon America as the result of our foreign policy, as though there can be no other explanation for Jihad. An apt title, since we are now seeing the split between far Right, Middle and far Left. Readers will, no doubt believe or argue with this relative to their perspective.
posted on Sep-21-01 at 4:18 PM

Israel had warned the U.S. in August a of major assault Mossad (Intelligence agency) had warned the U.S. of many known terrorists slipping into America. Nothing done.
posted on Sep-20-01 at 7:14 AM

Egyptian plane crashes and U.S. says pilot a suicide Egypt denies suicide as cause of plane that crashed just off our coast. Any connection to WTC?
posted on Sep-19-01 at 1:16 PM

Israel is not the real issue the piece speaks for itself. Many have blamed our foreign policy, our support of Israel, our bombing of Iraq. This view sees a different issue and confrontation.
posted on Sep-19-01 at 11:22 AM

Scientologists accused of misrepresenting themselves during the terror attack crisis This cult filled with terrible people (at the top) and saps below. Note the service they claim to provide during the crisis. The problem is that in America (unlike German, say) any one claiming to be religious gets away with whatever madness or evil they want.
posted on Sep-18-01 at 10:04 AM

Amateur newsies top the pros Blogs and other on-line sources are often doing a better job of getting news to us than professional organization, who are too often busy echoingUnite and Fight themes.
posted on Sep-16-01 at 2:49 PM

the map of terrorism An Israeli commentator shows that there are many Arab states and not all are terrorist or so inclined. Regarding all is over simplification.
posted on Sep-16-01 at 4:17 AM

Carnivore and other forms of snooping approved by congress there has been some references to what this articles deals with but this gives a slightly broader perspectve.
posted on Sep-15-01 at 6:15 AM

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