Masters of Global Music at the Smithsonian
September 13, 2013 9:44 AM   Subscribe

The Smithsonian's Freer and Sackler Galleries have quietly been posting full-length, downloadable concerts by some of the world's master musicians since 2005.

A few places to start:

Hossein Alizadeh: Master of Persian Music

Omar Bashir: The Legacy of Munir Bashir

Vishwa Mohan Bhatt & Subhen Chatterjee: North Indian Classical Music

Gamelan Mitra Kusuma: Balinese Music and Dance

Reigakusha Ensemble: Sukeyasu Shiba's Gagaku Universe

Sawai Koto Ensemble: Contemporary Music for Japanese Instruments

L. Subramaniam: Master of Indian Music

If you find yourself in D.C., the Galleries' performances are free - upcoming: Apsaras Incarnate: The Sacred Dancers of Angkor [10/3], the Shanghai and Miró Quartets [10/4], and K. Sridhar - Nada Yoga: The Sound of Transcendence [10/26].
posted by ryanshepard (11 comments total) 71 users marked this as a favorite
This looks great!
posted by Going To Maine at 9:48 AM on September 13, 2013

No kidding. This really is a treasure trove of music.
posted by MartinWisse at 10:12 AM on September 13, 2013

Hey now. This is a splendid find. Well done!
posted by mykescipark at 10:17 AM on September 13, 2013

This is fantastic, and a rabbit hole of the best sort. If one thing doesn't strike your fancy at the moment, check out other shows, and keep going until you reach enlightenment (or entertainment, either way).
posted by filthy light thief at 10:40 AM on September 13, 2013

For anyone needing more to listen to, the Freer / Sackler also recently launched Radio Asia - hours + hours of music from every corner of the continent, from the archives of Folkways Records.
posted by ryanshepard at 10:50 AM on September 13, 2013

Fantastic find. I love the Freer and Sackler and make sure to visit every time I'm in DC, but I had no idea that they hosted concerts.
posted by immlass at 11:15 AM on September 13, 2013

Nothing makes me miss living in DC like these reminders of all the free culture to be had in the District on any given day of the week. I particularly long for these music presentations and the NGA's video and film presentations.
posted by late afternoon dreaming hotel at 11:55 AM on September 13, 2013

Oh yes, these are all in my area of interest.
I will be listening to nothing else for days.
Thanks for posting
posted by Abinadab at 3:16 PM on September 13, 2013

Fantastic, thanks for posting this!
posted by carter at 6:42 PM on September 13, 2013

So, this is going to be my weekend. Like others I had no idea the Sackler had concerts. Thanks for posting!
posted by jadepearl at 8:33 PM on September 13, 2013

OMG thank you for this - the storytelling podcast is awesome for the kids to listen to in the car, and the music, well, it is masterful.
posted by Monkey0nCrack at 7:42 PM on September 17, 2013

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