Dance like someone's ignoring you
July 24, 2023 10:27 PM   Subscribe

It's your (late) Monday free thread!

Dancer is Julia K Barni, I can't find the original video, but this is close
posted by Gorgik (95 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
As an old hand on slashdot I couldn't resist getting first post.
posted by How much is that froggie in the window at 10:44 PM on July 24, 2023 [7 favorites]

Many who are first shall be last...
posted by justsomebodythatyouusedtoknow at 11:13 PM on July 24, 2023 [1 favorite]

And those who are in the middle shall still be in the middle but facing in the other direction.
posted by aubilenon at 11:53 PM on July 24, 2023 [8 favorites]

My friend couldn't pay his water bill, so I sent him a "get well soon" card.
posted by DreamerFi at 12:00 AM on July 25, 2023 [14 favorites]

Stephen Fry Hates Dancing. That is all.
posted by flyingfox at 12:04 AM on July 25, 2023 [5 favorites]

It's gotta be Monday somewhere.
posted by TrishaU at 12:35 AM on July 25, 2023

So much enthusiasm! Looks like someone spiked her Sanka.
Some friends stayed with us last week, they have two young kids who are pretty much totally like our young kids were, at the same age. The big difference being that that was fifteen years ago for us and the whole kid experience looks way different from where we are now. Tiring springs to mind. Then there's a brief sorta afterword in The Jungle Book where Kipling mentions that Mowgli went on in life to become a very successful business man and pater familias and I've often thought that, yes, young boys probably should be raised by wild animals out in the jungle. They try damn hard to drag you out there anyway. You keep pulling them back, everyday, towards the village. Makes you reconsider the village vs. the jungle, for better or worse.
There was a sighting of a lioness in the south end of the city last weekend, video of the animal in question looked, from my arm-chair, to be clearly a big cat of some sort - I thought "Puma!" The verdict though, according to some lab that checked out hair and stool samples from where the animal was seen, is not cat and herbivorous. Yawn. The area where the animal was seen is kinda wealthy. I liked the idea of them being all a little spooked by nature banging on their door, or stalking them as they go to their cars.
posted by From Bklyn at 1:50 AM on July 25, 2023 [2 favorites]

So I watched "Raiders of the Lost Ark" with the kid, which he liked, and more importantly didn't get nightmares over. I don't think it would be rated PG today with the face-melting and jump scares with decayed and fresh bodies.

But what freaked me out was that the shot at the very end from the theatrical cut was removed. It's described here:
In the theatrical version of Raiders of the Lost Ark with Indiana Jones, an additional scene takes place immediately after the credits roll. The camera cuts back to Ark of the Covenant in the wooden crate inside the government warehouse where we last left it. In this scene, the Army intelligence stencil on the crate is slowly burned away by the power of the Ark. This scene was cut from the DVD release of the film.
There doesn't seem to be even grainy footage of this scene anywhere on the Internet. From Googling it, lots of people refuse to believe that the scene ever existed. But it was there! I remember it as being one of the creepiest and most disturbing parts of the film. Don't assume God is on your side.
posted by TheophileEscargot at 1:57 AM on July 25, 2023 [33 favorites]

Perhaps I should be dancing more...

Today the world seems very harsh to me. It would be hard to find something to smile about if it wasn't for these videos and also the fact that I am finally on holiday with very little to do and in a place where the weather is normal. On the other hand, the good health of the surrounding nature means that allergies are killing me, or rather, I am slowed down to a glacial pace because of the anti-histamines.

lots of people refuse to believe that the scene ever existed. But it was there!
I remember it. I don't remember finding it disturbing, perhaps because I never imagined God was on our side.

Last week the whole family was gathered here for the first time since Christmas, and it was wonderful. But yes, toddlers wear you down. There must be something very significant about the fact that one still adores them.
posted by mumimor at 3:12 AM on July 25, 2023 [5 favorites]

I have no doubt at all that I saw that scene, TheophileEscargot.

It didn’t occur to me to ascribe a larger meaning, but now that you point it out, I think you must be right that it's a warning.

Uzza was killed by the Ark when he reached out to steady it as it was being moved to the city of David:
According to the Tanakh, עזה, Uzzah or Uzza, meaning "Her Strength", was an Israelite whose death is associated with touching the Ark of the Covenant. The account of Uzzah appears in two places in scripture: 2 Samuel 6:3-8[1] and 1 Chronicles 13:7-11.[2]
That 'Uzza' means "Her Strength" and was also a name associated with the worship of a goddess by pre-Islamic Arabs is enough to make me wonder whether Uzza's death was the act of a God particularly Jealous of deities of the female persuasion.

And if by any chance the stencil that was burned away contained the letters 'USA', perhaps the coincidental resemblance between the transliteration 'UZZA' and 'USA' was enough to make Spielberg and studio executives too nervous to allow any traces of the scene to continue to exist.
posted by jamjam at 3:21 AM on July 25, 2023

Christian school here- I thought the deal with Uzza is that instead of doing things the right way, (Levites carrying the ark on poles) they left the ark on the cart that the Philistines had placed it on after they had suffered plagues etc and let the cows drag it where it willed. Always an interesting one to consider- Uzza was doing a "good" thing by steadying the ark but in touching it violated the holiness. Actions vs intent.
posted by freethefeet at 3:42 AM on July 25, 2023

I completely remember that scene in Raiders. I have only ever seen that movie on VHS or cable so removing it...when did that happen?

This has been a tough time for me personally right now. My beloved mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's last week; the past year has been marked by significant short term memory loss for her (as well as encroaching deafness) and I am the only child who lives in another country. My younger sister lives five minutes away and has really stepped up in terms of being practical, firm, and direct for her. No mean feat, as her own two kids (13 and 15) are in the "everyone sucks but me" stage of tween/teenage. The eldest is especially volatile so it's not like my sister didn't already have her hands full. I am very grateful she will be my mom's caretaker but also I feel really guilty for being so faraway. So: for my sister and I, this week has been marked by quiet private breakdowns and just...anger. Sheer anger that this is happening to our mom. I am sad but god, I am so furious.

I am very lucky that I have the mom I do. She raised us when my dad left, got her second chance at happiness with my stepdad (who was a better dad than my real dad could have ever been), became his caretaker when he was diagnosed with Parkinson's, and after his death, finally got to live on her own for the first time in her adult life.

Anyway, I can't wait for my therapist to come back from vacation because I am struggling emotionally right now.
posted by Kitteh at 3:55 AM on July 25, 2023 [26 favorites]

Sorry to hear how hard things are, Kitteh.
posted by wenestvedt at 4:15 AM on July 25, 2023 [2 favorites]

Definitely remember that "power of God scorches swastika" scene, because I also remember a moment where a passing rat watches and moves its head in what I thought was a weird way.

My best to you, Kitteh.

I am...odd. One week ago I was laid off, and I decided to do the barest minimum of job-hunting the rest of the week, to sort of adjust to the new normal. I DID apply to another job in the same business campus where I had been working - it seemed a natural lateral move - and I also signed back up at the agency that was in the same business campus, and which had gotten me the job I'd just lost. I also spent the rest of the week realizing that I actually am in a financially okay place and can afford to take my time with the search, and treat myself to some random things like going to museums on Tuesday afternoons. I also signed up with the career coach my last job got for us all and am set to talk to them first tomorrow, about "how to take my time and not panic about the job hunt."

....Then, yesterday - out of nowhere - the job agency called. The job I'd applied for a week ago, and which had supposedly been FILLED already, was on the hunt again. Could I go in for an interview? RIGHT AWAY? So yesterday afternoon I was already at a job interview. It went okay, and in a few days I will very likely get a call inviting me to set up a second interview.

And I am....weirdly ambivalent. And I don't know why. I don't think it's anything about the job itself - all the things I would be doing are things I can do, and the people seem nice enough. The benefits package seems to match what my own benefits were when I started the LAST job, except I'd be on my own for locating health insurance (they don't offer it themselves because they're so small) but not on my own paying for it (they offer stipends for what the employees find). The biggest adjustment would simply be needing to leave the house a half hour earlier in the morning (the hours would be an 8 am start instead of an 8:30 one like at the last job), but I'd be home an hour earlier (the day would end at 4 pm). And they're flexible about that if I find that 8 am just ain't happening.

I think I may simply be subconsciously mourning my old job and comparing it to this one ("yeah, dudes, you seem nice enough, but I miss Paul and James and Michael and Moskie and Arlene and Melissa and Sophia and Frank and..."), and I may have been getting excited about the possibility of having a break ("I wanted to do all these cool things like do more knitting and go to museums on Tuesdays, this is too soon"). I'm trying to remind myself that I don't have to decide anything NOW, and technically this job does not exist for my reality yet. I still have to have the second interview - during which I will presumably learn more to help me decide - and they still have to make me an offer.

Am giving myself the day off the job hunt today and actually going out to DO one of those spontaneous outings I told myself I could do now. We aren't anywhere near a financial-crisis point just yet, but there are also a ton of free-to-me museums and that may make for a good outing. I'm also a member at BAM, so I can get half-price movies, and they have a member appreciation day today where I can get free popcorn and soda, so I may do that too.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 4:48 AM on July 25, 2023 [13 favorites]

I am typing from bed, sore and tired from moving into our new place. Pretty psyched but also my box lifting muscles are not happy with me.

I hope I can find my clean bras before I go to work... they're here somewhere...
posted by emjaybee at 4:48 AM on July 25, 2023 [10 favorites]

Ok... so I want to share with you my weird chatGPT comics - because while it can't draw like openAI, it can write a solid 3-panel post-industrial comic focused on ennui.
Write a 3 panel comic strip featuring two cats talking about the ennui of white collar work

Panel 1:
Two cats are sitting on a fence, both wearing business suits. One of them is holding a briefcase, while the other one looks bored.
Cat 1: "I hate this white collar work. It's so mundane and repetitive."

Panel 2:
The second cat responds, looking equally uninterested.
Cat 2: "I know, right? We sit at a desk all day, staring at a computer screen. It's soul-sucking."

Panel 3:
Both cats slump their shoulders and let out a simultaneous sigh.
Cat 1: "I wish we could just lounge around in the sun all day like we used to."
Cat 2: "Yeah, chasing mice and napping sounds so much better than this corporate grind."
Write a 3 pannel comic strip with the same two cats from before. They are still working white collar jobs and have recently taken a bath in the stock market, losing a significant amount their investments and are currently exploring new options for wealth generation (to tweak this, I had to request making it funny and adding more ennui)

Panel 1:
The two cats are sitting at their desks, looking disheartened, and one of them has a tiny thought bubble above their head with a bored expression and a clock ticking inside.

Cat 1: "Another day, another disaster in the stock market."
Cat 2: "It's like we're stuck in a never-ending cycle of financial misfortune."

Panel 2:
Cat 1 is browsing on a computer, and Cat 2 is resting their head on the desk, looking utterly bored.

Cat 1: "Real estate might work, but the market is so sluggish, just like our energy levels."
Cat 2: "I guess we could start a business, but does anything even excite us anymore?"

Panel 3:
The cats are still sitting together, but now they're wearing sunglasses and sipping from coffee mugs labeled "Mundane Mocha."

Cat 1: "Tech startups, renewable energy... it all sounds like one big, tedious yawn."
Cat 2: "Yeah, and we're already masters of disappointment, so why change now?"
Cat 1: "You know what? Let's just take a catnap and forget about this wealth generation thing."
Cat 2: "Agreed. Maybe we'll dream of a world where money grows on scratching posts."
Write a 3 pannel comic strip with the same two cats from before. Their stock investment has mostly recovered. They continue to work their white collar jobsand have launched a small business in scratching posts. They are lamenting the difficulty of starting their small business. The strip needs to still be funny and filled with ennui.

Panel 1:
The two cats are sitting at their desks, looking exhausted but somewhat relieved. A framed graph on the wall behind them shows the stock market recovering.

Cat 1: "Finally, our investments bounced back. At least we're not totally broke."
Cat 2: "Yeah, but running a scratching post business is turning out to be a real clawful experience."

Panel 2:
Cat 1 is holding a blueprint of a scratching post design, looking puzzled, while Cat 2 is trying to untangle a ball of yarn with a bored expression.

Cat 1: "I thought selling scratching posts would be easy, but the logistics are more tangled than this yarn ball."
Cat 2: "And don't even get me started on the customer service. Dealing with picky cats is driving me nuts."

Panel 3:
The cats are now sitting in front of a stack of unsold scratching posts, looking disappointed.

Cat 1: "I miss the predictability of our white-collar jobs. This small business venture is more like a hairball."
Cat 2: "I know, right? The dream of being our own bosses feels more like a never-ending litter box duty."
Write a 3 panel comic strip with the same two cats from before. Their small business in scratching posts is booming. They no longer work their white collar jobs. Now that they are hiring people, they are lamenting the difficulty of balancing fair pay and hiring while noting the irony of their roots. The strip needs to still be funny and filled with ennui.

Panel 1:
The two cats are sitting in their office, surrounded by stacks of orders and a "Help Wanted" sign on the wall. They look overwhelmed yet proud.

Cat 1: "Can you believe it? Our scratching post business is actually booming!"
Cat 2: "Yeah, but now we have to hire employees. Deciding on fair pay feels like herding mice."

Panel 2:
Cat 1 is looking at a resume, scratching their head with a perplexed expression, while Cat 2 is holding a calculator, looking exasperated.

Cat 1: "This candidate wants a high salary, but we also need to balance expenses."
Cat 2: "It's like trying to catch the red dot - it keeps slipping through our paws."

Panel 3:
The cats are now sitting at a desk, signing paperwork for their new hires, looking tired but amused.

Cat 1: "Remember when we were the ones desperate for jobs? Now, we're on the other side."
Cat 2: "It's the ultimate irony. The scratching post moguls hiring workers. Life's a hairball."
posted by Nanukthedog at 5:24 AM on July 25, 2023 [6 favorites]

I went to KansasFest last week and demoed my Apple II card project! The demo went off well, and was well received. However, I left the convention early because of the massive covid outbreak. I avoided catching it, but it’s looking like 25-35% of the attendees caught it.

People are understandably upset, and the circular firing squad has already begun. Who knows if the convention will happen next year, after a disaster like this.
posted by notoriety public at 5:34 AM on July 25, 2023 [10 favorites]

Big Apple ][ fan! Congrats! Can you share what the project was?

And really sorry to hear about the outbreak but glad you're well.
posted by JoeZydeco at 5:50 AM on July 25, 2023

Everything is just so tiring.
posted by seanmpuckett at 5:58 AM on July 25, 2023 [12 favorites]

In my adventures of expanding my talents into the realm of TV production: A few months ago, someone reached out to me via LinkedIn for a project in town, looking for a PA for a sports broadcast -- a week-long tournament, streaming online. I was available, so I got hooked up with their HR and it ran from the 13th to the 22nd (the first two days were setup, with one day off on the 20th). Most of the setup was running network cables, getting computers set up, connecting things via various cables, which is totally my wheelhouse even without any other skills, and I got a lot of positive feedback for doing well. I know, the bar for being a good production assistant isn't THAT high but I get the feeling that most people who get PA jobs aren't up to really excelling at it.

Unfortunately, like a bowler on track to have a 300 game getting a gutter ball on the last frame, on the afternoon of the last day I made a mistake, not a huge one but big enough to cause problems, and something I half expected to be fired over. My producer was angry, rightly so, but I held back a panic attack and just kept doing my job and the rest of the day went smoothly, and yesterday my producer CC'ed me on an email with the hiring staff that recruited me, calling me a 'rockstar'.

One side effect of this: with other recent side projects in TV, as well as this one, my wife had made some comments about how 'different' I seem working on these, but in a better way -- not that I'm not happy in general, but more emotionally expressive, actively enjoying what I'm doing. I think what she's seeing is the 'old me', back in my twenties when I was heavily involved in live theater, before failing college, divorce, single parenthood, etc. I hadn't really thought about whether my personality had changed over the years, but I do think this is a factor in things. Not that I want to go back to other behaviors of my twentysomething years, the immaturity, recklessness, casual asshollery, but if the new mature me can enjoy the creative output of the stuff I recognized back then as an enjoyable career path, I think this might work out for me.

The only drawback: When working a production for a tournament of thousands of high school students, I shouldn't have been surprised when I got sick. I had a negative covid test the morning I first felt ill, then the walkin clinic did a number of other tests, resulting in another negative covid test but also negative for the other big-name diseases, resulting in a four-day common cold for all my efforts.

The funnest part: apparently if you're wearing a media credential, nobody questions you at all, not whether you're supposed to be there or whether you should be doing what you're doing. The only person who resisted the power of the media credential was the guy manning the loading dock desk, ironically at the door which had a big sign that said "MEDIA ENTRANCE", because he had a photocopy of all the possible badges, and the media badge had a big black X through it, meaning we had to enter through the regular doors.

Raiders discussion: I also remember a rat acting affected by some unseen force, a throbbing noise in the background, and the swastika burning off. I never saw it in the theater, this had to be an early VHS release.
posted by AzraelBrown at 6:25 AM on July 25, 2023 [7 favorites]

AzraelBrown: ...the creative output of the stuff I recognized back then as an enjoyable career path, I think this might work out for me.

Dammit, you're in my home state, and not where I live & work now (Rhode Island)! We need to hire a multi-media/event person where I work, and I would love to get you doing that full-time.
posted by wenestvedt at 6:40 AM on July 25, 2023 [1 favorite]

Oh DANG, the guy from the job I interviewed at yesterday just tried to call me this morning. My agent at the job service also called saying "Hey, J tried to call you this morning, did you talk to him?"

I returned J's call and got his voicemail - I left a message. ....But then I called the agent back and said "can I this over with you, because I'm feeling weird about this." And MAN, did he ever help - the ambivalence I'm feeling now is 100% normal, he said. Because this is happening VERY, VERY suddenly - "the wound is still fresh," he pointed out, I was just laid off a week ago and I loved it at my old job and this is an unknown situation and it makes total sense I'd be unsure. I've only seen a part of the picture, and this is just them trying to set up an opportunity for me to see the next part of the picture. Of course I need way more information to make up my mind about this, and of course I'm a little sulky about "I miss my old job!"

I also admitted that "a part of me was also kind of grooving on the notion that 'whee, I can go to a museum on a Tuesday if I want right now'," and he said that made total sense too. He also added that this particular company is growing pretty fast, and would be pretty damn stable.

I also already have a meeting scheduled with a career coach for tomorrow at 1, and one of the things I want to work on with her is "how do I evaluate a company's suitability for me". They're not just interviewing me, I'm interviewing them - and I'm not sure how to do that. So I'm going to try to schedule any further talks for after I've gotten some tips about how to do that.

So I'm a lot more comfortable about moving on to the next step now, and then seeing what happens.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 6:41 AM on July 25, 2023 [9 favorites]

Big Apple ][ fan! Congrats! Can you share what the project was?

Sure. There's an existing card, called VidHD, which provides HDMI-out of all of the legacy Apple II video modes. This is quite useful just for high-quality display, but equally useful for obtainable display, because the old format monitors are slowly dying (and at a faster rate than the computers themselves), so having a convenient migration path to modern display hardware is getting more and more necessary. However, the VidHD itself is out of production and unobtainable, due to the parts used in its design being impossible to get due to various supply chain stuff.

So my card (which is still very much a prototype and not ready for prime time) is powered by a Pico and a Teensy 4.1, and even at the prototype stage is capable of providing almost all the video modes supported by the VidHD (the exception being the IIgs Super High Res modes), using just some simple glue logic and those two very-obtainable SoC boards. It does it slightly differently though, by exporting the entire stream of Apple II bus events out over 100Mbit ethernet, to an external Rasperry Pi, or even a desktop application, which is the thing that is reconstructing the video buffers from the memory writes and displaying to HDMI. I only started the project in March, and that's as far as we got in the couple of months of development time we had before the convention.

But this is a very powerful approach, and we're aiming to provide a lot more features, as well as leveraging the significant power of the Teensy 4.1 (it's a beastly board as microcontrollers go), for other features which require local rather than remote support. I am hoping by next year, I will, in a single card, be able to support not just video, but also solid state mass storage, native-application ethernet, mouse, sound, 16MB of extended memory, and 32-bit ALU coprocessing. It's ambitious but feasible!
posted by notoriety public at 6:45 AM on July 25, 2023 [9 favorites]

wenestvedt: and I would love to get you doing that full-time.

Here's my dilemma: My current day job, as I told this recent TV crew over drinks, pays me a 'stupid amount of money' for what I'm doing. Granted, I've been here 18 years and am a computer programmer supervising a staff of 3, which deserves that sort of pay, but I am painfully aware that starting over in tv/film production isn't going to let me start at my current income level. So, I'm playing it by ear, doing this work when I want -- because at this level of seniority I can pretty much take off time whenever I feel like it -- but I need to work myself up the ladder a ways before I can really flip the switch, I gotta pay my bills before then.

And, I'm really learning a lot, not in a 'skills' way, but in a 'what kind of jobs are there' way. The culture at this sports-focused-streaming-service is very different than at the hgtv-reality-show production company, and neither really fits what you read about in the "get these great jobs in TV and film!" listicles. Then, you add in that at this last job, there were the Full Timers that work for the streaming service, two Freelancers (of which I was one) employed by the streamer, but then there was a layer of nebulous "don't work directly for the streamer but are associated with it" staff, and then the camera crew were all subcontractors actually working for a local TV production company. The more of these I work, the more I see what possibilities there are career-wise, and the more I can focus on where I might fit in, and at least I'm having fun doing it.
posted by AzraelBrown at 7:05 AM on July 25, 2023 [2 favorites]

I spent the weekend volunteering (including 3.5 hours! of bagging cherries! at a food bank) and was reminded again of the privilege I have that allows me to spend my time this way.

On my way home Sunday, the northbound light rail platform was full of baseball fans, and the southbound platform was full of Swifties. It was quite the sight, what with the various gang colors on display.

My old manager offered me a new job on his team (same firm, different department). It's tempting because I think it's the last chance as a working person I have for a substantial pay increase, but it would also come with more stress. And I really like where I am now, which is a lot closer to my social-justice oriented heart.

I recognize this is a dilemma lots of people would love to have, but it's still vexing.
posted by Gorgik at 7:30 AM on July 25, 2023 [5 favorites]

Definitely remember that "power of God scorches swastika" scene, because I also remember a moment where a passing rat watches and moves its head in what I thought was a weird way

OK, I think we're confusing this scene: this scene is when the ark is in a crate on a boat, before the boat gets hijacked by the German submarine, about 3/4 of the way through the film.
posted by AzraelBrown at 7:41 AM on July 25, 2023 [9 favorites]

I too am going through the job dilema thing. I've been interviewing and have gotten 3 offers. I turned do the first one due to commute time. Changing my current 4 minute commute to over an hour is a nonstarter. I mainly interviewed there for the practice. I've been in my current job for 5+ years. The second offer was for a different job than they offered me at the interview. When trying to get clarification there was crickets from the actual center, so I politely told the hiring person I wasn't taking the job because I had zero confidence in their communication. I'm sitting on an offer now, but after reading the employee handbook, I'm not enthused about their apparent micromanaging. I have another interview today and tomorrow, but I'm ambivalent. I know I need to go somewhere I can get better pay ($3 and hour more) and benefits, but I don't want to leave my kids, even though I have to split my day between two rooms. My first itty bitty from the baby room is now a 3 year old in my preschool. And I have a 13 month old in the baby room who is very attached to me. And then if I leave, I leave my boss without a Head Start teacher. And while I know that she can't put all her eggs in my basket, I feel guilty. She gave me a chance when no other center would. ARGH!
posted by kathrynm at 7:41 AM on July 25, 2023 [6 favorites]

Notoriety Public, that's incredible! I've been tinkering with an idea for years to put an AM335X design together that would sniff the busses of old arcade machines using the PRU and enable internet connectivity for various things. But putting the whole bus across the LAN to a server? That's something I never thought of before. Can I steal that idea? =)
posted by JoeZydeco at 7:42 AM on July 25, 2023 [3 favorites]

Tonight is the first of my 2 (soon to be 3!) weekly D&D games. I hope other mefites each have something today that brings them joy and helps reduce the stress of daily life.
posted by BigHeartedGuy at 7:48 AM on July 25, 2023 [5 favorites]

posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 8:02 AM on July 25, 2023 [5 favorites]


So J from the job interview finally called me back, and....things have taken a VERY interesting turn. "I have news," he said, "and it may not be the news you were hoping for, might still be news that could work for you."

Basically - they've decided that someone else who's on maternity leave will take on most of the duties for the position they were interviewing me for, and they will then hire a more straightforward receptionist. So the position they were interviewing me for no longer exists.

But. That person on maternity leave won't come back until sometime after Labor Day. So....they asked if I would be interested in part time contract work with them, until then. "And my secret hope," the guy said, "is that they see how awesome you are and decide they want to keep you on with another position."

The pay would be decent enough...hourly pay, but in the rate I was looking at. And they would understand that I am looking for other work and there's the risk I find something else and could leave at any moment. But this might be a very good way for us to feel each other out - we'd be checking each other out on a trial basis and learning about each other THAT way instead of doing the whole icky job interview thing. Plus I would likely be getting more money than NY State Unemployment would be giving me for the next month or so. And - the job agency would be picking back up with its clients in September anyway, right when this would end. Or, we could fall in love with each other and they decide "screw this, let's create a job expressly for you" and I basically get to write my own job description.

....So I've basically been offered a summer job. And conceptually, I think it would be a really good idea. They're figuring out the exact details to run past me for my final approval, but I think this could be a best-of-all-worlds kind of situation.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 8:22 AM on July 25, 2023 [13 favorites]


I love Stephen Fry, but there’s something deeply unpleasant about that video.
posted by argybarg at 8:38 AM on July 25, 2023 [1 favorite]

I'm in third round interviews for a company using AI to that will 1) allow and have helped indie filmmakers on shoestring budgets to accomplish a lot of their work very cheaply and 2) will make the jobs of a lot of people easier but 3) will definitely then lead to their jobs becoming obsolete resulting in execs and shareholders exploiting significantly more value from the production while making everyone in the industry poorer

I did this whole process as practice interview type thing because my kinda greedy but chill workplace got acquired by a very greedy and very bureaucratic megacorp and there are changes coming down the line that will result in essentially a title demotion, a lot less job security, and a lot more work. also the megacrop is definitely evil and evil in an almost over-the-top way that has them being the dictionary definition of evil for a lot of people

the AI startup is incredibly well funded for the number of people they have and is offering a decent chunk of equity that, if things go swimmingly, could lead to a lot of financial stability and also allow me to increase, by a magnitude, the donations to local orgs in my area that desperately need no-strings-attached funding. I also am super tired of my inability to change things at my org for the better and starting at a smaller place means much more influence on culture and thus corporate citizenship

but it also means way more work, less boundaries, and worse mental health. this lure of money, of the transient power that it provides and security too, I feel like it's making me delusional and I might end up making a choice that I regret. but what a privileged existential crisis this is, huh?

might just plug it into an RNG and say fuck it to making a cognitive decision about this lol
posted by paimapi at 8:38 AM on July 25, 2023 [1 favorite]

Looks like someone spiked her Sanka. there's a name I haven't heard in a long, long time. *takes drag off a nicotine-free cigarette*

In other news, today marks 15 years of annoying y'all with my silly comments! Time flies like an arrow.

(and fruit flies like a banana)
posted by Greg_Ace at 8:42 AM on July 25, 2023 [18 favorites]

So....they asked if I would be interested in part time contract work with them, until then. "And my secret hope," the guy said, "is that they see how awesome you are and decide they want to keep you on with another position."

this seems... kinda sus, like it would allow them to just hire you without benefits or anything and avoid the risk of onboarding and training and that not working out which is the risk all companies should ethically be taking on because they're making hand over fist kind of money anyway while individuals are just trying to survive
posted by paimapi at 8:49 AM on July 25, 2023 [2 favorites]

this seems... kinda sus, like it would allow them to just hire you without benefits or anything and avoid the risk of onboarding and training and that not working out which is the risk all companies should ethically be taking on because they're making hand over fist kind of money anyway while individuals are just trying to survive

I wouldn't read too much into it. They like EC but the position she applied for is no longer available, so they're doing the next best thing. The headhunter is also doing the right thing because, if the company likes EC, transitioning her into a full-time position (if one becomes available) would be much more efficient and cheaper than doing a full search.
posted by Ben Trismegistus at 8:56 AM on July 25, 2023 [3 favorites]

Spouse was fired on Friday. We knew that was the most likely outcome.

What we did not expect was for his former employer to take the additional (petty) step of also firing his direct manager. Apparently in the course of documenting the weekly meetings his manager had some choice words about how the PIP was being handled and HR did not take kindly to that. I had a moment of panic when spouse admitted that he had been so distracted by the whole thing that he forgot to save his documentation onto his personal computer before being locked out. He was able to get an assurance from HR in writing that they would not challenge unemployment (although they refused to provide anything else) and has his former manager's contact information just in case it gets challenged.

The weight is off him. He is taking this week as a vacation week, as we had to cancel travel plans. Still looking and has a good network helping him out.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 9:04 AM on July 25, 2023 [2 favorites]

I wouldn't read too much into it.

I will never trust SMB owners and will always read way too much into it given past experience and knowing the kind of shit SMBs pull but I do think you're probably much closer to the mark here than I am
posted by paimapi at 9:04 AM on July 25, 2023 [2 favorites]

They like EC but the position she applied for is no longer available, so they're doing the next best thing. The headhunter is also doing the right thing because, if the company likes EC, transitioning her into a full-time position (if one becomes available) would be much more efficient and cheaper than doing a full search.

Exactly. I ran this by the job agency, and they were enthusiastic about it and didn't see any red flags. "This is pretty rare, too," my agent said, "they must REALLY like you." And, he added, he just got word of ANOTHER company looking for an EA that he is following up on to get the details, and if it sounds like it would work for me he'll be letting me know.

The agency is really, really looking out for me, and I trust them; so if they say this is a good thing, and that there isn't anything sus about it, I'm inclined to believe them. And - I hear you about a company wanting to avoid the onboarding costs, but a) this would be a temporary situation of one month, as opposed to something that drags on forever, and b) even when you are a temp and you get properly hired, they still do the whole onboarding thing even if you've been there as a temp for a year.

I also think that this might be J's way of doing an end-run around his boss's decision ("look, I know you didn't meet her yet so you have no idea how great EC is, but I met her and TRUST ME she's someone we want around, let me prove it to you this way").
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 9:06 AM on July 25, 2023 [2 favorites]

And Aldi's Salted Pretzel Milk Chocolate is stupid good.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 9:07 AM on July 25, 2023 [1 favorite]

I thought "Puma!"

Pumas in the crevasses!
posted by Greg_Ace at 9:17 AM on July 25, 2023 [1 favorite]

Our AC stopped blowing cool air last night, but a little minor checkup today fixed it. It's old and inefficient, so needs replaced one of these days, but glad the immediate service needs fell on the cooler end of the week. Perhaps a good reminder to research options for replacement before that becomes a necessity when the weather is least accommodating.

My needy dog did not care for being sequestered while the work was done, so time for a walk to get the wiggles out and then catch up on work.
posted by the primroses were over at 9:19 AM on July 25, 2023 [2 favorites]

I was sitting at a friend's kitchen table on Saturday and she (90+ years of age) proceeded to tell me that she'd dispatched a squirrel that was hanging around the bird feeders. My thoughts went to:
- shooed it away
- shot it with a pellet gun, or .22 rifle
- but no: she whacked it dead with a stick.

A handsome walking stick was leaning in the corner of the patio, I guess she grabbed it and just waited out the brash little fellow then caught him with a blow that also destroyed a feeder. These retired farm women don't joke around.
posted by elkevelvet at 10:05 AM on July 25, 2023 [10 favorites]

Everything is just so tiring.

Oh, indeed. I just was at a national drug store chain in that rhymes with Hoppers Slug Tart and learned from a sign that, “All systems are currently down in regards to payment functions on all registers. This is going on at all Hoppers Slug Tart locations.” All locations in the city, in the province, all 1300 across the country? Hard to say, but there ya go. Of course, all customer (er would-be customer) objections and concerns were being dealt with the single employee there, a woman of perhaps twenty. She was not having a great day.

A month ago I was at a local multiplex. It has been reduced in staff to the bare minimum: at matinee time (1:00 pm), a single staffer is selling both tickets and snacks. As best I can discern from this and previous visits, the projection function is automated now, so at 1:00 pm, six movies started up on six screens.

I arrived at maybe 12:50 and saw an unusually long line at the snack bar/box office. No one behind the snack bar, and we soon learned that an elderly patron had fallen in one of the auditoriums and the entire staff (again, a single nineteen-year-old) was assisting the customer.

I used to work in systems analysis. I am sure restructuring companies so that there is a single point of failure that can grind things to a halt, and often only the most inexperienced staffer in place to deal with it will not cause any problems.
posted by ricochet biscuit at 10:22 AM on July 25, 2023 [14 favorites]

Thanks for the warning. I just called my local Hoppers as I'm due to pick up a prescription. Yes. apparently they've been having troubles all day. Right now, the systems seem to be up, so I'm going to take a chance and head on over. And I'm bringing cash. Wish me luck.
posted by sardonyx at 10:35 AM on July 25, 2023 [3 favorites]

The big dominant thing out her right now is the heat, and it's definitely been pretty brutal. Can't do much at all outdoors and everyone's tired of everything being hot. HOWEVER there's some hope on the horizon. The monsoon was delayed so long it was almost the latest on record but it's here. We're still getting 110+ temps but the possibility of a monsoon storm is making people more optimistic. We got one last week on my commute home that dropped the temp by 35 degrees. Even if a storm just goes nearby and doesn't get us rain, the outflow winds are often enough to cool things down to "not evil" temperatures. So that's helping. And it looks like the heat wave may be *finally* about to break. NWS has Tucson forecast for double digit highs starting early next week. It's some relief we badly need.

The other cause for hope - I got up a little after 3 this morning for a drink of water and looked at the eastern sky. I saw the Pleiades. That's a winter constellation. It'll be a while but the best weather months are ahead and we can make it that far.
posted by azpenguin at 10:38 AM on July 25, 2023 [6 favorites]

Hoppers Slug Tart

That was my favorite cocktail back in college!
posted by Greg_Ace at 10:42 AM on July 25, 2023 [1 favorite]

I just was at a national drug store chain in that rhymes with Hoppers Slug Tart and learned from a sign that, “All systems are currently down in regards to payment functions on all registers. This is going on at all Hoppers Slug Tart locations.” All locations in the city, in the province, all 1300 across the country? Hard to say, but there ya go. Of course, all customer (er would-be customer) objections and concerns were being dealt with the single employee there, a woman of perhaps twenty. She was not having a great day.

Chase Bank and Zelle have also been down all day, all throughout the US. The best Chase could do by way of customer outreach was to lecture people for relying too much on Zelle for critical payments!

In other news I will be getting a new bank later today.
posted by We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese at 10:48 AM on July 25, 2023 [6 favorites]

I've been in the process of moving the past few weeks and I feel I'm almost there. I have a normal bed now and not just a mattress on the floor. I got my TV hooked up so I can watch shitty judge shows while I'm supposed to be working. I should be moving the last of my stuff out of the old place this week. So close yet I still have so much to do.
posted by downtohisturtles at 10:49 AM on July 25, 2023 [5 favorites]

Chase Bank and Zelle have also been down all day, all throughout the US. The best Chase could do by way of customer outreach was to lecture people for relying too much on Zelle for critical payments!

About 55 weeks ago, one of this country’s major telecoms had an outage for a day or so, leading to widespread problems. Luckily we’ve all decided that will never happen again.
posted by ricochet biscuit at 10:57 AM on July 25, 2023 [2 favorites]

The moving-in-process folks have my wholehearted empathy. I feel tired just from memories of my previous move (which is very probably not my last).
posted by Greg_Ace at 11:09 AM on July 25, 2023 [1 favorite]

Finally, the true purpose of AI...
Prompt: If you were making a mixed drink called a Hoppers Slug Tart, what would the directions be?

As a language model AI, I don't have personal preferences or tastes, but I can suggest a fun and imaginative recipe for a fictional drink called "Hoppers Slug Tart." Remember, this is entirely made-up and not an actual established cocktail.

Hoppers Slug Tart (Fictional Mixed Drink):


2 oz coconut rum
1 oz lime juice
1 oz passion fruit juice
1/2 oz simple syrup
A splash of blue curaçao
Ice cubes
Lime wheel and maraschino cherry for garnish

Fill a cocktail shaker with ice cubes.
Add the coconut rum, lime juice, passion fruit juice, and simple syrup to the shaker.
Shake vigorously for about 10 seconds to combine the flavors.
Strain the mixture into a chilled cocktail glass filled with ice.
Add a splash of blue curaçao on top to give it a vibrant blue hue, resembling a "slug" in the drink.
Garnish with a lime wheel and a maraschino cherry for a touch of tartness.
Serve and enjoy your whimsical Hoppers Slug Tart cocktail!
Remember, this is a fictional recipe, and you can always experiment and adjust the ingredients to suit your taste preferences. Drink responsibly, and have fun creating your own imaginative cocktails! Cheers!
posted by Nanukthedog at 11:23 AM on July 25, 2023 [4 favorites]

In other news I will be getting a new bank later today.

Fednow! Fednow. Fednow!!!
posted by paimapi at 11:33 AM on July 25, 2023 [1 favorite]

Just got back from (S)Hopper's. Of course they only had half of my prescription filled. They could take cash payments (I didn't try credit) but the Optimum system was down, so I've got to go back at a later date to have some points applied to some non-prescription purchases.

I swear, the point of a pharmacy is to fill prescriptions. (S)Hoppers--or at least my local one--seems particularly bad at that function. They can't get things in ("system says it's unavailable"), they don't order things on time, they make you come back again and again. It's shoddy service all around.
posted by sardonyx at 11:44 AM on July 25, 2023 [1 favorite]

These retired farm women don't joke around.

At 85 years old my (now deceased) grandfather got in trouble with the local police for shooting gophers in his yard with a .22. He'd just moved into a town a couple of years before after living on a farm his whole life. They let him off with a stern warning.

In his late 70s he broke his back in a fall while reroofing his house. 6 weeks later his was back up there to finish the job before the snow set in.

One of my grand-uncles told us a story about having to euthanize a foal with the only means available, a sledgehammer, after its feet froze in a barn one winter.

I, in my early 40s, at some point in the last year or so injured my shoulder opening a jar of pickles, and it hasn't been right since. We currently have an injured pigeon in our guest bedroom that we're trying to rehabilitate after it showed up with an injury under its wing last night. While I respect how tough or elders were, I absolutely wouldn't trade places with them.
posted by mikesch at 12:22 PM on July 25, 2023 [7 favorites]

Theater is going great, no drama updates with that at the moment. I have all my lines memorized, costumes are good, sets are painted.

Therapist Hunt: I got four recommendations and a website for telehealth in the region.

* #1 let me make an appointment and then told me my insurance wasn't covered but they would take my money at full price...I declined and canceled and then they keep contacting me. I note that they required a photo of my insurance card, and my regular HMO is the one that I have a card for and was rejected for. I then called the alt-insurance I'm supposed to use for this process and got a brilliant clinician lady on the phone who told me how to get around all of that and found me more recommendations.

* #2 I emailed and she asked me some questions and I answered and .... I think she decided I was too much drama and mess (which is true) and gave me a polite tentative rejection, saying I was trying to "squeeze in" an appointment (well, if it's at 5:30, then yes), but gave suggestions about other types of therapy I could look into.

* #3 I emailed and she said she's out on vacation this week but is (a) happy to have a phone conversation with me to see if we get on next week and (b) has a lunchtime slot available I could do, which is great since #2 only had after work ones and I tend to be doing things after work. We shall see.

Meanwhile, my therapist flaked and bailed yet again today ("I thought I already canceled" *eye-roll* no, you did not) and I'm going to get ripped apart in my review today, as I deserve to be. I did talk to someone offering assistance and advice yesterday as to how to plan to be fired and what steps they take here to do that, and what places to apply to vs. NOT to apply for around here, which was very helpful.
posted by jenfullmoon at 12:31 PM on July 25, 2023 [5 favorites]

Fednow! Fednow. Fednow!!!

I mean that's all well and good but I still need a place to KEEP my money that isn't going to lecture me for being, apparently, stupid enough to use their shitty services.
posted by We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese at 12:37 PM on July 25, 2023 [1 favorite]

EC - good luck with the contract gig. My experience with working through an agency was:
  • an agency offered a 3 month contract (software and devops) then after I accepted, said oops sorry it's officially two months- hope that's ok - and anyway the client often keeps you longer
  • the written contract is all upside for the agency & client. Easy to start, easy for them to terminate. In particular, if the govt decides the position was not a real contract but a hiring, and they assess taxes, vac pay and other contributions/benefits, I (contractor) am on the hook to reimburse the company or agency for those. Even if they DID treat me like an employee and not a contractor.
  • the client paid the agency $60/hr for my time, of which I got $45, and as a contractor I of course was on my own for paying any taxes.
  • well the involvement did stretch out to about a year and a bit. Yes, they treated me like an employee, when it suited them. One day, when I was in, doing maintenance but between actual projects, a beancounter noticed me, and I was out that afternoon.
So that's just a caveat. There are agencies, and then there are agencies. Companies love good workers that they aren't obligated in any way to. I hope your experience is positive.

AzraelBrown, I too broke the monotony of a couple of long (but decent-paying) careers by using breaks or layoffs to do something else for a bit (a couple of summers doing boat maintenance - electrics and engines, and some brief volunteering as a sound recordist or boom at a film school). I enjoyed these experiences a lot. A change is as good as a rest.

Be warned that with the Hollywood strikes, it might not be a great time to be starting a new career in production, if you have the big-time in your sights. Many of my friends in that biz have seen work dry up for the moment.

Summer has so far been fantastic. Our part of the world is not overheated or on fire. I've done lots of sailing and biking. I'm currently learning to weld. Retirement is good. I hope everyone gets to be as happy as I am.
posted by Artful Codger at 1:04 PM on July 25, 2023 [2 favorites]

I’m in a foreign country visiting my little brother who retired here after a career in the US Foreign Service. Every time I hear “Rah Rah Rasputin” I think of my brother because he speaks Russian, and it was part of how he got into his career.

I prefer the Turisas version of the song.
posted by Peach at 1:09 PM on July 25, 2023 [3 favorites]

Man, I just offloaded 3500 lbs of cut wood and other parts for my wife's new "Shed of Self" in the LA heat with the help of the driver (bless him because that's not in his job scope) and half with my GC's helper when finally arrived. (grr)

Holy crap y'all, I don't know how those construction guys do that all day every day in this heat. I worked my butt off for 90 minutes and had to go slug back a ton of water and take a shower and now I'm seriously considering a nap.
posted by drewbage1847 at 1:13 PM on July 25, 2023 [5 favorites]

Artful Codger : might not be a great time to be starting a new career in production

Literally everyone has given me this same advice, including an amusing recent email exchange with a person who is selling a "the easy way to get into film production" plan (I wasn't buying, I was just curious). I am notoriously bad at listening.

But, what I'm leveraging right now is big-fish-in-a-little-pond: Where I currently live is very quiet for production in general, so when something does come to town there isn't a substantial freelance base to pull from, so I am getting my foot in the door early, which quickly gets me on the "call this guy back again" list if I do a good job.
posted by AzraelBrown at 1:44 PM on July 25, 2023 [3 favorites]

anyone else think that cillian murphy looks like he was generated by midjourney? if i met him in person i'd try to count his fingers
posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 2:10 PM on July 25, 2023 [1 favorite]

also: the sudden realization that metafilter doesn't support markdown because metafilter predates markdown
posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 2:11 PM on July 25, 2023 [3 favorites]

anyone else think that cillian murphy looks like he was generated by midjourney?

are you talking about cillian-absolutely not emily blunt-murphy?
posted by elkevelvet at 2:38 PM on July 25, 2023

count 👏 his 👏 fingers 👏
posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 3:39 PM on July 25, 2023

The average person has less than ten fingers.
posted by azpenguin at 4:13 PM on July 25, 2023 [2 favorites]

I am insane. Spouse is officially unemployed and yet here I am, trying to figure out how I can leverage the fact that Boy theBRKP has an unprecedented TWO weeks off for the Christmas holidays into a trip overseas. The bad/good news is that his favorite Football (soccer) club is not playing at their home stadium during his break. Yet I feel like we need to grab this rare opportunity to take him somewhere that is outside of the United States.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 4:18 PM on July 25, 2023 [1 favorite]

I used to get my prescription filled by (S)Hoppers, but when I last moved residences I had an equal choice (they were next to each other) between Hoppers and Save-on-Foods - I went with Save-on and the pharmacists at that branch are incredible! They even recognize my face (or my purple hair) and remember my name.
posted by porpoise at 4:41 PM on July 25, 2023 [1 favorite]

I knew there were yellowjackets near the mailbox, but have been doing live & let live. Grabbed some mail and got stung. Bastidges. Couple skeeter bites while I walked the dog because I let her dawdle. I'm fairly allergic and have big welts and feel so, so itchy-cranky.
posted by theora55 at 4:56 PM on July 25, 2023 [3 favorites]

I took today as a mental health day (though I was having tummy trouble last night). It felt good. I did a job interview and I'm crossing my fingers b/c OMG the pay/benefits are great. Actually just having benefits would be great. I would start at $18.75 and you get two raises your first year and then yearly after that. If we are more than 90% enrolled a quarter there are bonuses for that which go up as enrollment go up. They pay for teacher supplies and actually have technology for the classrooms.

I pitted about 10 pounds of cherries today and froze them. Later this week, I'll vacuum pack them so I have cherries for the winter. I may actually buy some more. I love cherries. My hands and countertops looked like a small animal was murdered there though.

I pulled out my old external hard drives from like 2013. One was dead. It spun up but my Linux and Windows laptops didn't recognize it. Luckily I think when I was using them, I had one drive mirrored to the other. I'm currently moving files from the other one onto my laptop and using 7Zip to super compress the files (music, pictures and some tv/movies). I'll leave those on my Windows machine and back them up on the external drive I have been using. Don't know what I'll use the old drive for. Maybe just leave it attached to my Linux box as another backup drive and consider it to be dying at any point in the future.
posted by kathrynm at 5:09 PM on July 25, 2023 [5 favorites]

So, I've officially signed on to start doing that part-time work at that place that interviewed me starting next week.

I'm still a bit ambivalent, but I'm chalking that up to still sort of mourning the end of the old job, and also HOLY SWEET JUMPING SLEESTACKS have the past few days given me some major whiplash, my head is exploding nobody talk to me tomorrow.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 6:03 PM on July 25, 2023 [7 favorites]

...what I'm leveraging right now is big-fish-in-a-little-pond: Where I currently live is very quiet for production in general, so when something does come to town there isn't a substantial freelance base to pull from, so I am getting my foot in the door early, which quickly gets me on the "call this guy back again" list if I do a good job.

Good strategy. An in is an in. Deliver 110%, and build your network. Best wishes.
posted by Artful Codger at 7:30 PM on July 25, 2023 [2 favorites]

nobody talk to me tomorrow.

My lips are sealed. 🤐
posted by Greg_Ace at 9:57 PM on July 25, 2023 [1 favorite]

Yay open thread! This weekend's big project was replacing the alternator, serpentine belt and tensioner in the Honda. Fun fact: if the charging system isn't working on a Honda the transmission just stops working. At low revolutions the battery doesn't get charged, and all sorts of electrical systems fail, and everything is electrically controlled.

Of course I just had to take the long scenic route for the errand, and when I ended up idling at a slow stop light is when the Honda's dash just lit up like a disco and the transmission lurched. After the cops passed by and the light finally turned green we pulled into the parking lot and discovered that the Honda would not go into reverse.

I felt a deep panic because I was certain it was transmission failure. At least the kids weren't along to get permanently scarred by the precariousness of an old ride. We could get a new machine but I very much want to wait for more electric options. Anyway, short term the original weekend plans got tossed out while I waited for parts to arrive.

I had to stop the repair work when I broke part of the tensioner and it was 11 pm on Sunday. On Monday night I was able to accept the situation and embrace the work for its own sake. And it helped to find out my sibling had the exact same issue with their Honda.
posted by zenon at 10:32 PM on July 25, 2023 [3 favorites]

Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark.... If you haven't yet, search up the "Steven Soderbergh" remix of the film. It's in black and white, silent, with a new soundtrack and it's pretty awesome. Just checked and it doesn't have the after credit scene, but still awesome.

Long story short, when I was like maybe 10 or 12 grandfather had me out on the back porch with my high powered pellet gun with a scope plonking the occasional rabbit in the garden that was ruining our crop and eating up our food. Cops came, old lady neighbor on the other side of the garden was scared of the boy with the pellet gun (it would not have reached her house anyways). We got a stern talking to about being in the city and such. Didn't really stop us. From then on grandfather would just hold open the screen door and stand there, I'd be back deep in the house in the shadows shooting between his legs.
posted by zengargoyle at 3:22 AM on July 26, 2023 [7 favorites]

The Scarborough Ontario Light Rail Train (TTC Line 3) derailed on Monday. Several passengers were injured, but thankfully none of them seriously. The train was already scheduled to be decommissioned in November 2023, but they may decommission it starting now. This will make travel to downtown Toronto from my neighbourhood expensive and time consuming.
posted by Multicellular Exothermic at 6:04 AM on July 26, 2023 [1 favorite]

It feels like there are a lot of rail accidents in North America, compared with here. Is that correct? And if so, why?
posted by mumimor at 6:52 AM on July 26, 2023 [1 favorite]

If rail was fast and safe and cheap people might not buy so many cars.
posted by seanmpuckett at 8:02 AM on July 26, 2023 [2 favorites]

The Scarborough LRT (aka Line 3) is one section of the TTC I've never ridden (and probably never can, now)

From Wikipedia:
In 2013, Toronto City Council decided on a three-station extension of Line 2 to replace Line 3 along a different route. In 2016, in order to free up funds for another transit project, the city reduced the extension to include only one station,[7][8] which was set to be completed by 2026.[9] In 2019, Progressive Conservative premier Doug Ford reinstated the three-station Scarborough subway extension and committed to completing it by 2030, with all construction costs to be borne by the province.[10][11]

In June 2023, TTC announced that the last day of service for Line 3 will be November 18, 2023.[12] After this date, shuttle buses will run in place of Line 3 train service until the Line 2 Bloor–Danforth subway extension to the existing Scarborough Centre station opens for service (estimated 2030).[13]
Goddamn, is there any city/country that procrastinates on infrastructure as much as Toronto?
posted by Artful Codger at 8:17 AM on July 26, 2023 [1 favorite]

I rode it once like five years ago when we decided to ride the whole system on NYE as a lark, and "rattletrap" would be very generous. Even the stations are decrepit.
posted by seanmpuckett at 9:52 AM on July 26, 2023 [3 favorites]


RIP, Sinéad O’Connor, dead at 56.

Might be early for an obit post as the news is barely half an hour old and not much is known.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 11:07 AM on July 26, 2023

GODDAMMIT indeed! That is a shock, isn't it!?
posted by Multicellular Exothermic at 11:21 AM on July 26, 2023

Sorry should have mentioned it here earlier - my books are now "wide" (available outside of Amazon) so I've made them free until the end of July.

(I write contemporary fantasy and science fiction, set in alternate world South Africa)

Link to my book site.
posted by Zumbador at 5:28 AM on July 27, 2023 [8 favorites]

In good news, my neighbor just came over and cut down all the maples that were shutting out the light on one side of my house. He did in ten minutes what would have taken me hours, because I don't have power tools.
In bad news, I couldn't even offer him a cup of coffee or a piece of chocolate, because I have run out and am in my pajamas all day because I'm laundering all of my clothes.

I'll stick to the good news and try to forget the embarrassment of opening the door at 4PM in my PJs. Last time he was over for dinner, he mused about tarteletter, and I texted him that he will soon get his wish fulfilled, since I was literally in the process of making chicken stock when he came over.
posted by mumimor at 7:49 AM on July 27, 2023 [1 favorite]

After years of not getting around to learning how to bake, I have finally decided to make an attempt at the Yeasty Arts. I got some 00 flour and I've ordered a pizza stone. May Sif have mercy on me.
posted by Greg_Ace at 11:22 AM on July 27, 2023 [3 favorites]

(By the way, I'm not doing a u-turn on my "pizza is for having people bring you ready-to-eat food" stance! As I understand it a pizza stone can be helpful for other kinds of baking.)
posted by Greg_Ace at 11:49 AM on July 27, 2023 [3 favorites]

Good luck, Greg_Ace, and don't give up if your first attempts fail.
posted by mumimor at 12:20 PM on July 27, 2023 [3 favorites]

Scarborough LRT

They're frantically digging up the south parking lot at Kennedy Station to build the bus garage they'll need to manage the RT replacement. I'd say it would be a stretch for it to be ready by them, but if the RT is out from now, they're really fucked: bus capacity is already reduced by the ongoing Crosstown construction. Which should've been finished a couple of years ago ...

I've got a soft spot for the rattly old LRT. The rail turn loop is directly outside our kitchen window, so sometimes you'll see a train parked incongruously on top of the kiss & ride building. Not so much fun since they installed the robo-announcers, as a train parked overnight will yell "Line 3 - Kennedy" every 20 seconds loud enough to keep me awake.

I'm immensely happy that former Toronto budget chief and my benchwarming councillor Gary Crawford resigned then very much failed to become MPP for Scarborough-Guildwood. I was not happy to see actual white supremacist Paul Fromm on the ballot, and that 66 fuckers voted for him.
posted by scruss at 7:38 PM on July 27, 2023 [2 favorites]

My move to a new place, which I was so excited about, has turned bad. We were on good terms when I said I was leaving. He offered to help! But now I'm being fought on it. I went over to pick up the last of my things and my old friend had left the state and locked the one lock we don't lock because I don't have that key. He said he'd be back on Wednesday. He was not. I just want to make things easy and get my stuff.and move on but he's fighting me on it. I'm trying to do the normal thing but he insists on adding drama. He didn't used to be this way but the past few years changed him. Now it's all ego all the time.
posted by downtohisturtles at 7:48 PM on July 27, 2023 [1 favorite]

Today has been a quiet day. I tried to work a bit and failed. There was a threat of a thunderstorm, so I gave up on doing the laundry, but the storm never materialized, so that was a bit of a bugger. It has been hot and sticky and filled with insects, though.

I went over to see my aunt, and the nice neighbor was there, so I invited them both for dinner Monday, and most of the day has been spent imagining what else apart from tarteletter to serve. I have decided to make a dessert, which I never do, but never say never. I'm going to make a classic chocolate mousse because I haven't had one for ages. Maybe I'll just make a big salad with seasonal greens as a side. Or wait, make a salade nicoise as a starter? Big Questions...

They both tried to persuade me to start horseback riding again. There are tons of horses here, and I can easily borrow one whenever I want. I do want to, but I don't feel my body is cooperating like it used to, so I am a bit scared, too.

This life is good. I wish I didn't have to go back to work, though I love my job. It's just one of the those days where I can't wait to retire.
posted by mumimor at 1:15 PM on July 29, 2023 [2 favorites]

It was twenty years ago today that the Rolling Stones began to play at Sarsstock.
You tube link to Stones performance
Here's the Metafilter post from 20 years ago Toronto Rocks
posted by yyz at 5:58 AM on July 30, 2023

𝕟𝕖𝕨 𝕤𝕥𝕪𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕔 𝕚𝕕𝕚𝕠𝕤𝕪𝕟𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕤𝕪 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕕𝕣𝕠𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕕
posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 9:19 AM on July 30, 2023

Greg_Ace I don't know if you will see this, but I just tried this recipe for baguettes, and while I haven't tasted it yet, the look and feel is the best I have ever achieved. I don't have a baking stone, so mine is cresent-shaped to fit into my baking dome. But I immediately thought of you and your stone.
posted by mumimor at 5:58 AM on July 31, 2023 [1 favorite]

It is the end of my 3-day escape upstate and I start a temp gig tomorow and have to throw myself back into job hunting and I DON'T WANNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 7:07 AM on July 31, 2023 [4 favorites]

Conveniently I'm going to use this a week later with another job related tantrum:

So, I applied for unemployment insurance after being laid off. As you do. And I've been dutifully following up on all messages and such, and reporting my activity weekly.

....Last week, about mid-week, I got an alert that I was going to have to be available for a mandatory phone appointment, as a condition for receiving unemployment insurance payments. This call was with someone from their Career Counseling service, and they expected the call to take 90 minutes. There was just one problem - the call was scheduled for 10:30 am on a day when I was going to be AT MY TEMP GIG.

I tried calling to reschedule, and spoke with someone who said they would "make a note on my file" about my availability. But she would not be able to confirm or actually reschedule that appointment - and it looks like the appointment is going ahead as scheduled. My boss is understanding; I was able to forward my phone line to my cell so I could take the call here, and he has offered me an unused office to take the call in. (He joked that he was on unemployment before the pandemic and had to go do that in person, so he knows what's up.)

The real kicker is that even though the appointment was set for 10:30, it could take "up to two hours" for the call to actually be placed to me.

So I'm sitting here glancing at my phone and waiting for the chance to say that "look, I haven't even been out of work for a full month yet and I've already had three job interviews, one of which lead to the temp work that you are currently interrupting. My resume has been reviewed by a career coach sponsored by my last employer, I've signed up with three agencies and I've joined a networking group. Do we REALLY need to speak for the full 90 minutes here or can we take it as read that I know what I'm doing, and you can just mark me off and go get a coffee or something?"
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 7:57 AM on August 7, 2023 [1 favorite]

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