LEA Project: The ARG, The Musical
November 24, 2022 1:21 AM   Subscribe

LEA is EthiCo's own Learning-Enabled Algorithm: an anticipatory artificial intelligence program built with next-generation machine learning. That's just our fancy way of saying that she's designed entirely around you! She can automate your daily purchases, manage your hectic schedule, and even suggest the perfect time for you to sit back and chill out!
The LEA Project: An interactive, musical horror-comedy from composer, writer, and sound designer Eric Matthew Richardson.
posted by creatrixtiara (2 comments total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
"It's not brainwashing, it's targeted marketing" has entered my vernacular now.
posted by persona at 3:47 AM on November 24, 2022

That was great fun to experience. Having small chunks of video content with other-interaction things in between makes it very easy to enjoy this, as you're never too far away from a convenient break point.

The horror aspect is more "referential" than "visceral" - at least, I didn't encounter any directly-bloody content on my play through.

The story was engaging, the acting superb, the production generally really nicely polished. There's a Ko-fi link when you reach the end credits, if you feel so inclined and able.
posted by BuxtonTheRed at 1:13 PM on November 24, 2022

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