October 21, 2012 5:51 AM   Subscribe

YouTube user ultramanvszetton makes oddly compelling Ultraman movies using action figures, stop-motion animation, and sound effects, such as The Return of Ultraman and Ultra Seven Vs. Bado Alien. YouTube user Goji73 has created an entire series of web videos using action figures called Godzilla and his Amazing Friends (there is some crossover between Godzilla and an Ultraman spinoff called Daikaiju Battle).
posted by KokuRyu (11 comments total) 13 users marked this as a favorite
These are great, thanks for posting!
posted by Decimask at 6:41 AM on October 21, 2012 [1 favorite]

Vaguely related, for Ultraman fans: ScatUltraman.
posted by charlie don't surf at 7:03 AM on October 21, 2012

you know, we are eventually going to run out of stuff from the late 60s-early 80s

even if we don't, what happens when everybody who knew the context is dead.

what then
posted by This, of course, alludes to you at 7:23 AM on October 21, 2012

what then

People will make mash-ups of the mash-ups they watched when they were children. Eventually, they will distill things down to their essences, and we will see the rise of a New Era of Sincerity, which will be followed by a New Era of Kitsch, and the cycle will begin again.
posted by GenjiandProust at 7:46 AM on October 21, 2012

Ack! Word segmentation error! I had myself briefly convinced that manvszetton had to be something in Hungarian.
posted by nebulawindphone at 8:06 AM on October 21, 2012

posted by Kevin Street at 8:34 AM on October 21, 2012

At a quick glance, I thought the fourth link read "Ultraman Vs. Steve Allen," and I thought Ultraman might not be a match for the latter's Keyboard of Facile Songwriting.
posted by the sobsister at 8:40 AM on October 21, 2012 [1 favorite]

God bless you for that link, Charlie don't surf. Go-go-go-go-go-god bu-bu-bu-bless you...
posted by Fists O'Fury at 8:52 AM on October 21, 2012

you know, we are eventually going to run out of stuff from the late 60s-early 80s

My kids love Ultraman and there are still new Ultraman movies, and the occasional tv series, being made.
posted by KokuRyu at 4:06 PM on October 21, 2012

The other half, peering over my shoulder, "Why is that vagina scorpion attacking him?"

Then the thing queefed on Ultraman.

No further communication was necessary nor possible.
posted by Purposeful Grimace at 7:05 PM on October 21, 2012

Oh my god, that Godzilla and His Amazing Friends clip is the best Godzilla movie ever made..
posted by KingEdRa at 8:06 PM on October 21, 2012 [1 favorite]

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