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FanFare:106 posts , 1694 comments
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★ I help fund MetaFilter!
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★ I help fund MetaFilter!
What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.
Pulled a quote from a then-recent South Park episode; it kinda stuck. I have been suffering some regret over this.
I haven't posted for a while! Some of my favorites from back in the day:
Mastodon verification: @jameskew@mefi.social
Pulled a quote from a then-recent South Park episode; it kinda stuck. I have been suffering some regret over this.
I haven't posted for a while! Some of my favorites from back in the day:
- I like spiders 1 2 3.
- The Iconic Mailbox and A bristling unbroken current of mongoose-osity; a multilink post needs a narrative and I think I got it right on these ones.
- The poem that defined a town; this one fizzled but I love it still; Betjeman's verse is so bulletproof.
- Metafilter loves talking about food: 1, 2. It also loves talking about strange body stuff.
- Lead with your best link: that's the one that most people will read. I made that mistake here (should have led with the thoughtful response, not the trashy attack) and here (last link is the best link).
- Sometimes a single link is quite enough. Adding more links can dilute the focus. I don't do single links often enough: more frequently I magpie related stuff into the More Inside.
- Sometimes commenters pick holes in your subjects; sometimes they're right. Don't take it personally.
- Sometimes posts sink like a stone. Don't take it personally.
- Proof well; tag well; test every link. Use the Contact form when mistakes (inevitably) slip by you.
- Keep a list of post ideas; drop thoughts and URLs into it as they occur to you. Lots of them won't work out. But lots will.
- Have fun.
Mastodon verification: @jameskew@mefi.social