Love & Happiness
January 2, 2017 9:42 PM   Subscribe

The Obama's final celebration of American music, Love & Happiness, has been posted to the White House Youtube channel. The 82-minute concert features Jill Scott, Regina Hall, Terrence J., Yolanda Adams, Janelle Monae, Leslie Odom Jr., BBD, Michelle Williams, The Roots, De La Soul, Usher, and Samuel L. Jackson.
posted by kristi (23 comments total) 36 users marked this as a favorite
Really really wondering what happens to this "The White House" channel, since this will be effectively on the second presidency in the YouTube era. Hand over the keys? New channel "The Real White House" instead? Weird.
posted by anarch at 10:24 PM on January 2, 2017

Like @potus I'm guessing it will be handed over to the new administration.

Which makes me think perhaps it's worth archiving the channel contents with youtube-dl.
posted by dumbland at 10:40 PM on January 2, 2017 [4 favorites]

I can't access YouTube from China, but based on the celebration's title I now have the funky mellow keyboards from Rev Al's tune floating in my brain, making my day better. And I know the President is a fan as well, I guess the name was an intentional reference.

But wait a minute
Something's going wrong
Someone's on the phone*
Three o'clock in the morning
Talkin' about how (s)he can make it right, yeah

* or Twitter as the case may be

posted by Meatbomb at 11:12 PM on January 2, 2017 [2 favorites]

anarch, there is a project to archive government websites: it's the End of Term Web Archive, and partners include the Internet Archive and the California Digital Library (and the Library of Congress). They list 95 Youtube channels from the 2012 transition, but I don't see anything that specifically shows whether they'll be archiving the WhiteHouse channel this year. I sure hope so. (And a quick test of the archive from 2012 isn't very encouraging - I can't get the videos to play.)

(I could swear I heard about that project here on MetaFilter, possibly in this FPP about the Internet Archive in the Trump era, but I'm not seeing a direct link there ... )
posted by kristi at 11:45 PM on January 2, 2017 [3 favorites]

That Janelle Monae song is way too on point, it's freaking eerie. This is such a beautiful concert but the weight of the transition is so heavy.
posted by yueliang at 12:39 AM on January 3, 2017 [2 favorites]

Is there a complete track listing anywhere?
posted by I_Love_Bananas at 4:06 AM on January 3, 2017

A+ walk-on to Funky President
posted by STFUDonnie at 6:29 AM on January 3, 2017 [1 favorite]

The Obama's final celebration of American music
You mean the final celebration of American music ever.
Fixed that for you.
posted by Billiken at 6:56 AM on January 3, 2017 [1 favorite]

This is fantastic. thanks so much for posting this. but all of these lasts are getting to me - amazing music and I feel like crying :(
posted by bluesky43 at 7:11 AM on January 3, 2017 [1 favorite]

dumbland: Which makes me think perhaps it's worth archiving the channel contents with youtube-dl.

That was my first thought when seeing this. I wonder if will be backing up all of the (still current!) POTUS' content. Similarly, I'll miss Pete Souza's photography (a great part is due to my joy in who he captures, not just how).

If no one finds a tracklist, I'll write one up later.
posted by filthy light thief at 7:16 AM on January 3, 2017 [1 favorite]

Thanks FLT- I can't listen at work but wanted to later. :-)

If it is not asking too much can you include start times for the various tracks/presentations? Because you are teh awesome?
posted by I_Love_Bananas at 7:25 AM on January 3, 2017

Is there some German word for the struggle to enjoy something beautiful while simultaneously weeping for it's imminent descent towards crass, despicable dreck?

The cultural black-hole of the Trump period is only starting to form, but I'm already reeling at the vastness of it. What music will he celebrate, I wonder? Does he have the emotional capacity to even recognize music?
posted by mrjohnmuller at 7:44 AM on January 3, 2017 [5 favorites]

This is fabulous. Wow, Yolanda Adams is incredible! I have such a huge gap in my musical knowledge.
posted by apricot at 3:57 PM on January 3, 2017 [1 favorite]

Is there some German word for the struggle to enjoy something beautiful while simultaneously weeping for it's imminent descent towards crass, despicable dreck?

Not German, but a similar concept in Japanese is mono no aware.
posted by Athanassiel at 4:27 PM on January 3, 2017 [3 favorites]

I_Love_Bananas: If it is not asking too much can you include start times for the various tracks/presentations? Because you are teh awesome?

I'm working on this, and I'll be done today or tomorrow, with time links back to the YT video.
posted by filthy light thief at 9:08 AM on January 4, 2017 [1 favorite]

because you rock.
posted by I_Love_Bananas at 10:23 AM on January 4, 2017


(And because I'm an obsessive archivist, who feels like this is something important to document and share - BTW, I downloaded a 720p copy of the video via one of the numerous online "download youtube" website, and there are others where you can plug in the YT URL and save only MP3 audio to "listen to YouTube" later).

[Final note: it'll be tomorrow, unless I find myself with surplus free time tonight]
posted by filthy light thief at 11:32 AM on January 4, 2017 [1 favorite]

Whenever you are able is absolutely the best time! Thank you again. :-)
posted by I_Love_Bananas at 11:36 AM on January 4, 2017

So anyone who's enjoying this and looking for more, may I point you to: (There's a fair amount of overlap between these two sets; a lot of the individual items in the Music and the Arts playlist can be seen in various concerts on In Performance at the White House.)

If I had all the time in the world, I would catalog who gets invited back - I definitely saw Janelle Monae on two programs and possibly three; Jill Scott was on another one; Lyle Lovett was on a couple (or maybe three); I think Usher was on at least one other; oh - and I think Aretha Franklin's been on three programs at least. The Women of Soul concert has Aretha Franklin, Melissa Etheridge, Patti LaBelle, Jill Scott, Janelle Monáe, Tessanne Chin, and Ariana Grande. Huzzah!
posted by kristi at 9:47 PM on January 5, 2017 [2 favorites]

Which artists have made the most visits to the Obama White House? (WaPo, Sept. 2, 2016)
what’s most interesting isn’t the number of celebrities who have walked the halls — Ronald and Nancy Reagan hosted many more — it’s the variety of the guests. For every Beyoncé, Jay Z and Blue Ivy who rolled an Easter egg, there was Jose Feliciano, Keb Mo and Emmylou Harris onstage. And while the story of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s first visit in 2009 at “An Evening of Poetry, Music and Spoken Word” — where he performed an early version of what would become the opening song from his musical “Hamilton” — has become the stuff of legend, spoken word artist Mayda Del Valle was also there that night.
There's a pretty good list of artists and appearances, and a table towards the end, where Common and James Taylor tie for the top spot, with 5 appearances each.
posted by filthy light thief at 3:42 PM on January 7, 2017

And as previously promised, a timestamped list of who played (and said, for the non-musicians) what when (with some commentary):
0:00 - President and Mrs. Michelle Obama walk in to (funky strut) by BBE (BASSic Black Entertainment) All-Star Band, and President Obama welcomes everyone to this final musical evening as President and First Lady; Obama cites Pres. Chester A. Arthur inviting The Fisk University Jubilee Singers to perform at the White House, while Pres. Theodore Roosevelt had Scott Joplin's Maple Leaf Rag played at the White House, at the request of Roosevelt's daughter, Alice, who wanted to hear "that new jazz."

5:12 - Jill Scott - "Run Run Run" (Jill Scott running in place made miss Sharon Jones like crazy)
7:43 - Jill Scott - "Golden"
10:51 - The hosts for the night, Regina Hall and Terrence J make their entrance
11:40 - standing ovation for the Obamas and the President's 8 years
(13:00 Terrence J: "You're leaving the office more optimistic than when you entered," but Barack looks down, as if to say "eh, maybe not optimistic")
13:26 "The highest grossing box-office movie star of all time, Samuel L. Jackson" riffing on President Obama "wanting to leave" now, then tells him no one is cooler, "you are the epitome of cool"
15:09 - Common - "The People"
16:36 - Common - "The Light"
(17:40 - Common says "bring it down so they can do it, I need you to sing it," and everyone does)
18:09 - Common and Elija Adams - "Glory" (and I'm crying)
23:20 - Jesse L. Williams, from Grey's Anatomy and BET's humanitarian award recipient (previously), thanks and appreciates President and Michelle Obama (and hopes Barack gets back into community work) (references the President's official playlist)
25:55 - Janelle Monáe - "Smile"
29:23 - Janelle Monáe - "Tightrope" with an intro/background quoting from Pres. Obama - "You can't get too high, and you can't get too low"
(32:02 - Janelle gets a cape draped on her shoulders, just so she can Throw. It. Off! But wait ...)
(33:50 - THE CAPE IS BACK! And THAT is how you burn the stage!)
34:27 - Leslie Odom Jr., from Hamilton, in the shiniest suit of the night (or skip ahead a bit to 34:49 for the intro and a sample of "Barack Obama, The Musical" (set to the Hamilton theme) - "I'm going to get Lin to punch it up ... it'll be better than that"
36:40 - Leslie Odom Jr. - "Forever Young" a cappella of Bob Dylan's version (just ... damn) followed at 38:28 by an instrumental bit of the Alphaville version of "Forever Young"
39:00 - BBD (Bel Biv Devoe), bringing their own mics and mic stands - "Poison" (... and now everyone stands? Respect to the classics, EVERYONE is (quietly) singing along (because everyone knows all the words to this song). "Pump your fists like this!")
43:45 - Angela Bassett speaks to Michelle as "a beacon of light" for these last 8 years, and their "out-loud love" for each other
45:31 - Kierra Sheard, Michelle Williams and Yolanda Adams, accompanied by the Reginald Golden Singers bring some uplifting gospel music
50:30 - Bradly Cooper, one of our favorite actors (and his pet beard, who name drops like none other ... hanging out with U2, shooting Hangover 1 when Barack's first win was announced, making the Hangover 3 when the 2nd election results were announced. Obama won't even stick around for a Hangover 4) (and what kind of magic needs to be infectious to spread?)
51:58 - The Roots - "The Next Movement"
54:07 - The Roots - "Whitehouse Boogie"
54:49 - The Roots and De La Soul - "Buddy"
55:15 - De La Soul and The Roots with Common - "The Bizness"
57:30 - De La Soul and The Roots - "Me, Myself & I"

1:00:38 - A look back at the remarkable presidency of Barack Obama ("And with that, I just have two more words to say: Obama out *drops mic*) [previously]

1:03:18 - Jill Scott and The Roots with Usher - "You Got Me"
1:07:22 - Usher - "U Make Me Wanna" (was this chosen as a jab at the angry orange?)
1:10:48 - Usher - "Caught Up"
1:13:33 - Usher - "Yeah"

1:17:01 - Terrence J and Regina Hall talk about Barack Obama's "next chapter," mentoring vulnerable youth (an extension of My Brother's Keeper?), and all the musicians of this event welcome President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama back on stage, where he thanked "BET for agreeing to film Barack Obama's Block Party", then thanked all the artists, and more broadly credited his and Michelle's successes to those who lifted them up
1:20:06 - end to everyone on stage dancing and singing to Al Green's "Love and Happiness"
posted by filthy light thief at 10:27 PM on January 7, 2017 [4 favorites]

Got a little teary-eyed at times watching this. Wonder why Dave Chappelle didn't perform/speak?
posted by fuse theorem at 1:38 PM on January 8, 2017

And why did Bradley Cooper talk? Really, why?
posted by filthy light thief at 2:07 PM on January 8, 2017

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